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Banadar Maibara

God of Corruption. Cruel, uncaring, and vengeful against all who challenge him.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by ColeMaibara, as played by RolePlayGateway


Banadar Arkenach
God of Corruption - King of Corta Diez

Personal Information

Theme Song: A Dark Fall

Name: Banadar Arkenach

Age: Over 2,000 years old

Age Appearance: Early 30s

Gender: Male

Race/Main: Kendari

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Marital Status: Widower (abuser in the relationship, killed his wife)


Date of Birth: Unknown date in July

Religion(s)Beliefs: Himself

Height: 7'9''

Weight: Unknown

Physical Condition: Buff

Eye Color: Maroon

Education: Remarkable intelligence due to his long life and combat experience. A master tactician despite his brutal and unforgiving nature. He doesn't harm his underlings unless they commit treason. While someone living as long as him who is seeking a pursuit of intelligence would be smarter, he isn't a dumb brute with no experience.

Language(s): All human languages (including extinct ones), Kendarin, Shadow Tongue, Fyra, Zomn, Anglic

Current Residence: Castle Orarok, Avakdaram City

Aura: Gray (Corruption)

Eina Arkenach (Deceased)



Enemies: Cole Arkenach, Shinda (deity of angels)

Disabilities: Arrogant, and mad with power. He likes fights in which he is crushing one weaker than himself, however a challenge is alright every now and then so long as the challenger doesn't pose a big threat.

Personality: Mad with the power of corrupt energy, he has long since lost his mind to the bountiful power it introduces to him. Because of his unlimited supply of corruption energy, he sees himself as a walking source of destruction and death. He shows little empathy and compassion for those around him, and views all of those beneath him as pawns. He will readily abuse his own kin, and doesn't view his corrupted knights as allies, merely as assets to achieving a larger goal (total domination and destruction).

Fears: None, due to believing the corrupted energy inside of him makes him immortal. The corrupted energy doesn't grand "immortality" per-say, but the amount of stamina it grants him can make it seem that way.



So begins...

Banadar Maibara's Story


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Character Portrait: Twist Character Portrait: Banadar Maibara
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#, as written by Lobos
Twist walked into the Dojo in his typical manner, the fingers of his right hand dancing to some mental tune. A butterfly knife spun and clacked in the midst of the blurring digits, its silver blade reflecting radiant beams of light about the room. The man himself was unusual in appearance, a collared white shirt with both a formal vest and jacket over it. Over his pants he wore not one but two belts, fingerless gloves adorning his hands, steel plated boots clunking on the floor as he came to the room's center.

His free hand tipped the fedora back from his eyes, revealing dully glowing orbs of mismatched color. One a molten, furious crimson, the other a gleaming, venomous yellow. A shock of electric green hair showed just below the brim of his hat.

All at once his knife gave one final clack as it snapped into the open position, the short length of radiant metal curved in a gentle hook. His posture was of one waiting...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Twist Character Portrait: Banadar Maibara
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Banadar Maibara watched the strange man as he entered the Dojo, tipping his fedora to reveal his oddness, and smirking. He wasn't too normal himself, long black hair that went to his waist, very baggy, and dark clothing, along with piercing maroon eyes and a grin that looked like he would chomp off the face of anybody who tried to fight him. He got up, clacking the sheathed blade he had in his hand on the ground, looking up at Twist. "You're not all too regular here" he mentioned, cracking his neck, and narrowing his eyes to him. "You're ready for a fight too.."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Twist Character Portrait: Banadar Maibara
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#, as written by Lobos
"Quite poss'bly. Depends on you, I suppose."

Twist tapped the flat of his knife against his thigh, cocking his head to regard the man before him. His eyes swapped their color as he did, his gaze seeming to look through Banadar, his faint smile unsettling. For this particular expression was one of amusement, instead of evaluation. As if he'd already taken the man's measure...and found it lacking.

"On whether you'll last long enough to make slaughter a fight." Twist's feet slid, left a pace behind right as he crouched slight and sprung, leaping forward with inhuman speed. Tilting into a spin, he struck first with his knife in a low horizontal sweep for Banadar's stomach, his free hand following less than a second later lashing out in a blunt, open palmed blow for the man's face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Twist Character Portrait: Banadar Maibara
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Banadar Maibara chuckled slightly, looking at the man and sighing. "I'm here to fight," he'd take the hilt of the blade and twist it to block the knife that was incoming, then tilted his head to the side, in attempt to dodge the blunt, though it just barely hit the right side of his face. "and I'm sure this won't be a slaughter..." the sheath disappeared into a puff of smoke, and he'd twist his hand upward, attempting to thwart Twist's knife out of the way, and he'd raise his leg and try to land a kick to the strange man's gut.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Twist Character Portrait: Banadar Maibara
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#, as written by Lobos
Twist's knife hand flung upwards, yet the man relinquished the weapon almost cavalierly, letting it fly up into the ceiling. He had felt the brush of his hand on his foe, and though a kick flew for his stomach, his faint smile became a full-fledged, impossibly wide smile.


The lightest of touches, his toes touching the ground. But suddenly his entire body pivoted on the point, tilting to the left as if falling. Twisting, one hand flung out to catch himself against the ground.

The other betrayed his inhuman abilities, as it lashed forward as quickly as a bullet, the arm stretching as though rubber. His fist, somehow hard as steel, hurtled for Banadar's own stomach.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Twist Character Portrait: Banadar Maibara
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Banadar Maibara watched the man as he fell down, smirking, but when he saw the fist bulleting forward, he raised his blade, instead that taking the hit and causing him to be drawn back a little bit, growling. He felt the force of it, and growled, yet still smirking. "Yeah yeah, so you can make your arm stretch, not really that exciting of a power." He sighed, drawing in some aura into him, then his blade began to glow, and a large shockwave would come from the blade, aimed toward Twist. This shockwave was able to melt most metals, his maroon eyes were focused on Twist's actions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Twist Character Portrait: Banadar Maibara
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#, as written by Lobos
Twist's body ripped itself open, the human facade revealing a seething mass of black, oily...something. This poured from the 'wound' mimicking a great beasts gaping mouth as it stretched to encompass the shockwave. And then snapped shut, yanking back into the man's body with enough force to send him rolling away from Banadar.

Using the roll, Twist managed to twist to his feet, mocking flourishing his hat. "Ah, that was delicious! I detect...demonic? Something of chaos. Either way, I thank you, but now..."

"My turn."

His hands flowed in pair of hemisphere's, faint arcs of crimson and emerald electricity crackling about them, waxing as they drew together. Cocking them back to his right and forming a cage of fingers, Twist winked at Banadar before pistoning them forward, his palms melting together before a black, metallic serpent's head ripped through the false flesh. Roiling green energy lit up the skeletal head, connected to twist by chains of the same substance. The dark matter weaved through the air as it sailed for his foe, fangs angled forward and open wide as it sought his throat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Twist Character Portrait: Banadar Maibara
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Banadar Maibara looked at the man and raised an eyebrow. Eating an attack was certainly odd, and the way he did it raised more questions. When he heard the exclamation he'd chuckle. "Demonic God of Chaos and must have a strong sense of taste." he'd watch as the man did his thing, and bolting a black metallic snake his way. Banadar didn't even flinch, bringing his blade up and quickly swallowing it whole, then looking at the snake and breathing Decaying Breath it's way, in an attempt to rot whatever it was made of, if it didn't rot the snake, the substance the breath was made of would at the least slow it down for him to move out of the way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Twist Character Portrait: Banadar Maibara
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#, as written by Lobos
The hellish green energy wreathing the serpent wavered and boiled away, but the chained snake itself bulled through the mist. Twist snapped his arms apart, metal screeching as a seam split along the chain, carrying to the serpent's head. Breaking in half, the shattered edges of both seeming to they formed complete, smaller serpents.

Splitting in either direction, the right side serpent arced high, clearing the mist, before lunging towards the demon in a dive. The left snake dropped and slid across the floor, swinging out wide behind him before darting in in its twin's wake.

Twist himself had not moved aside from his arms, using his range and advantage to study his enemy carefully.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Twist Character Portrait: Banadar Maibara
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Banadar Maibara sighed, looking at the snake that had split into two, and narrowed his eyes, his blade reappearing within his hand and shoving it straight into the ground, a circle of complete energy circling around him and then spreading out, harming the snakes if they got any closer, and if Twist didn't move, the stretching energy would harm him too. The God's smirk widened, the blade radiating aura the whole time. "You just gonna stand there and puppeteer?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Twist Character Portrait: Banadar Maibara
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#, as written by Lobos
"Only enough to play the right cards." His serpents yanked back into his palms, a strange ripple going through his body. A bulge, passing through his arms, down his torso and then down his legs...

While Twist's snakes had harassed Banadar on the surface, the alien had been busy below it. Chains of converted matter burst from the floor beneath the demon, within the circle...with the aim of ensnarement. At very least distraction.

Twist, the gambit's launched, similarly sprung forward into the field of energy. The false skin he wove tore apart like burning paper, exposing the liquid, metallic form within. Vaguely humanoid, its surface rippling with pulses of emerald and crimson, its eyes were pits of glowing red light, a maw of ever forming and dissolving teeth gaping in a grin below it.

Even as he sacrificed his false skin, Twist launched his arms forward, fingers solidifying into diamond hard talons, arms stretching across the distance, his hands bulging into monstrous paws that aimed to clap Banadar between them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Twist Character Portrait: Banadar Maibara
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Banadar Maibara watched as he man destroyed the floor beneath him, quickly he'd jump away from there, and look at the man, tilting his head. He had released diamond hard talons to try and clamp Banadar, causing him to grin and drop to the floor so they would instead smash together, Banadar was gathering up energy at this point, getting ready to go into his full demon form, so that he was no longer an easy picking for this thing. Banadar used a small amount of energy to attempt and stab up at the matter with his poison tipped blade. If it successfully went through, since this thing was made completely of liquid matter, it would be easy for him to paralyze Twist, unless there was a catch to prevent poisoning.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Twist Character Portrait: Banadar Maibara
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#, as written by Lobos
Despite the piercing of his arm, Twist didn't even flinch. He even laughed as he felt the toxic liquid flowing within him, his toothy maw yawning wide with the booming guffaws. "Poison?! I eat energy and you use poison! Oh, that's rich."

The bulbous, stretched arms began to shrink and shrivel as Twist pulled the poison apart, sending a multitude of stabbing tendrils down in a rain over Banadar. Dozens of cable thin, spine tipped tentacles wriggled through the air in an attempt to prick the demon, and return his poison, for each tip held a drop of the venom.

Twist himself was stalking closer, the distributed mass of his ever-in-motion form bulking as he reduced the distance between his assembled pieces.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Twist Character Portrait: Banadar Maibara
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Banadar Maibara grumbled, and shrugged. "It was worth a shot.." he'd sigh and jump back again, looking as it attempted to return the poison to him, and he'd shrug, letting it stick him in the arm. He'd grin. "I wouldn't be stupid enough to make an attack that would backfire on me...all my own attacks make me stronger..that includes the poison I create." he'd pop his neck slightly, and then shiver, letting the aura of the blade pulsate a bit and he'd sheath it, feeling the energy rush through him now. His form began to twist and shake a bit, grinning, his face began turning into a dragon's muzzle, and black smog began smoking from his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, a tail growing and thrashing on the ground, his entire body turning to the form of a large black dragon, and he'd tilt his head. "Looks like we both had a form to hide under that pathetic skin, huh?" He took a deep breath, and released a stronger version of the decaying breath out around him, trying to attack Twist in any way he could.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Twist Character Portrait: Banadar Maibara
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lobos
Standing the midst of the mist, he mimed sniffing, mockingly wrinkling his face in disgust. "So it seems. But..."

"I have to say, so far, I have the better weapons." One arm snapped to his side, the other whipping up and snatching his knife from the ceiling. It was revealed to be one of a set, as two gleaming silver blades slid from the dark matter of his body. Raising his right hand to his maw, a tongue formed and slid along the blade. "Dodge this."

His hand launched in a straight shot at Banadar...but suddenly seemed to cut off in mid-air. It reappeared from a rent in the air, behind the demon, yet vanished again. If he was quick enough to catch it, Banadar would see that each disappearance was preceded by a subtle sweeping prod of the knife...

His left arm behaving as the right, they wove a disconnected series of exposed arms, weaving in and out of wormholes torn by the special blades of the knives. Misdirection indeed, for it was at that moment that Twist seemed to erupt hundreds of barbed tentacles, from virtually his entire body, each and every one hurtling for Banadar.

Yet they all missed, most by mere fractions of inches.

"A pity our time is cut short, but know that on this day, you might well have died. Remember the name of Twist." The alien snapped back together like a stretched rubber band, body writhing for a moment before the pieces of his facade clicked together like puzzle pieces. One knife remained in his hand.

"And twist I do." He tore a wormhole and slipped from the Dojo.

The setting changes from Master's Dojo to Gambit's Bar


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Character Portrait: Banadar Maibara
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Banadar Maibara made his way into the bar, wearing his normal clothing, and keeping a tight grip on the blade at his side. When he sat down at the bar he'd order a drink, looking around at the other patients. Most of them looked like weaklings. Rats that couldn't do squat..most of their auras were a pale grey, signifying their strengths..or at least, the ones that Banadar could see. They mostly reflected what element everybody was strong with. Some fire, some wind, some earth..It was almost pathetic, most weren't even strong (according to him).


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Character Portrait: Banadar Maibara
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Banadar Maibara listened intently to what Ben had said. A place full of danger? He'd scoff. This place to him looked like a place for low-life. Why was he here then? To watch...simple. He wanted to watch people for a minute, then spill blood when he's done drinking. It was the normal thing he did. He often liked seeing the different skills of different people...maybe these people have things to hide... The knife spinning man wasn't really showing a skill...more a trick you can do with your hands..Banadar just shook his head, muttering the words "humans..."


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Character Portrait: Banadar Maibara
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Banadar Maibara looked over at the super soldier who's AI was buzzing because of his sudden entry. Didn't he lower his energy? Or did this thing just see through his disguise? It was unlikely it did, unless it was that powerful. He'd keep his eye on Agares for a second, before looking back around at the patients more closely. One was a demon, that one wouldn't be hard ripping to shreds..maybe he'd impale it then string it's guts out..there was plenty of humans, including a mother and her child...of course, it'd make the news if he killed them...oh well, they'll be easy too. The only ones that looked like trouble were Vex and Agares. Then again, the others might have tricks up their sleeves. He never knew.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Banadar Maibara
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Banadar Maibara looked over to the woman whom yelled out that she'd open a portal to hell...who in the fuck would think that'd work against one of the many GODS of a hell? He'd just laugh maniacally when she finished, so unsuspecting of what he could do...he could rip a portal to the shadow realm open to finish off any other 'true' hell fiends she had in her store. When he was done with laughing he'd take out a piece of paper, and some gems, setting them in an order, and working silently. Everyone that had enough ability to sense energy would feel like there was something eating at their guts. Everyone would probably feel it, since the normal human being could. That is, unless they were close to death, or were dead.


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Character Portrait: Banadar Maibara
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Banadar Maibara tried to ignore the woman who was pissing him off. The one who tugged at his cheek? He'll just finish them off when he was ready. Everyone else was first. putting the last of the gems down, he'd stand up straight, getting off his seat, and then snapping his fingers, a purplish grey glow came from the circle that he had made with the crystals. They'd be surging with energy, and now any normal human that decided to touch the rays that came from the crystals that joined them together would be burned. He'd look around, then raised his hand, preparing a spell to block out any entrance or exit. This was going to be fun.