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Dawn Romanus

0 · 253 views · located in The Infinite Void

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Symphony


Basic Information
Name : Dawn Romanus
Gender : Female
Age : 14 yr. (Ages oddly fast)
Species : Human
Breed : Necromancer

Family Ties
Mother : Cynthia La Croix (Deceased)
Father : Unknown
Siblings : Unkown
Husband : None
Offspring : None








So begins...

Dawn Romanus's Story


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The figure of a small girl would push her way into the bar. Eyes that had seen more then they should. Body that had held up more pressure then her shoulders could stand. Hands that had hit more things then a pillow, and clothes that had obviously been in a better state at one point in time, much like the girl herself.

Dawn, a strange name for a girl who purely looked more like dusk at this time of day. She was roughly the age of 14, and she continued to age at a faster pace then most. Half a month equaling a year of progress for most others. At this rate, the doctors had given her barely four years till she had aged to her full extent, and died.

She had long brown hair that had soft curls at the bottom, her golden eyes accenting them all the more. She had a slim figure, a nice body as most would say and fit as well. Though her clothes we're in a disheveled mess and she had no shoes to speak of. She kept her eyes to the newly put in floors, walking slowly toward one of the booths, just happy to be in the air conditioning and away from the heat outside.


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Dawn Romanus slowly lowered herself into the chair, her bones seeming to ache as she did so. She rested and arm on the table, letting it lay flat out as she laid the side of her cheek on her upper arm and letting her gaze shift around through the bar patrons. Disappearing in a fight, hair changing color, a couple comforting each other. She raised her other hand and onto the table, crossing her arms over one another as she softly sobbed, with her head tucked in between them. Her shoulders rose and fell with the silent cries, missing her mother, when she had a home.

But no, now she was a loner, an outcast. No friends to call her own, no family to speak of, nothing. As these thoughts crossed her mind the floor around her began to rattle slightly before a large cat, made out of just bones, seemed to seep out of the floor boards. She released a started "Eeep!!!" before jumping back in the seat after seeing the creature. Her golden eyes wide and her arms pressed up against the booth on either side of her, trying to get away from the beast. The skeleton lion uttered a soft growl, the bones rattling.

Little did the girl know.. she had summoned this beast.


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Dawn Romanus cringed even more as the large skeletal lion decided to roar at her, showing all of the large teeth in its mouth. The skeletal lion moved closer, stepping onto the booth cusion with one of its large paws. She nearly shrieked and backed up closer to the other side, her feet in the booth now as she struggled to stay away from the creature. "Good kitty!" she murmured and backed up a tad more before it growled again "Ahhhhh!!!!" she let loose a shriek, obviously terrified of the skeletal lion.


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Character Portrait: Dawn Romanus
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Dawn Romanus jumped over the booth with a slip of her hand, running over to Vergis's table and hiding there underneath it. The large skeletal lion ran after her before seemingly disappearing into the floor boards mind-stride. Her breathing was harsh and she was shaking badly from the scare. She continued to hide, sitting down under the table with her legs brought up to her knees and her arms wrapped around them. Her golden eyes stared wide at the place where the oncoming lion used to be, her face growing paler by the moment.


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Dawn Romanus saw Crepa take a seat and she ducked further under the table, slowly slipping out of it from under the other side and she was soon enough in view of the others seated near or on the table. She gulped, displeased with which table she chose to hide under in her rush to get away. The young girl was still shaking, her golden eyes wide and scared as she stared at the people around the table, shocked.


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Dawn Romanus ran out of the door, making a run for it before disappearing.


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Character Portrait: Dawn Romanus
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|| A young girl walked down the sidewalk from outside, pushing the bar open with a steady hand. She looked around, still holding the door before taking the final step and entering the establishment. Her long brown hair had grown longer since she had last entered the bar, and she had grown considerably. The girl now seemed to be in her late teens, though she was only roughly two years old. She strangely seemed to act her age as well, having been abandoned for orphanage at a young age. Though she continued to age extremely fast and at this rate she was given a little less then six years of life.

Her name was Dawn, Dawn Romanus. Her golden eyes scanned the bar before she continued on her way toward a booth near the actual bar. She slid into the booth, relaxing into the seat and releasing a sigh. She was wearing a black cloak, the hood down and the front only held around the front of her neck, the rest of it showing her dark grey shirt and her black jeans. In her front pocket was a small wooden stick that looked to be a wand of some sort, though more imortantly were the long tattoos that ran up her arms. They looked tribal and we're a mixture of black and red as they changed color and went all the way up nearly to her shoulders. Though luckily her cloak hid most of them, the sleeves hiding them all the way to her hands where an intricate pattern laced over and in between her fingers.

She gazed across the bar patrons once more before resting her elbows and forearms on the table, her palms on the table as she took a deep breath and relaxed even more. Her golden eyes fixed on the edges of the black sleeves on her cloak.


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Dawn Romanus flashed her gaze over to Saken and took in the feral approach she was given. She raised and eye brow, not even a trace of a smile crossing her features as she turned to look at her more closely. The way she ran, the black ears that contrasted against her white hair, and her eyes, two different colors yet matching at the same time.

The girl dared to talk to the savaged girl "Hey there." two simple words, yet also an invitation to conversation. Dawn was not a girl with many friends, having grown up an orphan and a freak for the beasts that were usually chasing her. Her powers were undefined, though could most likely be related to a necromancer of some sort. But of course that didn't add up to her abnormal aging rate that seemed to only grow faster and faster as the days progressed.

Her left leg, closest to the edge of the booth, slowly bounced up and down in the way a father would bounce his child on his knee, though her heel never touched the floor after it rose. Her golden eyes stayed locked on Saken multicolored eyes and only occasionally darted away, and if they did it was toward the bar counter to check who was there and what they were doing, always weary and cautious.


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Dawn Romanus saw the look in her eyes and within the short time it took for her to growl, the necromancer had moved her leg and her eyes had changed to a ghostly white. Her elbows moved up off of the table and she pushed up with her hands, her body twisted mid-air as she flung herself over the feline breed, landing on both feet behind Saken.

"Easy does it." she said and fixed her cloak with a small movement of her hands so that it was back in the same position as before with her hands on her hips. She was careful to not step on the feline breeds tail and take a step backwards as to not scare her if or when she turned around . Her eyes turned back to the previous golden color, the tattoos on her hands that were previously glowing dimmed until they looked like they had before, regular tattoos.


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Dawn Romanus noted that Saken's writer seemed to have disappeared. She turned her head at the soft ticking noise comming from the near by storage room. "I can hear one." she shouted over to Pyrrhus and then made a dash for the storage room door, climbing over the bar counter with a slip of her hand and throwing the door open to see the suitcase, the source of the ticking. She looked back over to the rest of the bar patrons, completely unsure on what to do.


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Dawn Romanus shouted at the top of her lungs to the bar patrons, hopefully warning them of the ticking noise.

"There is a bomb in the bar! Get out!"

She then proceeded to wave a hand in a triangular formation as black matter seemed to form around her hand and the tattoos around her arms lit up and her cloak began to waver like it was above a fan, her hair doing the same as she disappeared without a trace.


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Dawn Romanus would slowly make her way into the bar, pushing the door open with a tattooed hand and moving silently into the establishment.


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Dawn Romanus squees and begins to pet Red's hair.