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Claire Durant

Now freed from the process of becoming part of the Hands of Eden, Claire sets out on a path unknown.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Moonscar


An ancient order, sworn to defend the Garden and it's inhabitants. Men and women touched by God and blessed with immortality for as long as their hearts remain pure.



So begins...

Claire Durant's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor Character Portrait: Enzo Character Portrait: Claire Durant
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Taylor stirred, the icy winds prodding him from his sleep. Cold surged through his veins, even while being buried beneath a pile of coats. He looked first towards Enzo; He seemed to be sleeping comftorable, his legs cloaked in frost. Ice clung to hair, giving it a greyish tint. The same staunch expression was painted across his face, even in sleep. Taylor shook lazily, snow drifitng from his hair, only then noticing Claire leaning against his shoulder. He paused, feeling slightly apologetic for a gesture that was sure to wake her.

The woman's eyes fluttered open, unfocused at first. She straightened up, then turned her head to look at the man who's shoulder she had been laying on. "Taylor!" she whispered, somewhat surprised. "You're awake. How are you doing?" she asked. Her hand moved up to move a cascade of blonde hair over her shoulder. "Any better?"

Taylor watched her for a moment, indifference painted his expression. He turned, resting his head against the oak and gazing off into the landscape. Half of him was watching Enzo, while the other wasn't quite watching anything. He rested half in reality and half in sad disillusion. "Do you care?" The words were dry, emotionless. He lifted a hand to graze the area beneath his eyes. This was a man whos given his life to his God and his country. He's devoted all that he could to the good of others. Previously, he could take solace in the tender grasp of his friends and family, yet like petals of a rose, those he looked so strongly to for support have fallen away.

"We've spoken maybe twice before. I have no interest in another fair weather friend, especially one whos intents are so thinly veiled. I'm on this mountain, baring this cold because your friend dragged me up here." Taylor's voice quivered, failing in strength as he went. His words were harsh, painful, yet anyone could tell they were missplaced. He was a kind soul, yet harsh winds had masked his empathy.

He moved to wipe another tear from beneath his eye.

Claire, for a moment, scowled at his words, but quickly pushed down any anger or ill will that flashed by in her mind. "It's not as if...we're doing this to hurt you, Taylor." she insisted, raising a hand to lay on his shoulder. Her grip was firm, but not harsh. She searched for what next to say, though the words were fleeing from her, chased away by her own doubts. She did not want to tell him that it was the right thing to do. She was not so sure if it was, herself. This was not a voluntary act. This was not how it was supposed to happen.

"I am concerned." she said finally, eyes moving to the ground. She dropped her hand from his shoulder, laying them in her lap. "I know that Enzo's actions may seem...harsh...but he has concerns of his own. He genuinely believes that you will be able to lead us." She paused, looking up at the sky. "I would like to believe that you are strong enough, as well. Even through the sacrifices you've made."

Taylor looked to her as she grasped at his shoulder. He saw it, the doubt. Its dripped from her mouth when she spoke and it rested on her shoulders when she moved. He wanted to comfort her, to assure her of herself. It was what he was best at; Taylors charisma and pure heart led him into the heart of his people. But, they pledged their support for a man whom Taylor wasnt sure he could muster. So instead, he simply took her hand, running his thumb over it before gazing back out into the white. "Don't doubt yourself. I'm weak, this was never the life for me."

He took a breath, a blueish hue taking to his cheeks. "I'm just so tired."

"Yes. Yes, I know." she said. "I know." Her bright blues pinned on him again, wandering about his face. "But it will be alright."

...was it going to be alright? She thought about everything he had endured. His step father's death, the...seperation...with Liz. She picked at the sides of her fingers, in a way that was nervous. "You can rest for a while longer. He isn't awake yet." She knew that it was more than that, however.

"You must be tired from everything else, too. You're going through so much."

Taylor shivered, the cold eating through the layers of his coat. He wraped his arms together, hunching his shoulders in an attempt to fend off the ever bitter cold. He shook his head at her request, peering down at his boots. "Dreams are lonely now. Dark." He looked towards her, rubbing the back of his hand against the stubble beneath his chin. "You speak of my sacrifices, but what about yours? Do you regret leaving everything behind? Your family and you friends, they're gone. You could of been in their for eternity, yet you became a Hand any way. Why?"

Claire's expression became somber. Her hands clasped together, laying atop her lap. "That's a question I wonder about, myself. However, when I remember my faith, and I keep my heart in the right place, I don't have to think very hard. My family, my friends, any loves I left behind..." She faded off, lids narrowing over her eyes. "Yes, well. It's a difficult topic. Perhaps we may speak about it another time. Get some more sleep. You've got a long path ahead of you."

The doubts, the doubts. Swirling in her head. They were growing, but she could not let them take her over now. She had only recently ended her trial.

Taylor noded, pressing back against the tree. He sunk into his makeshift shelter, attempting to force himself to sleep.

Claire finally lifted her eyes to his face again, and heaved a large, regretful sigh.

Forgive me, Taylor. We really shouldn't be doing this.

The setting changes from Mountain Side Temple to Eden City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Durant
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During this time, a certain young woman had actually been on the corner, leaning against a building, arms crossed. Her eyes had been trained on the other side of the sidewalk, looking, but not really seeing what was over there. She had too many thoughts clouding her sight. Clashes of judgement and duty, of faith and question. Her cheeks reddened from the frustration of her own thoughts. It was so simple, wasn't it? And at the same time, maddeningly complicated.

Just then, something snapped the thick-haired blonde from her thoughts. Something that she saw, whens he hadn't really been looking. Someone that simply...appeared.

She blinked at the man across the street with large ocean blues, and watched him carefully. What in the world was he doing here?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Durant
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"...Eden. It's Eden City." said Claire, gesturing around. She kept her eyes trained hard onto Dyew. She had been to Wing City, once, and it was enough to know that the place was absolutely filled with crazy. They didn't often come to Eden, but every once in a while...

"...where are you from? Are you, ah, lost?" she asked, folding her arms.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Durant
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"Claire," responded the young woman. She held her hand out, somewhat hesitantly, to the man before her. "And yes, like the garden, except an entire city." Her thoughts swirled once again after the news. Something was...wrong? She tilted her head to the side, hair rolling over her shoulder.

"What do you mean?" she asked. "What's...wrong?"

Not that she had not suspected something, herself. Something about the Hands? Or Taylor...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Durant
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"Ah...well, actually..." She paused, first trying to think before she blabbered. She had no idea who this man was, nor did she know if he actually meant any hard. For all she knew, he could have been a villain taking in his

Something silly like that.

"I don't know. Something does seem off, but there's quite a lot going on, you could say. At least, in my little space of Eden." she told him. "The city? Well, it's quite populated, a lot calmer than Wing City, has more humans here than anything else. A land of God."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Durant
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"...the only One." said Claire. "The true One, obviously." What kind of question was that? Exactly which God does she speak of, indeed...

"Humanity can be all of those things, but I wonder if it isn't just going downhill at times..." the girl muttered. "A lot going on, yeah. Not everything that I can talk about, because I'm not really sure what it all is. Just...things I've been skeptical of."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Durant
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She frowned for a moment, then stared at the ground, a rather conflicted expression crossing her gentle features. She was just plain frustrated, as much as she tried to hide it.

Lifting her hands, palms facing one another with a few inches of space between them, she tried to speak her mind, something she often did not manage to do.

"...people aren't getting along." she said. "Things normally go really well here. It's...concerning." She quickly picked up her radio, listening in on what Enzo had to say.

Panicked, she looked up at Dyew.

"...ah, well, as you heard...there is a hotel near here. Maybe Taylor and Enzo can let you know what's going on better than myself..." she said to him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Durant
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"That sounds like the type of thing a villain would say." joked Claire. "But I guess I'll just have to figure out for sure. For now, I suppose I could trust you."

She lead him to the hotel, the radio dangling on her belt. She cupped her elbows with her hands, a bit concerned about the...promise with the Taiyou. From what she had always heard on the radio, they were just never any good. Was Enzo that desperate?

When they came to the hotel, Claire looked for the two men.

"Enzo? Taylor? Where are you?"

The setting changes from Eden City to Mountain Side Temple

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor Character Portrait: Enzo Character Portrait: Claire Durant
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Leb
"Did it tell you it's name? Anything about it? How do you know its not Lucifer playing some trick? Why did you even speak to it?" Enzo's tone began resembling a worried mother more than a holy soldier.

"It wasn't Lucifer." Taylor's words traveled through his chattering teeth, hitting the air as a harsh, low, hiss. The two exchanged glances, a silent conversation that spoke louder than any words could. He still blamed him, he blamed them all. The Hands, Liz, his father, everyone.

Throughout his life, all people were to him were vultures. Grabbing at him, stealing a piece of flesh, and retreating to ready themselves for their next handful. It became harder and harder every time, his body growing barer, yet there was always someone around to prop him up and prepare him for another feast.

And there he was, ready to feed the birds again. Perhaps this time they'd be full.

"I think we're here"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor Character Portrait: Enzo Character Portrait: Claire Durant
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0.00 INK

Claire tucked her hands beneath her arms to conserve warmth. It had been a harsh and unforgiving trip, but alas, they were there. She barely caught the sigh that was drawn from her lungs as she heard Taylor speak, as they came to the temple, saw its walls, its doorway, its beautiful sanctuary.

"God bless us," breathed claire. "We're actually here."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor Character Portrait: Enzo Character Portrait: Claire Durant
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
Indeed they had arrived. The courtyard was filled with people coming and going about their business and one could hear the sounds of sparring from the distant training yard. It wasn't just patroni that had found their way to the temple though. Travelers, scholars, and the occasional resident of Windcrest often passed through the falls of the temple that lay before them.

As such the trio blended well enough.

Knights of Le'thorian where posted at the temple entrance and atop its walls, but they weren't stopping anyone from come and going. In fact, there seemed to be an air of ease about them.

The large doors of the temple stood open and inviting, and the interior was well lit and warm despite the frigid air outside. An enchantment of sorts perhaps?

As the trio made their way up the steps and through the doors, they would find themselves in the vestibule.

The setting changes from Mountain Side Temple to Vestibule


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor Character Portrait: Enzo Character Portrait: Claire Durant
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
As the trio made their way up the steps and through the doors, they would find themselves in the vestibule.

The vestibule served as a the central nexus point to the other areas of the temple, and the vast hall was as extravagant as it was spacious, and tall windows allowed plenty of light to filter in. Towering pillars and artfully carved bas reliefs dominated the room alongside statues of heroes come and gone.

One could almost feel like the statues were sentinels standing watch over those who tread within the temples halls. Immortalized as guardians, as they had been in life.

At the far end of the vestibule stood a statue that would be keenly familiar to Taylor. It was none other than the draconian figure from his dreams. A legend from an age past.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor Character Portrait: Enzo Character Portrait: Claire Durant
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Leb
Such a lavish hall for such a hollow man. The snow had seemed more welcoming and at this moment he wanted nothing more than to bury his head in it. He pulled at the edges of his heavy coat, hoping the relief would be more than skin deep.

As people streamed passed them, Taylor's path edged closer and closer to Claire. He looked towards her for a moment, a thought skipping through his minded before being drowned beneath heavier thoughts. She wasn't her, and he knew it. But when he looked at her-

Why did she see Liz

He shook, a physical attempt to clear his mind. His gaze rose to catch a stature that stirred his memory. "This is her. The thing that came to me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor Character Portrait: Enzo Character Portrait: Claire Durant
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Claire took a sidelong glance at Taylor, her eyes heavy with bewilderment and curiosity. She locked eyes with him for just the right moment, pausing mid-step. It only lasted a second. A second that she needed to catch her step, quicken her pace, fight not to stumble forward. She centered her gaze forward, forcing her legs to take one more step each time.

Her blue gaze landed onto the statue of the fierce draconian. She kept her hands close in to her chest as she marveled, at first confused.

"This... creature?" she inquired hesitantly. "Surely, they don't worship such a frightening hero."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor Character Portrait: Claire Durant
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With a worried gasp, Claire knelt next to Taylor, hands reaching out to wrap around him. "Taylor! No, no... hey! Hello? We need help!" she called out, trying to lean the young man on his back. "Don't move... alright? Are you alright? Speak to me. Speak to me. You're going to be okay."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor Character Portrait: Claire Durant
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Claire frowned, lines of concern forming at the corners of her eyes. She reached her arms out to help Taylor up, if he let her. Even so close to him, even doing what she could, Claire felt so impossibly helpless. Her heart reached out to him.

Whatever trials and tribulations her Lord put Taylor through, she wanted to believe he would survive through them. God would not abandon him so cruelly, would he?

Her faith wavered with her worry.

"No, Taylor, you need help!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki Character Portrait: Claire Durant
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
"Woah there," Adriaan said as he moved in to steady Taylor.

He had seen the man go down, and worse yet, try to get back up again despite the spatter of blood that speckled the floor.

"I'm no doctor, but I've been thrashed about enough to know that coughing up blood isn't something you just sleep off," he scolded Taylor.

"There's an infirmary outside, let's get him there," he added to Claire.

He stayed at Taylor's opposite side from Claire, to make sure he didn't go down again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki Character Portrait: Claire Durant
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Leb
A drop of blood slipped from between his lips, curving into his chin and disappearing into the forest of hair that occupied the lower end of his face. There was a time that it was a dark forest, tamed yet bold. It was nearly pristine. Each hair teased into perfection. But over the years, trees overgrow, fires clear marshes, and a lush landscape turns to a baron wasteland. Trees are cut for lumber, soil ruptured for oil, land stripped of its value. All that remained were greying clumps, grasping at dirt and dried blood. Taylor parted his mouth, flicking his tongue across its roof. Where there should of been spit he found only blood.

He found a hand sneaking towards him, grabbing it within his own. He twisted her fingers into a cone, letting their tips sneak out from the edge of his grasp. He studied the swirls that occupied her skin, his eyes leading towards the glossy sheaths of keratin that caught the temples light. His grip was tight, tugging at her slightly.

He let out another bloodied cough. He allowed Adriaan's aid, glancing at him for a moment before allowing himself to be led away. Ready to be sewn up and cast back out to gather more scars.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki Character Portrait: Claire Durant
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Upon hearing the answer for her cry of help, Claire threw her head up to gaze upon that which she never thought she would see before. They were in the scriptures. Multiple times. Breathtakingly beautiful beings with white wings.

Claire's breath was taken from her lungs in a long, silent exhale. It wasn't until Taylor grabbed her hand that she realized she wasn't breathing. She sucked in a sharp hiss of air and aimed her attention at him, curling her other arm around his shoulders. Her eyes looked over at the man with the white wings again. She could barely say it.

"Thank you," she shakily breathed. "Please. He needs so much help. He's so sick."

So He was watching them after all.