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Divine Confessor

Generic Confessor of the Aschen Empire

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by barney_fife


Confessor of the Divine Shadow

Confessors are in charge of personally executing the will of the Divine Shadow. Attached to the newly created Confessor Cabal, an Office in the newly appointed Office of Imperial Affairs. Confessors work in everything from Inquisition of undesirables, to intelligence and interrogation of enemy and political prisoners. Made up of some of the most devout and sociopathic individuals in the Aschen Empire. Confessors are known to brutally torture their prisoners, and do so in secret with complete impunity.

So begins...

Divine Confessor's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Black Hand Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance
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Dayson lay tense and shivering on the floor, starting to cry. Especially when the Confessor spoke of his family on Lorhill. The tears really started then. His mother and father were dead? He couldn't comprehend that? He'd talked to them earlier in the day. Now they were dead.

"But... That..." Dayson didn't know what to say.

"They didn't do anything wrong." He cried, "they're innocent. You killed them. Why?" And he fully believed the man over him was telling the truth. Before he'd been knocked out he'd seen what they'd done. If they could do that to the street he lived on, they could find Lorhill and kill his parents.

And with that Dayson cried harder. He wasn't a fighter. He was weak physically and emotional. He wasn't one that was going to fight what was going on now. And his naivety led him to believe that the man was telling him the truth; the possibility of lies not something that entered his distraught head.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Black Hand Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance
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#, as written by Tiko
"Lorhill, New Haven?" The Black Hand asked curiously. "A coincidence that our other psionic is from there as well?"

She picked up a small tablet from a desk with a digital display screen and perused the list of captives, and their places of birth. Many of the psionics in the holding cells shared similar origins.

"Curious," she noted as she mulled the matter over.

"Have a task force sent out to search the planet for more like them," she instructed of the confessor at her side. "They're religious pacifists, they won't give you any trouble."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Black Hand Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance
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#, as written by Tiko
"Lorhill, New Haven?" The Black Hand asked curiously. "A coincidence that our other psionic is from there as well?"

She picked up a small tablet from a desk with a digital display screen and perused the list of captives, and their places of birth. Many of the psionics in the holding cells shared similar origins.

"Curious," she noted as she mulled the matter over.

"Have a task force sent out to search the planet for more like them," she instructed of the confessor at her side. "They're religious pacifists, they won't give you any trouble."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Black Hand Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance
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The Confessor at Kianna's side nodded. "By Your Command." He said, turning to note the orders in with the logs so he could have someone send a ship there.

The first confessor in the Cell stood there, before he turned to look at the one way mirror, shaking his head in disappointment, the quivering mass at his feet was easy to break.

"Their existence was an affront to His Shadow, they offended him and thus, they were destroyed."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Black Hand Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance
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"They didn't do anything!" Dayson cried. "They didn't hurt anyone. I don't get why you're doing this! Please, just let me go!" He shouted, trying to get himself off the ground. He managed to sit up, tugging at his collar and trying to figure out how to remove it.

"Please just give me the food and let me go. This is a mistake. I haven't done anything wrong. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." He cried.

Dayson tried to mess with his collar again, pulling at it and trying to get the thing off. He just wanted to go home. "I won't use my powers. I promise." He repeated while trying to grab the food again. "Please give me the food."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Black Hand Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance
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The Confessor watched as he tried to get the collar off. With the press of a button, the collar would send another jolt through his body.

"Do you think it is that simple?"

He then turned to face Dayson once more.

"You want some food?" He said, picking up a piece of the food, and standing just outside the radius of the chain. Holding the food out, he would wait for Dayson to grab the food, before pulling it back and just out of reach.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Black Hand Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance
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"Argh!!" Dayson screamed out in agony as the collar shocked his body and it spasmed so he had no control over himself. "Yes. It is. You should be good. It's good to let me go." He managed to choke out. "I want my clothes. Please. I'm cold." He added.

He watched as the Confessor took some of the food. He managed to get himself standing covering his 'parts' with one hand, not liking that he was so exposed and moved to grab the food only to have the Confessor pull it back just out of reach.

"Why did you do that for?" Dayson really didn't understand any of this. He didn't understand why they had grabbed him. He didn't understand why they had him chained up. He didn't understand why they were causing him pain. And he didn't understand they the man was tormenting him with the food.

Maybe this was all just a really bad dream.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Black Hand Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance
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The Confessor chuckled some, and then tossed the piece of turkey back onto the plate, before turning to leave Dayson in solitude once more.

He moved around and into the room where the second confessor and Kianna were at.

"Too easy. He will require more education before he is ready for the special projects division."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Black Hand Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance
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"Hey wait! Come back! You can't just leave me here hungry, cold and naked!" Dayson shouted angrily struggling to fight with the collar and try to escape. He wanted to get out of here. Once again Dayson was panicking and trying to get free. He had to get out of here and eat.

Several times he tried to reach the food and water. He never managed it. Several times he tried to get the collar off but it wouldn't come off.

"HELP ME! SOMEBODY HELP ME! I'VE BEEN KIDNAPPED!" Dayson shouted, trying to get out of this mess.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Black Hand Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance
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#, as written by Tiko
The Black Hand shook her head.

"Continue at your leisure," she told the confessors. "I don't want them compliant. I want them broken, entirely and completely. Push their minds and bodies to their limits. When they think they can't take anymore, prove them wrong. I will handle the rest."

She set the tablet back down on the desk.

"I'll be back in a week to check on progress and to select the ones I want for the special projects division. The rest will be... terminated."

She turned and left the room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Black Hand Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance
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The Confessor nodded. "May his merciful shadow fall upon you." He said, turning to the second confessor, who nodded.

"Keep him in isolation and monitor his activity, then proceed to the next stage of conditioning." The Confessor added, as Kianna left the room, the original one turning to the controls, increasing the light levels and adjusting sensors to account for when Dayson would sleep, and to prevent him from sleeping the collar would administer a painful shock.

The Confessor was left alone to watch

He indeed watched as Dayson panicked in the silent room. No one was going to help him, and he was completely cut off. With the manipulation of yet another control, the room would be filled with a sonic resonance field, dampening all ambient sound.

The silence would be pervasive, there was no echo, no sound. One could hear their stomach gurgling, heart beating. Every minute sound from the body.

The Confessor flipped another switch, causing the room to go black. Visual and auditory deprivation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Black Hand Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance
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It didn't take long for Dayson to think he was going crazy and get agitated. He paced as much as he could, messing with the collar and trying to get himself out of this trap. He was shouting and talking and trying to get someone to listen to him. He soon got tired and sat down, but as soon as he closed his eyes to try and sleep, a shock would occur and Dayson would scream out and struggle.

He managed to get up and start talking again, his ears suddenly picked up on the fact that there was no echo. Something had happened. Dayson started to look around the room, trying to figure something out. And then everything went black. And Dayson started to panic, struggling again.

What if something was going to appear and eat him? Or attack him?

"HELP!" Dayson screamed. "HELP ME!"

And with that he sat himself down, closing his eyes only to be shocked again causing him to scream out and spasm. "Stop. Please stop." He begged.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Black Hand Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance
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This unending silence lasted several hours, one long hour after the next, before a voice permeated the room.

"Subject 14, Choose option A, or B."

Two holograms suddenly appeared, one of them was of the Divine Shadow, the second was a hologram of the Planet Lorhill.

The Holograms would persist until one was chosen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Black Hand Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance
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Dayson was lying on the ground whispering to himself by the time the holograms appeared. His head turned slowly and he studied each one for a minute. Home. Lorhill. He wanted to go home.

"B." Dayson called out in a dry raspy voice. He was hungry, thirsty and cold. "I want to go home."

And that was all he said before he fell silent again, praying this option would take him home. Maybe this hologram was his savior.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Black Hand Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance
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Quite the opposite happened, He would not be taken home, he would not be freed. Rather, a painful electric shock rocked through the collar.

The voice rang through the room. "Incorrect choice." And both holograms vanished, leaving Dayson in darkness for another long hour, and the Holograms reappeared. One of the Divine Shadow, and one of the Isirian President.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance
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Dayson screamed as the painful shock coursed through his spasming body. He cried out, begging for it to stop. And when it did he was left alone in the dark again. By now he was starving, exhausted from no sleep, getting shocked every time he tried to go to sleep.

"Isirian President."

He spoke out, barely able to focus on the holograms. He didn't know what he was supposed to be choosing or why. He was just choosing what he knew. He knew home. He knew the President (not personally). He didn't know the Divine Shadow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance
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The Voice scolded him again. "Incorrect choice." And another painful shock was administered.

"The Emperor is your light, the Emperor is your choice." The Voice repeated.

Without the Dark, there can be no Light,
We have purpose
Without the Lie, there can be no Truth,
We have purpose
Without the War, there can be no Victory,
We have purpose
Without the Death, there can be no sacrifice,
We have purpose
Without the Hope there can be no Future,
We have purpose
Without the Loyalty there can be no one Company,
We have purpose
Without the Emperor, there is nothing,...
And we would have no purpose

"We Worship His Shadow." The Voice said, before going silent for yet another hour.

... The Test was administered again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance
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Dayson screamed again as the shock went through him causing great pain. Then words were spoken but Dayson wasn't really listening at all to whatever chant was being said. He was too busy rolling onto his side and trying to get over the tingling pain in his body.

How had his life gotten to this? Kidnapped and tortured.

He lay there thinking about his life for the next hour before the test was given again. This time, Dayson said what they wanted to hear.

"The Divine Shadow."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance
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This time nothing happened. An Apple had rolled to Dayson's feet, and the holograms disappeared, normal light returning to the room.

"Long may he reign." The Voice said, before it fell silent, leaving Dayson to his fruit. The two Confessors nodding slightly in approval.

"He may say what we want to hear, but does he believe it?" The Confessor asked.

"Many rewards await those who profess loyalty to the Divine Shadow." The Voice called out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Righteous Vigilance
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0.00 INK

For a long time, Dayson didn't dare try and reach for the apple. So far all food near him and been out of reach or taken out of reach. He was sure this time the same thing would happen. And now he knew what would stop the pain. He'd cooperate to stop the pain. Dayson would say what they wanted to hear. His hand covered his face as the light was suddenly back. After so long in darkness it practically blinded him.

Finally he silently tried to reach for the apple once his eyes had adjusted to the light and he saw where it was. It was by his feet. Rewards. He'd said what they wanted and gotten a reward. That's all he had to do and it would be over. Maybe they'd set him free.

"Long may he reign." Dayson repeated, grabbing the apple and taking a bite. It felt so good to finally be allowed to eat something. He hoped clothes and a drink would come soon. And once he'd finished the apple, Dayson tried to fall asleep, exhausted, hoping this time he wouldn't be shocked.