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Calen Ramos

A proud Aschen warrior.

0 · 1,320 views · located in New Terra: High Orbit

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Nemo


The Backbone of the Aschen military-industrial complex.
The Aschen Empire, a massive collection of semi-sovereign provinces that reigns over a great portion of the Milky Way Galaxy, paranoid, arrogant, and cruel, a once prosperous nation spirals into poverty, and self-destruction.


Captain Calen Ramos, Aschen Imperial TacOps Marine


Full Name: Calen Antony Ramos (KAY-lehn RAH-mohs)
Age: 20
Former Names: N/A
Place of Birth: Hades, Canceron

Sex: Male
Race: Human, Aschen
Ethnicity: Canceron
Complexion: Fair/Olive
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 215 lbs
Build: Athletic/Mesomorphic
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown

Occupation: Aschen High Space Command, TacOps Special Forces
Military Rank: Captain
Years in Service: Three
Combat Proficiency: You name it.
Scars, Marks, Piercings, and Tattoos: Several gashing scars along his torso and arms, faded criss-crossing scars along his thighs

Born in Canceron, Calen Ramos lived in the slums of Hades for most of his life. From an early age he learned how to fight, earning his bread and shelter with hard labor and keeping it with his fists. Eventually, the young man was lured into the Aschen military with promises of wealth and glory, leaving behind his meager existence in Canceron for a brighter future.

An aspiring marine, Ramos quickly distinguished himself from his peers in basic training alone. His outstanding combat skills caught the attention of his superiors, and the young man was moved into the TacOps division at a mere eighteen years old, the youngest ever. In his extensive training with the Aschen elite core, Calen's abilities as a soldier were expounded upon extensively. The young man became proficient in a plethora of weaponry; from lead to plasma, pistol to explosive. Under the tutelage of his nation, Calen learned a wide variety of different languages, and fluently speaks Gemonese, Basic, Latin and Taiyou.

With his gifted combative abilities and outstanding intuition, Ramos advanced twice as fast as his peers, meriting both their admiration and their jealousy. Within a mere three years of his service, Ramos had been promoted to Captain , one of the youngest officers in the Empire. The young man is currently engaged with the Galactic Unification war, hoping to make a name for himself in the bloody conflict.

Off-field, Ramos is reserved and thoughtful. He's an incredibly bright scholar and can pick up almost any lesson the first time it's taught to him. Not above having a good time, Calen preserves a decent sense of humor and loves the company of other people. He is incredibly devoted to his fellow soldiers, and whole-heartedly devoted to his nation and his superiors.

A paragon of his kind, Ramos is slowly coming to grips with his incredible gifts. He understands that he's far-above the class of the average Aschen trooper, and isn't afraid to flaunt his abilities on the battlefield. Calen is gradually developing an ego as he realizes the full extent his power, realizing that he could, in fact, become the greatest Aschen warrior who's ever lived.

Ramos lives for honor and glory. Having had a neglected childhood in Canceron that revolved purely around surviving and keeping a reputation, there is nothing more satisfying to Calen then achieving success. Despite this, Calen despises cheating. The Aschen truly believes in 'combat with honor', deciding that if he cannot win at something fairly, he would rather not win at it at all. He maintains a sense of morality, committing himself to his friends and respecting even his enemies. He despises looting and is appalled at the mistreatment of PoW's and torture in general. Ramos takes no pleasure in the pain of his enemies, and the only satisfaction he derives in killing them is the knowledge that he was able to defeat them.

Calen fought bravely throughout the Aschen Unification Wars, distinguishing himself on the battlefield and ascending even higher through the Imperial ranks. For all his valor, he was captured by Taiyou soldiers on Ragnaar and kept in captivity for a long while. During his imprisonment, former Aschen President Laura Roslin exposed Calen to the corruption of the Empire. Realizing that his entire service and point of existence was a lie, Calen fell into a deep depression; his mind broken beyond repair. When Darian McGregor came to his cell and offered him a new purpose under the malevolent teachings of the Ori, Ramos allowed himself to be swayed.

A true-born Aschen, Calen believes that all the endeavors of the Empire are for the benefit of its people, and are ultimately good. The Scatterans and Terrans are both terrorists seeking to wipe out the Imperial way of life.

So begins...

Calen Ramos's Story


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#, as written by Nemo

The setting changes from Vestibule to Gambit's Bar


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#, as written by Nemo
It was at that moment that Calen entered the bar, a suit of T-65 Augmented Combat Skin layered over his muscular frame. The man's helmet was retracted, his handsome face grubbed with dirt and spattered with splotches of dried blood. Under his arm he carried a 53 RCW Rapid Capacitor Disruptor Rifle. Anyone who didn't recognize what sort of man this was by now clearly wasn't from Terra, or this part of the galaxy, for that matter.

An Aschen soldier walked into Gambit's.

"Sitrep passive. Entering the premise now." He spoke calmly into a radio-bud in his ear, his eyes rolling with humorous mischief. "...I'll see if they have any ambrosia, Pike. Don't get your hopes up." He lifted his eyes to the room, taking a moment to admire the steady chaos of the nighttime bar. So THIS was the legendary Gambit's, huh? Calen had heard much about this place, even back on Canceron. The daily supernatural occurances and Multiverse-changing events that transpired in this place were the stuff of myths even in the far corners of the galaxy.

"Scuse' me!" he called out, his tone authoritative but not unkind. It was likely audible to everyone in the bar. "Anyone know where I can get some supplies here?"

Despite his collected mannerisms, Calen was on his guard. This was enemy territory, after all. Although the Aschen had conquered this section of the city from the Resistance a few weeks ago, there was no telling how many Terran loyalists were still lurking about this place. Many of them could be in Gambit's for all he knew. The trooper's vision flitted flawlessly from patron to patron, quickly deducing the ammount of persons in the bar, the equipment they were carrying, and all visible exits to the establishment. He wasn't about to take any chances with a place like Gambit's.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
Calen Ramos smiled at Phinx, nodding to the woman calmly. "Just a few things. My squad's getting a little fed up with Imperial rations and sent me off to see if I could scrounge some decent food." His fingers pressed into a small holo-screen in the forearm of his armor. He chuckled then, his laughter riddled with youthful energy. The sound was pleasant to listen to. "...gave me a frakin' grocery list, would you believe it? I don't suppose you guys have any ambrosia on-" The soldier whipped-around instinctively as Raphael ripped the hinges of the bar open, his disruptor pointed outwards against the ugly noise.

"God-Emperor," Calen shouldered his weapon, kneeling to the ground before his superior. "I worship your divine shadow." He did not rise, his eyes fixated on the floor-boards. His emperor would give him permission to move, or he would not move at all.


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#, as written by Nemo
Calen Ramos recieved the Ambrosia with a gracious bow. "I am a tool in your hand, my lord. I serve the Empire and its people with unwavering devotion." He gestured to the sparkling green bottle, nodding as Raphael took his chin in his hands. "I thank you for this gracious gift. You honor me, my lord." Although Calen spoke to Raphael with clear respect, his lines were obviously rehearsed. EVERY Aschen in the Empire had been told EXACTLY what to say should they be ever be blessed to have a conversation with their emperor.

Of course, Ramos was by no means faking his loyalty. The soldier genuinely loved his country, and consequently was quite obediant to the man who ruled it. To the young mind of Calen, the Aschen were the good guys.


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#, as written by Nemo
Calen Ramos knelt before Raphael, his head bowed in subserviant devotion. "I thank you, my lord. May the Empire know ten thousand years of peace." He kept the Ambrosia cradled under his arm, the crystal glass wedged against the jet-black Trin-Duranthium plates of his armor. He'd just met the god-emperor. Wait till the rest of the squad heard about this.


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#, as written by Nemo
"I am honored before the presence of my lord," Calen repeated the carefully-rehearsed lines flawlessly. "I worship his Divine Shadow."


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#, as written by Nemo
Calen Ramos rose quickly after Raphael was gone, turning back to Phinx. "Sorry about the wait," he smiled. He maintained all the friendly mannerisms he'd been sporting previously before the emperor had made an appearance. "Anyway, I seem to have the Ambrosia, now. I wonder if you guys have any beef strips? Some fish too, perhaps? Been a helluva' while since any of us have had some fish."


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#, as written by Nemo
"Seems simple enough," Calen nodded towards Jade, offering her a sympathic smile as she removed her jacket and weapons. T-65 Combat Skin had extensive body-temperature regulators. He could stand in a volcanoe and keep perfectly cool.

Ramos wavered over a nearby holo-menu, wincing as he checked the list of desirables his squad mates had given him. He was going to be here a while.

"I don't know much about the Scatterans, miss," Ramos looked over at Cally, offering her a pleasant smile, "only that they're damn good fighters. Very different from the Terrans." His plated fingers pressed into the screen, ordering a large platter of food. "...your accent... Queenstown? Or Perkinston? I never can tell the difference between those two."


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#, as written by Nemo
"I have knack for noticing the little details," Calen smiled, mentally de-activating his support shields as he shook Cally's hand. "I'm Canceron, actually. Born and raised in Hades. It's a pleasure to meet you, Captain Henderson. I wasn't aware Tech Con was taking root in the city so soon. I thought they would have waited for the fighting to subside before they started sending their operatives on-world."

"As for the Pyramid games back home," Calen grinned, punching in another order, "I'm gonna have to disappoint you. I'm rooting for Caprica. Always been the better team, if you ask me. I'd like to see the Hydras take a tourney this season, but gods know that's not gonna' happen with Trawlin at the forward point." The soldier's eyes shifted briefly towards Phinx as she continued to disarm, briefly taking note of the tattoos sprawling over the girl's arms. Still studying Terran culture, Ramos didn't immediately recognize them, though he would remember them for later. Aside from that, Calen allowed himself to admire the Invictus leaders' body for a brief moment before tearing eyes away. Best not to get distracted in a place like this.

Calen also noticed Ellie as she entered, nodding pleasantly to the smiling woman. Something about her seemed a bit out of place in Gambit's. In such a crazy, chaotic atmosphere, the woman almost looked too... normal.


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#, as written by Nemo
"Lieutenant Junior Grade Calen Ramos, at your service miss," the trooper nodded, pausing as he continued to scan the holo menu. "I wasn't aware that Tech Con played such a major role in the invasion of Terra. Frankly, I didn't even know this pitiful planet HAD a defense network." He smirked, shaking his head. "...although I will admit, the battles thus far have been intense. The rebels on this planet are nowhere near the warriors the Scatterans are, but they fight with a passion I've rarely seen in an enemy. It's as if each one of them have been possessed by Ares himself."

Calen made no remark on Cally's husband. It was obviously a sore topic for the girl, and the TacOPs soldier would rather shy away from an awkward conversation. The young man continued with his work, placing in order after order into the machine, occasionally squinting at the screen whenever he came across a food item particularly foreign. What the hell was a 'hamburger with fries'?


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#, as written by Nemo
"I don't know much about Terran culture," Calen shrugged, "been studyin' it when I can. It's some pretty diverse shit. As for the Terrans themselves, I don't have anything against them personally. Many of them are actually very civil, polite people once you get to know them. I think this planet will be a worthy addition to the Empire." He smirked knowingly, jamming a finger particularly hard into the holo-menu. "...but if some ragtag rebel group wants to play hit-and-run with our perimeter forces, then they can rot in Tartarus. I won't stand for traitors enroaching on ANY part of the Empire. And that includes Terra."

Ramos had observed the man in the Hawaiian shirt enter Gambit's, and looked towards Ellie sympathetically. This, at least, was a familiar sight: sweaty men trying their luck with women lightyears out of their league. He took no notice of the note-passing between the two, though he did notice Ellie fumble meaninglessly with her bra a bit.

"..aaaand, that should do it." Calen groaned, punching in the last order. "Enough food to feed an army. Or at least a six-man squad of TacOps marines."


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#, as written by Nemo
Calen Ramos was initially surprised as Cally pulled him close for an intimate embrace, but listened carefully to her words.

"Multis vigilate nobis, posset esse nihil," he whispered, his lips pressed to her ear, "...tamen, ego vigilabo." The troopers armored fingers found Cally's hand as they reached for her plasma pistol, attempting to dispell her suspicions with a stern grip. "I beg of you, Captain, don't be so rash. There is no honor in killing over a hunch-" But even as he said the words, Cally's pistol was already drawn, the weapon primed and ready to discharge. Calen's hand on the weapon might have screwed with the trajectory of the plasma slightly, giving the writer a fighting chance and dodging it.

With grit teeth, Ramos was already bringing his own disruptor in full-swing. He was truly in a bad situation. On one hand, he had no desire to kill a woman who was probably innocent. On the other, he couldn't fight a fellow Aschen. If a Tech Con captain wanted this woman dead, SOMETHING had to be done. Calen did not panick as stepped into the line of fire, flicking his shields on and literally blocking Ellie from Cally's attack. He had a plan, but it entirely depended on how the Terran responded to the situation.


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#, as written by Nemo
Calen Ramos breathed a sigh of relief as Cally went from 'kill mode' to simple detainment. That had been exactly what Calen had been about to suggest to the Captain. This way, nobody had to die.

Raising his disruptor, Calen quickly stepped over to the side of Ellie that Cally wasn't covering. "On the ground, ankles crossed! Hands behind your head, quickly!" His voice, stern and authoritative, left no room for argument. Although the TacOps trooper felt it was unfair to detain this woman simply because she LOOKED suspicious, he knew it was still better then the alternative. A short search-through by Aschen authorities and this woman would be on her way... a bit grumpy, perhaps, but still very much alive.


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#, as written by Nemo
Calen Ramos quickly stooped over Ellie, firmly moving her hands behind her back. He looked up towards Cally.

"I don't have any binders. I can a knot if you like, but that won't be terribly efficient." The soldier struggled not to scoff as the Tech Con Captain listed 'suspected insurgent' among the charges. Please. This woman hardly looked like the soldier type. As far as Ramos was concerned, this was a class-A case of unwarranted profiling.

Calen kept enough force on Ellie so as to keep her down, though he was careful not to caus the woman any pain. His knees were pressed down on either side of her, his firm grip keeping her hands in place, his other palm pressed into the base of her neck.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
"Captain, I really don't think this woman is much of a threat," Calen said as he turned his back to Ellie, murmuring into the Cally's ear. His eyes shifted suspiciously to each of the grinning Tech Con mercenaries. "This is clearly a waiste of your time. Why don't we just-"

The soldier's eyes snapped into attention as Margaret Maddox and her goons stepped into the bar, immediately perturbed by their strange clothing and peculiar armor. All curiosity fled his mind in an instant, however, when they announced their intentions for the patrons of the bar.

Ramos asked no questions. He let loose no hearty battle-cry or a plea for aid. In a mere half-second, the man's calm, easy-going mannerisms disappeared, giving full faculty of Calen's mind to the calculating, black-and-white world of a trained soldier. He saw his enemies, he saw his allies, and he saw his environment. Kill the first, protect the other, utilize the last.

Flicking his shields on, Calen whipped his 53 RCW Disruptor Rifle around with blinding speed, letting loose three shots of charged energy at the first three Invictus agents he saw.

"Roger, captain! Are you shielding our suspect from the fire?" Ramos shoulder-rolled forward, kicking over one of Gambit's re-enforced tables and finding cover behind it.


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#, as written by Nemo
Calen Ramos focused on the task at hand, taking the battle in millisecond by millisecond. On his left, one of the Invictus troopers was engaged with Tech Con mercenary. Another was directly in front of him, wielding the estranged 'electric staff'. Ellie still wasn't protected.

Ramos nodded to himself. Deal with the most immediate threat first.

Loading his arm back, the TacOps trooper lifted the edge of the table onto his foot, palm-striking the furniture from where sat crouched behind it. The table would fly through the air, likely colliding with the Invictus soldier and splintering across his armor. With the trooper disoriented or at least distracted, Calen would spring into action, rolling forward with disruptor brandished against his foe. He'd fire three flawless shots, two for each knee, the last for the lower waist. Whoever these guys were, they had some damn-good armor. The soldier would have to get up-close and personal if he wanted to finish this fight.


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#, as written by Nemo
Calen Ramos continued his brawl with the Invictus agent. After knocking him to the ground with the table and disorienting him with disruptor blasts, Ramos charged the trooper, quickly attempting to kick the man's staff away from his hands and proceeding to beat the soldier with the charged end of his rifle. As Cally's grenade skipped over to where he was fighting, he lashed out at the explosive with blurring speed, mentally counting down the seconds he had until it went off. Shoving the frag into the gaping mouth of his opponent, Ramos kicked the man in the back, sending him sprawling into a small group of his companions.

This done, Ramos bounded gracefully over a table, offering two quick blasts of return-fire as he went.


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#, as written by Nemo
But as the Terrans entered, they were greeted by a TacOps marine. Calen rushed out of his hiding spot behind the table, charging the three marines with bounding leaps. As the first Terran raised his Gauss rifle to halt Ramos' advance, the Aschen lashed out, laying his forearm over the weapon's handguard and redirecting the attack even as the Terran fired. A nearby chair went up in splinters.

Wielding his disruptor with one hand, Calen rammed his rifle into the marines throat, firing once. As the Terran crumpled to the ground, Calen held on to the man's Gauss rifle, twirling the gun in the air for a split second and managing a better grip... before using it to bludgeon the second soldier across the face.

Witnessing the death of his two comrades, the third trooper actually managed to raise his gun in time to offer Calen two rounds of return fire, his face sweating in terrified stupor of the Aschen elite. Ramos staggered backwards, the spikes bouncing off his armor, before rolling back into a swift balance and pivoting on his toes to face the soldier. As he did so, his fingers reached for his plasma pistol, removing it from its holster. Half a second later, Ramos was back on his feet. The last remaining Terran marine had a plasma bolt stuck between his eyes.

Calen turned back to Cally, briefly saluting his Captain.

"Targets neutralized."


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#, as written by Nemo
As the fourth marine, blind with fury, stooped over Cally for the finishing blow, Calen sprung into action. The elite bounded behind the soldier, delivering a swift kick to the back of the man's knees. As he fell to the ground, Ramos hammerfisted the man in mid-air, crushing his skull into the floorboards. The fifth fled, but the sound of more Terrans could be heard in the alleyway.

"Captain..." Calen growled, quickly kneeling to the side of the woman. Tearing open her shirt, the marine quickly assessed the woman's injuries. The TacOps marine quickly clicked into his radio. "Judgement Call, we have a 10-00, Gambit's Bar, requesting immediate medical attention and evac. Sitrep is aggressive, slims inbound." Of course, the Reverance was still occupying itself with sweeping over the city for rebel reinforcements. Help seemed unlikely.

"Spike in your serratus anterior," Calen spoke calmly to Cally as he worked, his fingers presssing into the forearm of his armor, retracting the plates, "and another just barely grazing near your vena cava. That's where the bleeding's coming from. Just stay with me, Captain. You're going to be fine." That said, Calen would re-route the medical systems in his T-65 Combat Armor, deploying a thin liquid of nanites into Cally's wound. That should halt the bleeding at least, and keep her from dying immediately. Still, the woman needed serious medical attention.

Of the three Tech Con troopers, only one was still standing. "Terrans will be here again soon, TacOps. If we don't haul ass, we're both dead."

Ramos looked up at the back entrance, growling slightly. He couldn't afford to take Cally with him in his retreat. He may be forced to leave her.

Both Calen and the Tech Con mercenary noticed Margaret, offering the strange woman and her lizard troops a snarl, but giving no attempts at combat. Everyone was beat-up at this point. No one could fight anymore.


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#, as written by Nemo
Calen Ramos growled. Sixt millicentons wasn't good enough. Already a host of Terran marines were fighting there way back into the bar. If he stayed, he was dead.

"Come on, let's move!" Ramos roared, firing at the marines as he fled with the last Tech Con mercenary. There was absolutely nothing he could do. "Judgement Call, new recon site! Updating coordinates." The TacOps offered the unconscious Cally one last look... before he fled out of the bar with the mercenary. A minute later, more then twenty-marines were scrambling about the premise.

Another minute later, the marines, their dead, and Cally were all gone.