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Anandi Sharma

"Don't worry, he doesn't bite... me."

0 · 90 views · located in Aerie Peaks

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Moonscar, as played by Sennen



So begins...

Anandi Sharma's Story


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Character Portrait: Tyarnith Banni Urdreen Character Portrait: Anandi Sharma
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Luckily enough for the elven girl, the mountains were not so devoid of intelligent life.

Anandi had been making her way up the mountain, toward her farm. She was not using the trail, however. She rode up the mountainside, not on a horse, but a giant Mountain Flea.

The creature was a horrid looking thing, oval in body, like a pill, with no neck to speak of. Its face was flat, and its mouth parted to reveal an array of many tiny, sharp teeth, which held a wooden bit in its mouth, which lead back with leather chords into the woman's hands. From just behind its jaws sprouted two short arms, oddly human in its appearance, with only two fingers, and no thumbs. It strode on four long, hairless legs, that were as lithe as its arms. It strode along the rocks with ease, even with the woman, who was swathed from head to toe in thick, colorful cloths and furs, on its back.

It was the noise of the carriage that had caught Anandi's attention at first, and shortly after, she was able to see it round the corner. She stopped the creature she lead for but a moment, narrowing her eyes at the stranger. Not many traveled the road to her farm. At least, not many strangers.

She rose her hand and whistled to her, trying to get her attention.


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Character Portrait: Tyarnith Banni Urdreen Character Portrait: Anandi Sharma
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#, as written by Tiasce
Ty would hold the reigns close to the horses’ head to keep the beast from rearing up and knocking her teeth down her throat. “Easy my girl easy” she’d say as the other approached riding a… was that a flea? Slowly Ty would tilt her head to the left, it was clear that the one riding the flea was clearly more equipped to handle the terrain and the weather than she and her poor little horse. Slowly She’d make her way toward the stranger perhaps this fur covered thing would be able to shed some light on where she was how she got here and how she could get home. If not any of those perhaps Ty would be able to trade something in her wagon for a hot meal and a warm bed and some furs. Furs would be nice too!

As Ty moved carefully closer to the other, a howling bark would be heard from within the wagon and Ty would stop and turn round “Hush” she’d say to the noise maker who only seemed to bark louder as its wet black nose peered over the edge of the wagon. Ty would roll her eyes as she turned her attention back to the stranger and offer a sheepish smile as the dog leaped out of the wagon and bound toward her Barking all the way. Ty would drop the reigns for the horse and snatch up the beagle before the poor anima got trampled, or eaten by the stranger mount. Greetings.” Ty would say over the dogs high-pitched howling.


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Character Portrait: Tyarnith Banni Urdreen Character Portrait: Anandi Sharma
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The Mountain Flea and its rider made their way up onto the road, in front of the carriage. Anandi took the cowl that was over her nose and drew it down, revealing her brown skin and fine features. She slid off of the beast and patted its side before approaching the horse and its rider. She didn't want the animal to panic. Most weren't used to giant fleas, as docile as they could be.

"Greetings to yourself. I don't think I've seen you around before. You're new here, yeah?" she asked, her voice tinged with an accent that sharpened her vowels. "Are you lost? Or passin' by?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyarnith Banni Urdreen Character Portrait: Anandi Sharma
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#, as written by Tiasce
Ty would struggle to hold on the dog in her arms but the dog managed to wiggle free and drop to the ground barking at the strange woman and Ty would shake her head “I am,” she’d pause for moment how much to reveal to the stranger. The truth was she didn’t know where she was and she did not know if this person was friend or foe. Would telling this stranger she was completely lost put her in danger of being taken as a slave? Granted Ty could fight, and fairly well at that but she’d prefer not to have to do so especially on such icy terrain. She’d let out her breath, opting for the truth. “It seems I am a bit lost.” shed shrug her delicate shoulders while her dark green eyes took in the strangers appearance, “My horse has decided to fight me and,” she’d look around the area, “here is where we ended up. Where ever here is.” She’d say softly through chattering teeth.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyarnith Banni Urdreen Character Portrait: Anandi Sharma
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Anandi crouched down to be eye level with the dog, and tutted at him gently, holding out her arm. "Hello," she said to him. "What is wrong? Do you smell something? You want something to eat?" she asked him, reaching to a pouch at her side. She took out a very thin sliver of meat, something normally reserved for the carnivorous fleas, but she saw no harm now, so close to home. She held it out for the dog, to let him know she had something interesting, and then placed it down on the ground in front of him.

The rider looked up to Ty with bright green eyes, flecked with bits of hazel. "A bit lost? That always means very lost," she laughed, reaching a hand to put on the horse's snout. "Where were you going? You are in Aerie Peaks now. Far from many places."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyarnith Banni Urdreen Character Portrait: Anandi Sharma
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#, as written by Tiasce
Ty would arch a brow watching the stranger with her pet, “she’s a girl, and her name is Goldie.” She’d say as she watched the woman offer her dog the meat treat. “And I suppose your right. I am more than a little lost.” Ty would then fall silent as she watched her nose gently bump its nose against the strangers’ hand and she’d fold her arms over her chest muttering “Oh I see how it is. Traitor”

Ty would tilt her head slightly as she looked the girl over, her features where very unique and attractive, but when she was asked where she was going she’d snap out of her thoughts “I go where the winds take me, you see I’m a traveling trader so where ever there may be commerce then there I will be also.” She’d say as she moved to pat the horses’ side.

“Far from many places?” she’d sigh. That is not what she wanted to hear. She wanted to make her trades earn her coin and then go find a quite warm place preferable on a beach where she could lay out. “Perhaps then you could direct me to a place where my horse mutt and I can stay the night out of this cold?” she’d ask after a moment


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyarnith Banni Urdreen Character Portrait: Anandi Sharma
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"There is a village very long way down this road, but I would not go there now. It takes a full morning. At night is too cold and too dangerous," said Anandi. She beckoned toward the other woman. "Come. I have farm up the mountain and warm house. You will rest there, and I take you to village in morning."

She hopped atop her mountain flea and turned the beast around, falling in stride just far enough ahead that Ty would still be able to hear her.

"I am Anandi." She pointed to the dog. "I know that is Goldie, but who are you?"