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Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet

The first Cybran Battle Fleet to enter the Milky Way

0 · 1,949 views · located in Casgrax System

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Tank Emperor


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Cybran Battle Fleet "Drachen"

Size - 500 ships strong.

Make up -
3 Utlra Dreadnoughts
50 Light Dreadnoughts
270 Battleships
100 Transports
27 Tankers
50 Frigates
Notable Commanders
Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Hindbura


So begins...

Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: Varden Expeditionary Fleet Character Portrait: EGO Character Portrait: Cybran Navy Character Portrait: Cybran Heer Marines
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The Cybran Admiral smiled and turned to lead the other Admiral towards the huge blast doors. He would take him to the map room, which acted like a conference room also. Once inside he sat down at the table, the other officers looking at the Varden Admiral, whispering.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: Varden Expeditionary Fleet Character Portrait: EGO Character Portrait: Cybran Navy Character Portrait: Cybran Heer Marines
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#, as written by Varden
Arlan had not seem like he had been surprised as to the general appearance of the Cybran people. He could have passed for a Cybran. The truth had been that the majority of alien civilizations that they had encountered were of a humanoid appearance with only minor differences. Anthropology and biology pointed in the direction of some underlying matrix that had caused the largest part of sentient life to develop on roughly the same path. There were exceptions to this but they were the less common option.

"Wir haben bewusst Sie für einige Monate, bevor ich geschickt wurde, um Kontakt herzustellen", he said before turning to Admiral Lindemann. "Wenn die Informationen freigegeben wurde dann wissen Sie, den Löwenanteil Detaillierung unserer Organisation. Bitte sagen Sie mir Ihre Regierung und Ihr Volk als Ganzes", he said with some great difficulty from the seat that was provided for him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: Varden Expeditionary Fleet Character Portrait: EGO Character Portrait: Cybran Navy Character Portrait: Cybran Heer Marines
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"Wir haben in diesem Cybrans Galaxy für eine große Anzahl von Jahren gelebt haben. Dies ist unsere Heimat, aber wir von einem Planeten irgendwo anders entstanden. Die Aufzeichnungen sind in der großen Mainframes, die wir halten unbegründet. Die Gerüchte sind, dass die Menschen schlachtet uns, bevor wir aus nahm von dem Planeten. Ich habe nicht ein Mensch gesehen, und ich bin nicht sicher, es sie wirklich gibt, aber das ist die Gerüchte. Derzeit haben wir einen Kaiser, der ein Ort, über dem Parlament, das wir haben, ist." Lindemann smiled, looking the man over. "Möchten Sie etwas zu essen oder zu trinken, während Sie hier sind interessiert?"

The Waffen FFS commander and the Marine commander sat down next to the Admiral, the FFS commander out his large power armour suit. He sat down with a leather trench coat and his cap on the table.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: Varden Expeditionary Fleet Character Portrait: EGO Character Portrait: Cybran Navy Character Portrait: Cybran Heer Marines
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#, as written by Varden
Arlan nodded and then spoke. Ein großer Teil unserer Geschichte hat sich aufgrund der Zeit verloren gegangen. Ihre Menschen sind nicht allein. Treffen Sie uns friedlich ist ein guter Anfang, um dieser Beziehung." He tilted his head to the right as if he were listening to something else. During this brief moment his eyes diverted down and to the left. Then his brown eyes were the brought back to gaze at Linermann.

He leaned back slightly and then rocked forward. "Ich entschuldige mich. Ich war nicht die Zeit gewährt, um Ihre Sprache richtig zu lernen. Ich werde einige Ihrer Nahrung zu versuchen, wenn Sie mit mir das Brot zu brechen, aber lassen Sie mich zuerst eine Frage stellen Sie es wünschen. Sind wir wirklich die anderen als die eigenen ersten Menschen, dass Sie erlebt haben?", he said and paused briefly before he finished. "Haben Sie Krieg mit sich selbst, wie wir tun? Ist das, warum Sie solche Fortschritte in der Kriegsführung besitzen?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: Varden Expeditionary Fleet Character Portrait: EGO Character Portrait: Cybran Navy Character Portrait: Cybran Heer Marines
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"Die Cybran Nation seit Jahren arbeiten. Wir schließen diese Galaxis und wir sind momentan im Krieg mit der alten Ordnung, die Leute, die über uns herrschen verwendet. Es ist eine sehr komplexe Situation mit dem, was gerade los. Die Ältere Ordnung haben eine Menge über die Jahre zu den poeple, die in dieser Galaxie leben getan. Es ist nicht nur die Cybrans in dieser Galaxie, haben wir eine große Anzahl von verschiedenen Arten von Menschen, die jetzt die Klasse sich als Cybran und arbeitet für die New Order. " Admiral Lindemann sighed, leaning back into his seat before the Waffen FFS commander pipped up.

"Ja, aber dieser Krieg bedeutet nicht, dass jeder die neue Ordnung unterstützt. ... Die alte Ordnung der alten Ordnung sind Kriegsverbrecher, nach allem was sie über die Jahre getan haben."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: Varden Expeditionary Fleet Character Portrait: EGO Character Portrait: Cybran Navy Character Portrait: Cybran Heer Marines
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#, as written by Varden
Konflikt Geburten Verbesserung durch die Kämpfe der Überleben als Zivilisation oder auf einer persönlichen Ebene. Es ist durch die Erfahrung, dass wir uns verbessern Admiral. Ayenee ist ein Ort der ständigen Konflikt und unsere Pflicht ruft uns zurück, aber ich lade einen Gesandten zu uns jetzt oder zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt zu begleiten, um diplomatische Kommunikation aufrecht zu erhalten." Aaric stood.

"Es war ein Vergnügen.", he said before performing bowing his head, clenching his fist and placing it over his heart.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: Varden Expeditionary Fleet Character Portrait: EGO Character Portrait: Cybran Navy Character Portrait: Cybran Heer Marines
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"Es war eine Freude für uns, da Sie schon die erste große Nation scheinbaren wir seit langer Zeit getroffen habe." The Cybran Admiral smiled, walking towards the door to lead him off the ship. As they entered the Hangar area, the alarms started to go off, the ship locking down. The FFS troops raised their weapons while the Engineer were since running out the hangar to find the source of the lock down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Aaric Arlan Character Portrait: Varden Expeditionary Fleet Character Portrait: EGO Character Portrait: Cybran Navy Character Portrait: Cybran Heer Marines
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#, as written by Varden
"Ist alles in Ordnung?", Aaric said and looked to the Cybran Admiral as they continued walking.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybran Drachen Battle Fleet Character Portrait: Cybran Navy Character Portrait: Cybran Heer Marines Character Portrait: Obersturmbannführer Adolf Landers
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HDS Fallen
Casgrax system
Day five hundred and four

Adolf Landers sighed softly, perching on the table of the command room. The bridge was filled with activity, and he just wanted a small rest. His bionics flickered to life as the ship pulled away from orbit, getting close to the jumping stage. The communications filled the ears of the crew while he just sat on the table. He glanced over towards the Cybran Marines who were standing their in their armour, rifles powered and ready in case of Hyperwarpium attack. This was no military exercise or an operation, but the Cybran fleet that was around fourteen ships strong were going to conquer the worlds of the Zeus Order so they could continue the unification of the Cybran Nation. Landers was old for his job, a Cybran Commander of the Heer, he was now used to the way his units operated in peace time, but war time was going to be something totally different. His eyes shut over and he pushed himself onto his feet, walking towards the doors of the room that lead onto the corridor with the lifts close by. "I'm going to go see the Panzers. I want to make sure that everything is ready. We're probably not going to come back, so we best check now."