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A clanless Ronin with the weight of guilt ever on his heart, but never on his sword. Captain of the Firefly class ship Redemption

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Awinita


Firefly-Hornet Class strike cruiser VIN: 23025F37754X62988CWX91869



The Nameless One

{Picture in subsection HISTORY}

Overall Stats

Destructive Capability:

Current Status








Magic Resistance





How much power this character has in terms of strength
and how hard the character hits

How fast this character moves in terms of running to attacks.

How fast this character reacts and realizes.

How well this character is in melee and how well attacks are executed.

How smart this character is in information
and analyzing things, objects, and people.

How well this character uses skills/magic

How much damage or injuries this character can take.

Magic Resistance
How much resistance toward magic this character
can take as well as endure it.

How much stamina this character has to move around.

How much energy this character has to use skills and magic

How well this character is connected with religion/gods/spirits/etc

Personal Information

Full Name
Kyuden Chromechaser
Unknown, presumably several hundred thousand years of age {approximate date of birth is around five to seven hundred thousand years ago}
Age Appearance
Fijitian Feline
The Nameless One, Coffin Guy
Sexual Orientation:
Marital Status:
Unknown, See Family History
Relationship Status:
Unknown, See Family History
One known, see Family History
Relationship History
Unknown, See Family history
Blood Type
Island Mountain Fiji, Ancient Japan {699,988 BCE}
Silver markings on the left side of his face, no tattos other then the silver tattoos on his face of strange swirls
Two point two meters {human appearance} 3 meters {Fijiitian}
Physical Condition:
Eye Color
extreme green {human} fire orange {feline}
Occupation (Main):
Occupation (Sub)
Duelist, Bishi, Shinobi
Kyuden Family Dojo
Ancient Japanese, Galactic Basic Standard, Modern Mandarin, Modern Japanese, Bengali {feline}
Former Residence
Mt Fiji village known as Kyuden Clan
As a Ronin he is severed of all family ties.
One known from another clan as Crimsin Petals in the Wind. Deceased
Wind Clan, Kyuden Clan, Yelnen Clan
Political Status
Former Samurai Duelist of Kyuden Clan
Former Affiliations:
Kyuden Clan, Wind Clan
General philosophy:
"If it bleeds, Ican kill it, unless it is with child, then I let it go"
Most Prized Possession (Material Value):
A coffin he drags with him wherever he goes
Most Prized Possession (Emotional Value):
A coffin he drags with him wherever he goes
To be free of his guilt, to be forgiven of his sin
Life's Ambition:
To be forgiven of his sins
To be forgotten by the one he seeks forgiveness from
Crippling Fear ( Single Biggest Fear):
Being unforgiven
Least Outspoken About:
His past
Psychological Condition:
Mental records unattainable at this time


His armor is little more then rags of grey and pale blue, dirt stained, it is threadbare and sunbleached. Yet it is strong and light. Apparently blessed by a saint from his day or a holy seer of some sort who managed to attain a high powerful ranking within his world and time. The armor protects and enhances his strength a hundredfold, or so it is said.
Two Katana, his own Katana of blood red steel stained with rust, reported to never break due to the spirit of the sword itself. The sword is only drawn to protect that which is prescious to him. In this case the Coffin he drags with him. the sword is made with a firey spirit within its steel, making the sword radiate with heat when draw and appear as if onfire when drawn as well.

The second Katana is a beautiful brilliant shade of blue steel and is reported to cut through anything like a hot knife through butter. Both are mythed to never break
Various martial arts over the many mellenia

The Coffin

What is in this coffin of solid black steel, inlaid with but a single untainted blue sapphire gemstone ? Some legends report and say that within the coffin is a dangerous item, something that could destroy the universe as we know it. Other legends say that within the coffin redemption lies waiting.

Many have tried to take the coffin from he that drags it with him. Though they have tried, they never succeeded. Those that steal it, to bury it, find themselves buried in its place. The coffin is a mystery, but he treats it with care. he sleeps on it, but he does not eat anywhere near it. It is not what is outside, but what is inside, that counts.

So what is in the coffin, and why does this lone Ronin from long ago drag it whereever he goes ?

Past History

Born eons into the past, Chromechaser grew up the typical Samurai’s son. Learning everything he could with a blade. Mastering it, Making it, everything one could possibly do with a Katana, he did. And possibly more. He was only twenty years of age his time when he was severed from his family and clan, swearing them all to be his enemies because of his loss.

A full history of this event is found here, in a journal entry written by Chromechaser.

Family History

His Father and mother are both dead to him now, he wanders alone across the void. Through time and space. And everywhere in between. Chromechaser carries with him a Coffin containing the fate of his world, and the fate of himself. What he seeks he may not get, but what he learns he may forget, but what he remembers, he will never attain.

Dead to him also is his only love, Crimson Petals in the Wind, killed by her own Katana. During a raid, during which Chromechaser had a dream of her death, and he found her. Angered at himself he attempted suicide, only to find that death would not come. Only to find that he had one thing left to accomplish. Forgiveness. Burying the fallen family members of his only love he took her and placed her in a steel coffin adorned with a single blue sapphire. And since then he had carried her with him on his quest for her forgiveness

Pictures used with permission of original artist.

Floorplan layout of the Hornet Class {Firefly design} Redemption

Original picture of Chromechaser's Avatar


Chromechaser's human appearances

The Sword of Crimson Petals in the Wind

The Sword that Protects that which is Precious

The Sword that Proects that which is Precious {when drawn from its sheath}

Theme Songs:
First Theme:
Second Theme:
Third Theme:
Fourth Theme:

So begins...

Chromechaser's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chromechaser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
The door to the bar clattered open at the same time a crack of thunder rang outside, followed by a heavy downpour, though the silverhaired male was apparently soaked, he seemed not to care. Heavy footsteps carried the man, and what he dragged behind him. A timeworn stained coffin with a single untainted brilliant blue Sapphire gemstone inlaid where one's forehead would be. The man seemed to limp slightly as he moved. Coming to a halt at the bar he let go of the chain he used ot drag the coffin, it had wheels attatched to it. And to him it was not overly heavy either. It was light enough to float,.Which allowed some relief for the male. He went right to the bar, setting both elbows on it he asked simply "Miruku" meaning milk.

The man carried two swords, one untarnished blue saheath and hilt, the other blood red where the other was blue. The man looked ready for a fight, but also looked travel tired too. But looks here never what they seemed


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Character Portrait: Chromechaser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Chromechaser raised the glass to his lips to drink the satisfying liquid. He felt eyes on the coffin. Briefly looking around the bar without showing his intent Chromchaser ordered a meal of shrimp with white rice. picking up a pair of chopsticks to eat with as he did so. Within moments his mealwas brought to him and he begain eating. Focused it seemed, on his food.


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Character Portrait: Chromechaser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Chromechaser set his glass on the counter as he ate a bit more. the glass hit the counter with a clatter, but just loud enough to get attention of someone, either that or get them on the right track. Casting a glancetowards Zekil Chromechaser regarded the man for but a moment. Then spotted Brian James. His gaze briefly hindered by the sudden disappearance and shot of eletrical power. What the hell ? The Ronin growled softly and went back to eating his rice.


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Character Portrait: Chromechaser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Chromechaser didn't look up as he spoke in apparent Japanese as he ate, "Yori ōku no gyūnyū to hakumai, watashi wa ebi ga takusan aru" which translated meant "More milk and white rice, I have plenty of shrimp" The Ronin said, so far none had questioned him about the coffin, or attempted to take it. Yet. But that could change in a heartbeat.


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Character Portrait: Chromechaser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Chromechaser 's nose twitched at the sudden scent. of hell no. Looking sideways slightly he spotted Tsukiya, a low growl came from the Ronin's throat. Just his luck, wolves. He was suddenly on edge. He had dealt with wolves trying to get the coffin. Hell he'd dealt with monks trying to steal it to bury it p;roperly. But he always stole it back. When his mission was completed, only then could he truly bury the coffin. He spiked a shrimp on his plate and raised it to his mouth.


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Character Portrait: Chromechaser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Chromechaser spiked another piece of shrimp from his plate with his chopstick and raised it to his mouth, keeping a wary eye on the wolf that entered. The Ronin seemed content to eat, but protective and on edge about something. Yet he did not look familar, he looked battleworn, yet young and fresh from sleep. But he was wary of anything that got too close to the coffin and the body it contained. He made no move for his own two blades on his belt. but then he rarely drew them in combat. Their sheaths did just fine in many cases


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Character Portrait: Chromechaser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Chromechaser glanced only briefly at the two blades the wolf carried. mention of huntered made him inwardly smile slightly. Seeing the qurik of an eyebrow towards his possession he pretended not to notice. Any could see it, a humansized coffin with a single untarnished brilliant blue sapphire at the point where the body within would have her forehead. he spiked another shrimp, ate it, then forked up some rice. He appeared to be the typical type of guy who was protective of something. Either that or he had an extreme sense of smell, which he was both, he was protective of the coffin and what it contained, and had a extreme sense of smell. After all felines had it naturally.


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Character Portrait: Chromechaser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Chromechaser heard the door slam open, then shut, his sneses told him anotherwolf had entered, and what smelled like a horse. Great, animals that could claw him open and walk all over him at the same time. Hell he'd be lucky if he could get the Coffin to safety. Finishing his meal he slid the plate away for cleaning and then picked up the glass, now refilled, of milk and took a sip. Keeping a strangely calm demeanor around him as he was on edge from two wolfs in the bar. His nose picked up the scent of a third creature, oh great, was there any end to this misery ? Then he recognised the third arrival, feline, ah, kindred. Hopefully. He spoke up after a moment of thought, speaking first in Japanese then seeing the man's confusion said it in English "Bātendā, otoko ga nomita gatte iru no nandeare, kare no tame ni sore o shutoku shi, watashi no hōan ga kanzen ni shiharawa reru {barkeep, whatever that man wishes to drink, get it for him, my bill will be paid in full}"


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Character Portrait: Chromechaser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Chromechaser growled as the she-wolf neared, and then leaped over the coffin, Which earned a startled, albiet on edge, growl of warning from the Ronin. Clearly inhuman, the Ronin finished the milk, then when the refill was offered he took it, as in, took the bottle itself, allowing the cup to get taken for cleaning. He did however request another clean cup. And then got up from his stool. moving over to the coffin he removed both his blades, the blue and the red, and set them in a X pattern on the black stained steel box with unbelievable care and gentleness before going over to the table taken by the oddeyed male. He set the cup on the table, then poured the milk until the glass was full. about an ounce or so from the top. It was a tall glass, nice and cold too.

He kept a wary edge about himself though. And also kept an eye on the black steel coffin.


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Character Portrait: Chromechaser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Chromechaser half smiled, seeing how Seth was drinking, mostly guzzling, and with every gulp some of the milk poured down his shirt front, He leaned closer, still standing "Careful" He said softly, almost fatherlike, "Some of it is getting in your mouth" It was meant mostly as a joke, some drunks he'd met missed their mouths and poured their drinks on themselves. This poor kid hadn't drunk anything in days it seemed. With that thought Chromechaser set the milk bottle on the table. Then he reached out a hand as Seth drank the milk from the glass. putting it to the boy's brow he lifted the hair up and saw a cloth covering the lads right eye. Clearly curious were his actions. But then every feline was naturally curious.


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Character Portrait: Chromechaser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Chromechaser bent a bit closer to Seth to examine the cloth when he spotted the line above it, the uncovered end of a very bad cut. with a hiss Chromechaser jerked his hand back and took a hjalf step back from the table, his eyes wide as dinner plates in shock. Someone had wounded this boy, but for what reason ? He reached forwards again to inspect the cut moreclearly, but stopped himself. He did not want to offend the boy anymore then he had already, And from what he'd noticed the boy had stopped drinking the milk he had bene given. With a stiff nod Chromechaser said to Seth quietly, "Drink peacefully child. you earned it." With that he patted Seth on the shoulder and went back to his seat at the bar. Looking towards the moving wolf, and the wolf, now a woman, on the counter. Oh great. Shifters.. What next, their hunters ?


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Character Portrait: Chromechaser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Chromechaser sat heavily on his stool, two stools down from the wolf woman and also the other wolf, he was trying to piece together why one would harm a child. With a growl he asked simply for another tall glass of whole milk, and to leave the bottle. and for a ounce of sake. Once he had both, he mixed the sake with the milk, and drank, and thought. The child was scared. Possibly because Chromechaser was dirty, or appeared to be a mean type of person. nevertheless, someone had harmed the boy, but why ? why would someone harm a child ?


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Character Portrait: Chromechaser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Chromechaser spoke up then towards Zekil. "Dono kurai no heya no tame ni? {How much for a room ?}" he asked. For the moment he needed a secure place to sleep, and not worry of the Coffin either. he finished off his sake milk and set the empty bottle on the counter, removing three coins of some strange currency he set them on the countertop. "Korera ga jūbun ninai baai wa,-go de nokori o shiharau koto ni naru {If these are not enough, I will pay the rest later}" He said, with that he stood from his stool and went over to the coffin, removing from atop it the two Katana and placing both on his belt. he then reached down for thechain to pick up the steel box to drag it upstairs.


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Character Portrait: Chromechaser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Chromechaser held up a hand when asked if he needed help. The stairs were not far and were nowehre near Seth's booth, he spoke sternly with a shake of his head "Nai!" meaning no. he shook his head, waving a hand towards the place where Seth sat "Otokonoko ni sanshō shite kudasai.{See to the boy}" With that he went up the stairs, the coins left on the coutnertop paid for not just the room, but for the milk, meal and the ounce of Sake. Dragging the steel coffin with the brilliant blue sapphire gemstone behind him.


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Character Portrait: Chromechaser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
A door upstairs of the bar slammed closed, then a dragging noise was heard shortly afterwards, then heavy footsteps settled on every step of the stairs, bringing the owner of said footsteps into view, a dirty threadbare robed silverhaired man, the silver hair stained with black oil due to unwashed grime that stuck over the many countless years. Ignoring the snow within the bar the ronin dragged the silver box with the untarnished by time brilliant blue sapphire behind him nearer to the bar. Ignoring the snow which melted as he steped on it due to some strange preternatural heat resonating from his person. the ronin went to the bar, setting the chain which he dragged the coffin with on the ground, he took a stool at the bar, ording simply "Miruku" meaning milk. Then he requested something to eat as well "Shiroi gohan to ebi {white rice and shrimp}" With that he set careful gaze around the bar, on edge, the boy from the evening before was gone. Must have gone somewhere. So too were the others, thankfully the she-wolf was gone.

For the moment it was peaceful. But then a peaceful breakfast rarely ended peacefully.


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Character Portrait: Chromechaser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Chromechaser shook his head, picking up a pair of chopsticks to eat with. The ronin ate in quiet. every now and again stabbing the shrimp with a chopstick to eat. then forking up some rice. A few minutes and he'd be finished eating. Though what confused him was the snow in the building. had someone turned the AC up too high again ? It didn't matter. with the meal done he slid the plate away then requested a refill of his milk. Strange, when did samurai drink milk ?


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Character Portrait: Chromechaser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Chromechaser nodded silently in thanks for the refill, finished the milk then stood to leave. The day before he had paid three coins of a unkown currency that paid for both room and food. He went over to the chain that was tightly woven around the black silver box. The coffin carried something important inside, but why did he drag it everywhere with him ? Made little sense if any at all. He had two Katana on his belt, one brilliant untarnished blue, the other blood red. both looked brand new, but like his clothing, and he himself, they were old, older then any could count.


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Character Portrait: Chromechaser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
The door clattered open a second time that evening. In came a man who had fresh scars on his face, he carried on his belt two Katana, one brilliant blue the other rusted blood red, Behind him held by a heavy chain was a black coffin of black steel inlaid with a single brilliant blue sapphire. The man's hair which was once brilliant silver was stained black with grime and dried flakes of blood from past battles of long ago. Dragging the coffin into the bar seemed strange given the fact he could easily lift it. Once n ear enough to the bar he left og of the chain and took a stool. giving a simple order to the barkeep he recognised faintly. "Gyūnyū, shiro gohan to ebi, soshite o sake no 1-onsu. Imasugu. {Milk, white rice and shrimp, and one ounce of Sake. Now.}" The strange creature had recently been in a fight, two new scars were on his face, one of them crossed his nose and still bled a bit. the other was a simple catclaw mark.

Stupid she-wolf.


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Character Portrait: Chromechaser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Chromechaser ate in quietness, not saying a word, thought he snickered inwardly at the sounds of the woman, the Imperial looking one fro m the West, he gave her a careful curious glance before returning to his food. Saying nothing he listened to the music sung inthe building made him peaceful. He growled. Speaking out towards Livia in an angered tone pointing at her with his chopsticks. "Sono sakini ieba, heiwa o motomete yūjin no basho ni aru! {Put that away, you are in a place of friends seeking peace!}" He said nothing of her skill in combat, the l ast fight he was in he walked away from with only the cuts on his face and all his enemies dead around him.


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Character Portrait: Chromechaser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Chromechaser growled as the woman withdrew a gun at the innkeeper, still pointing at Livia, finally he dropped his arm and went back to eating, he grinned inwardly. He nodded in thanks to Zekil concerning his meal, whenver he ate it was on the house ? finally, a place of peacefulness. Then again, he thought, with a sidelong glance at the imerpial woman, not ntirely peaceful. Thankfully no-one had asked him about the coffin he kept with him. And none asked him who he was as yet, and for the moment nobody asked him to fight for their defense like some stupid people sometimes did.

He was half tempted to throw the chipsticks at the woman, bi kept his hand from doing so, he needed something to eat with. He requested a refill of milk, the sake he had used about a half ounce of mixed into the last glass.