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Deathstroke (Slade)

"I am the evil that haunts every dark corner of your mind"

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by AppleSauce



the world's greatest assassin/mercenary and an enemy of the Teen Titans. Originally a soldier in the U.S. Army, he was part of an experimental super-soldier project where he gained enhanced strength, agility and intelligence. His vendetta against the Titans began when he swore revenge for the death of his oldest son Grant; his other two children would go on to become Titans members as Jericho and Ravager. Traditionally his actions have been limited by a strong personal code of honor, although his motives became more villainous following the death of his wife Adeline Kane. Through this time his only steady companion is his loyal manservant Major Wintergreen.

Real Name: Slade Joseph Wilson
Current Alias: Deathstroke
Occupation: Mercenary, Assassin, former Soldier
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 225 lbs (102 kg)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White

Powers and Abilities

Unique Physiology: Due to a military enhancement procedure, Slade Wilson's physiology was changed permanently. First, the procedure crippled his mind and body. Then, the experiment rebuilt his physical and mental faculties further than a human could process or build. These enhancements make Deathstroke an enhanced human, not superhuman and afford him the enhancements.
Enhanced Intellect: Able to think 9 times faster and utilize that much more of his mind than your average human for information processing and sorting, Deathstroke's mind is virtually a computer built for strategy and problem-solving, one that works at optimal ability even when under stress and fatigue. He is also ingenious in devising solutions against superior aspects of opponents, can observe and exploit, and can calculate distance, speed, and time at lightning speeds; his sense of timing is superb, bordering on perfection.
Enhanced Reflexes: Deathstroke possesses enhanced reflexes. The speed at which he reacts allows him to dodge fast-moving projectiles such as arrows and bullets. He can usually out-react even the fastest humans, no matter how well-trained.
Enhanced Speed: Ability to run at speeds of up to 30mph and long distances far out-performing any Olympic athlete.
Enhanced Stamina: Deathstroke can exert himself at peak capacity greater then any human could.
Enhanced Strength: His entire muscular system was hardened and strengthened making Deathstroke many times stronger than an average human to the point of tearing off an airplane door and twisting steel with his bare hands.
Enhanced Senses: Deathstroke's senses have been augmented to higher levels of ability. He can perceive things better than a normal human. This includes, but is not limited to:
Enhanced Hearing
Enhanced Sense of Smell
Enhanced Vision

Regenerative Healing Factor: With an enhanced ability to heal damaged tissue, the rate at which Deathstroke's body recovers from injury and capable of being repaired before death. As such, Deathstroke's body can take a tremendous amount of punishment before succumbing to death. Simple gunshot and stab wounds, cuts, and broken bones can heal faster than normal. He was once impaled clean through his chest, and it did nothing but slow him down and cause great pain.
Enhanced Immunity: Deathstroke's regenerative abilities have some affect on his body's ability to process through harmful, foreign substances and he has become naturally immune to deadly poisons and illnesses.
Retarded Aging: An important aspect to note is that while Deathstroke is apparently aging, he does so very slowly, appearing younger than he actually is.
Tactical Analysis: Slade is a great strategist and tactician. Always calculating his opponents moves before hand; he even single handedly defeated the JLA roster that lacked the "Big Three". He has been compared to Batman in terms of tactical methods. Even against metahumans he has proven more than a match for them all at once with time to prepare. Roy Harper once claimed the Slade was, "The worlds greatest tactician." Using his superior problem-solving skills, Deathstroke can work out a battle ahead of time for many possibilities and predict enemy movements and tactics after the battle has engaged by recalling and utilizing memorized mannerisms acquired through past experience on a moment's notice.
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced): Slade trained in hand-to-hand combat and when he was in the Army, he proved himself to be one of their best fighters.. Later he received martial arts training in various styles. After mastering these martial arts he furthered his studies when he sought an assassin known as Natas to train him in the ways of Ninja and had studied assassination techniques. His physical prowess is so great that he has defeated Batman in hand to hand combat.

Swordsmanship: Deathstroke is a highly trained swordsman; he is able to dual-wield a pair of katanas and to use them with deadly accuracy and an almost-superhuman speed.
Missing Eye: Deathstroke only has one eye, though he feels confident enough in himself to allow his opponents full knowledge of this weakness with his mask.


Deathstroke's Armor
Standard Armor: Deathstroke's helmet and armor are lined with Kevlar and later promethium mesh, making it incredibly resistant to conventional injury.
Nth Metal Armor: After the events of Flashpoint, Deathstroke is shown to have armor made from composite Nth metal which further enhances his physical abilities and is stronger than titanium.
Super Bomb: Among other things, Deathstroke has been shown to carry a specially designed multi-million dollar flash-bomb capable of incapacitating the entire Justice League, including Superman, although only long enough for him to make an escape.[7]
Promethium Sword
Deathstroke's Energy Lance


So begins...

Deathstroke (Slade)'s Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra (Tara Markov) Character Portrait: Deathstroke (Slade) Character Portrait: Deathstroke
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#, as written by Rulke
It was a state of utter devoidness, she knew her name, she knew who she was, but digging deeper, Tara knew nothing of the past, of her friends, of her betrayal of how she had led to the almost end of the world. it was of course for the best, but occasionally remnants of the past resurfaced as if to tempt and taunt her, but names, places and people were just faceless cadavers in her mocking show. Parodies were her life, she lived for them, whether a smile, a laugh, this was her existence and she had realized long ago this was the case.

A eighteen year old girl of this city, she had long long blonde hair, wore short shorts, heavy boots and a belt around her waist, her top had a middrift and she had a very tomboyish look about her. Otherwise nothing stood out. Nothing was amazing about her, sometimes people stared at her with disgust, she had gotten death threats even, and had no idea why, then again she was far too miserable to care.

Fortunately High School was over, and as of now, she was just sitting in the park, gazing into the oblivion of her mind, when she heard footsteps and swung around, the person face was hidden and he examined her much like something akin to a predator, hurriedly she channeled her powers, to try handle him, but he did nothing, just waiting.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra (Tara Markov) Character Portrait: Deathstroke (Slade)
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Slade stepped out from the shadows as his target grew nearer. His eyes studied her and her actions and it was clear and evident that she had most certainly lost most to almost all of her memories. "Hello Terra" he said bluntly, a familiar tone to his voice might trigger something within the depths of the girl's memories, but that was not his goal for now. "I've been waiting for you" his arms were crossed behind his back, his body up straight and strong and his face as usual unseen. Covered in his mixture between gold and orange, and black clothing of sorts. "You've gotten more control of your powers, very good." His eyes squinted slightly, studying her more; he would see almost every move she might throw at him, and he was equally or even more prepared than the oblivious Terra.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra (Tara Markov) Character Portrait: Deathstroke (Slade)
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#, as written by Rulke
Startled she ripped up the ground and leveled it up with her, staring her eyes ablaze with yellow, "Look, if you're a rapist I warn you now, you chose wrong person, I will smash your face in." she appeared somewhat unsure, but a little brave, though it was evident she was doubting herself, but she had torn the ground free and had it hovering next to her, ready to fling, "Back off, I might be miserable, but I will die before I let anyone do what you want to too me." the threat was clear, and it very obvious she was willing to murder him then and there. A flash hit her a voice and a slap, and she screamed, tearing more the ground free as collapsed crying, unable to understand, why she kept seeing this stuff, who was she? Why did she feel so empty and why was it this person brought forth so much conflicting emotions!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra (Tara Markov) Character Portrait: Deathstroke (Slade)
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As to be expected. "My dear child. You don't remember." Ignoring the vulgar accusations he'd take a step forward and would end up behind Terra in the blink of an eye. His arms remained firmly behind his back. "You are lost. Afraid. Are you afraid of your past, or not knowing your past. What ever it may be you know something haunts the very depths of your mind. Deep down inside, you do not wish to know what that horror is." His voice would seem to grow louder until the end of his sentence would sound like it were being spoken right into her ear. Of course when or if she were to push him away or something similar, he would be seen back in front of her where he was before.
"Tara. I can help you."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra (Tara Markov) Character Portrait: Deathstroke (Slade)
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Calming somewhat, she stared unsure, part of her told her not to trust this person, but he spoke softly, kindly even and this was rare for her, the ground stopped shaking so aggressively, a physical tremor permeated still, but it was low and very slow. Still she seemed mistrusting, but she asked the soft question, "How... how... how do you know who I am?" it was not like she even used her real name much, Terra was her identity through and through and well that was because she hated what people said of her, calling her a Princess and mocking it. But here he was, staring at her and appearing to offer safety, "You... are hiding behind a mask... why?" the poor woman was still so confused and found it utterly confounding why her head hurt when she tried to think of the past, and that mask, it seemed to make her both feel hateful and safe...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra (Tara Markov) Character Portrait: Deathstroke (Slade)
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"Because, Tara, everyone has secrets. Some more obvious than others. Some that need to be covered up." Slade replied, his voice remained on the same level and his sentences were instantly spoken after the girl had spoken. As if he had acted out the whole scene over and over again in his head. He'd ignore her first question and push it aside, she'd most likely forget she had asked it in the first place once he continued the conversation.
"I can remember everything for you. Tara you were betrayed and beaten. You were left to rot in the mud. They were jealous of you Tara." Slade then casually walked a bit closer to the girl, stopping in front of her and staring down at her, his voice smooth and convincing. "Don't you want to know why everyone looks at you like you're trash?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra (Tara Markov) Character Portrait: Deathstroke (Slade)
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#, as written by Rulke
Blinking, she asked unnerved, "What you mean, what you mean I was betrayed? I don't understand..." she honestly did not, and when she was flustered like this, her powers tended to act out. But he seemed caring, compassionate even. The woman was unable to deny her feelings, he was right people did demonize her, and deep down she did want to understand. Lowering her gaze she responded, "I do want to know, I don't know what I did, surely it can't have been that bad? I do nothing to hurt people, not even fought back when people tried to hurt me in school. I want to know what you mean, why do people hate me so much? Why would anyone be jealous of me, I barely got control of my powers and am an orphan, who only got a house because a group paid for it, they never said why, just did so. I don't know what to think?"

Crying out her eyes shot aglow as cried out, "WHO AM I, WHO THE HELL AM I?!" with that she ripped up the ground and flung it great distance, screaming in torment, as voices echoed through her mind. So many words, so many suggestions, so many phrases...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra (Tara Markov) Character Portrait: Deathstroke (Slade)
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Slade swiftly backed off from the girl and dodge the large amounts of rock and land that flowed violently around them. Everything was flowing as he had expected it to. So many questions, such little time to answer them. "Tara. I can't answer all your questions now. There's not much time. Come with me, and all your questions shall be answered" Slade called out to her over the loud noise of the earth ripping around them. His voice still sounding calm. If it died down he would extend his right hand to the girl a few meters away from her. He was determined to use such power for his own good. This time, he would not screw up, no, no mistakes this time. Things would be easier than last time with the girl's memories gone.

"No one will ever harm you again if you come with me Tara."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra (Tara Markov) Character Portrait: Deathstroke (Slade)
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#, as written by Rulke
Unsure, she relaxed slightly and her power stopped channeling, as she took his hand tears flowing from her eyes, clearly miserable, "I want too... I want know more... I want to understand... please sir... please... I just want to know everything, why everyone hates me, why everyone wishes to hurt me, I don't understand... I want too... please..." she pleaded desperately, not seeing the evil within his stature or realizing anything, all she was finding was answers, answers which could make everything make sense. Who was she? Why were the group paying for her education and house, she just wanted to know. Tara wanted the nightmares to end, and instead understand why so many voices spoke through her head, what had she done to make people hate her so much? The poor girl had no idea... no idea....

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra (Tara Markov) Character Portrait: Deathstroke (Slade)
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0.00 INK

"There there child. You made the right choice." With the blink of an eye, Terra would find herself looking at her own reflection in a large puddle of sorts. They were further into the park.

"You can call me Slade Tara. And like you I was betrayed. You, are powerful, even more than those who betrayed you. They were jealous of your power, once they saw how well you controlled your powers, they found you too over powering for them. They turned everyone against you. Everything was ruined once they found out your true self." Slade moved in closer so his face would be seen in the puddle. "You just wanted friends, they didn't care about you. They tricked you and manipulated you into doing things you didn't want to do. Innocent people were harmed Tara, but it wasn't your fault. They tricked you. I understand. They hurt you mentally and they hurt me physically." Slade's words danced around fluently whether they were true or not did not matter for now, to Slade. He was very decisive and was patient but knew he didn't have a whole lot of time either.

"We are quite alike Tara."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra (Tara Markov) Character Portrait: Deathstroke (Slade)
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Shrugging she appeared rather unsure and nervous, but some of it made sense, it actually seemed realistic, very clear even. This much was obvious his reasons connected to what she knew, how much actually seemed probable. Altogether she seemed puzzled and little scared, but finally she would speak, "You being honest? It seems so real, and my mind suggests many things, many loose threads connecting? But who is this group and why do they hate me? I feel like I know them, and I hear many remnants echoing through my mind, but they all seem kindly, caring even? Are you sure these people are that evil, I don't even know who they are, but they seemed like my friends..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra (Tara Markov) Character Portrait: Deathstroke (Slade)
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0.00 INK

"The Teen Titans." A resentful tone would be heard in his voice. "Of course, your memories are only willing to show you the good of the past. As I said, they tricked you. They pretended to be your friend just to get their own way. They are deceiving, delinquent children who betrayed you Tara." Slade took a step back then lightly placed his hand on his shoulder comfortingly "they didn't accept you for who you are Tara. They hurt you. They tried to destroy you. But they failed. All they could do to stop you from stopping them was by erasing your memory."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra (Tara Markov) Character Portrait: Deathstroke (Slade)
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
The woman growled in fury and her eyes went ablaze with yellow and the earth shook violently, there was clear distinction she was trying to destroy the whole park, not even caring who died, "THEY DID WHAT, THEY DID WHAT?!" the ground shook even more visibly and she continued, staring at him, while the whole Richter scale experienced something akin to a heart-attack. The whole ground shuddering violently, making standing near her impossible, in fact the park seemed to be physically rending itself with her unquenchable pain and the oblivion of her sadness, this was all her anger, hatred, and loneliness hitting full force as she continued to screech in anguish, "How could they? How could they fucking do this? I was there friend, they robbed me, they took my existence and pretended to like me, they deserve to die. I won't be merciful, I won't be merciful I will kill them all, they ruined my life, so they shall die!"

The ground fractured and cracks began to form as the Teutonic Plates were in her complete control and she could at this point probably destroy an entire city, if she was not stopped!

"They will all die, I will not be merciful nor show them compassion, for each year they made my life hell, I will inflict a personal pain on all of them, each one will realize soon what they did... I will hit them all where it hurts, and in the end, when they are broken and weak, I will then crush them."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra (Tara Markov) Character Portrait: Deathstroke (Slade)
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Slade was pushed back by the force of Terra's wrath. She was most certainly cross. He'd attempt to catch his grip on the ground with his feet and hunch down slightly, pushing forward with his right arm shielding his face. "Tara! Stop, you're attracting too much attention!" Slade exclaimed over the loud sounds of the Earth being ripped apart. Taking a few more steps forward, he'd continue trying to calm the girl down. "Tara, I want nothing more than to destroy the Teen Titan's too. If you calm yourself and come with me" Slade reached out and sternly grasped her arm "I'll teach you everything there is to know on how to destroy the Teen Titans" his voice was serious and his eye slightly slanted as he frowned. A determined look would be obvious just from the look of his eye and the sound of his voice.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra (Tara Markov) Character Portrait: Deathstroke (Slade)
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#, as written by Rulke
Nodding, the ground ceased moving and she would said, "Very well..." listening carefully she went on, "I want them all to die, painfully and horribly, I want them to realize what they did. I will take all they love, destroy it and then rip them to pieces mentally, before killing them. Let them live hell. I will do all this and not care how they feel." with that she smiled cruelly, "First one I want to break is the green one, he lied the most, I remember now. I will let him think I am forgiving then..." she chuckled madly and restored the ground around her, before turning back to Slade, "We will kill them together, and they will know our name, I want them feel like I did all these years, before we snuff out their very existence."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra (Tara Markov) Character Portrait: Deathstroke (Slade)
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"Excellent." Slade replied, a slight cheerful tone to his voice. Releasing his grip on her arm his arms folded back behind his back and he return to his stern and straight posture. Her powers were most certainly well controlled and extremely powerful, he felt that with a bit more training on how to destroy each individual Titan, she could be unstoppable. Slade was much more confident now, but he also kept in mind he'd need to have a way to keep her in control. Unlike last time, any disobedience will result in forceful and serious consequences. "Every Teen Titan will face your wrath Tara. They'll be sorry they had ever met you. I'm certain of that."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vega Malice Character Portrait: Warren Aulare Character Portrait: Ione Fanil Character Portrait: Abraxas of Blackrock Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox Character Portrait: Aretu Liiga
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0.00 INK

Warren Aulare departed his private vessel and made his way across the busy port. He didn't look too out of place here. He was always smartly dressed.

As he made his way through baggage and other departments the white haired man tapped at a device on his wrist. It was leading him in a specific direction, having detected a concentration of a specific type of energy. It wasn't too easy to come across, and he wasn't sure it was what he needed, but it was one of his best chances towards success.

After all, he already had the first piece of the puzzle delivered. He just had to go and pick it up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vega Malice Character Portrait: Warren Aulare Character Portrait: Ione Fanil Character Portrait: Sara Gynovus Character Portrait: Abraxas of Blackrock Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox
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0.25 INK

"Ahhh..." Ara said, taking a long drag on her cigar. "That's the good stuff. They sure roll their tobacco well here in... where the hell are we again, Abra?"
Abraxas paused for a moment to think, stroking his scaly chin with a gloved hand. "I'm pretty ssssure this place is called... Missssrana? Yeah, I'm pretty ssssure it'ssss that." He took an appraising look at the port around him, with its tall chrome spires and geometric patterns. "And wherever thissss issss, they've got ssssome damn good architects."
Looking around, he noticed Janet and Sara approaching them and nudged the teenaged girl next to him. "Yo, they're back. You'd better ssssnuff that out before Sara sees." Ara did what he told her to with a quick, practiced efficiency; neatly dropping it to the floor and crushing it with a large, well-worn leather boot.
"I have rented our ship to be docked here for one week, and we have enough currency to last that amount of time," Sara said as she came over to them. Taking out a large purse, the woman split a large amount of coinage between herself, Abraxas, Ara and Janet. "We will rent a room at a hotel, and then continue on our mission."
"What was our mission again?" Janet asked, hands stuffed in her pockets. "It feels like its been two years since we left Rorian Grand."
Sara gave the urchin an exasperated look. "We had learned that Abraxas' bow was made by the friend of Ara's grandfather, a master artisan and weaponsmith. They had been working on plans for what I presume to be some sort of powerful weapon, but the artisan took the plans with him when he left Blackrock. We are here to retrieve the blueprints and / or get him or someone else to help build it, and then presumably use it to defeat the C.O.R.e. legions who have taken over Blackrock. We are also going to gather information on Abraxas' bow, and its peculiar properties."
Janet shrugged her shoulders, her straight black hair bouncing along to the movement. "I guess we'd better get going then. Lead us onward, oh fair leader!" This last part she said with a sarcastic cry of elation, a sly smirk upon her lips. Abraxas, once more, found himself attracted to the woman's force of personality.
Grumbling under her breath, Sara trudged along through the port as a light drizzle began to dampen the ragtag foursome's clothes - but not their spirits.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vega Malice Character Portrait: Ione Fanil Character Portrait: Abraxas of Blackrock Character Portrait: Boris Gradelvox Character Portrait: Aretu Liiga Character Portrait: Ara
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#, as written by jamere
Character Portrait: carmen carmen says,
 “ aye ”