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Chloe Sandara

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Knosis


Citizens of the Lutetian City State of Issunar
A small paramilitary mercenary group that was often employed by the various Terran governments and national organizations.


Physical Description:
Sex: F
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 130
Hair: Auburn/Red.
Eyes: Emerald Green
Skin: Fair
Other: She a scar on her neck in the shape of claw marks.

Chloe was once a good investigator. Until the accident. Now she's fired from the last agency and looking for a new job.

So begins...

Chloe Sandara's Story


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Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Knosis
The woman looked down at the sheet of paper she held and looked back at the numbers on the side of the building. Yup, this seemed to be the place alright. She pushed a strand of her wavy auburn hair back and walked boldly inside.

Chloe was a looker. She definitely did not seem to be the type walking into VINDEX. With a short white one piece dress that barely covered half her thighs and curves to knock any man out, she should be walking run way instead of into a mercenary building. She also wore calf high, high heel boots that made her already tall stature even taller. A tan jean jacket covered her mostly bare arms, but stopped mid-waist and hid her pistol under her right arm. She would try to find some secretary, or if there lacked one, the first person to walk by. "Excuse me.. I'm lookin' for the man in charge. Know where I can find him?" She would ask with a smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden

The receptionist sat behind a polished walnut desk. She wore a cream silk blouse with pearl buttons wrapped up in a charcoal gray pantsuit. The young woman looked up as Chloe entered and then listened as she spoke. The receptionist's gray eyes watched her. Shoulder length chestnut colored hair framed her young face. When Chloe asked to see the man in charge the receptionist motioned to the leather seat to the front of her own desk and she smiled politely. "Please take a seat ma'am. Mr. Davion is in and I may be able to get him for you. What brings you into our office today? Do you perhaps have an appointment?"

This lobby and receptionist's office was finely decorated. Upon the walls were many accolades awarded to the company and framed newspaper clippings. Knickknacks that a museum collector would qualify as priceless sat on bookshelves to prop up bound legal books beautifully wrapped in leather. Brass fittings capped the furniture and finely woven rugs covered the polished hardwood floor. The office had an air of masculinity but it was refined and advanced technology seamlessly intermingled with wood, brass, and finely woven fabric. The smell of leather and the faintest whiff of cigar smoke was on the air.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Knosis
Chloe's smile widened as the receptionist acknowledged her. She took her seat gracefully, folding her legs at the ankles and tucking elegantly below the chair. "I don't have an appointment, no. But I am sure Mr. Davion will be pleased to see me." She said, producing an vanilla envelope which she had been holding in one hand. Inside contained her resume and an old letter of recommendation from a Private Investigation Firm from Wing City.

"Please hand that to him. I've happen to hear through the grape vine that he is in need of extra hands around here." She said. "And I tend to be very nosy about a lot of things. I'm sort of new in town and I need a job." She said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Bowen Davion
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
The receptionist took the offered folder and nodded. "Very good ma'am. I will take this to him now. Please give me a moment." She vanished through the open area and to the left. Time passed. Seconds stretched into minutes. The receptionist eventually did return. "He will be out to meet you in a moment ma'am.", she said with a smile and returned to the work of typing up a number of reports that she had been doing prior to Chloe coming into the building.

Mr. Davion, Bowen to his friends walked into the lobby from the adjacent sitting room and smiled to Chloe with pearly whites. The faintest scent of imported cigar, aftershave, deodorant, and soap mixed with that scent that clearly defined him as a werewolf. It was a scent that few but their own kind could detect. Likewise Bowen knew that she was like him as he inhaled and clasped her hand in greeting. "Greetings Ms. Sandara. Will you please follow me to my office so we can discuss business?"

Mr. Davion, a tall man dressed in a fine grey suit, white shirt, and a black tie with unruly raven hair. His bright grey eyes regard her shrewdly from head to toe. If she followed him he would lead her through the sitting room and to the left, down an open hall with offices on either side. The office doors were separated with frosted glass walls and upon the doors were names and various titles and stated positions within the company. Some of the doors were closed with the lights off and others were occupied current. More than a few of the doors had vacant spots where there should be located lettering for a name.

He spoke as they walked. "Ms. Sandara business is all about people and I am very good at judging people. My belief is to achieve success in any venture one has to make themselves the master of that venture. Know the inside, outside, and every detail. I don't subscribe to luck or chance. I exercise control in all things."

At the end of the hall he stood by a door with no titles, stepped in and held it open for her. Only his name stood in lettering on the frosted glass of the door, Bowen E. Davion.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Bowen Davion
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Knosis
Chloe bowed her head to the receptionist slightly. "Thank you." She said. She waited patiently, listening to the clicks of the receptionist typing up reports. As Bowen entered the room, she stood up to take his hand firmly, greeting him with the 'pleased to meet you' grin that any applicant for a job would give. "It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Davion." She announced.

She caught his scent and her smile widened just the tiny bit. She ignored his shrewd looks, as if she were use to this and followed him silently. As they walked down the halls, she seemed to make a note of the people within the building and which doors were closed.

She remained silent until she was within his office, glancing briefly to learn about this man as briefly as possible. "Then I hope I do not ruin your judgement of me, as I must seem to be a ghost to you in this town. You and I could get along well, Mr. Davion. I, too, do not place my bet with random chance. If I'm going to bid on a horse, I will study it first. What did it eat this morning? How well was it warmed up? Is the rider getting enough sleep?" She stated.

"I believe hard work gets you far in life. But I also know that one mistake can make that card tower fall, Mr. Davion. So let's cut to the point.. Surely by now, if I've heard the rumors, then it is slowly driving you mad about these recent attacks. And both you and I know what is at stake if it isn't quelled before someone is attacked who is higher in power than the rabble of people in the slums of this city..." She said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Bowen Davion
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
Bowen's office was not overly large but it was the largest office space in the building. Marble, brass, dark woods, leather, and fine fabrics were apparently his motif. He motioned to a high backed leather seat and then moved around a large and grandiose dark wood desk to seat himself in a similar chair and unbuttoned his jacket before pulling himself forward.

The office was a functional mess. The small amount of clutter actually gave the space a endearing quality that it would be lacking if books and other odd items were not scattered across polished tables, on seats, hung on walls, or stacked against them. A full set of platemail armor, pock marked with time and battle stood tall on a armor stand near the door. Punctures and dents decorated the ancient protection just as much as the engraving had when it had seen better days. The high bloomed crest that had once spread feathered in the visored helm was gone and where it should be lay a dusty worn out ball cap with the emblem of skeletal frog.

Around the room upon walls and in curio cabinets were various flags, awards, and medals. A banner spread on one wall, a family crest and under it was framed a pedigree of the crest pinned up. On another was a frame to display a quote made famous by one of Terra's past leaders. 'All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.' This man was much older and much more complicated than he looked. Here was a history stretching back hundreds of years. Curious things were everywhere and would make even the worldly and wise wish to explore and ask questions or imagine in wonderment. "We are working with the Lutetia City Police department as part of an ongoing investigation pertaining to the werewolf attacks but of course I can not discuss that case with you yet. Tell me Ms. Sandara, are you in a pack?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Bowen Davion
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Knosis
She smiled at the office before taking the seat that had been offered to her, gently folding her legs at the ankles once again. Nostalgia hit her as she was reminded of her own office, the clutter and mess she would get when in the middle of a big case. But alas, this was not her office, and this was not her job now. Not yet anyway. She turned her attention back to Bowen, giving him a professional smile and sitting straight backed in the leather seat.

"No." She said bluntly. "I'm afraid where I come from, packs are frowned upon as generally they are into a lot of crime, Mr. Davion. There are a few packs back in Wing City, seeing I use to be a Private Detective, I wasn't exactly welcome with open arms after my accident. Nor would I have accepted an invitation should it had been given."

She bit her lip before pulling back her jacket slightly to reveal the tops of three very jagged scars marring her beauty that fell below her neck and down her right shoulder. Before responding, she placed the jacket back down, hiding the scars once more. "You see, Mr. Davion.. I was investigating a case similar to yours several years ago.. There were a lot of murders happening all around Wing City and the coast, and no one could find out who was doing them. I got cocky, and I found the guy I was looking for. I was under the assumption that it was a human framing a werewolf for the crimes, so I was not prepared to take on the blood lust of a 9 foot monster. I was left for dead." She explained. "Obviously I didn't. But.. The force does not have the same.. 'Tolerance' of werewolves back home. So I was released on an Honorable Discharge. We all have that story of the one who got away.."

"I try to keep my.. Condition a secret as much as possible, but I know it's not always possible, as is the case now, Mr. Davion. I'm not happy that I am a 'mutt'. But such is life."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Bowen Davion
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
He listened to her intently. His eyes moved down her shoulder, arm, and her curves to take in what some would call 'marred beauty'. His expression did not change nor did he comment when she expressed shame for being what she called a 'mutt'. Neither did he look disgusted or saddened by her account. He looked interested but completely neutral as she told it and then finished. Bowen would leave her wanting to know about him but she was a detective and had the tools at her disposal to delve into his past. For now he and the reason for his last query was a mystery.

He perused her resume and the assortment of documentation she had given with it. "I see you're still a licensed private investigator but not licensed in Lutetia." He stood briefly and reached for a book on one of the shelves behind him. After he retrieved it he took his seat again and turned slightly before putting his left ankle across his right knee. A few pages were flipped and he read. "This will work out well enough.", he said after some time was spent reading various requirements, laws, and addendum. "I can have the paperwork sent in before the close of business today."

The book was closed and placed on his desk. "I take it you still have a carry and conceal permit and are armed?" It sounded like she had the job given the questions he was asking. "I need to know what you need to start Ms. Sandara. I can make sure you have a badge and a weapon by the start of business tomorrow. Provided all your permits and licensing are in order we can get your office sorted in the morning." He folded his hands in front of him and over the desktop. "I will start you out at your last recorded salary and see how you perform. Is that satisfactory?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Bowen Davion
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Knosis
Her smile softened and she relaxed a tad, leaning back in the chair casually. "I still have a carry and conceal permit. Renew it every year and go practicing on the weekends. All I would need is the transfer of documentation to Lutetia, which shouldn't be too difficult for you." She said. "I don't need much, just a desk and a place to start, sir. I love this job. I always have, so you are already giving me something far more than you could ever realize. As for salary, you can lower it by half, as you are technically going on trial by fire for me. If I am not to your standards by say.. The end of the month, you can release me and you won't have lost much."

She slowly looked around. "How long?" She asked quietly, knowing he would understand her question to be to his time as a werewolf. "Does it get any easier..?" For the first time, her smile fell.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Bowen Davion
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
Bowen skirted the subject of his age and how long it had been. "I was twenty two when I was bitten." He stood, came around the desk, reached, open palm down to help her rise out of her seat. "It has been a long time Ms. Sandara. It has been a very long time."

He escorted her to the door. They were standing next to the suit of armor. Whoever the armor had been made for had been a tall man like Bowen. As they stood this close to the suit it could easily be told that the armor was the real deal and not some modern rip-off. "I gather strength from life's storms Ms. Sandara. Do likewise.", he said with a smile and spoke again as he opened the door. "I will see you tomorrow at nine. Be ready to hit the streets."

If she left he would briefly watch her go and then shut the door.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Bowen Davion
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Knosis
She gently took his hand and gracefully stood, her smile returning. "I suppose that was rude of me to ask. I'm sorry, sir." She said quietly. "I shall be here bright and early." She promised, allowing herself to be escorted out of his office.

Chloe recalled the details of the armor and nodded. "Must of been one handsome man back then.." She commented to herself after he shut the door in a whisper. She slowly walked down the hallway, back towards the receptionist and through the front doors. Today was a good step in the right direction, she thought. Time to sit back and relax a while.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Bowen Davion
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Knosis
The next morning, Chloe returned to the VINDEX office promptly 8:40 AM. Her hair was slicked back and twisted into a bun on the back of her head, her grey business suit was a little grey skirt a little longer than the dress she wore yesterday. She wore a matching grey suit jacket with a white blouse beneath it that was pristine and wrinkle free. Her long legs were covered in a dark hose and black high heels that finished off her 'lawyer' appearance. She raised her red lips into a smile for the receptionist and politely said 'good morning' as she walked through.

Walking toward's Bowen's office, her heels 'clicked' softly on the floor. Unless intercepted, she gently rapped her knuckles on his door and waited for the answer to enter.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Bowen Davion
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
A few other people were already in their offices but she had yet to meet them.

Bowen answered his office door with a smile. The suit he wore today was just a bit darker than the one he had worn yesterday but other than the color his clothing was very similar to what she had seen him wearing yesterday. He buttoned up his jacket as she came into the office. Before he had done that his leather three piece shoulder holster had been visible. "Very good. Good morning Ms. Sandara.", he said with a smile before returning to his desk to grab a gold LPI badge. He handed her the badge. Welcome to the team."

He looked ready to go somewhere. He even had a set of keys in his hand. "I need your help with something quick this morning but then I have a pretty big case that I need you to start on. Join me will you?" Bowen grabbed a satchel style brief case that had been on the floor near the door and escorted her to the company parking lot located at the back of the building.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Bowen Davion
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Knosis
Chloe took the badge and put it into a pocket on the inside of her suit jacket. "Thank you sir." She said, giving him a warm smile. "I hope I don't disappoint you."

She followed him silently towards the parking lot in the back. "So what is it that you need my help on?" She asked quietly. "I am afraid I am only so good at reading minds." She teased.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Bowen Davion
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
He smiled. "I had to tell a wolf something like that last night." He was referring to Jesse's inability to speak to him the night before. He of course did not know that it had been Jesse just yet. Moretz would put all the pieces together later in the day before she got to speak with Jesse and Re'Altarm that night. "A girl was attacked last night in the Phantom Quarter. She very nearly died. I should know. I was the one patching her up." He then went on about how Ms. Moretz and he has been camped out outside of a house providing security for a victim in another case and how Jesse had eventually lead him to the Phantom Quarter and to a girl that had just been attacked by a werewolf.

"This ties into the taskforce investigation. The LCPD and Vindex have been working together to try and get to the bottom of the recent werewolf attacks in and around the Phantom Quarter. They are inclined to pin it on the local packs. We don't want that to happen." They were after the true culprit. "There have been at least three victims in the last four months. We found two other bodies." He unlocked the black sedan with the keyfob remote and got into the driver's seat.

"Your case is actually a suspected serial killing werewolves and vampires. I just need some help this morning before I set you loose." He started the car after throwing the satchel in the back seat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Bowen Davion
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Knosis
"No, I suppose you don't want to pin it on an entire pack.." She said, opening the passenger side door and getting in swiftly. She gently folded her legs and fastened her seat belt. "It sounds to me only one, maybe two rogue werewolves. If it had been more than that, there would be more than a hand full of victims in a month's time." She explained. "If that is the case, then we may not be looking for packs at all but maybe someone who's be out-casted by a group? Would only make sense if the ousted wolf was really upset about not being in a pack anymore and is trying to create their own.." She murmured. "But perhaps you've already thought of that.." She sighed.

A thought occurred to her. "Pardon me, sir, but I was curious.. Why did you ask if I was in a pack? It just seemed a strange question. But.. I've never been around other wolves that didn't want to slit my throat..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Bowen Davion
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
"That is because you have not experienced pack life.", he responded with a slight chuckle. "Good pack mates will die for you.", he said but his smile and the chuckle that had went with it quickly died along with his last comment. It seemed he already regretted the comment either because it was in bad taste or because of some unrevealed bit of history.

Bowen started the car and pulled it out of the parking spot. "All the evidence thus far points to a single werewolf but the situation is tense. The government and the people could pick up pitchforks and light their torches at any moment." He waited for the gate to open so that they could pull off onto the street. Our biggest client is the City of Lutetia but we have a lot of werewolf clients as well."

"While many people at Vindex know that I am a werewolf, many of our non-werewolf clients do not. Likewise you are not obligated to tell anyone at Vindex about your condition. I would not permit my employees to treat you any differently because of it. That is not to say that others we meet on the street will be so kind. I asked if you were in a pack because if you had been, I would not have hired you."

He rubbed his chin with the palm of his hands and ran the tips of his fingers through his hair. "I have built up an amicable relationship with one or two of city pack leaders. When I say 'amicable' I really mean tenuous in that they are not directly hostile to me and would be if I had hired one of their pack members. It would have caused a conflict of interest. Not only that, but some of the wolves you encounter will view you as being in a pack now that I have hired you despite our relationship being purely professional." He presented a crooked smile, almost a smirk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Bowen Davion
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Knosis
"I guess you're right." She said, noting the disdain the last comment he made brought him. "I wasn't welcomed into a pack, so I wouldn't know. Then perhaps I am mistaken." She said, not digging further on that subject for now.

She listened intently, while watching outside the window as he drove on. "Ah, I see." She said. "I guess things here aren't so different from back home after all. Was kicked out of several apartments once they discovered I was inflicted and even lost friends and family because I am a werewolf now. I guess I'm use to that fact and I just don't get very close to anyone." She said matter-of-fact-ly. "I think you are the first person I've shared more than a few words with after you've discovered what I am, oddly enough. But don't worry, your secret is safe with me as long as you keep mine." She gave him a teasing smile.

"Are there any others like us within VINDEX? To be honest, I was surprised to find you were one. It was a pleasant surprise, though."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Bowen Davion
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
He smiled back. "There are some. You will know them and they will know you when you meet. It isn't exactly my place to give their identities away." He drove on to the Phantom Quarter.

The setting changes from VINDEX Office to The Phantom Quarter

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Bowen Davion
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
Not far from where Eli had extracted himself from the foul depths was the scene from the night before. Baron, Ivan, and Jesse had since gone but now Bowen and Chloe pulled up. He put the car to the side of the road where he had parked last night and before exiting, reached into the back seat from the front to grab hold of the satchel he had brought with them.

"This is the place." He lead her to the location he had found Re'Altarm. It is worth mentioning that he did not yet know Re'Altarm's name just yet. The place smelled most foul and even his keen and experienced senses were of little use in trying to track the culprit. The rain had also destroyed much of the evidence. "We should have processed this that night but other matters came up and I could not afford to spare people or myself until now." The blood was gone and so were many of the old signs but there were new signs now. Fresh footprints in the shallow mud. "Three people.", he said as he crouched down and turned back to the old signs.

"Heavy but not compared to some.", he said as he motioned to some cement that had been cracked and clawed by a recent impact. The color was different and cement chips lay scattered. In the satchel Bowen had placed nearby Chloe would be able to find all the appropriate devices and instruments needed to process a crime scene.