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A Guardian of the land that ensures it won't be claimed by the powers of Chaos. He is the last of his kind and must now protect the very races that have left him with nothing but his weapons and his thoughts.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Hunter_Killer


A Dekan Sage and last of the Guardians.

Dekan - A race of creatures created from the power and wisdom of the ancient blue dragons known as the Armenes. In their creation, the Dekan took up humanoid form but with a light blue hide, like that of the dragons that created them, though some were created with snow white, coal black, or royal golden hides instead. In humanoid form a Dekan ranges between 6' and 6'7" and can be either lengthy or well built, depending on profession. All Dekan has at least three or four gills across their cheeks And a small dorsal-fin like protrusion out of their back which is similar to the webbed spines on the backs of the ancient dragons. Everything else is dependent on their blood line.

The Nagul House and Bloodline of the Dekan Sages - A bloodline selected by the last Armenes dragon and blessed with a deep natural sense of the land and everything else with vast elemental power, though fire and ice are said to be their elements they can harness with little difficulty. Their skin is pure, snow white. Their eyes are hued with either a hint of frost or flame within the natural tones though the most common are sky blue and misty green. Some were said to have light amber of violet eyes as well. Their hair is a sandy-tan, unlike the strange sea-colored hair of the normal bloodlines. The Sages represent the natural harmony and balance of nature and they are the bloodline tasked with guarding the land's pure elements from the spread of corruption from the elements of Chaos.

Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 5"
Weight: Unknown
Eye Color: Sky Blue with a frosty edge
Hair Color: Sandy-tan
Scars: A three claw slash down his back, hidden by his armor. Another three claw slash wrapping under his chin and one long and crooked cut from right shoulder down to the edge of the wrist on his tight arm.


Over countless years his mind has been forged into one devote to his duties as a Guardian, even if he is the last of his kind. Once fun and a great friend to all races, he is now mostly drawn in and refuses to talk to any of the races responsible for the loss of his home land. Those include: Humans, Elves, Half-elves, Dark Elves, Giants, and the Dhan. Words are no longer what he chosses to communicate with, though his mind is fluent in most languages of the races, he choses not to talk, or only to speak in the ancient dialect of his lost race. When pressed he will respond and if he helps it is only for the better of the lands. The only foes he knows of is Chaos, though, if it wasn't for his task of guarding the races, he would be quick to place them as his enemies as well.


A Guardian travels only with what is needed to fight Chaos. The Last Guardian Travels within the range of his new found home, and a vast collection or armaments to make his final stand... Asirma is in his Final Stand...

Armor - Armor of Dekan make is all plate male and high grade materials, where weight isn't an issue of the wearer. Many kinds of armor involves deep blues and indigos or vibrant reds and golds, to model after various features of the Dragons they came from. The collection of armor Asirma now holds is numerous in both name and design though there is one pair he seems to favor: Froianne.

Froianne Armor (Also known as Guardian Armor)
While Froianne isn't the strongest or the heaviest of armors it does one thing most of the other armors can't do. It allows the user to channel his natural powers through the armor to help create a formidable defense or offense. It is colored in crimsons and golds. (more to come)

Zhen - A unique race deserves a unique weapon and the zhen is the marvel of that. A staff that varies in length between 5' 6" and 6' 2" with bladed ends on either side ranging between 1' 6" and 2' 6" the zhen was a weapon designed and wielded by Dekan. Their weight and size is only easily controlled in their hands as all zhen are enchanted to be wielded by any Dekan, though some are only for those of more natural talents. With their blades in arched curves, like a crashing wave during a tempest, the zhen are reapers of flash and most other things them come into. Asirma's collection of zhen is almost as numerous as his armors though he often favors an Honor Zhen. A Zhen given to a Dekan that achieves the status of Sage.

(More to come)


(Yet to be written)

So begins...

Asirma's Story

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Character Portrait: Asirma Asirma says,

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Asirma looked to her and nodded in agreement. He took her hand in his right hand and slowly walked towards the mist near the edge of the garden. He could tell this mist was natural but he took no chances these days. It wasn't long until they had vanished, leaving the gardens behind.

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Character Portrait: Asirma Asirma says,

The setting changes from Wing City Gardens (South) to Gambit's Bar


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Asirma enters the bar slowly, a tan cowl covering his head while an similarly colored viel hides away the rest of his face except for his sky-blue eyes. His hands are wearing heavy gloves as his right hand grips his weapon, a six foot long staff with a curved one and a half foot blade on either end. His gray traveler's cloak hands over his light brown and gray traveling clothes. His head scans the bar slowly before walking over to an empty seat by the seldom used pool table. He glances at said table but instead proffers a seat. Sitting down, semi relaxed as his left hand refuses to slacken his grip on his weapon.


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Asirma glances up from his seat and snickers as that goof off Peter screaming as cryoface restrained him. With that he leaned back in his chair, brining his staff up onto his lap and watching the evening brawl in the tavern. Then his ears heard a voice that Saldon had described to him and he looked over until he saw Tam. He had confided with Saldon earlier about her condition and agreed to take time off from his duties to help the girl along in her confused life. He slowly slid his feet from his table before quickly rocking onto his feet and making his way over to her and the little boy.


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Asirma stopped before Tam and the child and bowed slightly. His sky-blue eyes matching her silver, "You wouldn't happen to be Tam would you?" He offered her his right gloved hand, "My name is Asirma'Nagul... a friend of Saldon's. He told me about your... troubling life and I came here to help you put things in order..." His eyes looked down, "And this must be the boy that you and him were looking for..." He waited patiently for her responce.


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Asirma gently closes his hand to hold the childs, "Nice to meet you..." He spoke directly to the child, "I am a friend of Tam's." He looked back up at Tam, "Is the child's vision impared?"


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Asirma looked over at the paper the child wrote on, "Facinating..." He murmered to himself then looked back at Tam, "Who taught him how to write?" He looked back at the child, who had felt his face through his viel, thinking in this one instance that maybe lack of sight was a good thing. He pushed such a thought from his head as he moved his right hand to his weapon to lean on the staff.


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Asirma nodded his hand and pushed off his weapon and offered his right hand to help Tam up and escort her to the door. He was mindful to keep the staff gripped in his left hand away from them as he turned to face the door.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Twisted Path


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Asirma helped Tam past the gardens and into the forest, taking here to a clearing where it was easy to see the cresent moon. "I hope this is much better than in there... I Never enjoy the bar..." With that he removed his cowl and viel for the first time. (*Uz725wTIZLbauzsr0Wr0AV5azIf3jMwH-YE*TaZz6knHGOjEG9ftDI31D6nlx8Pj*rPsWi1zaSErtCzRMTO6Tssb/dekan.jpg ). He smiled at Tam and Eamonn, "It feels so nice to remove the head gear and breath the night air..."


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Asirma looked at the both of them. "I know what you mean on a much grander scale... As you found out a few nights ago, Saldon's hearing for a Lycan is very advanced... My hearing..." He waved his webbed ears back and fourth, " Is easily 10 times what he hears... So I usually have to concentrate very hard or tune everything out, since I can even hear other sounds, Like your and Eamonn's heart beats..." He looked at Eammon as he shook his head and sighed, "Such a shame to forget... Though who ever taught you must have been a great person to atleast grant you the gift of writing..." He looked up at Tam and smiled.


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Asirma | What he had in hearing didn't mean he wasn't sharp in his sight as well. He read the word carefully, "Then the child does not understand?" He looked from Tam to Eamonn and back. "Saldon mentioned a few vampires but I did not think the child was kept in the dark..." He seemed to go silent with thought and study for a few moment.


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Character Portrait: Asirma Asirma says,
 Image just throwing this out there but I kinda look like the one on the left))


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Asirma heard the foots steps too, his keen hearing discerning that they were that of some humanoid creature and he turns to scan the forest. "Who ever is out there show yourself..." His call wasn't so loud as to bother the child but it wasn't a murmur as well. He began to lift his staff-like zhen but decided against it, least those out there meant no harm to them.


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Asirma turned towards the new comer, and spotted he was interested in Eamonn. While the other wasn't looking he replaced his cowl and viel, least his appearance provoke unwanted attack. His sky-blue eyes looked at those green ones of the other. "And who might you be?" He asked calmly as he extended his right hand, to shake it if the other accepted. His left hand remained clenched to his staff-like weapon.


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Asirma glanced at Eamonn and then back at Daniel and the Dryad. "Gentlemen if you would kindly speak up, "Our little Eamonn over there happens to be blind and mute and has to rely on hearing... We just left the bar since it was a little too much for him, Though I am afraid all our new arivals seems to be a bit much for him."


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Asirma felt truly foolish for forgetting that Dryads can't talk, having worried more about comforting the child than his basic knowledge that he had learned over 5 centuries ago. He only nodded to Daniel in thanks before walking over to the other creature and placed a hand on the what appeared to be one of its arms.
Greetings Dryad. My name is Asirma, the last guardian of my kind... I did not realise your speciese lived beyond the forests of my homeland...
He drew back from the touch and looked at Merivan, feeling incredibly thirsty.


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Character Portrait: Asirma Asirma says,
 oddly enough I am thirsty right now... brb gunna grab a drink XD))


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Character Portrait: Asirma Asirma says,
 the dryad))


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Asirma looks from his contact to the Dryad and then to Eamonn. "Tam, remain calm, Dryads are like guardians of there forests, composed of magical energies and comunicating through telepathy,... atleast the Dryads I knew were like that..." He remembered that a Dryad's thoughts could be channeled through multiple people if the one recieving the contact knew how to direct the telepathic thought process. He looked into Tam's silver eyes and said softly, "Trust me..." Has he did so, he slowly reached out with his right hand, making sure the Dryad still touched him, and lightly touched Eamonn's hand. Before letting the Dryad's thoughts connect with the boy he told it one more thing,
After you make yourself known to Eamonn, I will help you get water to help replenish your body...
With that thought said and done, he closed his eyes and went into a deep concentration, using his mind as a bridge between Eamonn and Merivan.