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Billy Blades

0 · 394 views · located in End Of The Beach

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by The_Sickness


Billy is between 5' 10" and 5' 11" depending on which inn he's seen running from. Dark brown hair covers his deep green eyes and what he refers to as his "five marc shadow".

His frame is wiry and when not found battling the urge to get another ale, he can often be found beating on something with his "killin' mug".

Fingerless gloves protect those same hands and a long, black, ankle length cloak completes his look. Sewn into the back of the cloak are two white daggers in an "X" pattern. If examined closely, one can see a lock pick wrapped around a ring, dangling from a vine around his neck.


Personality: Jovial, happy go lucky, brave when the situation calls for it

Likes: Ya mean ya read this far and don't know me weakness ta be a drink?

Dislikes: Make that drink warm and I'll flatten ya! Just kidding but I won't be drinking all the same.



An assortment of lockpicks.

Daggers strapped to his body and one sheathed on each of his legs.

A pair of spiked blades that shoot out from under the sleeves of his cloak.

Along with a set of triangle shaped blades that shoot out of the toes of his boots if he stomps a button

Assorted vials hidden about his person. (containing poison)



Billy used to live with his parents by the sea.
His dad was a master performer with throwing daggers.
He taught Billy to follow very much in his footsteps making him practice day in and day out from a very young age.
His mom taught him all that she knew of the sea and it's moods.
The beauty it could hold along with the violence it could bestow when angered.
The day he turned 16 himself and his family were swept out to sea by a killer hurricane.
His mom and dad died in it and Billy has been making a living all over.
Working the various inns doing dagger trick for a place to stay, something to eat, and of course free drinks.

Other: Oh I could tell ya more but ta know me is ta love me. *winks*

So begins...

Billy Blades's Story

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Billy Blades sat on an old wooden bench, on a weathered looking deck. The white paint had begun peeling off of the wood from the salt air. His legs rested comfortably on the rail with his ankles laced, as he sighed contentedly, sipping a beer from a rather frosty looking mug. Dark John Lennon style sunglasses covered his eyes as he shook his log brown locks from his face, looking out over the sunset on the horizon. As he tuned back he looked over his shoulder to the bartender and smirked. "Give us another one lad eh?"

As the bartender came over on fleet feet he handed him a fist full of bills and went on about his business, mug in one hand and a coin rolling gently down the knuckles of his free hand.
Seemed a quiet day today but then again few stuck around once the place got the reputation for having pick pockets about. Then again he was far from a pick pocket, far from anything anyone had witnessed, and if it took playing dumb to flush out the bigger fish he needed to fry, so be it, it was their misfortune to be on his list after all.

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Billy Blades felt what he knew was a stare, he set down his mug and turned around. Suddenly the coin dropped off his knuckles as he looked this.. this person up and down slowly. His eyes took all of her in at once, the dark clothes, the defensive body language, that uncertain gaze looming across her features. He quickly rose from his chair and swiped up his mug with one hand. Slowly, cooly, he strode to where she was sitting and looking at her from a standing position he shook the hair from his eyes smiling down at her as he tipped his mug slightly to her and said "Hello love, fancy seeing ya here in the den of thieves. So tell me something then, are ya looking for a drink or ta ply ya trade as many do here? It's not ya valuables ya need ta be looking after with me hereabouts, though from the look on ya face. I'd say ya have heard that story before. But I promise ya, the most ya have ta worry about with me is ya beer.."

He then chuckled before continuing "that is if ya are crazy enough ta be leaving it sitting idle round the likes of me." His next step was to down another swig from his mug and to stand by a chair. "I'll beg ya pardon once more and see if maybe ya might fancy a bit of company...unless.." he then smiled deviously as he shook his hair from his face "ya think me a liar. Then I'll just sit having a bit of hand ta hand combat with this here mug I will."

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Billy Blades turned over his shoulder and waved the tender on. "Ya heard the lady, come on then, there's a handful of bills sitting in me pocket when that runs out just ya come back and I'll run us up a few more drinks eh?" throwing back his coat tails he sat down in the chair beside of her laughing gently as he retorted. "Spoken like a master thief love." He then rubbed his chin thoughtfully with one hand as he placed the other on the table. Studying her carefully, his green eyes shining with mischief as he does so. "I'd say you're anything but weak. No weak people stay here abouts for long love. No weak people at all."

He then took another long sip from his mug and wiped his mouth on the back of his sleeve with a healthy "Ahhhhhh" sound escaping his lips. "But on the other hand what would a harmless old lad like me know eh?" His fingers now drummed across the table top, tapping out a song playing through his head from his native Ireland. "By the way love I did na have any intention what of letting ya buy ya own drink. Even us barflys have our standards ya know. Such as 'no drinks from a radiator' or 'na food from these dives.' It'll put ya right off eating again. Have dinner at 6 and nausea at 7 eating this ya will." He then extended a hand "Begging ya pardon once more but unless ya prefer ta keep being called 'love' the pleasure of ya name would be smashing."

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Billy Blades looked down at the placement of her hand upon his now stilled fingers. His eyes studying hers intentfully with more than a touch of a mischievious smile dancing across his lips. "Firstly love I never expected ya ta pay me back a thing. If I choose ta buy ya a drink it's because I think ya might be worth buying one for. Secondly debts are for debt collectors do I look like the debt collecting type ta ya? Thirdly I saw a lovely lass sitting alone and thought I might pass the pleasant time of day with ya. So ya don't owe me a thing not even the bit of ya time ya are sparing but it sure would be nice if ya spent a bit more eh?"

He then took several long swallows from his mug and winked in return before continuing his response. "Me name love is Billy. Least me friends call me that, me enemies call me 'mother' but strangely I've never given birth ta a one of them, and the rest just call me 'Hey you!' only one works well in a crowd." With that he took a sip from his mug and laid it down softly on the table as he replied with a devious smile "I showed you mine love, now it's your turn ta show me yours."

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The extended touch caught his attention but as she moved her hand away he addressed the bottle now in front of him. He would take a coin from his pocket, place it against the cap, and pry it off that way with not a small degree of force. He then addressed her question with a shake of his hair from his eyes once more an expression of playfulness across his features. "Ya know debt collectors, dress in those bloody fancy clothes, drive those fancy cars, claim they're there ta 'help ya' what a load of shite that is. Was na one ta offer ta help me what offered a threat of taking me stuff first." Sitting up in his chair he continued to be eye to eye with her. His gaze never breaking contact even for a second. "As for the score, aye we're clear on the score, crystal clear." He then chuckled and smiled brightly as he tipped his bottle to her in a toast. "Tis a pleasure ta be meeting ya Shir, do na suppose there is a last name ta follow such a lovely monicker now is there?"

Leaning forward he rested his elbows on the table as he polished off the last of his bottle. "Well it's as me dad used ta say 'it's not about what people call ya. It's all about what ya answer ta."

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Billy Blades sighed with a contented sigh, never moving from his position, practically nose to nose with her, separated by mere inches. His mind turning absently from his bottle, the scene around him, everything... slowly he reaches back and tucks his hair behind his ears. "Oh ya never know Shir, could be a lad what come looking for ya eh?" he then winked playfully, licking his lips before continuing. "I assure ya some collectors want even more than that." He then shot an even more devious smile to her along with a wink "Maybe that's a story for another time though eh? After all would na want knowing all there is ta know about this old barfly ta quickly now would I?"

He knew his story was flimsy and somehow his instincts told him she wasn't buying one syllable of his bull but still he started this way. He had to finish this way too. Quickly he snapped from his thoughts and stayed staring at her face. "Well Shir I'll work on that last name then. If ya are hunting me though, me last name is Blades, love." He then reluctantly rose from his chair and shot her one more look. "I've got an early day eh but eh... maybe I'll meet up with ya again sometime?" With that he turned on heel and started walking down the sand.

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Billy Blades sauntered to the bar he'd been at the night before. Jumping the rail this time by placing his hands on top of it, he walked cooly to the bar tender and stopped, bending down near the very place he'd been sitting the night before. "What's this?" he muttered to himself He then picked up a silver dagger between two fingers. "Looks like that lass dropped something there. Heavens how did it make the night in this place eh?" Still he picked it up and wiped the sand off the blade with his cloak. "Not a bad balance ta the thing. Wonder if she knows a thing about throwing it..." He then scratched his head briefly before breaking with his thoughts. "Hey lad another beer if ya would. This time I'll take the bottle, I'm na standing here all night with the likes of you again." Afterward he flopped a few bills into the hand of the smiling bartender along with a handful of coins and slowly walked down the beach in the direction of the setting sun.

Finding a near by pier he sat propped against a pilon and rolled another coin down his knuckle. Today had been a pretty good day all in all. A contract laid to rest and another safe pad of bills to line his pocket.

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Billy Blades turned looking back from his seated position after jumping slightly from the sound of the whip.

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He then stood slowly and held the dagger in his hand for a moment. Turning it over in his hand, he tossed it end over end into the air, catching it by the handle, he threw it at the pilon beside of her leaving it stick out of the sea aged wood. With a smirk and a daring look he countered "Love, a thief would've taken that thing and been gone long before ya were done with the close of business so ta speak. I saw it, figured someone might bloody steal it if it was left laying, and put it in a safer place. So Shir ya dagger was returned by a bit better than any common thief, ya just might want ta think about that."

He then raised his bottle slightly and tipped it to her. "Now that being said, are ya going ta have a drink with me? Or would ya prefer this little game of 'Anything ya can do, I can do better.' ?" He then smiled slightly and pulled back the tails of his cloak behind him.

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Billy Blades sauntered over to her with a slow, cool stride. His eyes remaining focused on her face. Her outfit alone was certainly enough to gather attention but it was his suspicion, that much like many of her other wiles, was a rouse. Meant to distract and turn the eye from the real story, rather than the usual advertisement such an outfit would indicate. She was without a doubt much more than met the eye and it was his aim to see what laid hiding behind those green eyes, those full lips, that flaming red hair.
As he now stood almost toe to toe with her, he extended his arm and laid his palm flat against the pilon with his fingers spread. "Oh I'd say we could work that out but eh.. I should warn ya if ya are trying ta get me drunk..." he then winked slyly before continuing "it's working. Do na get me wrong I've not yet begun ta stumble but eh... well it's na been a good night at the bar unless ya walk off seeing three of anyone ya meet up with eh?"

With a full and evil grin now playing across his lips as he leaned close to her he said smiling. "Neither do I when there's a point ta be made. Now about ya thief, ya mentioned earlier love, the lad knows where ya are and when ya are ya most vulnerable. He can come back and take as he pleases.. so why stick round ta let ya see his face hm?"

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Billy Blades walked to the bar and threw his coat tails forward with a knowing smirk crossing his face. His hands rubbing greedily together with each step, the eyes behind his midnight black sunglasses, holding hints of the mirth playing in every motion of his body. Topping the stairs he sauntered back up to her, taking his time with each step. He then shot a glance to the bar tender and held up another wad of bills. "If ya would, set the lady up again eh? I'll take me own in a bit of tequila, just the bottle and a glass."

He then stood in front of her, looking her up and down slowly, his eyes taking in every part of her frame. Dancing in a lazy fashion back up until he met her gaze once more. With his boot he pushed out a chair using the heel but still he focused on her, never sitting, instead standing close he leaned over and smiled devilishly, shaking his hair from his face. "So then Shirila do ya always drink with the enemies ya want ta keep closer? A man has ta know where he stands ya know."

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Billy Blades sat down slowly, his cloak left dangling absently as he reached for the shot and threw his head back, downing it in one motion. "A man what lives for now rarely lives ta see tamorrow love. Temptation comes in varying forms and I should confess..." His green eyes now appraised her fully without the glasses on yet peering out at her from behind dark brown locks a sly smile once more playing a devil's whisper over his features "this temptation is very pleasant, very, very pleasant indeed."

He then poured her a shot and slid the glass over to her before he got up and stood in front of her a moment,leaning over and whispering gently in her ear, his hot breath blowing ever so gently over her neck. "But I'd say at this point it's worth the risk ta this lad eh?" He then stood and winked slyly at her as he sat back on the stool, his index finger resting against his temple as he watched her face.

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Smiling he tied his hair back from his face, he then folded the frames of his glasses and put them away in an inner pocket. Reaching for her hand, the tips of his fingers squeezing lightly on the tips of hers, more as her signal to "look up" but also displaying a bit of give on his own part.

With his free hand at the ready he awaited her raising her head so that in exchange he might brush at the strands of red dancing all about her eyes. He was fixed on getting eye contact once more with her, it was something gnawing at him. As he now noticed his hand had lingered for an extended period his face for the first time took a rather uncertain look to it watching, waiting for her response.

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Billy Blades took her hand curling her fingers around his as he kissed the back of her hand softly, his right hand reached up and brushed the hair from her face. His eyes locked on her gaze in a pleading kind of look. He was lost now in this moment, the one moment all night neither of them had been playing a stupid game, this was honest, real. His right hand soon fell and traced her jawline gently before he reluctantly pulled his hand back and stood up.

Once he made it to his feet his right hand reached to cup her chin in his fingers as he stared down into her face with a smile on his. This time he leaned down slowly as if he was going to kiss her, his lips puckering as he went to do so but at the very last moment he diverted and whispered in her ear once more. "I hate this but I have to be up early again Shirila but it has been my distinct pleasure to have you here. Hold onto that thought and if you can find it in your heart, perhaps we might do this again."

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Character Portrait: Billy Blades Character Portrait: Shirila
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Shirila watched him carefully, her eyes never leaving his as he lightly brushed his lips over the back of her hand, her body shivering again as she allowed him to brush the hair from his face. She smiled uncertainly, noting the pleading look in his eyes and wondering what can make a person shift from egotistical to almost humble, in the blink of an eye.

As she felt her defenses slowly melting away, she parted her lips, anticipating the kiss. Imagining him laying hands on her and, for once, she was surprised she actually wanted a man ... wanted this man, of all people ... to do so. Tilting her head to one side, she offered him her ear as he changed tack at the final moment. She glowered at him as he bade her good bye, expression gone from her face as she idly pulled her hand from his own and inclined her head with an understanding smile that did not quite meet her eyes.

"I understand." She casually reached out for the untouched shot, knocking it back deftly. She shrugged slightly, taking a breath as one steeling herself for battle, before leaning over and whispering softly in his ear "I would say that is certainly a 'definitely maybe', wouldn't you?". She reached inside his cloak for his sunglasses, and slipped them back on his face. As she shrugged herself back into her coat, turned on her heels and sauntered away, she briefly looked over her shoulder to tip him a sly wink in farewell.

As she strolled towards the sea and along the shore line, she smiled to herself and laughed softly as she wrapped her coat tight around her, tying it snugly shut by the belt at its waist, before turning up the collar and placing her hands firmly in her pockets.

"Let the games," she thought, "begin".

The setting changes from End Of The Beach to The Riverbank


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Billy Blades sat along the riverside, his cloak laying beside of him absently, the air filled with the smoke a previously lit fire and something on a spit over it that looked strangely like an animal. He was not eating however, nor were the remains over the fire fresh, they had been left from the night before. This time he was sitting with his feet dropped in the river, dagger in his hand and he was carefully dragging it along his face, giving himself a bit of a shave. His hair was tied back from his face in a really tight ponytail and anyone could tell from his bare chest he was previously occupied.


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Billy Blades widended his eyes quite bit at first her touch and then her words. Almost stumbling as for the second time today he'd been caught off guard. With a deep breath exhaled slowly he regained his composure and replied laughing. "Well would ya look at that looks like me luck is improving a bit. After all ya did na slit me throat and the heavens know ya had all the time in the world for it. So tell me something then love... what stays ya hand eh?"

Still his hand creeped up and swept the hair from her face that seemed to wantonly be blowing across her features.
His fingers slowly traced her jawline afterward, stopping at her chin, which he held in his thumb and index finger. "Ya have me at ya mercy love. So... what are ya going ta do with me then?"


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Billy Blades cleaned his dagger off on his cloak before putting it away and with a sigh he turned to her slowly. "I've eh... had a bit of a rough day eh? I went ta see someone in a town none ta far from here and eh...let's say me visit turned out not quite as expected and instead of seeing one person I had ta pay a visit ta a second one as well. Now I could tell ya more if ya really want ta know but ya know how the law is about questions and such."

He then winked slyly before continuin "So it's obvious it's not the fishing what brings ya out ta these parts. So maybe ya might tell me what brought ya way out here eh? Oh and begging ya pardon but I'm much better with being called Billy."
With that said he sat facing her with his chin resting in the palm of his hand before he snapped once more. "Heavens look at me I'm only partly shaved must be a sight for sore eyes eh?"


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Billy Blades angled his chin slightly and laid the offered dagger in her hand. "Well love this will be the second time ya get the chance ta slit me throat. If ya would... I sure would be grateful that is... supposing ya hands are steady and that. Which I can only assume by those rather closely shaven legs of yours which do na have a scar on them. Ya hands are rock steady."

He then squeezed her hand gently. "In answer ta your other question... I was taken by surprise in the middle of me first visit which was the reason for me second." He then put his head in his other hand for a moment covering his face with the palm. "Can na believe I was so bloody careless."


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"I closed out me business before leaving. I just hate ta take someone what is not what I'm getting paid for." He then pulled his hands from hers a moment running his fingers along his face a moment before returning his hands to hers. With a smile as he looked at her studying her eyes once more. "Smooth as a baby's bottom. Ya do good work love... steady with those lovely hands of yours ya are." He then squeezed her hands gently and slowly leaned in to brush his lips over hers very softly.

Reluctantly he pulled back and shook his head "Wow I.. I don't know what came over me. I... I sure would like ta try that again though. This time I promise not ta jump back. I...I really should shut up now eh?" his arm then wrapped around her shoulder as he pulled her to him and leaned in to kiss her once more.