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Drago Black


0 · 667 views · located in Kingdom of Skyfall

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by RedStoneMikey



So begins...

Drago Black's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Savi Fang Character Portrait: Drago Black
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Savi was probably the most angry person on the moon. She'd been angry earlier, but that was a person, not an Evil God. She glowed with rage. "Drago." The man stared at her. "We meet again, Savi." Savi pulled out her bow and arrows, caught an arrow on fire, then pulled it back in her bow. "Silly girl. You forget. I am a god. You cannot defeat me with a simple fire arrow." Savi was shaking with fear, but she tried to look as brave as possible. She wrapped her force field around Jason, keeping him safe from harm. She looked at the others, and realized that they, too, were frightened. She shot the arrow, but it simply bounced off him, then she formed a pure red orb of Energy, roughly around her height, and the same as the height in width. "Do one more thing to me and my friends, and I'll destroy you." Hopefully they realize Savi called them her friends, and they will not try to hurt her and Jason anymore, and will rather help them, as they hadn't had food or water for days.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Savi Fang Character Portrait: Drago Black
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Muttering under her breath, she picked Lukas and his staff up again, scanning the surrouings for a safe shelter to leave him in case things got scary. Zephyrus seemed compliant enough, but she wasn't sure about Lukas. He didn't seem aware of how truly weak he was. She spotted a cave on the far side of the pond, And began running towards it, shattering some of his potions. A tingling sensation shot through her body, making her feel slightly dizzy, but she kept going. She thought she saw something at the corner of her eye, but dismissed it. She got to the cave, setting him down gently. Opening his pack she found the potion that had shattered. It was labeled "HALLUCINATION - UNTESTED" Sighing, she looked around. "Thanks a lot, Luke." She ran back for Zephyrus, throwing him over her shoulder and began to run back. Was she...floating? Suddenly the oasis came alive, and arms began reaching out to grab her. She tried to run, but realized her legs were dissapating into dust. She continued running towards the cave somehow. Or was it a cave? It looked more like a giant yellow eye now, watching her every move. The ground In Front of her crumbled, leaving a massive chasm in front of them. A child looked at her in fear as he jumped into the endless depths, making the crevace disappear. And then she saw her. It was her sister, Ariel. She looked angry at her, making Mae scream. "ITS NOT MY FAULT! ITS NOT MY FAULT!" Tears streamed from her face as she ran over to her, only to have her turn into a pile of dust. She saw the cave, and continued running, eyes wide with fear. Reaching it, she deposited Zephyrus inside. Her arms were bleeding profusely. So were her legs. But, it wasn't blood. "Is this...water?" Oh no! She was melting. She screamed as she felt herself turning to liquid. There was nothing left to do now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Savi Fang Character Portrait: Drago Black
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Savi watched as Mae, who hadn't responded, went around, doing strange things and reacting to little things like the dust moving. She had the smallest glance at the potion that had splashed at Mae's feet, and saw that it said something with HALLUCINATION, but she wasn't sure. Drago was also watching, finding Mae rather amusing. She heard Jason groan, and she exhaled. Jason was nearly awake. She formed a force field around the cave to keep the others safe. She created a orb of healing and used it to heal Jason a little so he was prepared to fight when he woke up. She then looked at Drago, picked up the red orb she had created, then threw it at Him. Drago was caught off guard, and because of that, was blasted around 50 feet, the landing being bigger then a normal immortal's landing impact. She quickly inserted a green orb in Mae, toning down the hallucination potion by much. Jason's eyes fluttered open for a second or so. She created metal around where Drago had landed, hopefully delaying him for a while.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Savi Fang Character Portrait: Drago Black
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((OOC: Is Mae pronounced "My" or "May"? :P Zephy needs to know, yo. Also Jeremiad, it'd be neat if you could make a post stating which potion (if any) Zephyrus obtains. tis your potion bag, after all))

Things were getting hectic, and Zephyrus panicked. The reaction from the broken potion had no effect on Zephyrus, and he had no clue what the contents were. On top of that, an actual fight had broken out. Zephyrus had never been in a fight unlike his companions. Whatever his conscience was declared as, it moved deep within his ASP in attempt to calm himself. He didn't realize it, and certainly didn't intend it, but he very quietly uttered his processing thoughts (the italicized ones).

ACCESSING MEMORY FILE: FIRST INTERACTION. It was dark. But instinct overcame it and the bot flicked on his eyes to view the first human he'd ever seen. Human. He knew it upon sight. Extraordinarily quickly, the bot learnt all about its own system and his makeup. He played a voice clip of Captain Diggins to himself (or so he thought). "Reach for the stars." Purpose. This man had given the robot aspirations, or at least a goal to strive for. It perfectly understood all mannerisms of the brain, and attempted to replicate them. Associations were made with different objects and emotions, different subjects and responses. If someone were to communicate with it via writing, it would be impossible to tell if it was truly human or not. INTERESTING... Zephyrus had noticed a memory file was deleted from his core. RESTORING DATA. COMPLETE. Upon one observation of the file, he instantaneously reacted. MEMORY DELETED. And just like that, it was gone again and Zephyrus had no idea time had even passed.

Mae had been crying, and now she lay in a heap on the cave floor. Lukas wasn't doing much better, sleeping like a baby. There wasn't much Zephyrus could do offensively, so he attempted to speak with Mae (hoping the green orb had brought more aid than pain).

INITIATE CONSOLE As in the verb.
"I know you've just lost your p-p-pet-t-t-t chimera, but... TSSST"
"I am sure you will be alright. If I were to calculate the proba-ab-ba-ab-bability of you being alright, it would be abysmally low. But probability has deemed itself unnecess-ess-essary in my c-c-c-current experience. Although... That experience has also been... Abysmally low." He proceeded to sit down on the ground next to Mae, an action he had literally never done before. But it came naturally and calmed his stuttering down. "If only we had some pandabed sporaticators and a couple dondifobble snatches. We could disappear into the stars." He watched the battle rage on outside. "I... TSSST-Wheeroeroerrr.... I cannot cry like you do, but I understand the chemical reactions causing synapses in your brain in order to create sadness. I know it is not pleasant. I am useless in its endeavor. I do hope that you and Sir Lukas are fine." Thinking about his own processes always caused Zephyrus much distress. He felt a compulsion to express it, but also knew that compulsion was another process in itself. Feeling it wasn't the best idea to continue, he decided to change the subject. "You liked my Chest-Chest." Zephyrus recalled her faint smile, fiddling with the latch on his chest. There was no reason to do either. "I hope I have not been a bother, madam."

Zephyrus stood up and observed the mouth of the cave. As much as he was irritated by them beforehand, he had hoped these strangers could combat this other stranger. Suddenly, an idea came to the old bot. He moved over to Lukas, with the intention of retrieving a potion to help in some way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Savi Fang Character Portrait: Drago Black
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((OOC: Let's say it was a blank. Just water.))

Lukas remained in his deep sleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mae Dawkins Character Portrait: Lukas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Zephyrus Character Portrait: Savi Fang Character Portrait: Drago Black
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Jason's eyes fluttered open, and he sat up with blazing speed. He heard the banging of metal, and knew immediately what was going on. He got up, and saw that Drago was encased in metal 50 feet away. "Nice job, Savi." Jason looked over at Zephyrus and the others. "Savi, go protect them," Jason said. Savi went into the cave and the force field hardened. Jason turned to face Drago, who had escaped from the metal prison. Drago was still surprised, so any attack might throw Him off. Jason shot a orb he liked to call 'Ground Teleport'. Drago disappeared, but Jason knew where he had disappeared to. Jason's orb had teleported Drago several hundred miles underground. It would be a long time before he got out again. Jason entered the cave, and told Savi to get ready to go. "I hope we are to meet again soon," Jason told to Zephyrus, Mae and Lukas (even though Lukas was asleep), "and that when we do meet, we are close allies." And with that, Savi and Jason disappeared.

The setting changes from Blackrock to Eastern Wing City

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ochalas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Shade Hyrus Character Portrait: Savi Fang Character Portrait: Drago Black
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A boy with white glowing eyes entered the club, and Jason and Savi's eyes widened. Jason immediately put up his hood, as well as Savi, and they sat down at the nearest table. They looked up, and saw the two Jason had seen earlier staring at them. "Uh... I, um-" Jason stammered. "Um, do you mind if...?" Jason looked back at the man with white eyes, who was looking around the area. "That guy over there is after us." He set down the umbrella he had been carrying, and watched as Drago went and sat down at a table around 20 feet away.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ochalas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Shade Hyrus Character Portrait: Savi Fang Character Portrait: Drago Black
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Shade nodded. "Don't worry, that guy makes a move and I'll help you out, the reason I'm waiting till they make a move is because there's a rule in this club that if you fight outside a stage then anyone can fight the person that started it, and a lot of people will go after me if I start it." Said Shade. Shade then looked over to Drago. "Oooh, white eyes, been a while since I've seen someone like that, not to mention quite a strong aura." Said Shade.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ochalas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Shade Hyrus Character Portrait: Savi Fang Character Portrait: Drago Black
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"Thanks," Jason said. "And that strong aura, well... He's a- well, used to be- an evil god, but now he is a extremely powerful Elemental. He hates us greatly, as we are what you would call Forbidden Elementals. We control the five Main Elements, Fire Earth Air Water and Energy, and we do not have True Elemental forms. What's so bad about that, I don't know." Jason eyed Drago as he was challenged by a guy, went up on a stage and kicked him into a wall, beating him in a single attack. "I don't recommend fighting him." Savi was checking his arms to make sure the burns hadn't gotten worse. "He gave me these burns, even though Forbidden Elementals can resist almost any heat, not to mention fire and lava."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ochalas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Shade Hyrus Character Portrait: Savi Fang Character Portrait: Drago Black
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Shade smiled. "I don't believe in anything as stupid as 'gods', they're just people with a lot of power that trick people into believing that they're divine beings, Forbidden Elementals, never really heard of them, but then again I'm currently in a different multiverse than the one I used to know, fire could be a problem, but as long as I'm careful I should be fine, but I wouldn't underestimate a Forbidden with over 10,000 years of experience, I'm a master of almost all if not all kinds of martial arts, I also have light and dark magic which include many things, so if it comes down to a fight I'm definitely not backing down, been a while since I've had a real challenge." Said Shade.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ochalas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Shade Hyrus Character Portrait: Savi Fang Character Portrait: Drago Black
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Chal leaned back, " I will have some pancakes. Can I have pancakes?", she asked, and then turned to the newcomers, "Sooo, you guys related, or not? Just asking, its cool if you aren't. Just wondering". Echo appeared on the table, sat down, pulled up a panel, and began to search through files, "Wait, so if a fight breaks out, we can take whoever we want?! Sweet! I'll take the cyborg in the corner. It will be fun".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ochalas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Shade Hyrus Character Portrait: Savi Fang Character Portrait: Drago Black
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The waiter went off with the order. "No you can't Echo, the rule says you can only attack the person who started the fight and since you're and AI using a hologram to take, air quotes, 'physical form', you won't be able to do much." Said Shade. Shade then thought for a few seconds. "You know who might be good in a fight against this guy, The Mechanic, his Forzo blood is extremely resistant to fire...wait does energy also count as electricity?" Said Shade kinda talking to himself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ochalas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Shade Hyrus Character Portrait: Savi Fang Character Portrait: Drago Black
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Jason and Savi blinked. "We aren't related," Jason said. "Just good friends." Savi was fingering with a necklace that she wore. Jason continued to eye Drago as people challenged him over and over again, only to be defeated in one move. "Drago underestimates pretty much everyone. And, believe me, he did use to be a powerful god," Jason said. I witnessed him as a god, he thought.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ochalas Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Shade Hyrus Character Portrait: Savi Fang Character Portrait: Drago Black
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"A type of Energy is Electricity," Jason said to reply to the question Shade had asked himself. "Drago's favorite Elements are Fire and Electricity, but they are extremely powerful, and I don't know that The Mechanic would be able withstand Drago's Fire and Electricity." Jason flinched even just thinking about when Drago had burned his arm.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ochalas Character Portrait: Storm B. Caster Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Shade Hyrus Character Portrait: Savi Fang Character Portrait: Drago Black
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"You believe what you want, I'll believe what I want, but underestimating everyone, might be useful especially with my fighting style, basically I don't use any fighting stance unless necessary so I might be able to use this to an advantage, Chal can you take them to the Rift Rider, I'll keep this guy distracted, okay?" Said Shade. Then a boy who looked about 15 walked into the club and Shade motioned him over, the boy walked over. "Storm, how good of you to join us." Said Shade. "I can monitor you and everyone in the Rift Rider very easily, you seriously don't think I know what you're doing?" Asked Storm. "The Mechanic won't like you hacking into his Rift Rider." Said Shade. "Well I really don't care." Said Storm. "Anyways I need some fire protection." Whispered Shade. "I'll be able to do that but it will only be temporary and even my strongest fire-resist spell will only bring you up to little over basic resistance with your weakness to it." Whispered Storm. "Do it." Said Shade.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ochalas Character Portrait: Storm B. Caster Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Shade Hyrus Character Portrait: Savi Fang Character Portrait: Drago Black
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Jason heard them talking and he immediately understood. He created a orb of Fire, but kept it small. "Use this to create a focused force field that works best against heat. It is re-usable, so don't be afraid to use it." He covered it in metal, which allowed Shade to hold it easier, and then gave it to Shade. Savi looked worried, but knew that Jason's shield would help greatly. Meanwhile, Drago was still being challenged over and over, but most of the time he was declining. The persistent ones got a fight, but were easily defeated. "Good luck, Shade," Jason said. "I'll stay in here and watch, and help if things get out of hand, which they are likely to."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ochalas Character Portrait: Storm B. Caster Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Shade Hyrus Character Portrait: Savi Fang Character Portrait: Drago Black
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Chal nodded, but didn't get up, "I have an idea. How about we call Rav? If this guy loves his fire, Rav is pretty much immune to the stuff, as for electricity, Rav's a tough cookie. Besides, a little tag team isn't bad". Echo pumped a fist, "Yessss, I want the dragon boy! Give me the dragon boy!". Chal undid a cord on her belt and held up a small whistle, "Is it a yes?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ochalas Character Portrait: Storm B. Caster Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Shade Hyrus Character Portrait: Savi Fang Character Portrait: Drago Black
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Shade then pulled off his mask and his eyes flashed red for a split second and he smiled insanely. "Thanks, now then, time for a fight, and no Chal, I think I can take this guy alone, only call Ravenger if I seem to be losing." Said Shade. Storm then cast his strongest fire-resist spell on Shade then Shade walked up to Drago. "Hello there, my name's Shade Hyrus, Eldest of the Hyrus twins, blah blah blah, backstory backstory backstory, anyways if I heard correctly you're a really strong fighter, care for a little duel?" Said Shade with his goofiest grin. Storm then leaned back in his chair and a second later the waiter arrived with Shade's and Chal's orders and Storm stared at the mozzarella sticks in awe. "Dang it, I really want some but Shade will give me hell if I take some from him...Oh right, I think I should probably say that Shade's extremely insane, he's basically the Unofficial DemonLord of Insanity which he would hold the title if he was full Demon but yeah, I'm pretty sure you already know he's not full Demon." Said Storm.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ochalas Character Portrait: Storm B. Caster Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Shade Hyrus Character Portrait: Savi Fang Character Portrait: Drago Black
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Drago looked at Shade with a bored look. "I suppose I could use the practice," Drago said with a metallic ring to it. "But don't go crying to your mommy when I beat you." Drago assumed Shade was like every other person he had fought, with a backstory of sorts, only to be blown away by his attacks. Drago went up on a stage with Shade, and immediately started by shooting a beam of Fire directly at Shade.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ochalas Character Portrait: Storm B. Caster Character Portrait: Jason Grace Character Portrait: Shade Hyrus Character Portrait: Savi Fang Character Portrait: Drago Black
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Shade instantly disappeared and reappeared behind Drago and hit Drago's back with a sword made of solidified darkness with extreme speed continuously until it shattered then kicked Drago right in the head and disappeared again only to reappear on the far side of the stage from Drago. "You must suppose I'll be an easy win, well I assure you I'm not gonna be that easy to beat, and by the way my mother abandoned me and my twin brother at birth so can't really go home crying to her, especially since if I do the entire army of Heaven would try and kill me." Said Shade his goofy smile turning into on of insanity.