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Anastasia Righnach

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Horo



Tittle:Witch of The South, Queen of the Abyss.
Birthday:October 21.
Known Family:North, East and West. (West is the oldest, North is second, She's Third, East is youngest).
Strengths:Cunning, Sly, Willing to do anything to achieve what she wants.
Weaknesses:Is mentally unstable.
Goals:Her Goals are her own, and she refuses to tell them to anyone.
Wanted Statues:Extremely Dangerous, Dead, $10'000'000.




Possession-Like it's name implies, it is when an outside source takes control of another threw any sort of mean needed. Which in this case was when the poor Witch was vulnerable to such threw a great emotional trauma. This form of possession would be described as a very horrid and painful experience. One wouldn't have to think how it would feel to have another soul attempt to devour there own, but only to deliberately not finish the process so it leaves the souls welded together in a twisted, and gruesome display.

Power Restriction-Is a special seal created to restrict her wavelength or the power she possesses itself. This is to ensure she remains hidden from all those around her, and that her wavelength doesn't drive those near completely insane... Simply put it, she uses this as a means to keep how powerful she truly is under-wraps.

}url=]Mistress of the Abyss[/url]-The ability to control her own shadows at her very whim. The radius or size of the shadow depends on how much light there is to create said shadow. However when her power is unrestricted all shadows become deathly weapon ready to obey and follow the witch's whim as if they where her own. The power to cull form weapons of chaotic design, and use them how she see's fit. An aura of madness drifts around her person threatening to devour the sanity of all those near by.

For she like her sisters is one of the Four greatest Witches known to had ever lived. She being South, Queen of the Abyss, the ruler of the darker side of the spectrum and all that within it. Anything that falls into her Category are to obey her whim. That being countless Demons that reside within the Pitt and the King itself.... But alas her power had been greatly drained so conjuring on such is rather impossible but that does not mean the She can't call on a few demons to aid her in combat now does it....?

Infintile Spiritual Golem-Is a rather odd looking creature that stands 14'6 feet in height, and weighs a good 5 tones in weight. It is currently only an infant or child Golem... Even though it is rather large as is it's still in the child stages of it's life..

Unlike the other familiar in her arsenal this one is her original, and most cherished of them all... She seems to have a mother child bond with the odd creature, and doesn't like to see it get hurt as a result of the actions of others.... But despite that it posses a tremendous level of attack and defense. It also is able to fire a beam of accelerated particles from it's maw, and able to create scaled down versions of it's self or what she refers to as copies or her Golems children...There height is roughly 7'1 feet in height, they also posses a good bit of strength, and are able to take on mostly anything in that category... (Despite it no longer being the same person in-control of the Body even it shows the same motion toward the Familiar it's body loved dearly)

Other Abilities-Being one of the Four Legendary Witches she posses a great deal of various and powerful abilities. Most tend to be created by her but never actually named, but those that are named will be added onto the list of abilities she currently posses but that alone is unlikely being that she doesn't like to stick to one thing for to long... That often leads to an enemy figuring out her combat style and eventually her down-fall.


Her history is rather brief but manages to get the point across. She was once one of the Universe Four most Powerful Witches. Each given a rather simplistic name yet it also signified there level in power. She was Originally the Witch of South, or the Witch that represented the Abyss, North represented Divinity, West represented Creation, East represented Destruction.

Each Witch seemed to take after the thing they Represented, and it wouldn't be hard to figure out what happened to South as a result... But even because of this fact her other three sisters managed to stay in control...while she was subdued by it and thrown into a swirling pit of madness and despair. As a result she attempted to kill and devour the souls of all those that crossed her path in a pointless attempt to gain power, and eventually attempted at her own sisters lives only to end with them destroying her body, and leaving her soul to devoured by the very thing it represented.

So begins...

Anastasia Righnach's Story


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#, as written by Horo
Anastasia Righnach would slowly make her way into the Bar, two rather large muscle bound body guards following behind her. She of course looked like nothing more then some rich snobby brat with all the money she could ever want at her finger tips. Her long snowy white hair would gently flow behind her as she was wearing her favorite....usual... with her translucent scarf like veil gently wrapped around her arms. Her rounded off horns protruding out the sides of her head, and her point ears flopping rather lazily with each step she made. The ruby on her forehead would let off a rather tempting sheen...possibly drawing the eyes of all those who are looking for a way to make a quick buck....


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#, as written by Horo
Anastasia Righnach couldn't help but overhear someone speak about Cars....? Hell didn't even need those oversized death machines when she could use Magic, and it was doubtful they where going to let someone who couldn't even see over the wheel drive..... However the rather, muscle bound body guards would step in-front of her as if they where either taking charge or checking to make sure everything was clear...when they where really serving as her meat shields...


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#, as written by Horo
Anastasia Righnach Lag....


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#, as written by Horo
Anastasia Righnach Would slowly make her way into the Bar, Her being followed by two [url=]Chachamaru[/url] mechanized Golems. One being a Version two, and the other a Version three. Them BOTH wearing the standard Barmaid uniform.... She herself was just wearing the per usual, being that it hasn't been one day yet and it would be pointless to change attire.... being that she didn't do much of anything.


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#, as written by Horo
Anastasia Righnach would avert her cold blue eyes to the Patrons roaming this very Bar. It's only been a day and she disliked this place.... it seems people loved to give her Servants a hard time when they where doing there job..... like she really cared though but still it was annoying.... However she did wish to purchase this establishment.... or maybe just a share of it.... she could easily buy the whole damn place if she wanted but.... She wasn't risking her neck on it....
This place smells like Zoo.....
she commented rudely, her craning her neck to look up at her Two servants
I'm not sure I'm willing to risk my product over something like this....I thin the Diner would be a better least it smells nicer....

However one of the Two droids, or V2 would attempt to catch up with [b]Jimmy
Yes sir, just give me a moment to get it prepared...
she spoke politely toward him.


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#, as written by Horo
 Version 2 would try to get to everyone as fast as she could, but being that she was only one person it would take some time so be patient, if she didn't catch what you say please repeat it and she will try to get to you as soon as she possibly can. But she would however step behind the counter, and mix up the shot glass hopefully the right drink.... it was going to be rather hard to keep track of all the people currently in the bar....
I hope this is what you ordered Sir, if not it's on the house...
she apologized with a bow of her head.


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#, as written by Horo
Anastasia Righnach Version 2 would bow her head once more, people would have to address her properly in order to get her attention, it wasn't like she could instantly know you where there, and in need of a beverage...
I'm glad you enjoyed you drink sir~
she seemed to chime rather cheerfully.

Version 3 Would escort Anna behind the counter with Version 2, however as soon as Anna went behind the counter with her the girl seemed to vanish...this was mostly due to her height.... which always had it's downs.... While Version threw was barely visible being no taller then a twelve year old at best.
Master, this place is rather crowded today. Are you sure V2 can handle it?

Anna would simply shrug as she didn't care if she could handle it or not....
It doesn't matter, I'm sure she can handle....some of it...


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#, as written by Horo
 Version 2 would turn her attention to Xion as she was finding it rather hard to keep track of so many people at once..... maybe this was a bad idea...
Y-Yes sir.
she seemed to stammer a little as she didn't know who was ordering or not...many where simply sitting by the counter chatting...a few even stole drinks!


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#, as written by Horo
 Version 2 would however prepare the man's drink even though she didn't quite catch his order completely, and handed it to him....
It's on the house, I'm not sure if I got the correct one. Sorry.
she apologized with a quick bow of her head.


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#, as written by Horo
Anastasia Righnach would only shake her head slowly as it was finally less crowded in here.... Hell that well better on the ears that way, and less people peeking over the table going aww, and trying to say she was some abandoned or lost child.... last thing she needed was to decapitate someone in public....
Hrmmmm, V2 is no good at Tending....V3 does a much better job...
she mumbled quietly to herself.

Version 2 would bow her head as she simply stood there.
Your welcome sir.
she stated in comply to what she had said.


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Character Portrait: Anastasia Righnach
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#, as written by Horo
Anastasia Righnach would slip into the Bar without her Mechanized Golems to accompany her. She would simply sigh as she begin to look around for anything...worth interest....hearing about this Ashen or what no has been getting on her nerves.... right about now...


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#, as written by Horo
Anastasia Righnach would tap her foot idly as she began to scan the Bar idly....we had the usual....wait was...meh it was just someone trying to project...a barrier...? Hah that's child's play...simplistic fools should be crawling to her for advice on such things, magic was indeed her specialty, and not your stupid flinging fireballs or shooting lighting but real freaking magic!
I hope it crushes her...
she grumbled to herself as she slowly made her way to the counter.... stupid people...why do they all have to be so tall!


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#, as written by Horo
Anastasia Righnach A woman clad in a rather thick black cloak would slip into Gambit's Bar. A leather eyed patch covering her right eye, as her face was hidden within the shadows that where created as a result of the hood over her head....

It was her first time being here in this....odd little tavern but it was for various reasons....One being even she gotten thirsty herself every so often...or even desired a quick rest before she went on her way..... But she had to remain cautious with all these.... odd creatures about...Who knows what might decide to make you it's snack...That however sounded rather...corny...but oh well!


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#, as written by Horo
Anastasia Righnach would thankfully not be noticed by anyone...well they where quite busy at that...and well she was clad in black so she wouldn't be really noticeable.... However unlike most that would go to the back she would simply walk toward the counter, and gently take a seat upon one of the many stools.... Almost as if she didn't fear if any annoying bounty hunter..or what not decided that wanted to make a quick million...


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#, as written by Horo
Anastasia Righnach would then take a seat upon one of the many steel bar stools that sat in-front of the edge of the counter. The red...leather cushion which seemed connection to the stools steel leggings was rather comfortable for something that looking rather cheap.... However that wouldn't stop her from taking as much advantage as she could from all this.... no one was currently being a problem.... the seat was pleasant...and they actually had some descent drinks!

With that she would clear her throat as she rested her arms on the smooth wooden counter top.
Tender get me a....Cherry Pepsi...and don't bother trying to tell me that I should order liquor instead...
she simply stated as she waited for her order to be fulfilled by the person serving drinks.


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#, as written by Horo
Anastasia Righnach wouldn't find Kethaer's little act all that amusing...and now she was forced to repeat her order....
A Cherry Pepsi, cherry on the side, with some ice as well...and I would like refills every time I empty the glass...thankyou..
she simply stating, it followed by a light sigh as she then waited for what she ordered.


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#, as written by Horo
Anastasia Righnach would take the probably still warm glass of Pepsi.... She usually put the ice in first...then the ice cubes to prevent it from over flowing...and to have more ice cubed to cool the drink down faster... But she didn't complain being that she had gotten what she wanted....
Thanks.....put it on my tab...
she sighed in content as she sat the glass down, and pulled the bowl of cherries closer to herself... The person seemed...awfully cherry for someone who was working at a bar..


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#, as written by Horo
Anastasia Righnach would stare at the woman in disbelief for a brief moment.... She seemed a little to...happy...and a tab straight forward for her own liking.
Betty...I know it's a dull name.
she would spoke almost in a whisper... Of course she wouldn't tell the girl her real 'name'.... that would be a rather horrid mistake on her part...


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#, as written by Horo
Anastasia Righnach would slowly tilt her head to the side at her little comment about someone she knew named Betty...who threw burnt cookies at her...head...?
That's all very interesting, shouldn't she be locked up...she sounds kind of insane....Oh if you say so.
she would pick her drink back up as she slowly sipped from it's contents, and sighed in content.


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#, as written by Horo
Anastasia Righnach would raise a slender brow but didn't say anything else wise... She didn't need any crazies drawing attention to herself... She had already been hiding her form behind a thick black cloak so no one could tell who she was.... She didn't need some idiotic bounty hunter deciding he or she could try to make a easy mil.... She would only continue to sip from her drink only to hear someone...make a speech..about...Sinners? Well she might of not heard it correctly but oh well avoiding contact of any-kind was her top priority...