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A pseuododragon with too much blood in his alcohol stream

0 · 961 views · located in Dark Grove

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by lil_kreen


Given Title: Cruor

Race: Sin Pseudodragon

Age: 25 (age of majority)

Gender: Male

Eye color: Silver


Description: As sin pseudodragon Cruor is larger than most and his scales and body are shades of deep carmine. Though a quadruped his hip reaches to that of your average human. If standing is slightly taller. His frame is not suited for standing however so he looks bent while standing and can't walk on two legs. The scales dance around his body when he moves as if not fully attached and have a flowing luster. His wings with similar swirls stretch wide enough to glide which frequently does with agility. Strong and agile he darts between the trees muscles of his wings trained by the heavy liquor bottle he carries with him.

Birthplace: Deep Forest

Identifying characteristics: The tip of one horn is worn down, his unusual coloration, and scale behavior.

Physical Condition: Good, if a bit of a lapsed drunk.

Languages: Common, Draconic

Current residence: Iterant

Personality: Cruor would be a bit of a lush if not for the lack of accessibility to alcohol. Generally a fun loving sort Cruor is inclined to follow anything that interests him bottle of liquor in tow.

Background: Cruor has lived in the forest for quite a while but found the bottle while still very young. He had to roll it at first anywhere until he was large enough to carry and open it to drink anything inside.

  • Empty Liquor bottle - He stares at it wistfully but can't exactly step down to the pub for a drink. It's been known to rattle however and he's never without coin. Looking inside there is just a dusty bottle he could fill up once more and drink from.
  • Baleful Harness - Built for creature such as Cruor that has wings there is a reinforced hollow in the back where a vial of blood can be loaded. Filled the the blood of a dead person, as despite his origin Cruor a generally affable sort prefers not to murder, it allows Cruor to puppet a Simulacrum made of dust holding the leash. It is taxing and Cruor has to replace the vial fairly often as the simulacrum wears out. As long as Cruor can find a good amount of bone and blood dust to trace an cabalist outline he can reconstitute Simulicra from a working vial should it be destroyed.

  • Blood cultist - Cruor was sired by dragons affected by cabalists. They failed to instill in him their doctrine but he did learn their skills quite well. Much to their detriment in his bid for his freedom. He still practices to maintain his harness.
  • Miasma - Though it uses his own blood Cruor can spray a red cloud of his blood. It causes organic objects to sprout red vines and dig roots down into the mass. To nonliving things it is exceedingly caustic. Regenerating his blood fast he still can't do this very often without literally depleting himself into unconsciousness.

So begins...

Cruor's Story


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Character Portrait: Cruor Character Portrait: rua
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A loud creak of complaint comes from a branch nearby as moving weight presses into it. Cruor flaps his milky carmine wings for balance once or twice before settling down on the large limb. A glass bottle wreathed in reeds clinks against the branch held one hand rather than wrapped by two.

"I see you just throwing them away, furry female? Wasteful! wasteful! You should give one to me.", He said with gleam in both teeth and silver eyes.


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Character Portrait: Cruor Character Portrait: rua
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  1. post is empty, should likely be deleted

    by Rulke
  2. post is empty, should likely be deleted

    by ellnor7

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#, as written by ellnor7


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Character Portrait: Cruor Character Portrait: rua
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  1. post is empty, should likely be deleted

    by Cypher7850

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#, as written by ellnor7


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Character Portrait: Cruor Character Portrait: rua
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#, as written by ellnor7
Rua meows and looks up from eating a blue fish. she then morphs into a hybrid i did not wast i put it back the red ones taste nasty." "though i am curious do you usually talk to animles expecting them to respond"


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Character Portrait: Cruor Character Portrait: rua
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Cruor spins backward tail around the branch falling about the limb braced by scaly knees. he grinned upside down at her, "Even the humans talk to their cats and I'd take fish from them too. Though I at least give two legs the pleasure of asking first and taking no for answer. Seeing as anything on two legs is so needy."

"Stop eating the chickens! Don't eat my dog! Stop eating my wife!", Cruor finishes with squeezing hands and raising one brow.


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Character Portrait: Cruor Character Portrait: rua
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#, as written by ellnor7
"well sadly i just finished so you can pick over whats left though, nice wings by the way" she starts licking her fur you hear in your mind, "so can i help you mister dragon were"


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Character Portrait: Cruor Character Portrait: rua
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Cruor loosens his grip on the branch pushing sideways to land right side up on the ground. Thick clawed hands clutch the empty glass bottle. He puts it down to one side and sniffs at the empty neck once.

Cruor wrapped his tail around his legs while sat on his hindquarters. The Pseudodragon stretches his wings for a moment, "A mind talker? How interesting! I prefer talking in common it keeps me in practice! Talking to squirrels and loose cats only gets one so far."

The thumb of one claw rubs at milky pattern in his wings which splays color outward at his touch. Fish forgotten for flattery he grins, "But my wings are quite pretty aren't they! Mother worked for a cultist but I didn't care for them."

He furls his wings sticking out his pointed tongue, "Dirty greenskin hordes and their horrid ale! I do try to keep clean but the forest fights back sometimes. The humans don't like to give food to dirty animals. Even if they can talk."


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Character Portrait: Cruor Character Portrait: rua
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#, as written by ellnor7
she stops licking herself "well yes but its so hard to talk and bathe at the same time...sigh... what are you doing with those pretty claws .... if its food you need i can teach you to hunt by the way, though its hard to believe that a were doesn't know how to hunt. this forest is full of good game" "your bottle looks a little empty i know a good bartender if you need one you'll want your human form though."


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Character Portrait: Cruor Character Portrait: rua
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Cruor stops rubbing his wings with a thumb, "Oh the cultists were all about sins of the flesh but to me it just itches. Furry female with no name this is the only body I have! I'm Cruor by the way."

He puts both claws down tight to his feet tail wrapped around. He makes a wide grin belying sorrow, "I'm a mere male animal that can only shift part of my body like everyone else! So the humans call me an animal anyway. I prefer to eat their caged food than bother digging rabbits out of holes. Have you ever tried to dig out bunnies with a shovel?"

He eyes the empty bottle, "Though I could use a drink if you want to keep cleaning."


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Character Portrait: Cruor Character Portrait: rua
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#, as written by ellnor7
"oh sorry human manners yes my name is Rua, so i take it your not really were then are you.well if you have the gold i can go buy you a drink. ill have to go pick up my human cloths they don't like it when i go to the bar naked." she shifts in to a pretty young looking human with red hair and not a scrap of clothing save a small coin pouch of red fur that you didn't notice before that haung around her neck


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Character Portrait: Cruor Character Portrait: rua
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Cruor was pondering a response as she shifted but then forgot what it was. He put a clawed hand to his jaw musing, "I've never had a red pouch like that to put things in! Let alone gold! This bottle's for drinking!"

Cruor had spent too long around the cultists he figured but it is certain there wasn't any cause for arguing. The silver eyes darted back and forth while following her. He wasn't the type of vulgar ruffians living near the roads but certainly didn't want to be caught leering. He added with eyes fixed on her, "Are you sure they'd mind if you swayed like that into a bar? I've seen humans put down their drinks for much less!"


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Character Portrait: Cruor Character Portrait: rua
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#, as written by ellnor7
"it dose cause a rucuse they like to fight over me then i have to scratch the adventurous types.... i don't mind when they look but i don't allow touching. and thank you for the complement"pointing to your eyes "no need to be bashful though though that red dose look good on that scaly face i can shift back if its to much trouble at least till i get home and grab my cloths"


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Character Portrait: Cruor Character Portrait: rua
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Cruor offers his scaly palms up smiling with reply, "I can't help it! I've always had an appreciation for fine things. I'd never dream of harming them!"

The greedy smile of dragonkind's widens, "No need to shift back on my account! I'll make sure no adventurous types sneak up from behind."


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Character Portrait: Cruor Character Portrait: rua
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#, as written by ellnor7
"well im glad you appreciate my behind" she says with a smile wiggling it a little.

"now my hut is this way" she says running through the woods


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Character Portrait: Cruor Character Portrait: rua
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Cruor wedged his bottle between his wings and took off on all fours after her. An angled pocket of tough sinew easily kept the rough surface in place as he bounced over rough terrain. Cruor's wandering eye nearly made him smash headlong into the dirt but other than audible stumbles kept up.

"I could do with a run like this every day!", the lech calls out with silver eyes glinting from and at behind.


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Character Portrait: Cruor Character Portrait: rua
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#, as written by ellnor7
before long she stops and quickly (for a human) climbs a random tree. upon reaching the third branch it becomes evident it was not so random as a humble hut appears built lovingly into the dense canopy.

"you may join me if you like" she invites and steps into the house as you hear rustling inside.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cruor Character Portrait: rua
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Cruor bounds to the tree on all fours taking the bottle from between his wings with one hand. On his haunches he spreads his hands wide calling up, "How can I refuse? Someone needs to stand watch!"

Three arms made going is slower but Cruor climbs well enough with large claws it was easy to get purchase. He hefted his body over the ledge the bottle sat just inside the door. Cruor himself sat in the doorway. The greedy dragonkind looked in saying, "If you must wear one. What kind of dress do you have?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cruor Character Portrait: rua
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#, as written by ellnor7
Rua chuckles as she appears in leather britches and a very low cut tight leather vest in her hands

"i do not own dresses they are far to bothersome to run in and get tattered way to easy." she says as she puts the vest on

she offers him a flask of milk before she gestures him back out on to the branch that serves as our door." plus this close to a fey village none would dare attack me in my own home even if i look like a human"

"oh and you will want to hold on to me once we step out side and tuck your wings ... you'll enjoy this"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cruor Character Portrait: rua
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Cruor nods at the leather garment taking the milk with a free claw.

"I never understood the point of wearing something else's skin on your skin. Yet you make it look good!", He says taking a moment to figure out how to make a thumbs up.

"I figured the fey was why I'm left alone in this woods. They haven't bothered me so I'm fine with following you to town.", Cruor said retrieving his jug.

Cruor seated the jug between his wings following her out taking upon himself to reach as high as he reached. Hips and spines for the four legged didn't balance well on two.

"I'll have to suffer holding on as high as us four legs can stand", he said with a wobble . Two careful clawed hands wrapped just above her hips.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cruor Character Portrait: rua
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#, as written by ellnor7
Rua creates a gravity orb just above and in front of her strong enough to both their weight and pushed it further and further from them till the trees where whizzing by in a blur of brown and green.

shifting left and right minutely to avoid trees it was good she knew these woods for she was fling faster than even she could see. then they cleared the forest.

quickly they began to slow till they where almost stopped as a town came into view.

"this close to the fey woods i doubt they would say much to your presence but you are welcome to stay will i get us drinks if you wish."