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Ansen Viameri

A Noble from The Kingdom of Skyfall. Who seeks adventure, compainionship, and wishes to bring honor and fame to his family just like his father before him.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Alliqua_Dark, as played by RolePlayGateway


Appearance: He has short curly black hair, stubble and slight sideburns. Tan skin and bright golden eyes, he has a square face, with a strong jawline, and a fairly flat nose.He also has a small, yet noticeable scar on the left corner of his mouth down to his chin. He wears a uniform that consists of: A black combat vest, a dark blue long sleeved shirt--which he usually rolls the sleeves up on-- dark cargo pants, and black boots. He has a family emblem tattooed on his left shoulder. A griffon with snakes around its legs wrapping around its wings to give the impression of vines. His build is that of a trained fighter, refined muscles and average height 5'4.

Age: 31

Personality: A man of experience and privilege, a noble of Skyfall by birth. He is smart, firm, dedicated and fairly serious. He tends to be a typical paladin/hero type in situations that require such action. He is quick to act when others are in need, making him popular among many. However this also causes him problems seeing as he has a little habit of getting in over his head. He doesn't take well to immature people or those who have no care for others. Ansen doesn't care much for overly ornate things, which is one of the main reasons he doesn't like to wear finery, the other reason is just that to him it seems unnecessary.

History: Born into a typical family, father and mother. No siblings. Ansen being an only child was taught many things by private tutors. He is well-trained in the art of marksmanship and more artistic things such as music. Mostly mandolin, and flute. Growing up Ansen always dreamed of traveling to far-off places, however when his mother died, he had to step-up and help his father more. He pretty much gave up his dream of traveling and focused more on starting a family, making money to support them and keeping his father's legacy going. His father was a major producer of weaponry, mostly swords, however they also owned a producer of small game. Ansen was now required to help his father keep tabs on these businesses, since his father was aging and wasn't as able as he used to be. However Ansen still wishes for more, he wishes to travel to leave Skyfall, perhaps someday he will. For now he sticks to helping his father and others who need him.

Weaponry/carried items: He carries twin pistols, a flute, a pouch of gold and silver, he wears a locket that belonged to his mother, a flint and steel for fire, and he also has a small dagger with his family emblem on it.

So begins...

Ansen Viameri's Story


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Character Portrait: Ansen Viameri Character Portrait: Jacen Matthias West
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Ansen Viameri sat at a table in the farthest corner from the entrance as he downed a mug of ale. He didn't usually drink but tonight he was celebrating, his family was doing quite well in the world. The family's businesses were doing fairly well and their profits were steadily climbing, life was good. Ansen smiled to himself, maybe if he made enough profit from managing those businesses he wouldn't have to get married. That's what he always hoped, and that way he might do something worthwhile in his life instead of managing small game and sword-making.

Ansen's eyes scanned the room for anyone who seemed to be a troublemaker, although most of the patrons tonight seemed fairly tame and well-mannered. Ansen sighed, satisfied, he asked the waiter for another mug of ale. While he waited Ansen lost himself deep in daydreams of travels, and perhaps some new friends too. He was certainly lonely after all these years.

He looked over as a new patron walked in, a young man with a cloak over his face. Odd indeed, Ansen thought as he got up and sat beside him.

"The names Ansen Viameri. What's yours?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ansen Viameri Character Portrait: Jacen Matthias West
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Jacen looked over at the man who had introduced himself. He started to walk away from the man, Ansem, but stopped. "Jacen. my name is Jacen."


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Character Portrait: Ansen Viameri Character Portrait: Jacen Matthias West
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Ansen smiled warmly.
"Jacen . . . A splendid name indeed. Tell me, what brings you here to Gambits?"

Jacen seemed a bit shady, however Ansen figured he would give this kid a shot. Although he would be keeping a close eye on him, Ansen certainly wouldn't be letting this boy cause any troubles in here.


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Character Portrait: Ansen Viameri Character Portrait: Jacen Matthias West
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Jacen kept his hood up as he ordered a drink. "Looking for a job. maybe a fight." Jacen eyed Ansen. "


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marchosias Nekrassus Character Portrait: Ansen Viameri Character Portrait: Jacen Matthias West
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#, as written by broheim
Marchosias and his group kept on their festive mood troughout the nights. Loudly boasting about feats of might they did, or what maids they got in their past lives.

"Oh the times was hard and the wages low" sang Marchosias, followed by his group

"Leave her, Johnny, leave her"

"And the grub was bad and the gales did blow"

"And it's time for us to leave her

"Leave her, Johnny, leave her
Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her"

"For the voyage is done and the winds do blow
And it's time for us to leave her"

"I thought I heard the Old Man say
You can go ashore and take your pay"

"Oh her stern was foul and the voyage was long
The winds was bad and the gales was strong"

"And we'll leave her tight and we'll leave her trim
And heave the hungry packet in"

"Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her with a grin
For there's many a worser we've sailed in"

"And now it's time to say goodbye
For the old pierhead's a-drawing nigh"

After the undead finished their shanty, they kept drinking and laughing, making jokes at other patrons and inviting them to join.

"OI YOU! WEIRD-ASS HOODED GUY, COME TAKE A CHUG WITH US!" said the knight, as he took a drink from its tanker.
"DA! COME JOIN BROTHER! TELL US ABOUT YOUR ADVENTURES!" said the shield-bearer, gesturing him to join
"COME OVER! REJOICE ON THE LIQUID COURAGE ASWELL, WEIRD-ASS WIMP GUY IN PEASANTS CLOTHES!" said the dread knight to the young man wearing a vest

"Dear god, these fucks are way too loud." said the rogue under his breath "Welp, join 'em then." said Marchosias to the rogue.
"COME ON MATE, GET OVER HERE FOR A GOOD TANKARD FULL 'O RUM!" exclaimed the rogue at the two men.

"Or are you looking for trouble?" Said Marchosias in a defiant tone to both of the men.
"TRABBLE YA SAY?" the mage stood up and jokingly got into a fighting stance "Oh shut up, you can't even fight bare-fisted a dying pup." said the knight.

"Well, waddaya lookin' for, kid?" said Marchosias as he gestures the others to shut up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marchosias Nekrassus Character Portrait: Ansen Viameri Character Portrait: Jacen Matthias West
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Ansen was about to reply to Jacen when a group of rowdy drunken loudmouths barged in, ruining the peace and quiet.

"Dear God above. . ." Ansen muttered bitterly. "Listen Jacen, you can start a fight if you so desire, or you can be smart about it and think of something more. . . Beneficial to occupy your time and efforts with. See these morons who came rollicking in? They obviously are an odd bunch aren't they? Use your head, pinpoint why this group will undoubtedly fail. Try more mind-oriented things before rushing into combat." Ansen patted Jacen's shoulders and stood to leave. However the rowdy party, who had come in yelling and making a fuss, was now in Ansen's way.

"Excuse me gentlemen, I will be taking my leave, if you'll let me." Ansen stated motioning towards the door they were blocking.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marchosias Nekrassus Character Portrait: Ansen Viameri Character Portrait: Jacen Matthias West
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0.00 INK

#, as written by broheim
(Actually, we were in the bar long before you came in, we're sitting in a table near the bar-tender, Keeper Alana is nearby.)

The rowdy undead see the man with the vest leaving the bar and kick up their loud 'n obnoxious joke again.
"OI, COME ON! JUST A DRINK! DON'T LEAVE US STANDIN' 'ERE LIKE FOOLS!" said the knight "YEAH, GIT OVER HERE, WE JUST WANNA HAVE SOME FUN!" said the dread knight and rogue in unison. Eery.

The rest of the group is just laughing and drinking while looking at the loud fools.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Marchosias Nekrassus Character Portrait: Ansen Viameri Character Portrait: Jacen Matthias West
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Faithy
Renée walked through the backroom of the bar, having been locked away inside for a few hours in an attempt to put in orders and everything else that needed to be done since Gabrielle disappeared once again. She hadn’t heard from her sister in a while, but wasn’t worried yet, because her little sister had the tendency to vanish for a few days while doing an impromptu photo shoot or something. So, the older LeBeau took it upon herself to make sure the bar continued to run smoothly and the security helped with that of course. When she heard loud noises however, she realized that she had better go out and see what was going on. Plus, she needed to check the stock to make sure they weren’t low on anything.

“Hmm…” Renée arched her brow at the rowdy men and glanced towards the bartender before walking over to where they were all currently sitting.

“Excuse me sirs. While I appreciate your business and am glad that you are all having a fantastic time, you’re being overly loud and I’m asking you to either quiet it down, or leave.” She slid a few fingers through her raven hair, the eighteen-year-old hoped they would do as they were asked. While she didn’t look like anything special with her red button up shirt and black pants, she was fully prepared to do what was necessary to get them to shut up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Marchosias Nekrassus Character Portrait: Ansen Viameri Character Portrait: Jacen Matthias West
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Jacen watched as the raven haired girl fingered her hair after asking the drunks to quiet down. He was intrigued by her courage though he knew this group wouldn't be swayed by saying 'please'. He took a deep drink of his beer. He didn't like bullies and had dealt with his share of drunks who were driven by copious amounts of alcohol they consumed to violent behavior. He leaned against the table watching the scene.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Marchosias Nekrassus Character Portrait: Ansen Viameri Character Portrait: Jacen Matthias West
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0.00 INK

#, as written by broheim
"See, i told you about this kind of shit, whateveryourname's" said Marchosias to the dread knight
"What? i'm just trying to enjoy my rum!"
"You're enjoying it a bit too much, i'd guess." said the shield-bearer
"Oh, and you aren't?" asked the rogue with his smug tone
"You're missing the god-damn point." said the wizard
"Fuckin' hell! this is why people hate necromancers." said the knight
"Wrong, it's because they bring back dead people. They don't like that shit, remember?" said the templar. Everyone's rather surpised he talked. It's the first word he says since they started drinking.
"Wait... you talk? you never talked before, MARCHOSIAS! THE TEMPLAR TALKED!" said the Dread knight.
"Yeah... he can talk, you seriously didn't knew? Well, he's usually calm and collected, or the voice of reason. And that's why i barely bring him out." replid Marchosias.

"Were we talking about something before?" asks the rogue while putting his tankard down.
"No idea... OH WAIT, DRAGONS! YEAH! Definetily dragons." replied the shield-bearer.
"Alright, so, there i was-" the dread-knight was interrupted by Marchosias loudly clearing his throat.
"As i was saying, there WE WERE. An ebon dragon that casted the area in shadows or darkness or some stupid shit that ebon dragons do to make you blind. At that point, i already scarred his dumb-ass face with my blade. So without a doubt, the dragon was pissed. He reeled back and tried to blast me with one of those ebon fireballs made of whateverthehell or shadows or something."
"And just a second before he gets his sorry ass blasted. I jump forward, swing my bulwark and deflect the fireball into a boulder nearby. Turns out the rogue was using it as cover while it prepared a small shrapnel bomb." said the shield-bearer while pointing at the rogue.

"It COULD have worked. But of course "hurr big sheeld, i protect!" damn idiot"

The group kept on talking, ignoring the presence of others while ordering more rum.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Marchosias Nekrassus Character Portrait: Ansen Viameri Character Portrait: Jacen Matthias West
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0.00 INK

Ansen spotted the woman approaching, the drunkards kept on laughing and drinking. Sad, it really was a sad scene. Jacen appeared to be completely out of it, the first time he had done anything Ansen agreed with. Ansen sighed and approached the woman.
"Listen madam, I apologize for contributing to the ruckus." Ansen offered a quick bow of apology. "You gentlemen should apologize to her as well, she's only doing what she was hired to do. Here you are now making a huge uproar over a few drinks. . . ." Ansen walked back over to Jacen and sat at the bar.
"I feel as though tonight won't be ending peacefully, if combat starts up. . . Can I count on you having my back?" Ansen offered the younger man his hand and ordered them both another round.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Marchosias Nekrassus Character Portrait: Ansen Viameri Character Portrait: Jacen Matthias West
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Faithy
Snorting as she was ignored, Renée shot a look to the bartender, but before she managed to walk over, she was stopped by someone else who was apologizing to her. Realizing how much she was beginning to hate the bar, the eighteen-year-old made a note to get Gabrielle to hire someone to actually manage the place so that she didn’t have to. Squeezing the bridge of her nose with a snort at the thought of her being hired to do this, she took in a deep breath,

“Firstly, your apology is accepted. Secondly, the name is Renée LeBeau. My father is the owner of this bar and my sister, Gabrielle and I run it. So, gentlemen, until you can shut the fuck up and respect the other patrons, you’re not getting anything further to drink.” She spoke loud enough for not only the men to hear, but the bartender as well. “I have no qualms in having security boot you all out on your assses if necessary.” She added with a slight snarl.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Marchosias Nekrassus Character Portrait: Ansen Viameri Character Portrait: Jacen Matthias West
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Ansen cringed slightly as Renee shouted at the louder party, he took a slow sip from his new mug of ale and awaited a sign of Jacen's support.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Marchosias Nekrassus Character Portrait: Ansen Viameri Character Portrait: Jacen Matthias West
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0.00 INK

#, as written by broheim
Marchosias stands up and dismisses the undead trough a mist. And turns around to see the young girl straight to her eyes.

Marchosias starts talking in a more serious tone "We heard what you said. My comrades and i stopped singing shanties and screaming, and returned to our dragon-slaying chat. It is not my fault you feel undermined when someone else doesn't pays much attention to you. And you, pair of puny maggots" Marchosias turned to the two men "I've been living since before technology arrived. I know magics that were forgotten eons ago, and ones developed by civilizations long lost to time. I know exactly what goes trough your head. I suggest you to keep it in there."

Marchosias sat down again, drinking his rum while playing with a mote of unholy magic beetween his fingers.
"It's harmless, by the way. Unless you're a mice, in wich case, you should run for your life." said the lich while laughing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Marchosias Nekrassus Character Portrait: Ansen Viameri Character Portrait: Jacen Matthias West
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0.00 INK

Jacen glared at the man who was bullying the girl who called herself Renee. He got to his feet and growled at Ansen. "Just be ready." HE walked over to the man (Marchosias) whod been bullying the girl Renee. "i think you should leave before something happens youll regret starting. "


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Marchosias Nekrassus Character Portrait: Ansen Viameri Character Portrait: Jacen Matthias West
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0.00 INK

Ansen was tired, he honest to God didn't want to fight, especially not when his night was going so well. However when Marchosias bullied Renee, Ansen couldn't help feeling a bit of anger towards them. Sure they had a huge group and ancient magic but Ansen had more honor, ganging up on a girl and two others. Totally unbalanced odds.

Jacen had told Ansen to be ready, suppose that means we've teamed up Ansen thought putting his hands on his twin pistols.
"Sure thing kid," Ansen said over his shoulder to Jacen "although if you hit a pedestrian you'll have me to contend with." Ansen smirked and stood slowly popping his neck and stretching out his back. Age is taking it's toll, well that and all that training.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Dyew Character Portrait: Marchosias Nekrassus Character Portrait: Ansen Viameri Character Portrait: Jacen Matthias West
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#, as written by Varden
A man in an ivory colored cloak had started to come down the stairs into the bar area but stopped when he heard all the loud partying. His leather boots turned right around and he walked back up the stairs. Apparently he didn't want anything to do with the scene that was unfolding in the bar.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Marchosias Nekrassus Character Portrait: Ansen Viameri Character Portrait: Revan Caieth Character Portrait: Jacen Matthias West
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lobos
Striding in, rolling a shoulder as he did, Revan glance up and scowled almost instantly. Being a trained member of the WCPD SRU unit, he recognized a tense situation when he saw one. Studying placement, it was fairly easy to see the problem. Ambling over with his hands in his pockets, the off-duty cop glanced at the group.

"From the looks of things, my worse for wear friend, it looks like you've outstayed your welcome. If you like, I can recommend some pubs and taverns a little more to your taste. Besides, I've heard the security around here ain't something to fuck with, and I believe it. Even being SRU." Addressing Marchosias, the SRU officer kept his posture docile, his demeanor non-threatening. Wasn't a damn thing he could do about his sword slung at his hip, but at least his guns were left back at the station.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Marchosias Nekrassus Character Portrait: Ansen Viameri Character Portrait: Revan Caieth Character Portrait: Jacen Matthias West
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0.00 INK

Ansen stared at the SRU officer, he didn't find this guy threatening, but maybe he'd be on Ansen and Jacen's side. Ansen sure would need the help since he hadn't fought in years and if a fight did in fact start up he'd want assistance.

"Ah, good a voice of reason, come now gentlemen let's not brawl over nothing. Let's all exchange apologies and I'll buy everyone a drink how about that?" Ansen asked to everyone who was itching to fight. Honestly, I don't want to be drug into a brawl like this, I'd much prefer to make friends not more enemies. Ansen thought sighing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Marchosias Nekrassus Character Portrait: Ansen Viameri Character Portrait: Revan Caieth Character Portrait: Jacen Matthias West
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#, as written by broheim
"Hmm... He turned up and left." Marchosias chugged the remainders of his drink, stood up and turned at the SRU officer.
"Sounds like you've got a plan. Rum's good, the kiddies running about, not really. So, bar. Where? Want me to take the kids with me?"