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Erynis Thanera

"Your agony is my ecstasy~"

0 · 859 views · located in Dark Woods

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Questionable Object


Erynis is as beautiful as she is cruel, an entity of all the worst parts of a twisted deity of death and a corrupted lust goddess she was born in the black flames of the deepest abyss and seeks to consume everything until nothing but her "darling babies" are left.

She is a pale slim woman, scantily garbed in black, the upper half of her dress barely covering anything as it wraps about her neck then just covers he bosom, leaving most of her chest and the entirety of her back right down to the base of her spine completely bare, though this may be partly a practicality due to the massive black angelic wings protruding from her back and the long, black, leonine tail tipped with a sett of three parallel metal blades pointing in the same direction of the tip of her tail forming a deadly looking tool for stabbing and slicing. Her arms however are almost completely contained within shoulder length, fingerless gloves, showing off her thin fingers and long, sharp, red painted nails.
Her lower half is much better concealed though the fabric ripples against her as she walks, showing off the shape of her limbs whenever she moves. Her dress seems to extend and retract whenever she sits or runs, moving with her body, always hiding her legs and feet, though what reason this is for is anyone's guess as no one has had the boldness to ask.
Her face is very expressive with her long arching eyebrows and ruby red eyes, her full red lips and her long glistening black hair, she's always giving someone a look whatever her mood and is nearly never impassive, her form and figure filled with passion and poise.



Erynis tends not to fight herself, using her pets or "children" to do her dirty work, though very few have ever faced her one to one and come out with any less than a near death experience.

Erynis is capable of a great deal of dark magics, mostly revolving around the death magics, cursing and corrupted healing all at a godly tier and can summon a wide variety of monsters with ease, capable of bringing forth anything from a small army of lesser aberrations to an entire platoon of screaming greater demons of unholy destruction.


No one really knows much about the mysterious evil monster dubbed Erynis.
Though some are so bold as to speculate that she is on the run from something even more terrible than herself.

So begins...

Erynis Thanera's Story


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Character Portrait: Lorn Delani Character Portrait: Erynis Thanera
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#, as written by FizzGig
The rythmic sound of a horse's hooves digging into rain-softened earth echoed between the cracks and crevices of the Ruin's worn face. As the sound grew progressively louder, there was a flash of color, the light flutter of wings, and a large, tawny falcon landed with a screech on an outcropping of stone. It turned its head one way, before lifting a wing and preening the soft downy feathers on its side.

Not too long after, the hooves slowed in tempo, and a young lady entered the clearing at a trot, her horse's head bobbing, tail swishing from side to side. She lifted her eyes to the peaks of weathered stone, finding the falcon at last and extending an arm thickly wrapped in leather.

The bird settled, eyeing her, before taking flight and settling on her arm.

"Not another life in sight," she murmured, lifting her opposite hand to scratch the bird's neck. Its eyes closed in pleasure, head tilting to accommodate her touch. The horse whickered, taking advantage of the woman's distraction and dipping its head to munch on some weeds. She let it. It was a lazy morning after all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorn Delani Character Portrait: Erynis Thanera
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A small patch of inky blackness pooled up between the cracks of the stones in the shade of an old gnarled tree, the leaves of the ancient ash shriveling up slowly and falling quickly to the ground, turning to dust as they touched the old mossy stones, its boughs creaking and it's bark darkening some of the larger ones falling off to shatter into rotten splinters. The pool of darkness rose up slowly, parting and shifting to reveal a slim young looking woman with obsidian hair, the ooze solidifying into a shimmering dress and shoulder high gloves, barely covering her chest and a pair of wings and odd sleek tail stretched and curled out behind her, the raven wings spreading wide before settling, tucking against her bare back and ruffling lightly.
"Oh how long it's been since I tasted the sweetness of material air." She said to no one in particular as she smiled wistfully about and stretched her arms, flexing her fingers then inspecting the sharp nails on them before looking about for something to do, walking slowly and calmly away from the collapsing plant behind her, her dress, sliding about her legs in a silken fashion.
She inhaled again catching the scent of nearby life, licking her lips and looking across the ruins for her quarry, moving leisurely towards the herbalist and her beasts who no doubt would sense her fel approach.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorn Delani Character Portrait: Erynis Thanera
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#, as written by FizzGig
It was unclear who sensed the disturbance first. The woman felt a distinct chill spread over her shoulders, a shiver sliding down her spine as the wind picked up, carrying with it the odd, pungeant, and distinct scent of decay. Brow furrowing, she turned to look behind her, lips parting with wonder as the shadows seemed to grow, moving in a liquid-like fashion between the trees.

She was startled when the falcon screeched, flapping its wings violently and tearing away from her hand to settle in the safety of a tree on the other side of the clearing. The horse reacted similarly, rearing its head and snorting nervously. Lorn gripped the reins firmly, keeping the animal in place as she turned around to face whatever was coming.

A woman?

She felt her mouth go dry, an unsettled feeling spreading through her as she reined the horse in, her slender figure errect in the saddle.

"Greetings, stranger..." she said softly, her tone friendly. Debating the wisdom of dismounting, she leaned to smooth her hand over the glossy neck of her horse.

"It's a beautiful day, isn't it?" she asked, hazel eyes glinting in the sunlight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorn Delani Character Portrait: Erynis Thanera
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The pale, black dressed woman smiled sweetly and looked up at the sun, though she clung to the shadows which seemed to stretch out and deepen about her.
"Mm, yes indeed it is such a beautiful day indeed." She cocked her head and eyed the other woman. "Ripe for the taking if you ask me." She placed a finger to her blood red lips, humming to herself for a moment before speaking. "And what brings you to this lovely little patch of nowhere my dear...?" She placed her hand upon her cheek and pulled a perturbed look. "Oh my it seems I don't know how to address you... Could you spare me your name sweetie?" She fluttered her long lashes at the herbalist and smiled coyly, slowly walking about the shade towards her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorn Delani Character Portrait: Erynis Thanera
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#, as written by FizzGig
The woman dismounted then, sliding out of the saddle as the folds of her dress settled around her ankles. She still kept a firm hold on the horse's reins, in spite of the animal's attempts to retreat with the other woman's approach. Though nervous, Lorn still managed to smile.

"It's Lorn." she said finally, biting on the corner of her lower lip before gesturing to the other.

"And you, M'lady? How may I call you?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorn Delani Character Portrait: Erynis Thanera
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The dark lady curtsies, lifting her dress daintily although the hem stays to the ground, seeming to extend to keep her feet concealed.
"A pleasure to meet you dear Lorn." She meets her eye with a piercing red gaze. "I have come to be known simply as Erynis, Erynis Thanera if you wish to be formal." She looks down at the ground then slowly steps out of the shade, the light of day within the ruins seeming to dim noticeably as she looked back up. "But I do hope you feel comfortable speaking with me as a friend." She pouts a little with a teasing look, giggling quietly. "Now what brings you out here to this broken little rock of man my sweet?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorn Delani Character Portrait: Erynis Thanera
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#, as written by FizzGig
Lorn dipped her chin, regarding the other through her lashes. "No real reason, Lady Erynis. I simply desired an opportunity to have a few moments away from my family."

Every woman needed a few hours' independence after all. This wasn't the first time Lorn had sought solace in the shadows of the ancient Monastery. "This place is peaceful. Even the ghosts are friendly."

That shiver ran down her spine again. Strangely enough, Lorn had this distinct sense of loneliness, even though she was with the other woman. It was a distracting feeling, bordering on desolation.

"There is beauty in history, in the aged and the forgotten. I like to think there's a story to be told here." she murmured. "I'd rather be one who remembers. There is more to be learned that way."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorn Delani Character Portrait: Erynis Thanera
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Erynis chuckled at the title, seeming to be reminiscing on one thing or another before bending over to pick up a rounded stone, observing it carefully as it rested in the palm of her hand.
"Yes I suppose most of the spirits here are at peace..." She looked over at the main ruined structures out of the corner of her eye, smiling at something in a rather wicked fashion. "Though they don't seem too keen on seeing little old me..." She chuckles and closes her eyes before dropping the stone, letting it slide out of her hand in a way that it flipped over, revealing the face of a bleached skull as it hit the ground, the cranium smashing open like a porcelain bowl. "I suppose it has something to do with the way they died." She looks Lorn in the eye once more, smirking as the blood of millions gazed out through her crimson cornea, her wings twitching almost agitatedly as the blades on the tip of her tail, scraped across the ground.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorn Delani Character Portrait: Erynis Thanera
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#, as written by FizzGig
Her lips parted in surprise, eyes widening as she took a cautious step back away from the other. The color of her eyes wasn't as disturbing as the feeling she got when she looked into them. The woman was strange, but there was more to it than that. There was a darkness to her, a very palpable evil radiating from her gestures.

"You know how they died?" she asked softly, her voice surprisingly steady. Her horse was wickering again, digging its back hoof into the ground.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorn Delani Character Portrait: Erynis Thanera
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"Oh yes." She whispered the words in a sultry fashion, taking a single step forward and leaning her head back, licking her crimson lips slowly. "I can feel it in the air... The blood, the pain, the fear, the anguish... The despair." She opened her eyes again. "This is the site of the grounds of a clan of warrior monks... And they died as warriors do..." She chuckled, shaking her head slowly and running her fingers up her own arms. "Drowning in their own blood. Every last one of them, even the pupils, children, barely even having hit puberty." She gave out a short sharp laugh. "Men and children, murdered in cold blood in the name of a god that doesn't even exist. How delightfully sick." A visible shudder ran up her body and she smiled wide, showing off pearly white teeth.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorn Delani Character Portrait: Erynis Thanera
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#, as written by FizzGig
"That's horrid."

It was her immediate response, and it didn't take long for Lorn to realize that the horror was something that brought pleasure to Erynis. Lorn could feel a cold shiver running down her spine again.

Stones around her feet, mere pebbles, trembled slightly with her anxiety. She barely noticed. Her eyes were fixed on the being before her.

"I'm not sure they felt their deaths were in vain." she added, determined to salvage some dignity for the long dead. "People will die for what they will. It isn't our place to determine if it was worth it or not."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorn Delani Character Portrait: Erynis Thanera
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She nodded, chuckling quietly.
"Oh I think it was worth it..." She inhaled deeply again, her wings spreading wide. "When I left my padded little cell, I was soft and weak..." Se took a few steps closing the gap even more, locking gazes with the woman. "Now I'm strong and this little pit stop is helping me get stronger..." She rolls her head on her neck, sighing contentedly. "I'm well on the path to the old, lovely me." She came within a meter of her before stopping, leaning forwards slightly. "The cosmos' sickness sustains me. I can't wait to help it contract a few more bugs."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorn Delani Character Portrait: Erynis Thanera
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#, as written by FizzGig
The horse reared suddenly, ripping the reins out of Lorn's hands as it turned and bolted away. The woman stumbled back, her eyes wide as her skin paled a few considerable shades.

"Just keep your distance!" she insisted, holding up a hand as she took a few safe paces back. "I don't know what you are, but you will not come any closer!"

There was panic in her tone. She was this close to turning and bolting herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorn Delani Character Portrait: Erynis Thanera
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Erynis gave a hurt look, placing a hand to her cheek. "Oh dear, don't you like me? Aren't I pretty enough for you?" The light dimmed further as if the sun itself was giving up on its own purpose and the shadows of the trees and ruins distorted, the shade seeming to claw at them. "You wound me, Lorn, sweetie." She placed a hand over her heart, or wear her heart should be. "I'm just a little ol' daughter of death, a godess of agony, can't I get some loving?!" She lunged forward suddenly, smiling wickedly, her hands making to grab at the terrified girl. "Come feed the beasts of the pit you pretty little dame!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorn Delani Character Portrait: Sien Sciannar Character Portrait: Erynis Thanera
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lobos
Faint clunks of wood striking earth, as the young man strode out of the forest. In his hands was a simple staff, although its length was beyond what most would use for plain walking. Plainly attired, he seemed nothing untoward, a curious expression on his face as he sighted the two ahead of him.

Sien Sciannar was mildly pleased as he approached, the opportunity for company a pleasing thought. He was out this way to investigate these ruins for himself, for he'd heard rather interesting tales of what could be found in its dusty halls.

Yet ahead he could see the subtle signs of fright, born of open hostility as the unmounted woman lunged for the rider. What had been a walk became a surging sprint, the staff revealed to be a weapon as he slung it behind him, angling his right side end downward.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorn Delani Character Portrait: Erynis Thanera
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#, as written by FizzGig
Lorn stumbled back, throwing her arms in front of her face as Erynis seized her. Her terrified cry seemed to be echoed by the sudden surge of wind that tore through the clearing. Stones shifted in their hovels, and the very towers of ruined building shifted slightly. It wasn't immediately clear as to why that was.

Lorn turned her face away, digging in her heels as she was dragged close. "Let go of me!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorn Delani Character Portrait: Sien Sciannar Character Portrait: Erynis Thanera
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Erynis noticed several things all at once, humming in interest. The apparent stirring of several primal energies was the first thing she registered, looking around as she grabbed the girl, wondering as to the source of the shuddering energy though she decided to shrug it off as she felt the presence of another living entity, one far more lively than the little girl she was about to tear limb from limb.
She spread her wings wide and flicked her tail, throwing Lorn aside as she turned to face the new comer, grinning wide and giggling, almost squealing in delight, a desire to stretch her legs against something that might be able to put up so much as a meagre fight welling up within her blood red eyes.
"Come forth lone warrior, whoever you be! Come drown on your own bile like the rest of your kind in this forsaken pit!" She crowed into te forest, facing where she felt the delicious pulsing life force to be coming from, glancing down at the herbalist she added, "Don't think I've forgotten about you, little naive ghost lover."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorn Delani Character Portrait: Sien Sciannar Character Portrait: Erynis Thanera
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#, as written by Lobos
Sien flung out his free hand, strange gestures accompanied by silent murmurs as he closed the gap between them. A sense of release, life aspected flow springing from him and then vanishing, as he dipped outstretched fingers down and the flicked them back up.

Roots tore upwards from the barren ground, dead wood revived by the power this young man wielded. An elementalist, who's aspect was that of nature. The reaching limbs now filled with new vigor and riotous growth reached for Erynis, branching wildly in an attempt to ensnare and bind the demoness.

Sien himself had drawn into sight, coming to a halt twenty paces distance. He hardly seemed out of breath from the exertion, drawing air in slow, deep inhalations. He brought the staff around before him, settling the leading edge on the ground and taking a wide handed grip with his other hand.

"Am I interrupting something?" Sien's casual tone betrayed nothing of the unease he felt, for the demoness's words had been unsettling. Death was something to avoid, not embrace.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorn Delani Character Portrait: Sien Sciannar Character Portrait: Erynis Thanera
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Erynis shrieked and giggled in glee as the vines snapped out of the ground, entwining her in their lively embrace, as the warrior came into view she cooed and pouted. "My, my aren't you a kinky one, got me all wrapped up." She poked out her tongue and wiggled her hips from within the green prison. "Oh, and you weren't interrupting much... I was just getting intimate with this lovely little morsel over yonder." She looked sultrily over at the young herbalist as she scrambled away, well out of reach. She giggled as she squirmed half heartedly within the leafy bonds. "Ooh~ You must be an elementailst, a nature one, a cut rate druid with a thing for plants." She squealed in glee as a dark aura enshrouded her quickly rotting the enlivened plants and draining them of their life and turning them to parasite infested mush. "I love you're kind, so juicy and full of energy..." She stuck an index finger in her mouth and chewed on the nail absently. "Not too bad to look at too." She giggled and took a few steps back, looking the man up and down slowly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorn Delani Character Portrait: Sien Sciannar Character Portrait: Erynis Thanera
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#, as written by Lobos
The man's unease deepened as he watched the vines rot and die, slumping into piles of slime. "I appreciate the compliments. But from where I was watching, it looked like she wasn't very happy with your actions."

He held his ground, eyes searching the demoness for clues to her nature. Winged, tailed, her form pleasing to the eye but as far as he was concerned, was poison. Attraction wasn't an option here.

Questing with his energies, Sien noted well that the earth below seemed to be infested with dead roots, yet he was hesitant to bring more to life so quickly. "What do you want?"