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"All very similar, and so weak"

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Dr. Nikolai




The art does not belong to me, it belongs to Pikishi on deviantART, and if they request it removed, I will do so quickly.


Daniel Rauch (Dorchadas' Human Form, He Shadow's Gergory In This Form)

Species: Corrupted Entity.

Gender: Presumed to be male.

Full Name: Dorchadas.

Age: Unknown.

Height: 6'3'.

Weight: 190 Lbs.

Eye Color: Purple.

Fur Color: Black.


The creature came into existence from a story made by a young author by the name of Gergory Finnish. The story involved the creature being murdered as a pup by a dark magic user, the user then using his knowledge of dark magic to bring him back, tainted by corruption and darkness. The creature then would kill the user in a very brutal and slow manner. It then found a tear in the wall of the place that the user used to make his creatures, and use his dark magic. It then made it's way through the tear, and ended up in the author's place of residence, it had only one thing it wanted to do, kill anyone who looked like the user. Unfortunately for the author, he made the user look like him, and the creature went on a rampage, tearing apart the author's parents, and then severely injuring the author. It then sealed the wounds with it's tainted energy, and marked him as it's property. The author would then smell of death, and like wolf, the scent of Dorchadas.

What was to come next was unknown to all but Dorchadas..........

So begins...

Dorchadas's Story


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[color=olive]In the basement of the young author's house, there was a black spot on the wall. The spot looked like a stain of sorts, as if someone had spilled something on the wall, but it was so much more than that.

Oh so much more......

The black spot got bigger, and the spot on the wall became more than the spot, a slimy like material starting oozing from the wall, and slowly, a paw reached through the wall, covered in the black slime-like material. The paw continued through, another paw pulled itself through, then a head, then a body, and the rest of the creature pulled itself through. The creature stood there, and then looked around the basement.

It's teeth went into a grin, and a long purple tongue made it's way out it's mouth, and it opened it's mouth, letting the tongue hang out. It then quietly padded it's way up the stairs, and pushed open the door.

It was looking for a certain someone, someone that could provide an outlet for the creature, an outlet for it's rage, it's uncontrolled, recently fully released rage. It then made it's way to the second floor of the house, and it turned it's head, to look down both hallway's, the hallway leading to two different bedrooms. It sniffed the air, and it's teeth formed into a very vicious, satisfied grin. It then padded it's way to a bedroom, and pushed open the door. Two figures were in the bed, in front of the creature. It's eyes narrowed as it saw what the figures looked like.

It had found it's target, the target of it's unsatisfied rage.

It then crept it's way up to the bed, and it opened it's mouth, and clamped it down on the ankle of the female figure, tearing into the tendon's, the woman starting to scream. Her scream was filled with pure anguish and pain, until the male figure woke up, and grabbed a gun from the drawer, and shot at the creature, still tired. The bullet was shot from the gun, it pierced into the creature's snout, and it whipped it's head back, and then growled loudly, and turned the head around, and grinned. It then sprinted forward.


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(Continued) Sprinting forward, it then grabbed onto the male figure's neck, the male's eyes widening with fear, and then there was an audible, very audible tearing of flesh, and the neck came off on the creature's teeth, and the creature tore into the body quickly, flesh covering the female figure next to the body, and it then licked it's lips. The male figure's body was stripped of almost all it's flesh, and then it turned it's head to the female figure.

The only sound heard from the female figure after that was a very loud scream, and then blood was splattered all across the room. The scream would be heard in the whole entire house, a scream filled with pain, and pure fear. Fear that would echo throughout the house for years to come.


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The scene that was in front of the young man when the door was opened was truly horrifying, something that you think would only be in a movie.

In front of him was his parent's bodies, torn into pieces, scattered across the room. On the wall behind the bodies was the words written in the gut's, and blood of the bodies,


The young man would then hear a loud growl from behind him, one that was pure beast, and hunger, and the man would feel saliva drip onto his back, making him shudder in pure fear. He would feel the rancid breath, one that smelled of his parents bodies, of death, and meat.


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The young man would then feel a very sharp pain in his back, as the creature slashed it's front paws across his back, cutting into the tender, weak flesh, the skin ripping as the claws pierced inside it, the flesh tore as the paws ripped out, and the blood splattered across the creature's front, and pooled on the man's back. It would then slam the man into the bedroom, and crouch, growling viciously at it.

This creature was backing him into a corner, and that was it's plan all along, it needed to weaken the man, and then enact it's plan.

A plan which hadn't been seen so far......


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Character Portrait: Dorchadas
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The creature stepped forward, growling at the young boy, it thrived on it's fear, the fear that powered it. The fear was like a delicacy that was unknown to the world, like a scoop of ice cream that a young child eats, and makes a sound when he is content with himself, the taste filling his body with joy.

This creature was like the child in a way, as the fear from the author filled it's body, it's tongue flopped out of his mouth, swaying back and forth, and it then formed it's teeth into a grin.

"Look like the other' the the monster, like the beast, like the one that turned me from that innocent wolf into this, this creature of pure corruption, the stain on all that is pure, the darkness!" it roared at the author.


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The creature froze in place as it heard the name, the name had a very eerie ring to it, one that sounded familiar in so many way's it couldn't even begin to remember.

"Dorchadas!" it roared at the author and stalked closer to the young man, standing over him with a very sinister looking grin on it's face, and it crouched down, and got into the author's face.

The thick saliva dripped onto the author's face, covering him in the slimy material, and it opened it's mouth, allowing the young man to see into the slimy inside's of the mouth, and the color of them, which was a darker shade of purple. The stench that came out of it's maw was unbearable, it was a stench that could make someone pass out just from smelling it.


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Dorchadas' teeth formed into a grin, it was satisfied that the author had passed out. It had shown him what would become of him soon if he didn't do exactly what it wanted him to do. The specific things that it wanted him to were not known yet but it didn't involve him dying just yet, but it did involve things that were not good.

Not good at all........

Dorchadas turned the author around and looked at his handiwork, and dripped saliva into the wound on his back, it would sting, and the wounds would heal, but a permanent scar would be there instead, and off from it would come the smell of Dorchadas. That smell was pure death, and the scent of Dorchadas.

The author belonged to Dorchadas, no matter what he did, he would always belong to the creature.


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Dorchadas looked down at the author and it's teeth again formed into a grin, and it slung the author over it's back, and padded out of the room, and entered into the author's room. It then placed the author down on his bed, it needed to make sure he got sleep for what was to come.

What was to come would severely change the author's life, for worse, much much worse. He would regret ever coming up with the idea for his novel, for being a writer at all.

Dorchadas then made it's way back to the parent's room, and dipped it's maw into a pool of blood from the parent's body, that had pooled from the corpse's combined blood. It then made it's way into the author's room, and wrote on the wall in front of his bed in surprisingly good handwriting.



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"You wouldn't leave me will you......." he said quietly, looking down, and he sighed. "If you have to, that really might kill me".

The setting changes from Main Street 1 to Gambit's Bar


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Dorchadas did that^


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Daniel grinned, shaking his hand firmly. He then raised a brow, thinking in his mind that he was very satisfied. He was satisfied with his handiwork, making the young man shake in fear from what he had done to him. He had changed his life forever, made him an orphan, and permanently scarred him.

He then sat down quickly, across from the young man. He adjusted his suit, and then looked back at Gergory, smiling kindly at him.

"Why are you so scared young man?" he asked with a fake comforting tone.


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Daniel nodded his head slowly, he sighed, shaking his head slowly after. "Quite an unfortunate circumstance it sounds like........." he said with a sad tone. He then smiled widely at him, "Why don't you tell me about what happened? You can trust me after all, I do look trusting!" he said with a grin.

"Maybe I should get you drunk, you can forget your troubles, don't worry about the age thing either......I'll buy it" he said with another grin.


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Daniel narrowed his eyes, but then nodded his head, his eyes relaxing. He sighed, and then got up, walking over to the bar counter. He paid for a bottle of Whiskey, and then came back to the table, sitting down and he put the bottle in front of Gergory. He knew he had to gain his trust, so he decided to get him drunk, become drinking buddies.

"Take a break from the writing, enjoy a drink with me, trust me, it will help you get your mind off things".

Things that he has started himself, and he grinned inside as he thought about that. He caused this boy such misery, and feasted in it.


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Daniel thought about Gergory, and shook his head, "Gotta act more friendly, no more narrowed eyes, he cannot know who I truly am, as he will run. Gaining his trust might be harder then I thought" he said to himself. He then grinned as the young man coughed at drinking the Whiskey.

He reached across and patted the man on the back. "Easy there fellow, just take it slowly, don't chug it unless you know you can handle it" he said with a hearty chuckle and grinned at him.

Daniel had this certain, gentlemen, and suave feel about him. Something that would draw people to him. Dorchadas was good at making people feel that way about his human form, coercion was a good trait of his.

He intended to use it to the full on Gergory.......


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Daniel took in the memory, and then remembered the killing of the young man's father. He then licked his lips, the toxic purple color tongue licking along his lips. The peculiar thing was the shape of the tongue, besides the color, it did not look like a human size tongue.

Dorchad.....Daniel realized what he did and quickly made up for it by drinking some Whiskey.

"I sense something involving your parents being killed, it seems that way, the way you say dad, and the sadness behind it" he said in a comforting tone and rubbed his back.

"There there" he said with a warm smile.


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Daniel grinned as he saw that Gergory was rubbing his eyes so he didn't see the tongue. He shook his head, tsking. "That is very unfortunate Gergory, I feel sympathy for you, and am sorry for your loss" he said in a comforting tone, and patted him on the back again, rubbing it gently.

"Why don't you order something to eat young man? I will pay for your food" he said in a warm tone, smiling at him.


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Daniel chuckled, shaking his head, and he laughed again, one filled with a creepy tone, but then he grinned at Gergory. "It makes you human, people get sick of sympathy!" he said with another laugh.

He wondered if Gergory would notice him not drinking any of the Whiskey that he had ordered for himself and the young man.

"Not a problem at all young man, just being a kind traveler, so what are your plans from here on out?" he asked.


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Dorchadas did that^


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"You heard me right boy" he said with a wide grin, "Fuck the paperwork, would you rather stay with a foster family or a group home?" he asked with a still wide grin. "I would feed you, provide you with a home, and a caring father" he added, the whole tone of his voice made it sound very alluring to the young man, especially after what he had gone through the previous days.


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Character Portrait: Dorchadas
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Daniel smiled widely at the young man, or what was to be his son, and he nodded his head. "I'll get the paperwork done as soon as possible! I am sure you will like it at my place Gergory, I live in a secluded area, where you can write in peace, without having to trouble yourself about small things, and people bothering you" he said with a warm tone.

Dorchadas was ecstatic on the inside, he had gained the young man's trust! He had successfully adopted the young man, his very sinister plan had been set into motion finally!

Daniel stood up, and put his hand out, "Shall we go to your new home son? I want to show you your room, and welcome you" he said with the same warm tone.