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Antriel the True

Bringer of truth, bane of injustice

0 · 62 views · located in The Infinite Void

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Antriel


Antriel stands at six feet even, though is body seems lithe and slender obvious power lays behind every foot fall and shake of the hand.
Allabaster white hair hangs at his shoulder, in stark contrast to his ebony skin.
Long pointed ear curve up and back from his head, parting his hair.
Deep maroon eyes set in his face like unwavering spheres, seeming to pierce you once you look upon them.

STR- 14(+2) Size:MED
DEX- 24(+8) Height:6'0'
CON- 10(+0) Weight:150lb
INT- 14(+2) Eyes: Maroon
WIS- 12(+1) Hair: Allabaster
CHA- 16(+3) Skin: Black

Total HP: 96(+10) Speed: 30 Feet
Armor Class: 23=10+5[studded]+8[dexterity in armor]

Touch AC:17 Flat-footed:15 Light Load: 58lb or less
Initiative: +6 Med Load: 59-116lb
Fort save:+12 Hev load: 117-175lb
Reflex Save:18 Lift over head: 175lb
Will Save:+6 Lift off Ground: 350lb
Push/Drag: 875lb
Languages: Common, Elven, Drowish, Ork, Draconic

Attack[Right hand]: +24/+19/+14/+9
Attack[Left hand]: +20/+15/+10/+5
Attack[Missle]: +24/+19/+14/+9
Grapple Check: +20/+15/+10/+5

The Embrace of Mielikki(Studded Leather armor)
Light, +5 ac;max dex +10;Check penalty -1;20lb

The Cloak of Mielikki
-+10 HP, +8 Survival

The Ring of Supreme Dexterity
- +2 DEX
The Silver Icon of Mielikki(Necklace with pendant)
- +2 to all rolls when character is in(DM determines) wooded area.


Antriel usualy attempts to be indifferent in the world around him, but when his lips crack a smile it is infection to those around him. He is truly focused on his faith and the task his god, Mialikki, has set before him. Though he is good spirited and polite, he will let nothing deter him from his mission to destroy the evil is the world he sees around him.

Combat Reflexes
Endurance [free to rangers]
Die Hard
Improved Critical x2 Weapon(s): Scimitars
Lightning Reflexes
Quick Draw
Skill Focus (Hide)
Track [free to rangers]
Two-Weapon Fighting [ranger two-weapon track]
Two-Weapon Defense
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting [ranger two-weapon track]
Weapon Finesse
Weapon Focus x1 Weapon(s): Scimitar

Appraise Int 2 = +2
Balance Dex* 6 = +6
Bluff Cha 3 = +3
Climb Str* 12 = +2 + 10
Concentration Con 0 = +0
Craft_1 Int 2 = +2
Craft_2 Int 2 = +2
Craft_3 Int 2 = +2
Diplomacy Cha 5.5 = +3 + 2.5
Disguise Cha 3 = +3
Escape Artist Dex* 11 = +6 + 5
Forgery Int 2 = +2
Gather Information Cha 3 = +3
Handle Animal Cha 8 = +3 + 5
Heal Wis 11 = +1 + 10
Hide Dex* 21 = +6 + 10 + 3 [skill focus] + 2 [stealthy]
Intimidate Cha 13 = +3 + 10
Jump Str* 7 = +2 + 5
Listen Wis 8 = +1 + 5 + 2 [elf]
Move Silently Dex* 23 = +6 + 15 + 2 [stealthy]
Perform_1 Cha 3 = +3
Perform_2 Cha 3 = +3
Perform_3 Cha 3 = +3
Perform_4 Cha 3 = +3
Perform_5 Cha 3 = +3
Ride Dex 8 = +6 + 2 [handle animal]
Search Int 9 = +2 + 5 + 2 [elf]
Sense Motive Wis 1 = +1
Sleight of Hand Dex* 8.5 = +6 + 2.5
Spot Wis 8 = +1 + 5 + 2 [elf]
Survival Wis 1 = +1
Swim Str** 2 = +2
Use Rope Dex 6 = +6

* = check penalty for wearing armor

XP penalty for multiclass as: Ranger
Escape Artist >=5 ranks gives + 2 on use rope checks for bindings.
Handle Animal >=5 ranks gives + 2 on wild empathy checks.
Search >=5 ranks gives + 2 on survival checks while tracking.

First-level Ranger spells: 2 (1 + 1) per day
Spells: (memorized) Entangle; Speak with animals.
All 1st lvl spells:
1st-Level Ranger Spells
Alarm: Wards an area for 2 hours/level.
Animal Messenger: Sends a Tiny animal to a specific place.
Calm Animals: Calms (2d4 + level) HD of animals.
Charm Animal: Makes one animal your friend.
Delay Poison: Stops poison from harming subject for 1 hour/level.
Detect Animals or Plants: Detects kinds of animals or plants.
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object.
Detect Snares and Pits: Reveals natural or primitive traps.
Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments.
Entangle: Plants entangle everyone in 40-ft.-radius circle.
Hide from Animals: Animals canโ€™t perceive one subject/level.
Jump: Subject gets bonus on Jump checks.
Longstrider: Increases your speed.
Magic Fang: One natural weapon of subject creature gets +1 on attack and damage rolls.
Pass without Trace: One subject/level leaves no tracks.
Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Resist Energy: Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type.
Speak with Animals: You can communicate with animals.
Summon Natureโ€™s Ally I: Calls animal to fight for you.

Dark Elf
+ 2 dexterity / -2 constitution (already included)
Immune to magical sleep
+ 2 racial bonus to saves vs. enchantments
Low-light vision
Proficient with longsword, rapier, longbow & shortbow
+ 2 racial bonus on listen, search, and spot checks

Bonus Feats (already included)

Favored enemies
Track as bonus feat (already included)
Combat Style
Wild empathy (roll level + charisma bonus)
Endurance (level 3)
Animal Companion (level 4)
Woodland Stride (level 7)
Swift Tracker (level 8 )
Evasion (level 9)
Camouflage (level 13)
Hide in Plain Sight (level 17)
High wisdom gains bonus spells daily

Favored Enemies:
Humanoids (elf) + 2
Outsiders (evil) + 4

This ranger chose the two-weapon combat track.


Masterwork Kukri x2[1d6, crit 18-20/x2] 1 handed/S
Scimitar of Truth[1d6+2, crit 18-20/x2] 1 handed/S
- Weapon causes 2d6 light dmg to Evil characters
Scimitar of Justice[1d6 +1d6Fire dmg, crit 18-20/x2] 1 handed/S
The wrath of Mielikki[1d10+4, crit x3] Long bow
- 3 times a day the player may designate a target for his bow, Mielikki. For the duration of the fight the player recieves a +10 to attack and DMG rolls on that target.

Antriel's Equipment:
Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)
Arrows (quiver of 20) x10
Flint and steel
Grappling hook
Lantern (bullseye)
Rope (50', silk) x1
Torches x5
Vial (for ink or potions) x10
Waterskins x3
Healer kit
Holy symbol (silver)
Total: 98lbs


Antriel, as with most Drow, was born in the underdark. A mass array of caverns and tunnels deep below the surface. This is the domain of the spider queen Lolth, and she controls her evil children with an iron grip. From the time he could think rationally, however, Antriel knew he was different. He didn't throw in with the lot around him, willing to kill and slaughter for personal gain or the gain of his matron. At the young age of 50 Antriel began to hear tales of another Drow like himself who had stricken his people and set out for the surface. Antriel knew he must take the same path if he were to survive among the living. So he struck out, and after 3 years traversing and battling the monsters below he emerged on the surface, and how did it burn! Eventually he adjusted to the giant fireball in the sky, and began living off the land around him, usuing the skill he forged in his trek through the underdark. A revelation brought him before the earth mother Mielikki, and now he is her champion, bringer of light, enforcer of justice. He has server his god for 40 years now, living in the forest and among its creatures.He lives for and through his god, being both her sword and shield.

So begins...

Antriel the True's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slyantar Thomas Copper Character Portrait: Kinea Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: Liesha Kennicot Character Portrait: Jared Johnson Character Portrait: Ruhe
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Sibael Rhodwyn looked around, finally staring one of the strangers in the face, "I don't remember you. Any of you, to be frank."