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Connor Gateworthy

The Payemyndii Clan's greatest experiment.

0 · 1,072 views · located in Zanzarian Port: The Mezzo Stretch

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Weilacca, as played by RolePlayGateway


Connor Gateworthy


Physical description: Medium length black-grey hair and seemingly glowing yellow eyes. 5'10". Wears the usual Payemyndii uniform of a black leather long coat with the Payemyndii crest printed on the right shoulder. (Payemyndii crest is a spiral inside an eye). Wears black trousers and a red shirt under the long coat. Does not stand straight, (always slightly bent forward with legs also slightly bent), arms usually seem unusable until needed.

Personality: Can be quite cocky, especially when people learn of his being undead and immortal. Likes to make a lot of bad jokes to keep him happy. Although, there can be times where Connor will become very serious. When he does, then he would speak in more technical terms and will show a hatred for nearly anything.

Equipment: Carries four machine pistols, designed to fire plasma, explosive and laser bullets. Wears about 30 belts of ammunition around his torso, 10 belts for each ammunition type. The belts hold clips of 150 rounds, and add up to about 20 per belt.

[bAbilities:[/b] Incredible Strength, does not contain the natural limiter. But has the risk of ripping limbs off and breaking bones. Immortality, he is a zombie, it's pretty obvious. Rapid Regeneration. Bears the Eye of Payemyndii, this power will be revealed more later. (Can be distinguished as the right pupil being a black ring instead of standard black circle. Also changes shape into a black X when activated.)

Historial Background: Will be revealed.

So begins...

Connor Gateworthy's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Cyprus Valgardd Character Portrait: Solix/Luniz (Eclipse) Demorokali
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Nigel stared at the Solix Lunix pair, still not quite sure what their deal is. "Your master.....who is he? Please explain what it is you are offering I join? Are my skills needed? I'm a machine maker and weapons designer. I can craft anything with a bit of metal and some time."

Nigel glowed at the opportunity to share his gifts. He reached behind himself to demonstrate the weapon he'd made and still continues to work on. It appeared to be a long polished bronze cylinder. Etched in the metal where carvings of great lion warriors of legend wielding spear and claw. With a click the cylinder released from it's hold on Nigel's backpack and he offered it for Connor to examine. On first glance it seemed like the etchings where shimmering but at closer look one could see that they moved along it's length, changing positions and shape. The etchings themselves weren't actually moving but the machine beneath it was. Like a window into the heart of the machine one could see layers and layers of bronze tubing sliding, gears ticking away.

"It operates by reading the weilder's electrical impulses. Translating mere thought into a physical weapon. I could make dozens of these for your clan at the right price and with the right material."

Nigel twirled the cylinder in his hand and it seemed to grow long with several clanks and a series of ticking noises. He slammed the butt to the ground and showed that it had transformed into a long rifle. He lifted the rifle and demonstrated it's glove-like fit, Aiming it down the ally. He spun it again, switching hands as it re-formed into a long and sharp spear then a series of sectional blades slid out from the pole turning it into a long and sturdy sword.

"I haven't quite figured out how to integrate plasma into it though....." Nigel scratched the back of his neck and smiled. "Perhaps I could study your guns?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Cyprus Valgardd Character Portrait: Solix/Luniz (Eclipse) Demorokali
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"An Engineer? All arr welcome t' tha Clan. If ye wan' t' join, then ye can come wit' us." Connor replied to the strange Lion, a smile on his face. With all of these recruits at one place, Lord Payemyndii will be happy. "We offer grea' power. Y'know, like me eye." Connor pointed to his right eye whose pupil was in the shape of a black ring. "Dis eye can do lo' a stuff y'know. Lord Payemyndii can explain. We ourselves wan' universal peace."

Connor, then glanced at the strange gear offered to him. He had no idea on all of these scientific engineering stuff, as long as he can use it. Then it would be fine. Although, sticking with his guns is the best thing he wants. Connor then held the cylinder, but nothing happened. It was just left on standby. "Elec'ical pulses? Nah, I'm dead. I don' 'ave dese thin's."

"Wha' 'bout ye, hood guy? Ye in'eres'ed in joinin'?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Cyprus Valgardd Character Portrait: Solix/Luniz (Eclipse) Demorokali
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Nigel's expression brightened. He returned his weapon to it's clip next to his pack and looked to the others. He wasn't sure exactly what he was signing up for. It seemed this....corpse fighter was recruiting for a clan with a considerable amount of power. He claimes they are servants of peace which was comforting for him. He could work on furthering his mechanical research all for a good cause. Being in a clan assured he would have willing consumers. He was curious about this magic eye as well. Ronan folded his hands behind his back and stood with Connor, awaiting his chance to meet this Lord Payemydii.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan) Character Portrait: Cyprus Valgardd Character Portrait: Solix/Luniz (Eclipse) Demorokali
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"Hm, these guys seem useless. Excep' fo' t' lion guy. Tha' insane magician seems to be a bi' too violen', Lord Payemyndii would jus' kill 'im. And tha' hood guy, he seems strang' and threa'enin'. Maybe I should get outta 'ere." Connor thought to himself as the lion stood with him, seemingly well disciplined and helpful. He would be a perfect addition.

"'ey, guys. I can only take in one guy. An I pick t' lion. So... See ya la'er!" Connor spoke out quickly, trying his best to waste little time so the others don't have time to react.

Connor then quickly jumped, his body leaped over the group and landed behind them. The great strength of an undead human is perfect for these kinds of things. "Oi, Lion! Le's go!" He called out. Without waiting for a response, Connor ran off, out of the alley at great speed. He ran using all four limbs, his arms kept his balance by tapping walls and other items where his legs propelled him forward, sometimes, he would fall down to all fours to make his movements quicker.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy
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Nigel wasted no time in following Connor out. He himself ran mostly on his hind legs, keeping up reasonably well. He was quite quick on his feet and the pads on his soles kept him silent and graceful. If climbing was needed his claws would unsheathe and dig into whatever surface. His tail extended to keep balance at his high speeds and counter balance should he misjudge a jump or step. His reddish mane was swept back, beads and leather bindings fluttering in the wind.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan)
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Connor stopped running after a little distance had been passed. He had stopped in front of another alleyway, it looked as if he knew where he was going. Well, he did. With the amount of time he wasted while waiting for his partner, Connor had learnt a lot of the Lower Levels, especially areas where he could contact people without being interrupted.

"'ey, ye seem good at yer runnin'. Ye seem qui'e useful, a good addition to t' Clan." Connor spoke out to the lion, a look of happiness over his face.
"Shall we con'ac' m' leader ten?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan)
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Nigel smiled, "My ancestors survived by hunting pride land animals and I was raised honing such natural skill. It's a source of pride for my people. I also have posses great strength and ferocity in battle should it be needed."

He couldn't help feeling a bit like he was showing off. He bristled his whiskers then nodded towards Connor, signalling to contact his master.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan)
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"Hmmm? So yer really a lion ten? Bi' strange t' me. Oh well. Le's go." Connor replied to the lion, a bit happy that he can finally contact Lord Payemyndii.

With that, he walked into the alleyway. Leading the lion towards a strange, rotting wooden door. It was obvious that the door had not been used for several years, which is perfect to be able to speak.
Before Connor opened the door, he pulled one of his machine pistols from the holster on the back of his belt. Gripping the gun, he slowly opened the door, it opened inwards. Listening carefully, Connor slowly entered the room, pointing the gun around and surveying the area.

It was a storage room, old boxes littered around the place and no signs of life except for the small rat like creatures which scattered away from the armed zombie. There were no windows, no lights and no other entrances.
"Righ', dis is perfec'. Block up t' door. I'll ge' t' communications se' up." Connor ordered the lion as he placed the gun back in the holster and perfected his long coat to cover his ammunition covered body.

Connor fumbled around with his hands in his pockets, pulling out a small disk like object. Pressing a button, Connor threw the object on the floor. Allowing it to boot up and and show a light coming from the top. "Con'ac' Lord Payemyndii."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan)
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"Aye." Nigel nodded then busied about fetching one of the shelves to shove in front of the doorway. He did this without much conversation working swiftly. He then piled the boxes from the shelf to make sure neither could be shoved open. Once he finish he wiped his hands on his pants. Dust had decided to cling to the fur on his paws. He grunted softly in disgust but didn't pay much mind to it. He turned his attention to the tech that Connor was using. His interest peaked.

"What sort of communicator is that?" he asked as he pulled out a device of his own as well as a hand full of small handheld tools which he held between each furry knuckle in his right hand. He fiddled with the small bronze machine, prodding at minute wiring and placing small gears. "If you like I can upgrade it, you'll get clearer reception regardless of location."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan)
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"Dis is designed t' 'ave bad rece'tion whe' callin' Lord Payemyndii. We are very 'igh on securi'y. And t' answer, I 'ave no idea. Lord Payemyndii made i'. Ye should see wha' he di' t' me par'ner, i' is amazin'." Connor replied quietly, the light from the communicator had a vague image of a humanoid being forming as a hologram as he spoke.

"What is it, Connor?" The voice spoke, it was dark and buzzy from the bad reception. The image had finally finished connecting, showing only a silhoette of the being on the other end. It was obvious that he/she was wearing the same kind of long coat, no matter how the bluish colour was the same across the image. However, one part showed up clearly. It was the left side of the head, where the eye should be located. It was glowing a bright blue colour.

"Ah, Lord Payemyndii! I.. uh.. Have a recrui' 'ere. Lion man!" Connor replied to the communicator, introducing the lion with an overreacting introduction by pointing both arms towards the lion. "'e's.. uh.. En'ineer. I tink. Ve'y good."

"Hmmmm? Sounds interesting. Please, 'Lion man', please introduce yourself, your strengths and weaknesses. Don't lie. Or I will kill you." The silhoette spoke as it turned to face the lion.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan)
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"Yes, sir." Nigel put his tools away then pocketed the device he was working on. He straightened up and faced the figure of Lord Payemyndii and pounded his right fist to his heart in respect. "I am Nigel Ronan, son of Culvere Ronan, Weapons master in a small Leonisous tribe. I am a trained engineer, master of machines and devices of every kind. I've trained in the development of weapons, communicators, tools, lock pieces and vehicles. I hope to broaden my skill to include bio-mechanics, robotics, and drones. I have been trained on a basic level in combat but my skills in tactics is very little and I have not mastered any modern fighting styles. As a Leonisou I posses the strength and ferocity of my ancestors but I am not a fighter. I am an engineer and I do not claim superior fighting prowess.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan)
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0.00 INK

"Bio-mechanics? That sounds useful. I'll let you in a secret; I'm what some people call. Cyborg. So you can help out. I like your skills. Although, you're a lion who doesn't fight? That's a bit strange, but it doesn't matter. I'm going to be on my way to the Zanzarian Port soon for some business. If I find out that you're a spy, then I'll kill you. Brutally." The hologram spoke, the dark voice seemed to lighten with Nigel's words.

"Now. As Connor should have said. You have a choice in which you can stay as you are. Or receive the gift of the 'Eye of Payemyndii'. Of course, Connor can explain the details and show it's powers, so you will have some time to think about it until I arrive. Understand, Nigel? Oh by the way, please do not salute like that, it reminds me of home. And makes me want to destroy everything." He explained further, still keeping his guard up. Just in case.

"Now, I'm busy. So I have to go. I will see you two, hopefully three -Connor's partner- when I arrive. You will get your briefing then. Welcome to the Payemyndii Clan, Nigel of the Payemyndii."

The hologram would shut down straight after Nigel's reply, allowing Connor to nod just before the transmission ended. He would then pick up the communicator and stuff it back into his pocket. Waiting for Nigel to speak to him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan)
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0.00 INK

Nigel's eyes would have lit up at the mention of him being a Cyborg. He had yet to see one up close but he'd been reading into the technology involved. Nigel would be eager and prepared to move up his study in bio-mechanics. He made a mental note to pick up some books and other reading material on the technology as well as the theorems and some blueprints. He wondered if Lord Payemyndii would allow him to study the blueprints on his devices as well. The prospect of asking this later made his stomach lurch with nerves. The comment Lord Payemyndii made about him not being a fighter hit him in a sensitive spot. A lot of drama went into his decision to leave his home tribe, the fact that he was not a fighter in a warrior's tribe was a very big factor and part of the reason he went into weapons development and design. Nigel tried not to make comment on the matter.

Nigel nodded in acceptance of the plan and promised, nervously not to salute like that again. "Yes sir, it won't happen again. Thank you for accepting me into your clan, it is in my honor to serve you, sir."

Nigel waited and the hologram shut off. He turned to Connor. "A cyborg? This is interesting. I will need to forward my study in bio-mechanics, then." Nigel nodded, scratching the tuft of white fur on his chin. "What of the eye? What powers does it have?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan)
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"Ehe, Be careful. You wil 'ave t' s'udy Gayelypian tech. 'is cyberne'ic implan's were wha' saved 'is life, and dey were t' work o' 'is loved one -who is Gayelypian-. So 'e would ha'e t' loose dem." Connor replied to Nigel as he stuffed the communicator into his pocket.

"Ah t' eye. Well, long s'ory shor'. T' Eye of Payemyndii is a very powerful 'bio-weapon'. T' his'ory of t' clan goes all t' way back millions o' years. Basically, t' Payemyndii clan used t' be t' mos' dominan' civilisation, even managing t' 'ame t' wild beasts o 'ad t' po'ential t' make t' Shadonian Race ex'inc'." Connor explained the history, but after a little pause he explained more;

"I' allows t' user t' copy anyting dey see when i' is ac'iva'ed, t' an ex'en' an limi'ed t' t' number o' 'imes t' 'arge' i' seen. I' ac'iva'es i'self when i' senses danger and causes a na'ural reaction t' jump in'o a defensive pose and aware of der surroundings. Las' of all, i' can see energy. Elec'rici'y, life, magic, etc... But dis is only when ac'iva'ed." Connor explained briefly, pointing to his right eye where the pupil was a black ring, showing how the eye would look when the power is gifted. "I would show i' in action, but I'm dead. So I can' con'rol i''s ac'iva'ion, if we got in a figh'. Den you can see. Basically the pupil 'urns in'o an X. Den t' powers ac'iva'e."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan)
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0.00 INK

Nigel thought for a moment, the eye seemed like a really powerful tool, but what really took him in was the power to see energy. This was a major opportunity. He could hone his skill to see energy to such practiced skill and use it to his advantage during the design and creation of machinery. He could create machines that took in multiple forms of energy from multiple sources, including magic making them more efficient and much more powerful. Nigel wondered if he could even invent a suit that would be powered and controlled by the user's soul, ultimately replacing the body permanently rendering them endlessly repairable and upgradable. Immortal sentinels to guard kings and masters.

"I'll take it." Nigel said, nodding. "The ability to see energy would be invaluable to my trade. I could make infinitely more efficient machines."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan)
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"Ye will 'ave t' 'ell Lord Payemyndii. 'e can give ye t' eye when 'e ge's 'ere." Connor replied, smiling a little. This lion seems to be a great addition, Lord Payemyndii was happy. Which means lion man might be able to change the tides of the influence of the Payemyndii Clan. He could probably create great weapons, although, he seems a bit far back. He isn't the only engineer in the clan, all of them have accepted the eye to see energy. But they still have not made great efficient machines, only machines that can ultimately control energy.
Like Connor's partner, he has a great machine and brain implant which was made to control a mixture of soul and nature energy. It was a great invention, but he was the only one who was compatible with the implant. Plus it saps off of the guy's own body processes for energy. But it was still powerful enough to blow a hole in a planet all because he lost his temper, that planet managed to loose 2/5ths of it's mass because of that. Too bad Lord Payemyndii put a limit on the implant until the power can be controlled.

"I'd like t' see ya 'ry."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan)
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"Aye" Nigel nodded then moved to the door. With one great shove and a good push from his strong hind legs he pushed the shelf away from the door. His claws dug in causing gouges in the floor. He moved the remaining boxes, clearing the doorway completely then opened the door. "I look forward to meeting Lord Payemyndii in person, and your partner as well. Teh think you actually managed to bond body and soul to machine. The body part is the easy part considering the fact that the body has an amazing system of both heat regulation and electrical communication pre-built in. guess is he uses up his electrolytes pretty quickly. That is easily remedied with a constant dose of them either in a form of slurry or drink or intravenous fluids..."

Nigel was going at a mile a minute, his brain whirring away at possible builds of the suit. His curiosity could only be cured by a physical study of the thing. He allowed Connor to lead from there, unsure exactly where down in the Ports they'd be meeting. "Now, my theories on soul-leeching....that's what I called it, attaching the machine to the soul itself or capturing it's energy. Is that there's only so much a mechanic can do in programming the machine to react in the way the user wants. I think it would take some level of psychological, subconscious, deep level connecting in order to get that optimal level of efficiency, after all the soul is an organic thing. Force it too much and the mind could fracture, the soul could break and you'd be working with a dead empty husk. I think to start we'd need to put your friend into a deep meditative trance."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan)
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0.00 INK

Connor lead the way, simply leaving the alleyway and walking across the streets, talking happily with the lion.
"Nah, dis kid 'ad t' soot fo' a while. 'e got a brain implan' or summin', dat 'elped 'im connec' t' de soot. I 'ink i's connec'ed 'o 'is cen'ral nervous sys'em or summin. I don' unders'and dis, Lord Payemyndii is t' one who made dat soot." Connor spoke, he seemed annoyed with the technical talk. None of it made sense, it's not even that important to him. If his partner was here, then he would probably knock the lion out with a literal click of his fingers.

"Dat's t' problem though, dis kid was t' only one who was compa'ible wi' t' soot."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan)
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"Ahhh I see." Nigel fumbled through the pockets of his vest, which was something a fisherman or an avid adventurer might wear. Covered in pockets all of which held some sort of bit or bob. A small baggie of cogs jangled in his breast pocket as he searched for something in particular. He found it in the back pocket of his pants. A small journal-type notebook filled with scribbles and sketches. Blueprints and concept designs for all sorts of bazaar machines. He began to scribble notes and equations trying to fathom what this suit was like.

"Where are we supposed to be meeting them? An old bar? The street corner? I wouldn't mind getting some probably don't eat at all, do you." Nigel looked over at his corpse friend.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Nigel Ronan(Ronan)
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"Ah, Lord Payemyndii told me dat I suppose' t' mee' dis guy down 'ere. Bu' 'e is la'e. If yer 'ungry den we can ge' summin'. I do ea', flesh o' course." Connor explained, a bit annoyed with waiting.

"Shall we go t' ge' sum food? I need flesh tho." Connor suggested, wondering if the lion would become his new partner due to training and because the process of getting the eye is pretty dangerous and must be watched. Maybe his partner had already found some recruits.