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Curtana Lierre

[quote]Sometimes, you just have to travel the road that's not there.[/quote]

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Knosis


Name:.Curtana Lierre
Bloodline:.Half human, half elf
Age:.100 years
Height:. 5' 4"
Weight:.100 pounds
Birthday:.April 1st
Known Family:.None
Hobbies:.Playing the flute, playing tricks on people, traveling, entertaining
Likes:.Being noticed, swords, woods, mountains, long conversations, stories
Dislikes:.Being alone, vampires, boring stories
Strengths:.Sword play, great eyesight and hearing, magic, archery and ability to talk to nature(trees, animals, water, etc)
Weaknesses:.Huge ego, stubborn


Short and stocky, this woman is nothing a nice combination of wit and strength. With earth colored hair(earthy red), and soft greenish blue eyes, she seems to be every bit of 'down to earth' as one could get. Since her mother was elf, she has the natural beauty of her clan, cat-like facial features and short pointed ears. Her father, however, was human, and therefore has quite the attitude and behavior of a teenager.

She has the ability to talk to nature, from her elf side. This ability also gives her the ability to ask for nature's help, if they are willing to give it. They also tell her the stories of what they have seen or heard. She also has the ability to create elemental powers, such as fire, water, or lightning upon some small degree. She is a better healer in her magic skills, however, and is very knowledgeable of herbs or medicines she can create in order to help the sick or wounded. She always carries around a short sword over her shoulder, along with a small dagger hidden in one of her boots. Occasionally, she will carry a bow that she wields only when she feels it is necessary to kill from a distance, considering archery not being a 'fair' fight unless it wasn't fair to begin with.

Curtana was born alone. Of course she had her mother, but even that wasn't company as her mother was an attendant to the royals. Her father, who she never knew, ran off before she was born, or so she was told. Merely learning to play and cause mischief, she was an outcast of the other elven children just because she was half human. She was constantly picked on her human qualities and never fit in. Even thrown out of classes when the jabs got to be too much for the elders. Finally, she had had enough. Never saying goodbye to her mother or ever looking back, she left the high city of the elves to become more of what she was; Wild and free. She traveled the world, learning and exploring many cultures.

So begins...

Curtana Lierre's Story


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre frowns as the vampire comes in front of her, her nose wrinkling at the smell. She never really particularly liked vampires, especially the way they smelled up the place. She tried to ignore him for the most part..


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre snaps her eyes to look at him from the side, almost a dangerous glare as he raised his hand towards her face, her hand edging for her dagger in her belt..

"If you wanna keep that hand, I suggest you keep it to yourself, mister."


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre doesn't move, her eyes cold as ice as she glares at the man. "No, I don't particularly like being touched. Especially from -vampires- such as yourself." She said the word as if it disgusted her. Which it really did, if you could smell more so than the average joe, then you could smell the decaying carcass of a vampire.


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre growls slightly, pulling the dagger out a little further as she was slowly losing her patience with this one. "I don't like your smell, I don't like your general feeding and hunting habits, and on a personal level? I don't like you invading my personal bubble space." She snorts, backing her head away from his hand slightly.


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre frowns and turns away from the two of them. "That is exactly why I don't like your kind." She mumbles, slowly standing up from her stool, picking up the glass of juice the 'tender had placed there for her. "Everything is lunch that walks and has a pulse, and particularly I don't feel like being eaten. Thank you." She slowly turned away from the two brothers to try to move away from them.


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Character Portrait: Curtana Lierre
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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre growls and pulls on her hilt of her sword instead, though doesn't unsheathe it yet. "Is that so? Well that comforts me all the better to know you wouldn't like my blood." She said sarcastically, turning her head in order to see the both of them. Of course she was tense! She had a very funny feeling in the pit of her gut that this wasn't going to end well. She began to mumble in elvish, and despite it being indoors, the wind starts to pick up..


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Character Portrait: Curtana Lierre
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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre continues to chant softly in elvish, the wind picking up even more. It became strong enough to blow tables and chairs down suddenly, as if it were trying to create a barrier around her. She would then unsheathe her sword finally as she backed away from the two more. She wasn't about to be lunch..


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Character Portrait: Curtana Lierre
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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre The wind would protect her from the one that launched forward as a table would fly in his path just in time to save her from that, which in turn started the table ablaze. The table would then fall to the ground and hit the rope, and if she was really lucky, would burn the rope away. However, if not, she would have moved anyway.


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre frowns and begins to change in elvish again for a moment, reaching one hand to touch her lips. She would then move them and attempt to blow a flame towards the rope to once again try to burn the seemingly enchanted object. She continued to keep her eye on the two of them, moving until she was able to see them both at the same time. She would then hear a voice behind her and jump slightly, startled. She would then give a yelp as she was being dragged into her own shadows.


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Character Portrait: Curtana Lierre
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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre is gone, teleported to some place safe from the vampires for now.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Main Street 1


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre falls to her knees as she resurfaced once again out of shadows, blinking confusedly. "How.. Wha-.. Huh?" She mumbles, turning to face the huge blob of shadow that had saved her from the vampires. Her emerald eyes studied him for a moment, wide but not frightened. She rarely showed fear, even when she should..

"W-who are you..?" She flinched when her voice cracked. She seemed so spineless. "And where did those two guys go..? Or more rather.. Where did -we- go..?"


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre furrows her brow as she tried to interpret what had just happened but eventually just decides to simply give up on it. She would then study the man again as he changed, though it seemed he should be anywhere but here..

"Belenus? Thank you for saving me, I suppose.. I hate vampires and their preposterous attitudes.." She sighs. "They always assume anything that moves is food.." Her shoulders sag slightly and noticed her sword was still in her hands. Sheathing it, she gave the man a slightly bow in return. "My name is Curtana. Curtana Lierre, and if there is -anything- that I could possibly do for you in return, please come and find me." She states, though on the inside she hated even saying the words. Owing someone was like a hex. It always came back to haunt her.


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre mentally sighs in relief but remembers that it was always considered impolite to the elven elders that if you didn't pay your debts to someone. Especially being half breed, it was particularly pressed down on her. "I insist, even if you never use it, I owe you one." She mumbles softly.

She then stood back up straight, brushing some of her short pixie-styled hair out of her face, turning in the direction of the bar. She had no intentions of going back there -right- this second.. That was crazy talk, honestly. So she decided to try to indulge into a further conversation with this strange man.

"I usually can handle one, if they decide to be a bit more venturous.." She mumbles. "But two at a time is kind of my limits.. Kind of hard not to move your back away from them, and keep all their little tricks in line as well.." She sighed. She then folded her arms across her chest. "Any suggestions?"


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre blinks slightly at the last statement though keeps her gaze low, as she was taught. Much could be said though, she was no longer under their thumb.. But still..

She sighed. "'Fraid my human side of me limits to how much I can consider a threat.. Elves usually don't have to worry about such creatures.." She frowns, scowling at herself. "Sorry, you don't need to hear me roll up in self pity.. But as they have speed on their side, I have reaction time.. And usually, if they are in a good mood, the spirits will help me out.. But I don't keep anything blessed or divine.."

She trailed off, as it was not usual for her to talk about fighting for very long. In general she tried to avoid it, but it was usually her luck that she did have some encounters.


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre nods softly, though seems confused at what he meant by being different himself. "Being different isn't so bad.. I just wish others could see it as well. But how are you different, if you don't mind me asking..?" She asks, finally giving in to her damn curiosity. Must be the elf side of her.


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre nods softly as she took in all of what she told her, processing the information. 'Vessel of God's Angels..' She thought to herself before nodding to acknowledge his final statement. "Sounds like a sad life to live..." She whispers. "Having to be born in a way you cannot harbor the emotion to love.. And then being forced to carry something that could be against your will.. I would say being different is a good thing in your case.. Though I am sorry you had to go through it.." She mumbles. "Mine is rather simple.. I was born and shouldn't have been. In the High City, I was considered tainted blood and treated just as poorly. Finally, I decided to run away.. Since even my own mother decided to avoid me as the tainted one.." She shakes her head slightly. "But its fine. I don't belong to anyone, or anywhere for that matter.. I rather like my life."


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Character Portrait: Curtana Lierre
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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre smiles and turns around in a circle. "As the world spins, it is my playground. Why only belong to one place, when you are welcome to many? The animals, the nature, the spirits have accepted me for who I am as I treat them with just as much respect as they show me." She sighs softly. "Even when it seems you are alone, I can always speak to the wind and it whispers back its secrets. No, I won't find a place I belong. But I'm perfectly fine with it." She then gave a small glance up towards the moon. "However, it is rather late, and though it might be pushing it.. I think I should go back to the room I paid for.." She sighs.


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Character Portrait: Curtana Lierre
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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre smiles softly. "I think I have to be.. Or those two might come back to find me, knowing my luck.." She found no beauty in the moon either, however just used it to judge the time. "And I'm sure if you listened to their problems, they would listen to yours as well..." She then bit her lip, brushing back another loose strand of her coppery hair. "Any chance we will meet up again later..? I mean.. Yes its nice to have the wind to talk to.. But its a rare gift to have someone else like myself to talk to.." She then frowned at her own boldness. "I mean, if you don't want to, its fine.." She added rather quickly.


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre A slight hint of a blush would appear on her cheeks, though it didn't last long. She had never been treated with kind of respect from any humanoid in her 100 years of being alive. Snapping back to reality, she smiled and tilt her head slightly as she responded. "I don't see why they would run.. You are very kind.." She mumbles, bowing her head slightly in a polite gesture. "Until we meet again, Belenus. May the winds guide you until then." And with that, she bowed her head once more, turning and ran for the bar. Once a little distance away, she turned around and waved as she continued to run. Tonight she had made her first friend since being in Wing City. It was a rare moment for her.

The setting changes from Main Street 1 to Gambit's Bar


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre would agree with Belenus.