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Benny Pease

"I always thought that maybe ending it would be the best wasn't"

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Dr. Nikolai


"Just gotta keep a smile on my face, move past the difficult times"

Benny Pease


Species: Human.

Gender: Male.

Full Name: Benny Monroe Pease.

Age: 19.

Height: 5'9'.

Weight: 185 Lbs.

Eye Color: Blue.

Hair Color: Black.

So begins...

Benny Pease's Story


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"Focus on the present, not on the past, focus on the present, not on the past, FOCUS ON THE PRESENT!" a voice yelled from inside the bathroom, in the bar, and then a loud smash was heard, and shattering of glass. The man inside the bathroom took a deep breath, and then washed his face off in the sink, and looked into the shattered mirror. "Just's're alive" he said with a weak tone, and then sighed. He then turned on his heel, opening the bathroom door, and walking into the main area.

He looked around slowly, his eyes curiously scanning the patrons. He didn't know why he decided to make his way into the bar, but he had, and it was over now. He then closed his eyes, and breathed out. His eyes opened and he made his way to the bar counter, taking a seat on a stool, and then looking around. The bar was not that crowded, so that was interesting.


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Character Portrait: Benny Pease
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The young man jumped as the door slammed open and he turned around quickly, and then saw the man as he landed next to him. He shuddered a little as he landed and then nodded his head slowly, "Uhm.....just water, don't really feel like drinking at the moment........but I appreciate the offer, kind sir" he said with a warm smile, a weak one though, and then put his hand out. "My name is Benny, pleasure to meet you Merrick, you have a very nice name, haven't heard it that much, it must be uncommon......" he said with a nod, his curiosity peeking.

"What was with the sudden jump into the bar, it was quite random and unexpected, but your choice, so I will not make you apologize for it" he said with a grin and then chuckled.


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Benny raised a brow as he said that, and then stretched a little, his bones popping, and then he groaned. "God's......tired as hell......." he said with a shrug, "Just haven't been getting much sleep, don't think that beer would help so much, so yeah.........." he said with a sigh, and then raised a brow at the man's rapid talking. He just chuckled a little bit and then nodded his head.

"Well, not everyone jumps into the bar like you did........I just have been having nightmares, but it's fine, also..................thank you for the compliment on my name, I appreciate it" he said with a grin back.


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Benny listened to what he said and then raised a brow, "Well, that would be an awkward situation......although with an nude stranger, if they are attractive, then.......I would not mind too much, it would be a fun thing explaining it and then perhaps we could become friends, hehe" he said with a sort of hearty tone, it appeared that Merrick was cheering the young man up, and that was a rare thing, not many people cheered him up nowaday's. He then nodded his head, and shuddered, shaking his head.

"I don't want to talk about it.............." he said in a quiet tone, and shuddered, shaking his head firmly.


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"Attempted suicide" he blurted out with a sudden tone and then clamped a hand on his mouth and he shuddered, shaking his head. "I shouldn't have said that......I really shouldn't have said that......" he said, pulling his sleeves down, and then looked around the bar as it warped and changed. He looked at the man as he was tapped by Merrick, and he raised a brow. "Well that's a really interesting thing......" he said with a chuckle, trying to forget his thoughts about the nightmares, and he shook his head.

"Just forget about what I said, and buy me a drink......I think I need it, especially after saying what I just said" he said with a shudder.


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Benny looked over at Merrick and then had a sad look on his face, and then sighed, nodding his head, "Just times were tough, people were on me for things that I didn't deserve to be blamed for, and I ended up in a bathtub filled with my own blood, almost died......" he said with a quick tone, and a broken tone. He looked over at Merrick and nodded his head again, with a solemn look on his face, "Glad you got through it." he said and then took the shot, and chugged it, letting the alcohol's effects swirl into his brain to make the bad memories go away.


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Benny took a deep breath, and then let the effects completely engulf his brain and he smiled, a lazy smile on his face and he then nodded his head slowly, "Yeah....friend, I like that, need a friend...." he said and let the pat happen, and smiled even more at it. He then blushed a little, and shrugged with a lazy grin, nodding his head again slowly, "Well, don't really know if it's girls for me though........past things, girls suck sometimes......." he said with a sigh, shaking his head and shrugging again, he then leaned on Merrick.

"Sometimes.........I dream about cheese......." he said with a spaced out tone.


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Character Portrait: Brian James Character Portrait: Winne Rineswurth Character Portrait: Aht Character Portrait: Merrick Vadas Character Portrait: Benny Pease
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The television in the corner happened to life.
"Winne Rineswurth here reporting live from outside of the Ball of Chaos! Ballroom Dancing in the Alfarsi Gallery is as active as ever, and shows no signs of stopping. The outcome has been spectacular thus far, more celebrities and guests are still anticipated to arrive. "
The TERRACAST logo displayed before the screen went back to programming.


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Character Portrait: Benny Pease
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Benny just shrugged, grabbing another shot and tipping it into his mouth with a grin on his face, and then he nodded his head, "Well, har har har, I'm sure they do, but I bet a guy did the same thing to you" he said with a wide grin back, and a sly tone to his voice and then shrugged, "I might have been on the moon, life's just a blur nowaday's, just shitting around, not really doing much, you know, not having a place to stay anymore, got evicted, no money" he said with a shrug.


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Character Portrait: Benny Pease
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Benny raised a brow and then grinned, a very stupid ass grin, but a grin none the less, and nodded his head, "I wouldn't mind doing some drugs.........if it doesn't fuck me up too badly, if you know what I'm saying....hehe" he said with a happy tone.

"If I can earn money, I will pay, I will help pay for food in the apartment, or anything I can do to help........I just fear if I'm alone again something bad might happen to me, and I won't be able to make it through this time.....".


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Benny took a deep breath and nodded his head slowly, "Just....don't think I can make it along again, because last time it happened, I was alone, and there was no one there to stop me, I barely survived but someone from below heard it and bashed open my door, and ran me to a hospital, they said I had lost three fourth's of the blood in my body, so they had to pump a lot of blood back into my body, was very lucky I survived" he said with a shudder.

He looked at Merrick and then smiled weakly, "Thanks man, I owe you one......and you will get any favor, and I mean......any favor" he said with a weak grin.


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Character Portrait: Benny Pease
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Benny nodded his head and then smiled, "Haha, sounds like an awesome roommate to have, I guess you are lucky to have her" he said with a grin, nodding his head again, "Well, I mean it by any favor, and by any favor, I mean any favor" he repeated with a grin and then nodded his head again. He took another shot, the effects clouding his mind, and he looked around.

"Man, I wish I could sleep with someone right now, I don't give a flying fuck if it's a guy or a girl, just need some loving....." he muttered loudly.


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Character Portrait: Benny Pease
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Benny shrugged, and then drank some more shots, and looked over at Merrick, and grinned widely, "Well I was thinking.......perhaps you.......if want and all, but if not, that's fine with me too, I wouldn't be angry, understanding that we just met and all, it's are attractive, and not a total and complete asshole and yadadada" he said with a lazy tone but also one that was hoping a little at Merrick said yes.


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Character Portrait: Benny Pease
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Benny sighed, and stood up, getting off of his set, and followed Merrick out of the bar, still drunk off his ass.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Sol Avenue


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Character Portrait: Benny Pease
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Benny had sobered up a little, the effects of the alcohol going away and his thoughts coming back, and he sighed, shaking his head slowly, "Fine, j-j-just fine" he stuttered out with a quiet, and shaking tone. He then raised his head up, looking at the place as they arrived there, and he nodded his head.

"Nice place" he said, still in a quiet tone of voice, and started walking up to it with Merrick.


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Character Portrait: Benny Pease
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Benny nodded his head slowly, and then walked up to the door, and walked inside with Merrick, looking at his surrounding's as they walked up the stairs, he curiously studied every detail, taking down a mental map of it in the back of his head, as that is what he did most of the time with new places. He then arrived at the door, and walked inside with Merrick, and looking around some more, his eyes arrived on the woman who was on the couch, and he smiled at her, and waved.

"Hi there, my name is.....Benny, I just met Merrick at the bar, and if it's alright with you, he said I could crash here, as he put it for a few day's, if that isn't alright with you, then that's fine, I'll find somewhere else to stay, or just.......a shelter or something" he said with a weak tone, but a small smile attached to it.


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Character Portrait: Benny Pease
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Benny raised a brow as he heard the sound coming from the woman, and then looked back at her as she stared dead at him, and he slowly nodded his head. "Promise mam, no using your toothbrush.....or wearing your bra on my head, it's not who I am...nor who I want to be" he said with a serious tone, and then looked over at Merrick with a confused look but then made an "Ah" sound and nodded his head slowly. He looked around the place again, and took in his surrounding's again, just observing, and then looked back at Merrick.

"I understand completely, but it will not happen with me, I promise you that, right at this moment" he said with a firm tone, and nodded. "So where am I staying? I'll stay in the bathtub for all I care, as long as I get a place to sleep" he said with a weak smile.


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Character Portrait: Benny Pease
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Benny rolled his eyes, and then adjusted his vest, as it was messed up, after Merrick clapped him on the back. He raised a brow as Merrick sat on the woman and then rolled his eyes once again, shaking his head, "You know, if this is what you do to her all the time, she'll probably go crazy and murder you in your sleep, and if I'm around, she might kill me too" he said with a grin, and then nodded his head at her, and sat on the couch next to Merrick. He looked over at Minke as she stared at him and raised a brow, waving at her again.

"Sorry about him doing that, Minke, I think I'm saying it right, but yeah, I'm not as big of an ass as he is, so you have something to look forward to from me, eh?" he asked with a warm smile now.


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Character Portrait: Benny Pease
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[color=maroon]Benny took a deep breath, and then nodded his head slowly, "Thanks for the thought, but I'm not a murderer" he said quietly, and sighed, looking down as he heard the next words, but then wondered about the burning down the apartment part, and raised a brow. He would ask about it later, but at this moment, he had to tell how he had came upon Merrick, and then talk about the more troubling parts of his past and he shuddered a little, shaking his head with a quiet sigh. He then looked up at Minke, a look in his eyes of deep thought, and a little sorrow hidden.

"I was born into a average family, and always thought that hero's existed, that maybe I could be one, and do something right with my life. My family never believed in that, and I guess they were right, heroes don't exist, just thoughts that people have." he said and then took another deep breath, his body shaking a little, and he chuckled, smiling at her.

"My family never believed, as I said, and my younger brother got the word around about things around, and my house was attacked, people throwing things, and just people toying with my family, and me included. My parents finally had enough, and came up to my room one day, spouting things about false dreams, and hopes. They then made the decision to kick me out of the house at fifteen, and It happened, and I came out of the house, and left my family. I wandered around a lot before ending up in a house that was for wayward individuals. I had a relapse of memory and all the emotions overloaded me, and I ended up filling the bathtub in my room with three fourth's of my bodies blood. I then survived that attempt and made my way here, trying to make a new start, and here I am, wandered into Gambit's Bar. I met Merrick there, and he said I could stay" he explained with a serious tone of voice.

He shook his head slowly, "Who was I to think that heroes were real, I made my family suffer for it, and ruined my life that way. They aren't real" he said quietl


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Character Portrait: Benny Pease
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Benny sighed, and then looked at Minke again as she said that, and nodded his head, "Never said it was going to be a happy story......" he said quietly, and shook his head. He then watched as the woman kicked Merrick, him getting up to go make coffee as she ordered him to do. He then looked over as he left the room to make coffee. "I don't smoke, I don't drink, and I do actually want to find that out about that whole flammable part" he said with a nod and then raised a brow. He shook his head slowly.

"After being ridiculed for so long, and being forced to leave my home at an early age, believing in super-hero's isn't a reality for me anymore...." he said and put his hand out, and shook Minke's.

"I don't believe you, sorry".