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Cianna Miller

Do not mess with me or my dog will bite you.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by SlightlyIrregular


Registered citizen of the Terran National Government


Cianna Miller
Six years old
Drawing by Arluar, colouring by Curtsive :)


Cianna is a foster care child, though she keeps running away.
Cianna has a vivid over-active imagination. She has an imaginary friend called Bill Nix Mocker III and believes on her life that he is real.
Bill Nix Mocker is an Alsation/Husky type cross with thick black fur and is a big. He has giant white wings coming out of his back.
At the moment, only Cianna can see him.

Cianna is as stubborn as a mule, thinks she is always right and has serious spunk and attitude problems. She likes to believe and tell everyone that she's not afraid of anything, but she does have fears deep down that she refuses to voice or acknowledge. At siz she knows how to be manipulative and can put on the 'good girl act' or the 'demon child' whenever she needs to get what she wants.

Some people believe that she's insane due to her traumatic start in life.

So begins...

Cianna Miller's Story


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The young girl with big brown eyes and brown curls shouldn't have fit into the picture as she tagged along to random people within the market place, pretending to be their child as they browsed the stalls. Every so often she looked to her left and place a single, small finger on her lips and whispered 'sh' every so often to nothing next to her. If she'd been walking alone, an adult might have become concerned with her being alone in the first place. Which was exactly why Cianna was tagging along with random people. She'd learned the tricks of the trade fast in the short six years. She'd had no choice. Foster care did that to kids.

Finally, they got to the food stalls that Cianna had targeted. "Shush Nix. This is the most important part. Don't give us away." Cianna whispered to nothing that was beside her. "I'm just gunna steal us some food. As soon as I grab it, we make a run for it, right over there, Okay?" She pointed over to where she was planning to run and nodded. Her plan was brilliant.


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Cianna moved between a tall brunette woman that was currently trying to find a good watermelon at the stall and a redhead that was currently picking apples. Each woman would probably think that the kid belonged to the other and the stall man would believe that she belonged to one of the women. In her eyes it was perfect.

While the stall owner focused on the watermelon woman, Cianna took two apples and a a couple of oranges in her hands before turning when neither woman was looking. "Come on, Nix. We gotta hurry before they see us." She whispered, moving quickly away from the stall. As she got a few steps further, she broke into a run until she saw a juggler.

Grinning, she immediately came to a stop to watch the man through the clubs in the air and her plan of her getaway dissolved with the distraction. "Not now, Nix. I gotta watch this. We'll eat in a second!"


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"You can see my dog, mister?" Cianna grinned before gigging as the man dropped the clubs. "He's not a very good juggler, is he, Nix?" She laughed as she watched the next few clubs smack him on the head, making her laugh even more.

"Nix says that you need to practice some more. And I agree. Jugglers aren't supposed to be hit. You're supposed to keep throwing them." She told the man.

She frowned though when a dog came up to him and gave the man a lick. So many people had denied seeing Nix that she was thrilled when the juggler had announced seeing him. Now she wondered if he hadn't seen him. "You can see Nix, right?" She asked the man.


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"My dog, Nix, he's standing right here. See?" Cianna looked at the space next to her. "He's big and black and has these big white wings. I think ya need ya eyes tested if ya can't see him." She told him.

Her attention moved to the stall owner when he started shouting before noticing her. Immediately Cianna put on an innocent face, looking up at the man with her big brown puppy dog eyes as the redheaded woman looked at the girl and frowned. "That's not my child. I thought she was with the other woman." With that she turned and walked away.

"My mom said she was gunna pay." Cianna lied easily. "Nix even saw her say, didn't ya, Nix?" She turned to talk to the empty space next to her. "Yup. Nix agrees." She nodded her head, moving closer to the juggler man, hoping to take shelter behind him from the stall owner, though she knew that if the man tried to grab her, Nix would bite his arm off.


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Character Portrait: Cianna Miller
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"That's not Nix. This is Nix." Cianna pointed next to her. "And I'm not giving it back. It's mine now and if ya try to take it from me, Nix'll bite ya." Cianna stood there for a second before she moved the apples up to her mouth and ran her tongue over the smooth green skins. "Now ya can't have them back anyway. I licked them." She grinned at her own smartness. Surely he wouldn't take them back off her now that she'd licked them.


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Character Portrait: Cianna Miller
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Cianna gasped in shock when the stall owner attacked the juggler. She just stood there, fruit in hand, staring at them both, her mouth wide open. "Look at them Nix. They're fighting over us and the fruit."


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She threw an apple and orange over to Nix, though they just hit the floor and rolled away, in her eyes she saw Nix gobble up the fruits and the two that had rolled were just strays that had fallen from the stall. Cianna watched as Jack started to cry and took a bite of her apple, watching the events unfold and the stall owner retreat letting it known that she could keep the fruits.

Once he was gone, she moved over to Jack. "Thanks for helping me keep the fruit, Jack. Nix loves apples and oranges, don't ya, Nix?" She turned to look where Nix now stood. "You can help us get more later on when we're hungry. Crying like that will scare them all away." And little Cianna was already hatching her next plan.


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"He's not my dad." Cianna told Eve. "And Nix needs to be fed too, don't ya Nix?" She asked the dog, even moving to pet the air as she smiled before looking back at the people with her. "My mom is with my dad, they're in heaven playing with the angels. It's just me and Nix now. I live with some other kids but I don't really like them so I keep running away." She told the pair like it was nothing. Cianna was something alright. She would lie over the simpliest things, like the apples and taking them, yet she could also be openly honest, like with telling two strangers that her parents were dead.

"Anyway. Nix and I should probably get going. We have things to do, don't we, Nix." She then lowered a voice to a playful whisper. "You can't tell anyone though, Nix. Keep yerself quiet, okay?"


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Character Portrait: Cianna Miller
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"I'm not out here all alone." Cianna told Eve. "Nix, well his real name is Bill Nix Mocker the third. But he just likes to be called Nix, don't ya, Nix?" Again she turned to look Nix before looking at Jack. "Yup, Nix will get upset if ya say he doesn't exist. And when he gets upset he then gets angry and sometimes when Nix gets angry he bites ya. And he's a big dog so his bite will hurt ya. We don't want to make Nix upset or angry. That's just rude." Cianna rambled on.


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Cianna frowned when Jack disappeared suddenly. She'd liked the man in the short time they'd gotten to know each other. Well, she wouldn't exactly have said they'd gotten to know each other, but it was nice talking to someone other than Nix. "I told him that my mom and dad were up in Heaven playing wit the angels. That means we can't find them. And I like playing with Nix. He looks after me. I'm not going back to the home. I hate it there." Cianna started peeling once of the oranges. "Nix and I are fine on our own. Aren't we, Nix?"

She nodded her head. "See, Nix agrees with me."

The setting changes from Wing City to Gambit's Bar


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Character Portrait: Cianna Miller
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"Come on, in here Nix, this seems like a great place." Cianna grinned at the space beside her. She was talking to nothing once more.

"I know what I'm doing." She gave the air next to her a shove and then walked into Gambit's Bar, telling Nix to be good in the process, well, until they could find something to stir trouble with. At six, the little brunette was trouble. Only yesterday she'd stolen from Wing City Market and got caught. Now, here she was having stumbled upon Gambits, looking for more trouble with her four-legged, two-winged (imaginary friend - but don't tell her that) canine, Nix.


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Character Portrait: Cianna Miller
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Cianna turned watching a man enter the bar and then jumped a mile when a snake entered from a different direction. "Nix! A snake! Grab him!" She called out to the air next to her. Of course, nothing happened to the snake. "Nix, don't just stand there! You're a dog with wings! You can beat him!"

Nothing happened though. "Nix, you're useless. Anyway, let's go see what that man has on him. I saw his pocket get big. Maybe he as lots of money so the market incident don't happen again." She grinned, quietly moving closer to the man from behind, hoping to get close enough to try and take out whatever was in his pocket - hopefully money.

Once close enough, her fingers skirted around the entrance and she put a small finger to her lips, willing Nix to be silent as she tried to take whatever was out. The fact that looking on no one else would see anything next to her made it look even stranger.


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Character Portrait: Cianna Miller
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Cianna's fingers moved into the pocket quietly, grinning at what seemed like success as she started to remove what felt like a wallet from the man's pocket. "Nix! Shush!" She whispered. "I think I have it. Just a little bit more..."


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Character Portrait: Cianna Miller
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Cianna dropped the wallet in shock as a hand suddenly shot out to grab the wallet. She screamed. "Run, Nix! Quick!" Cianna couldn't help but bend down, trying to grab the wallet so she could run after Nix. She couldn't just leave the wallet there. Hopefully she would be faster at grabbing the wallet from the floor than the man was at grabbing her. Hopefully, but highly unlikely.


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Character Portrait: Cianna Miller
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Cianna had just picked up the wallet when the chair fell to the floor and she saw his boot coming for her face. Then she saw the slightest flicker of flames. "NIX!" She cried out, expecting her beloved friend to come and save her. The wallet dropped to the floor in her fear as she covered her face with her arms in some pathetic attempt to protect herself. When nothing happened she finally looked up to see that the snake had protected her. She couldn't see Nix anyway.

"NIX! Where'd ya go? Have you guys seen Nix? Where did he go? If you hurt my dog!" She accused Albert immediately. She pushed past Caleb, roughly, unless his mother moved him in time or he moved as she looked for Nix.


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Character Portrait: Cianna Miller
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Cianna wasn't looking at Albert. She was panicking because Nix had disappeared. "Nix! Answer me!" She felt the nick of flames and heat at her feet suddenly and turned to see the scorch marks behind her. Turning and looking back she saw Nix hiding under the table of a booth and quickly joined her friend, thinking she was hiding behind him when she was as clear as day to everyone else.


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Character Portrait: Cianna Miller
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"Nix! He can see us! Quick run!" Immediately her and Nix got out from under the table to run again, hopefully before Templewick crashed into them, if his attack missed Albert.


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Character Portrait: Cianna Miller
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Cianna was making a run for it but the next time she wasn't so lucky to be protected. The force of the kick threw her against the wall and she let out a sharp cry before falling limp to the ground. After a few silent moments and no movements her hand moved a couple of inches and she let out a whimper. "Nix... Nix... Come save me..." She cried.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Wing City


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Character Portrait: Cianna Miller
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After the shenanigans in Gambits the other day, Cianna decided it was best to keep her distance. She didn't want to go back there, not after being scorched and thrown into a wall. Her body still ached and she was mad at Nix for not protecting her.

This is what led her to walking through Wing City apparently talking to the thin air next to her. "Nix, ya should have saved me. I would have saved you. Instead you just lay next to me. You should have picked me up and taken me with you." She scolded her canine friend as they walked.

It was more than a little unusual that a six-year-old was walking alone in Wing City. And it was weirder still that she was having a conversation with nothing next to her.

"Next time Nix, ya better save me." She told him. "Otherwise you'll really be in the dog house and when I steal food next time, ya won't be getting any of it. Got that?"

"Good." She nodded, seeming to be answering as if the space next to her had answered her previous statement.


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Character Portrait: Cianna Miller
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Cianna turned her attention from Nix to look at a man that was now kneeling down in front of her, frowning a little. "They're in Heaven playing with the angels." She simply stated and nodded before turning back to Nix. "Ain't that right, Nix?"

A few moments passed before she turned back to the male. "See, Nix agreed with. They're up on the clouds playing with the angels. Nix knows all that stuff. Where is your mommy and daddy?" She asked. "Can I have a bendy straw drink? Nix'll want one too, but he can't hold his because of his paws."
