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Ava Riss

The sin of greed. Oddly pleasant person, for a demon.

0 · 903 views · located in Eat Out - Tierge's Resturant

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by RavioliMan


"This is mine, now."
Theme Song: I Want It All - Baby, The Musical (She plays this any time she wants to make an entrance)
Status: Alive
Race: Demon
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Allies: Al
Enemies: R'ystelhar
Age: 209,000< years old
Sex: Female
Physical Description She has bright red hair, pale skin and horns and expensive-looking clothes. She stands about five feet tall, and she usually has the aroma that a rich person would have. That's right, she has a money smell. She carries around a boom box to play her leitmotif anytime she wants to make herself known.
Personality: As per her sin, she's very greedy and very ambitious. She wants anything and everything. Money, fame, power, friends, glory, a nice looking house, etc. However, she's usually the life of the party because, just because she's greed doesn't mean she can't lift peoples spirits. However, for a friend she gets rather greedy, wanting the friend (or lover) all to herself.
Abilities: Ava Riss can manipulate fire, ice and negative photons, as per her race and status as demon. She can use her fire to summon a whirlwind of flames, her ice to freeze people and her anti-photon manipulation to blind people, though she's never blinded by it since demon (most likely) spend most of their lives in darkness, or rather, anti-lightness. On a more mundane scale, Ava can pickpocket almost anyone with relative ease.
Historical Background: She was and still is Mammon, the Demon of Greed's subordinate, usually causing the fall of man by turning people into scammers, pickpocketers and robbers. However, as fate would have it, Al visited her home dimension, Hell, to try and find universes similar to home (Hell, unsurprisingly, was like his home dimension. Go figure). Under the assumption that he was a human, Ava tried again and again to try and turn Al into a criminal by using human principals. Al was confused by her reasoning, but took notes on her anyway. He took more notes on her than anyone else since she was always the first to greet him. Her "greetings" turned into actual greetings over time and the two slowly began to know each other. Al would forget his entire research and the two would do mushy romance stuff. the events shortly after would cause Al's exile.

So begins...

Ava Riss's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss
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  1. Anal as in anal-retentive and not the other thing

    by RavioliMan

0.00 INK

Al chuckled. "For you, buddy, I'll give you three favors" Al said, laughing softly. Al was following him until he heard a boombox behind them, singing things along the lines "I WANT IT AAAAAAAAAALL" Al looked around in confusion. "Hey, do you hear that-?" Al said before a young (looking) woman ran towards Al and tackle-hugged him, holding him tight. Al choked and gasped for air. "I can't breathe-" Al said before she loosened her grip. Al turned around before asking "Ava? Ava Riss? What are you doing here?" The young looking demon chuckled. "I've been looking for you. Why weren't you at your lab?" Ava asked. Al winced.

"Well, I got exiled." Al responded. Ava cocked her head. "Exiled? For what?" She asked in disbelief. "For being too lazy." Al said in a "why don't you know this" voice. Ava shook her head. "Those guys are anal about perfection aren't they?" Ava said, sighing. She looked at Makthus and asked Al "Who's this guy?" Al looked at Makthus. "Oh, that guy's a really cool dude, his name's Makthus, he straight up blew up R'ystelhar." Al said in an oddly enthusiastic tone. Ava tilted her head yet again. "Huh, that is impressive for a human, but R'ystelhar's practically a pest compared to every other horror." Ava said.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss
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Makthus looked from Al to Ava, then back to Al and then back to Ava for the duration of the conversation. Clearly a little confused as to who the person who had just attempted to strangle Al was. He scratched the back off his head wondering for a moment if he maybe should just leave them alone for a while. Until the woman suddenly asked about him, he raised his eyebrows answering with a smile as Al explained, happy with how he showed more emotion that he usually would display.

He nooded at the mention of that irritating monster from before. "Now now, you should under no circumstances underestimate humans, we have a tendency to use that as an advantage!" He gave a sly wink to Ava as he approached Al, completely disregarding the fact that she had horns protruding from her head. He placed his hand on Al's shoulder while still keeping his smile strong "I'll have to add an additional term to our deal, don't think you can slip out of introducing any of your lovely female acquaintances to me." He looked up from Al towards Ava, "Because I would very much like to know who this horned, hugging compatriot of yours is"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss
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Al had his perpetual grin as he looked at Makthus. He tilted his head as he asked about Ava. "Well, that's sort of a long story, so I'll sum it up; I knew that my increasing apathy would get me exiled so I looked for dimensions similar to my own. I came across a fiery, icy, dark, torturous place that's known as "Hell" to many other dimensions. It was actually very similar to my own. Go figure. Anyways, she came along trying to get me to steal things using rather bizarre logic. After a fair amount of time studying her and her trying to get me to be a criminal, her and I actually became friends. Then we got...what's your dimensions way of saying 'Involved'?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss
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Makthus released Al giving a slight sigh. "Welp, I suppose I'll have to congratulate you on it instead! Pay no heed to what I was previously saying" He took a step around Al giving another wink. "So she's a criminal, and she tried to bring you down the same road!?" He shook his head towards Ava, smacking his tongue disapprovingly "Don't be such a bad influence on my poor Al!"

He continued his cheerful, joking tone. But he was growing quite anxious, worried really. Sure he was extremely good at hiding it as always. But the fact that Ava was a demon wasn't a very good thought, having her around him would undoubtedly attract some unwanted attention, from an very unwanted individual

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss
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Al looked towards the main road. "So, shall we go forward?" Al asked. Ava looked at the main road as well. "Oop! Hold on!" Ava said before hiding her horns. She's a demon, but she isn't stupid. She knew as well as Makthus that she'd be getting unwanted attention. Many people would love to put a demons head on a platter and she doesn't want that. Ava then realized what Makthus said. She looked at Al and grabbed him. She then said in a semi-joking tone "This is mine now. Again."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss
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"Tsk tsk, Don't go and get yourself all swooned now Al, you still owe me those favors!" He smiled wide chuckling towards the both of them. Seems Ava had enough sense to not go around proudly showing the fact that she comes from one of the inner circles of hell. He gave a nod towards her as she started to hide the horns "Good thought". Yet he still gave a loud sigh inside. Hopefully he was just a little too busy to go and get himself involved here. Makthus atleast hoped so.

He started walking down towards the main street gesturing wildy at the different stores and buildings "Now, let's not go and get ourself all shopping-crazy otherwise we will never get out of the main street, our first order of business will most definitely be to show ya around Wing City, give you a feel for the place and all that!" or maybe he just wanted to get somewhere with more people, as a safety measure.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss
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As they walked by the store, Ava noticed, well, the store. She was just about to walk in before Makthus told them to not go shopping. Ava let out a disgruntled sigh and continued forward. "Oh, by the way, you know how we were talking about R'ystelhar? He's in Eastern Wing City tormenting a child while absorbing other people into him. Just food for thought." Ava said. Al looked at Ava with his eyes. "Why would this concern me? No, seriously, what even is a child? Is that like some animal?" Al asked confused. He didn't ask that out of selfishness, it's just that his people are more or less programmed into existence by a giant computer. How that computer even got there in the first place is anyone's guess. So he genuinely didn't know what children are.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Demon Lord Psophor Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss
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"Wait, do you seriously not have any kind of maturity process at all?" He threw Al a worried look before giving Ava an equally desperate one "You haven't teached him a single thing, have you? He scratched his head looking between the both of them. "Alright Al, all humans used to be these smaller sizes, until we slowly grow bigger and stronger. But a child, well they are usually as innocent and defenseless a human can get.

"You are all defenseless. Innocent, not as much Makthus slowly turned, an extreme amount of pure "oh goddammit" written over his face. A massive hulk of metal was stomping towards them. It was quite surreal as he had appeared out of nowhere, suddenly walking towards them. There were barely any people in the street allowing him to walk in a straight, intimidating line towards them. The few people who did stand remotely close to the path that the demon was taking quickly backed off after noticing the two giant blades he merrily waved around as he walked. "There you are, have you gone and acquired some new friends?"

Makthus turned back towards Al and Ava holding a complex expression as the demon slowly approaches behind him. "I would advise for us to not talk with that guy, especially you Ava." He held a calm demeanor, but he was definitely face palming over and over again in his head. Of course Psoph would be able to sense this!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Demon Lord Psophor Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss
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Al looked at Makthus then the hulking piece of metal in front of them, then back at Makthus then the hulking piece of metal. "Who's the old married couple now? And why does this guy want beef? We already took care of some interdimensional horror. Is he here to surrender? I may be lazy but I still have the same strengths as my fifth dimensional dominant brethren." Al said in a snarky tone. If he could take on R'ystelhar, he could take on this guy. Right? After all, how powerful could he be?

Ava looked at the hulking piece of metal in front of them. She knew he was also a demon, but kept her mouth shut. After all, what would he possibly do to the demon of greed?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Demon Lord Psophor Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss
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Makthus couldn't help but cracking a smile at Al's comment. Throwing a glance over his shoulder towards Psoph who was eyeing down Ava, He leaned towards the both of them, Psoph who was still a distance away would hopefully not be able to hear as he whispered "I'm a little unsure, but I'd rather fight that friend of yours than Psoph any day. I suppose it's more or less my fault, guess he picked up the scent of Ava while you were hanging around me, he'll not grow bored as long as we still got some fight-" His eyes suddenly shifted as he knew that Psoph was more than close enough to hear, He spun around shooting both his arms out in a welcoming gesture towards the demon "Hey there big guy! Are you picking a fight with me again? I'm up for it and you know that!

Psoph threw up one of his swords pointing the edge towards the group "Ahaa! I've already told you how boring our fights are, You'll break soon enough anyway! What's fun is the news that you've found a cute little demon! I want to to make a good first impression!" He released a gruffy and twisted chuckle while striking the two blades against eachother.

Makthus turned his head back to Al and Ava, "Honestly he isn't an all too complicated fight, he mostly only knows how to swing those swords-" Makthus was interruppted again as Psoph suddenly lunged at him "I hear you!" Makthus was as quick as always his sword immediately in the air, striking the two huge swords slamming into him. For a moment it looked like Makthus was holding just fine until he was flung backwards several meters, repeatedly hitting the ground as he bounced along the road. He came to a stop a couple of meters away, laying directly on his back "...Ahh, I forgot how hard you hit..." He had lost the usual cheekiness to his tone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Demon Lord Psophor Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss
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Al glared at Psoph's comment. "Cute? What was that? Was that supposed to be some sorta flirt? Listen here mister..." Al started to walk towards Psoph with a dead serious look, one that he almost never uses. "You may think you're all that but lemmie tell ya something. I bet you're all..." Al looked at Psoph with his dopey grin again. "...Bone dry down there." Al started to snicker at his comment. Yes, it would be assumed that Al took advantage of Psoph's skeletal appearance and made a joke at his expense. Ava looked at Al with a face of both disappointment and amusement.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Demon Lord Psophor Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss
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"..You know Al, I appreciate the wit... But I think I broke something..." Makthus forced out while rolling onto his back. Twitching slightly with each move.

Psoph stared at Al, no real expression could be made as, well his face wasn't much of a face. "I already don't like you" He plunged both his swords onto the pavement, sending parts of it cascading around him and Al as he leaned into the blades bringing his face close to Al's smug smile. "...But I should admit that it wasn't meant that way, more like a quick quip before I start twisting your necks, it'll be really cute"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Demon Lord Psophor Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss
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Al chuckled, not only was his smile really smug, but so was his laugh. "I wouldn't get too cocky, now. A person who was just programmed in my universe would probably wipe out five of you in an instant. Do you honestly wanna test me?" Al asked in a rather smug voice as three giant orbs of energy formed behind him. Before there could be an answer, Al quickly ducked down as the spheres fired at an alarming velocity towards the demonic skeleton in front of him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Demon Lord Psophor Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss
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"Ah yes, so you are powerful! Makthus you have gained some fun friends!" His voice echoed out, accompanied by a hearthy laugh as the orbs thundered into him, tearing the pavement apart leaving a huge cloud of dust. The moment that the dust settled Psoph could be found fallen down onto his one knee both his swords laying down onto the crushed pavement before him, still quietly chuckling.He seemed to not actually have made an attempt to dodge "Ahhh yes, that's good, sooo good, I actually felt that! Well done!"

Makthus suddenly appeared behind Al, limping slightly while carrying a tired expression. He placed his hand on Al's shoulder. "Yeah that's also a thing, I'm pretty sure he's a hardcore masochist. Like, a hundred percent sure."

"You got the gist of it! Let's see if this powerful bloodline of yours is enough to outlast me!" He suddenly rose from his kneeling position rocks and dust running off him as he grabbed both his blades, striking them against each other again. "Hit me"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Demon Lord Psophor Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss
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Al squinted at Psophor. "You're really some kinda freak, aren't you?" Al opened a vortex, he pushed Makthus out of the way and pushed Ava out of the way. The vortex led to the center of some energy source, presumably from lab that nobody bothered to empty out, and a white beam shot out from both sides, hitting whatever was behind it. As the vortex closed Al looked behind him with a concerned look. "Wasn't the bar back that way?" Al asked aloud. Al looked at Psophors direction again, wondering if it actually harmed him. "Also, what's a bloodline?" Al asked, yet again confused.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Demon Lord Psophor Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss
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"I swear, if that thing hit the bar then we are in for a lot more trouble" Makthus muttered from the ground, actually quite enjoying the sudden rest he had been given.

Psoph seemed like he was enjoying himself just as much, he had crossed his swords in an "X" shape infront of him and was literally splitting the strange beam of energy that was blasting over him. Causing several strands of the energy to trail around him. He was seemingly slowly moving backwards, forced back by the mass of energy crashing into him. Really his boots was dug deep into the pavement, unfortunately that pavement didn't stand a chance against the battle that was happening, steadily breaking behind Psoph forcing him further and further back until the beam suddenly broke his improvised guard, searing its way straight into him. Luckily this was at the moment that the beam was done firing.

"Your bloodline, your kind, they certainly seem like a fun kind. You just must introduce me to more of them!" His voice broke the eerie silence the beam had left. It was uncertain if the beam had actually dealt proper damage to him but his attitude certainly hasn't changed! "Now that's all fine and dandy, but how is your defense I wonder!?" A second passed as Psoph was leaning backwards, staring up towards the sky, until he suddenly lunged straight towards Al, his speed certainly not fitting his size. Both the blades was above his head, swung in quite an distressing arc towards Al

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Demon Lord Psophor Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss
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Al jumped to the side, though the swords did slice some of his flesh. "Hey, careful guy. Just because I'm too lazy to react doesn't mean I can't feel." Al said, still holding his smug tone. Ava, however, started to look displeased. Ava walked to Al's side. "THE- THAT- HE- HE'S-" Ava stammered, being far too enraged to think. A then shot a pillar of fire at Psophor, with flames hot enough to melt the most powerful alloys all while screaming "MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Demon Lord Psophor Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss
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Makthus continued laying on the ground, now quite happy about that decision as flames flew over him, this battle was just maybe a little too supernatural for him, and that's not something he decides often.

Psoph seemed to share that thought with Makthus as he once again made an inhuman leap away from Al, keeping the flame from just barely touching him. Yet the fire was constantly grazing him as he ducked around the pillar, which he didn't seem all that bothered by. "There we go! Some hellfire! Guess I've found your soft spot demon! He ducked under the beam of flame again, diverting the fire with both swords. The blades definitely didn't seem to like it as they screeched the more embedded in fire they got. Until Psoph suddenly hung his head low, diving his massive body down under the flames, attempting to swing both his blades towards Ava

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Demon Lord Psophor Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss
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Ava, still firing in one set direction, didn't notice the demon charge toward her from under her pillar. Al took notice of this and glared. "Now, that's not very nice." Al said before opening two vortices from under him on opposite sides of Psoph, pillars of pure energy shooting upward and constantly spinning around Psoph. Al then repeatedly shit orbs of energy at him. Moreso to have him stay in place until he can think of a plan than to kill him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makthus Character Portrait: Demon Lord Psophor Character Portrait: Al Character Portrait: Ava Riss
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Psoph had put an immense amount of weight into the swing, even if he wanted then he would probably been unable to stop. Thus he thundered into one of the pillars. If that was intentional or not was unsure. A momentary battle of force came between Psoph and the pillars, if he had perhaps swung at it instead of simply running into then he might've been able to break through it. But instead Psoph bounced off it, smoke trailing from his armor as he smacked into the one behind making him once again bounce back into the middle.

He released an inhuman screech as he suddenly stood straight up, the gaping maw of his filling up with crimson flames. Spewing it in a straight pillar towards Ava, meeting her flames head on in a battle of strength. Only to be interrupted when one of the orbs impacted the side of his head, and then another one, followed by and additional one, making him drop his flame breath. Only to simply throw one of his swords straight towards Ava. One might call it simply but the huge blade was like shot out of a cannon. Cleaving trough her pillar of flame, all the while releasing another roar, this one more angry that monstrous.