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Curtana Lierre

[quote]Sometimes, you just have to travel the road that's not there.[/quote]

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Knosis


Name:.Curtana Lierre
Bloodline:.Half human, half elf
Age:.100 years
Height:. 5' 4"
Weight:.100 pounds
Birthday:.April 1st
Known Family:.None
Hobbies:.Playing the flute, playing tricks on people, traveling, entertaining
Likes:.Being noticed, swords, woods, mountains, long conversations, stories
Dislikes:.Being alone, vampires, boring stories
Strengths:.Sword play, great eyesight and hearing, magic, archery and ability to talk to nature(trees, animals, water, etc)
Weaknesses:.Huge ego, stubborn


Short and stocky, this woman is nothing a nice combination of wit and strength. With earth colored hair(earthy red), and soft greenish blue eyes, she seems to be every bit of 'down to earth' as one could get. Since her mother was elf, she has the natural beauty of her clan, cat-like facial features and short pointed ears. Her father, however, was human, and therefore has quite the attitude and behavior of a teenager.

She has the ability to talk to nature, from her elf side. This ability also gives her the ability to ask for nature's help, if they are willing to give it. They also tell her the stories of what they have seen or heard. She also has the ability to create elemental powers, such as fire, water, or lightning upon some small degree. She is a better healer in her magic skills, however, and is very knowledgeable of herbs or medicines she can create in order to help the sick or wounded. She always carries around a short sword over her shoulder, along with a small dagger hidden in one of her boots. Occasionally, she will carry a bow that she wields only when she feels it is necessary to kill from a distance, considering archery not being a 'fair' fight unless it wasn't fair to begin with.

Curtana was born alone. Of course she had her mother, but even that wasn't company as her mother was an attendant to the royals. Her father, who she never knew, ran off before she was born, or so she was told. Merely learning to play and cause mischief, she was an outcast of the other elven children just because she was half human. She was constantly picked on her human qualities and never fit in. Even thrown out of classes when the jabs got to be too much for the elders. Finally, she had had enough. Never saying goodbye to her mother or ever looking back, she left the high city of the elves to become more of what she was; Wild and free. She traveled the world, learning and exploring many cultures.

So begins...

Curtana Lierre's Story


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre slowly walks through the door, humming quietly to herself as she makes her way towards the bar counter.. Which she accidentally trips over the leg of a patron near the front door. Scrambling to catch her balance and muttering appologizes as fast as she could, she winds up landing straight on her chin. The patron grumbles something about I though elves were suppose to be more graceful. Well, normal elves are..

Slowly standing back up, bright red in the face and rubbing her chin softly, she pulls up a stool. "Always the screw up.." She mumbles with a sigh, letting her forehead thunk against the hard wood surface of the bar counter.


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre sighs and listens to the fight going on, but merely sighs as she wasn't going to get involved..


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre peeks her head around the frame of the window, brushing strands of her short hair from her face to peek into the crowd that occupied Gambit's. It had been quite some time since the last time she had been here. Immediately, she discovered a fight happening in the middle of the bar. Typical.

But other than that, there didn't seem to be any reason to keep her out of the bar, and so she stood up straight once more, brushing off the dust off her clothes and the sheath of her sword before stepping in..

..And falling on her face.

There was a chair, -right- in front of the doorway as you enter the door. Frantically scrambling to grab on to something, she brought another chair and table down with her with a loud crash. Great. Some grace for an half elf.

Gently she rubbed the back of her head, scowling and hissing in pain and bright bright red. There was no way to cover her clumsiness this time. She waited for it..


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre lowers her gaze to the floor as Ronan addressed her, however caught the glance of Azazyl giving a quick wave. Halfheartedly she waved back, however she wished so much to just disappear right now. "Besides taking out a huge chunk of my pride..? Yes, I'll live.." She mumbles, slowly standing up, trying to pick up dropped furniture as quickly as she could. Silently, she began to look for corners that she could fade into, become unnoticed for a bit so the awkwardness would die down..


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre frowns as the man sat in the once fallen chair. "I have been to this place before.. Just never when there is a chair right in front of the door.." Gently brushing off her shoulders again, she noticed his regeneration spell. She blinks and bows her head, thanking him in elvish. Standing straight again, a small smile had crept up in the corners of her lips. "My name's Curtana. May I ask what is your name, sir?"


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre bites her lip. "Yes, Mr. Ronan.." A shade of pink returns to her cheeks. "Which is why it makes my fall even more embarrassing than if I were something else.. Are you new here?" She immediately switches subjects, trying to forget her unforgettable entrance.


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre nods and gratefully takes the seat that was offered for her. "Thank you." Tilting her head curiously at the other man who suddenly shifts garb to mimic that of a knight, she seemed rather confused as to how he could shift so quickly. "You have seen things here, Mr. Ronan? What kind of things, if it is not too much trouble to ask.."


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Character Portrait: Curtana Lierre
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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre sighs and shakes her head as the man Jay took Ronan's wallet. She would then fall silent for the most part, tracing her fingers on the wooden surface of the table..


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre feels the hairs on the back of her neck rise, turning to see who the culprit was. Her breath froze at the sight of Fehrune and Cerak. Biting her bottom lip, she immediately stood up. "I-it was a pleasure meeting you.." She whispers, slowly moving towards the bar counter in the front of the bar.


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre poofs.


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre slowly entered the bar, holding on to her letter and scanning over it silently. Why? It didn't make much sense, especially after all that had happened.

Pulling up a stool, and sitting in it backwards, her green eyes scanned the bar silently for a moment. Sashes. That's all it took right?

She seemed more like the traveling type, and didn't seem to fit here at all. Her earthy red hair and green eyes almost clashed they were so forest like. Young yet ancient, something seemed odd about this woman wearing the blue sash tied around her wrist like a boxer's wrapping.


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre noticed she had caught quite a bit of attention as soon as she walked in, but she bet everyone did as soon as they showed up with their colors. She had noticed quite a bit of them, in fact. However it could be other things..


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre bites her lip. "This bites.." She mumbles to herself, noticing no one else had blue sashes. It only meant she was a huge target right now.

And she was right. When Icy rushed over to where Curtana was sitting, she fliched as if she was expecting to be tackled. "Er.." She looked down at her arm. "N-no thanks.. I think I'll hang on to mine..." She frowned. "But hey..." She mumbles, an idea sparking. "My name is Curtana. Are you in it too?"


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre noticed the one with the red sash had come up. Most likely to grab the blue one she possessed. Just her dumb luck she was the only one it seemed to have the blue one. "Icy then.." She gave a small friendly smile to the dragon as well. "Well, it would appear I'm after them all, just as you and Icy here are as well." She pointing to the green sash. "I'm also after green and red. I have a feeling you are after blue.." She looked over to Odgerel. "Seeing you weren't addressing the others before."


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre smiles and nods. "Yes I know this." She Odgerel. "But as what I want.. Having the extras wouldn't hurt either, now would it?" She didn't even glance over at the sash Odgerel was dangling around the others. No, she didn't exactly need them.


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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre blinks and nods. "Sure.. You wanted blue right.. I'm sure there isn't something we can work out." She gave a friendly smile to the dragon and Icy, her own fingers tracing over her own blue sash. "However, I am afraid I'm going to keep my own, as I need it to stay in the game for now. But whats to say.. If you find an extra green or happen to find a red.. And I happen to get my hands on another blue.." She noticed that Icey started talking to Odgerel. "Or.. Not.."


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Character Portrait: Curtana Lierre
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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre sighs. "Yeah, but if she's willing to strike up a deal with another person, its almost like a competition to see who gets the first blue. And if that other woman gets her way, she's well on her way of becoming more.. I guess ahead I suppose." She sighs. "Oh well, early bird grabs the worm in this game of cat and mouse.."


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Character Portrait: Curtana Lierre
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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre nods. "Yeah, sure. It shouldn't be much of a problem." She then turned to Anodyne, seeing she had a similar green sash as Icey- or Shiver, since he was the one wearing it instead. "It seems so far I've been the only one with a blue one.." She mumbles disdainfully.


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Character Portrait: Curtana Lierre
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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre flinched as she was pointed at. "Yeah, and it seems I am becoming more and more popular as the crowd comes in.. So far I've heard of three people, including yourself, Icey, that's after my sash.." 'And without it, I doubt I have much of a bargaining chip..' She thought to herself.


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Character Portrait: Curtana Lierre
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#, as written by Knosis
Curtana Lierre smiles softly. "Just one? Thats it? I'm sure there must of been something else that made you accept this game. Heh, and who kind of person would set up games like this anyway? The sick bastard must be just a scandral and the king of thieves in order to pull something like this out of the hat.." She says this as her writer ducks for cover. "Anyway.. So, here's the deal. I'll look out for other blues. If you lay your hands on an green or a red, I'll trade ya. How's that?"