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Emil Eliade

"I don't really know, but I do know"

0 · 446 views · located in The Ruins

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Dr. Nikolai


"Heya man, yeah I know, freaky monster and shit, but let me tell you something..........wait I forgot"

Emil Eliade


Species: Half-Human/Half-Haunter.

Gender: Male.

Nationality: Romanian.

Full Name: Emil Viseli Eliade.

Age: 19.

Height: 5'9'.

Weight: 160 Lbs.

Eye Color: Yellow.

Hair Color: Purplish-Black.

Emil's Alternate Form


So begins...

Emil Eliade's Story


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"Oh I was wandering along the beaten path, when I came upon a talking weed plant! He told me that I should eat him, and then smoke the weed from him! He told me to do so, and I did without question, and then I did it again with a little pause! He was sitting in the tree, filled with apples and peas, and he was mumbling things about a rainbow leading to a pot of well........pot!" a voice sang out from the cloud of smoke, blocking the view of the figure singing, but the voice sounded a little creepy but it was a voice that would draw someone in, if they ventured into the mysterious cloud of "smoke".

There was a figure in the cloud, leaning against a tree, with a pipe in his hand, his hair standing up, and two yellow hues, looking around with a curious look, as if the world was his symphony and he was the conductor. He was having a jolly good time, with his buddies, the unicorns and narwhals. It was a party that one could be excited to go to, if they thought it was real in the first place, which it could be......

Who knows, unless they venture into the appealing cloud of "smoke".


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"The plant said that if it spoke, that a man would come to his aid, and they would smoke the weed together, such wonderful things, a beautiful smell, alluring and calming, since you have such a pretty face" the figure went on about, and he sensed another near him, and his yellow hues traveled over to the figure that was approaching him, and the cloud increasing size, and enveloping Xing Xing completely in the cloud like a warm pillow, the smell wafting in, caressing the man's cheek with a soft touch. The yellow hues stared at the figure in the cloud, and then they vanished, as if it wasn't even there to start, not even a spot of the eyes.

The figure would then feel a gentle touch on his neck, and arms would wrap around it loosely, and he would feel the smoke being blown by his face, the smell even more prevelant and strong now. "Heyyyy man, how's it going......seems like you wandered into the cloud......why don't you stay a while, I'm sure you will like it....." the voice said, it having a very alluring and comforting tone to it, which the base of the tone was a creepy one, but with the other's, it just sounded very calming and eerie. Even if the figure turned around, he would not see the owner of the arms completely, just the arms draped around his neck loosely.


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The figure let out a blow of smoke, wafting by the figure's ear, and it caressed his cheek slowly, and sensually, and then moved into his nose, letting the smoke go into his body. The figure let out a chuckle, one that sounded pleasant to Xing Xing's ears, and comforting. "Your sister will be alright man, just go along with the flow, the smooth, comforting wafting smell" the voice said, and Xing Xing would feel himself be gently pulled over to a tree, and something would be in front of him. His mouth was then opened and a large cloud of smoke went into his lungs, going in gently, like a pillow, and filling his senses with pleasant feelings.

"Just go along with the flow man, there you go, you're feeling it.....the name's Emil....glad to see you are just floating along, like the cloud......just fall asleep here'll be protected, by me and the cloud, like a butterfly wrapping it's wings around you gently, I swear on that" the voice said and then sat behind Xing Xing, it's arms wrapped around his chest, and gently rubbing it, with smooth and pleasant motions, which would make Xing Xing slowly drift off into sleep,.

The setting changes from Twisted Path to Haverous Bog


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Xing Xing would see a figure darting through the trees as he started to get pulled into the slick, and cold bog, but underneath that cold, wet sticky feeling was a warm feeling. A loud screech was heard from around the bog, one that would send deep shudders down Xing Xing's spine and then the figure that was darting through the tree's would start to get closer........and then there was complete and utter silence, as if everything in the bog had suddenly died, or just stopped making noises. The bog continued to suck Xing Xing in, till he was at his waist, it trying to welcome it into it's being as if the whole entire bog was it's maw, sucking at him like a baby wanting it's toy.

Like something out of a movie, a figure darted in front of Xing Xing, and time felt like it slowed down as the figure wrapped it's arms around Xing Xing, and ripped him out of the bog, a squelching sound being heard as he was literally dragged out of the ooze-like mud. Xing Xing would then feel himself be pulled into something, and then he would black out, waking up shortly after in a shack of sorts. A figure was standing above, and literally on top of him, with a grin on it's face.

"You looked like you were gonna drown there buddy, looks like you made it to the bog, my home, or where my home is..." the voice said, and it's mouth formed into a very sinister looking grin, as if it's mouth was built for that specific movement of it's mouth.


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Character Portrait: Emil Eliade
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The figure tilted it's head with a curious intent behind it, and it let out a very eerie laugh, a chuckle filled with something that was inhuman but also had an innocent tinge to it. The figure then bent down, getting close to Xing Xing's face, and then it's tongue came out, and gently ran across his neck, a warm and thick purple saliva trail as the tongue ran along his face. The figure then laid down by Xing Xing, and smiled at him, with a lazy sort of smile. "What I want.......hmm, that's a good question, but who does want anything truly? Material possessions are just a figment of the mind man, just something that stupid people bother with!" he said with a smart sounding tone, but he was just playing around. He turned his head quickly towards Xing Xing, with a still, but not smile, now a grin.

"What I want is to welcome you to Wing City! I'm Emil Eliade, and I arrived here about three years ago, and have been living in this swamp ever since, my parents leaving it to me when they left to travel around, together in harmony as they both now were deceased, but they were quite happy, one already being dead and the other wanting to be with his wife, my mother" he said with a still lazy tone and grin.


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The figure just shrugged calmly, and then chuckled again, "Ah but the mind is just a bunch of bubbles that wait to connect with each other and become a shit storm of convoluted thoughts that collide into one that will horribly affect someone's life, and they will be changed for good, never being the same person again, like dust floating into the air, from a stray gust of wind. Like something sinking into the bog, feeling it's embrace as it welcomes it into it's mind, and it becomes part of that huge bubble, they would be insignificant, and would just vanish completely, obeying the master's commands like a thoughtless ape would, not even questioning why they do what they do in the slightest, just happy to have a banana to eat, and an ass to scratch, am I right?" he asked with a lazy smile, and nudged Xing Xing a little.

"My parents loved each other and my father felt love for my mother, who was lonely, a tormented spirit and things happened between them that don't happen, but it did, and I was the result, but I think they were great parents, who loved me immensely, and just wander around, doing fun things together, they stop by and visit sometimes, so I am glad of you want to me friends Mr. Xing Xing?" the figure asked in a friendly tone.


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The figure, Emil, then smiled with his tongue hanging out like a big puppy and then nodded his head. "Well that's good! Banana's are not too bad but apples are better, or blackberries. Those are the real good shit, almost as good as the weed, hmm, blackberry smelling weed........that is the best idea in the world and I am going to suggest it to my dealer or make it myself, when I have the time, thank you for reminding me Xingy!" he said with an ecstatic tone, giving Xing Xing a nickname, and then he smiled even more, a very innocent look on his face, "Then this is very good! You shall be my buddy, my pot buddy too and get to share my stash, and perhaps hang out very much!" he said with a very ecstatic tone, it extremely prevalent in his tone of voice.

His face then turned into a more sorrowful one, and he shook his head, "Xing Xing, there was a report of a young woman, that had arrived in the city recently being viciously attacked by someone in an alley, after she had been lead out there, they said something about her name being Chen...and her last name starting with an H...." he said in a very worried tone of voice. "Does that sound like your sister?" he asked, with a concerned tone, his face showing it. When Emil was not high off his ass, he was a very lazy person but when it came to friends, or someone related to friends, he was like a loyal dog who would help their master.


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Lookie, my favorite character :3


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Emil's face showed even more concern as he was very connected with emotions, being close to death all the time, as he was basically half-dead. He gently licked Xing Xing's face, the purple saliva sticking to his face, a horrible smell attached to it, but it was the thought that counted at the moment. He gently wrapped his arms around Xing Xing, making a comforting buzzing noise, as he tried to do his best to help him. Emil wasn't the best at helping but he wanted to at least try, to make a difference, as Xing Xing was now his friend. "Shh Xingy, I will help you find her, I swear on that, even if I have to leave the shack for a while. She should be at the hospital, as she was injured gravely, but I can help her, I hope" he said in a quiet tone, still doing the buzzing noise.

He then helped Xing Xing to his feet, and draped an arm around his shoulder, "Let's get you out of here for now, we'll stay in the city, to help you find her, and the one that injured your sister, family is very important to me, and you are a friend, and friends are important, since you are my first one, not including my parents" he said in a warm and comforting tone, and his body warped. A static like effect as his body contorted into a shape, that was a creature of sorts. It made a buzzing sound, gesturing to it's back, and holding it's arms out. If Xing Xing understood the gesture, he would be placed onto the creature's back, and it would speed out the door, and hover above the ground, going quickly as it made it's way to Wing City, a sort of gooey substance sticking to Xing Xing's body, making him stay still on the creature, so he didn't fall off.


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Character Portrait: Emil Eliade
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[color=maroon]The creature hovered above the ground, moving very quickly, but the substance, a purply ooze of sorts that secreted from it's skin kept Xing Xing completely still, and not falling off in the slightest, it smelled of the scent that the lick had when Emil licked Xingy. The creature let out a screech, a terrifying one as it's anger reached a very high level. Emil did not like friend's of his having someone close to them injured gravely. The screech echoed through the streets, making passerby's shudder in fear, as well as making Xing Xing shudder. It then sped even faster, and smelled the scent of near death close by, and sped even faster, moving at extremely fast speeds, that would seem like a blur to Xing Xing, as he was not moving at all. It then tracked the scent to a hospital, and floated up to a window, and arrived inside a hospital room, it's anger going down as extreme sadness infested it's body. The substance then became a little weaker, and let Xing Xing go, and the creature gently placed Xing Xing in a bed, and changed back into Emil, it's body contorting. He looked over at Xingy with a whimper of concern.

"Xingy, just stay here with your sister, fall asleep, hold her hand, and I will stay awake, and just so you know, my scent is always going to be on you, just so I can find you easier, it will make everything much easier, being able to distinguish your scent from other's. Your sister is stable but she is in a coma to help her heal, I promise she will be alright" he said in a comforting tone. He then moved over to the door, the lights dimming, and Emil's yellow eyes glowing in the dark, a silent protector, that would never leave Xing Xing's side for the moment, making sure that nothing happened to any of the sibling's, and if it did. He would not show any mercy to the perpertrator's, which was something to be feared as Emil never got that angry unless he was very serious about a subject that involved friends. Emil stayed silent as he stood vigi

The setting changes from Haverous Bog to Verinotte Hall


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The setting changes from Verinotte Hall to The Ruins


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Character Portrait: Emil Eliade
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Puff puff.

"That was good, damn good, no wonder this shit was so expensive, it's completely worth it, like seriously, I can't get this shit anywhere else but him, glad he's the dealer now" a voice said with a chuckle and then the owner leaned back, and looked around, as he was on top of the ruins. "Now..........Now I need a smoking that would be amazing, someone to just relax and kick back with" he said and sighed, wondering if that would ever happen. He just shrugged and then took another puff of the blunt.

"Ohhhh, if I was an Oscar Meyer Weiner........." he sang loudly, not caring for anyone that heard him. Besides.

He was high.


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"Looks like someone ended up on the wrong side of a lawnmower" a voice said as the owner hovered above, as if laying in a cloud, "You should puff up, sounding angry gonna get you angry" he said and then leaned down, holding out the joint he was smoking. "You know you want to.........." he purred in a very persuasive tone of voice.


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Poof again!

"Stay on the ground, well, you didn't say where on the ground." a voice said and Emil was laying under Kobe, "I can see up your boxers, no wonder you have those rocket launchers" he teased and then appeared in front of Kobe, "I believe my name is Emil, not Civ" he said with a chuckle.


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Emil just chuckled and shook his head, "Oh psh, I guess the vasectomy made you even more crabby didn't it?" he said and blew the smoke in Kobe's face, which would most liekly make him inhale it. "Just relax man, this place is safe, trust me, the birds are flying, the bee's are singing, and there are no punks or civ's, just people."


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Emil then raised a brow and was fired at and hit a ruined wall, and he groaned, "I don't need to, why insult when you can just point out the truth, seriously, did you even try one of those pumps or viagra, man, I've seen girls with bigger one's than you" he said and looked at his blunt, "Damn, well, gonna head back, which is the same way that the people you said were attacking you were coming from" he said and started making his way over there.


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Emil then vanished again and appeared in front of Kobe, and blew the smoke from the new blunt he had in his face, making him inhale all of it. "Breath in and out homeboy, It will help your pain, trust me, your shit is fucked up, I think I can almost see the bones, you need some serious help" he said with a chuckle.

"Luckily you have Dr. Eliade".


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Emil just laughed, and then put the Blunt in Kobe's mouth, "Hold onto this for me while I perform some fix me up's" he said and took the coat off quickly, and he grabbed some tools out of his belt, he took the antibiotic's, slapping it on the wound and rubbing it around before starting on the stitching, "Should keep the infections away for now but I'll have to prescribe fifty's cc's of marajuana to keep the recovery going, now hold still while I finish the stitching" he said and continued to do so.


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"Oh just shut up and smoke the drugs, because you are wincing and shit, so grow a dick and smoke the stick" he said with a chuckle and then continued to stitch him up, "If you don't, I'll stop helping you" he said with a very sadistic grin on his face.