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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Jinx911



Horse half is not pink, but is brown.


Esperanza is a wild, but adoreable child who finds it hard to trust people, having been badly treated by humans. But despite her fear, when she needs food, she will brave human kind to get what her tiny self needs. She has only been alone for a year, and can speak little english.


Esperanza was taken from her mother as a young foal babe, and sold to a farmer. She was abused, and not taught to speak for fear with intelligence would come rebellion. But being a brave little girl earned her her freedom, and on one night she escaped through the fence of her enclosure, running and running, as she always has been.

So begins...

Esperanza's Story


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#, as written by Jinx911
Esperanza let go of him, moving to kneel back down again with a very light thump, always poking things before she examined them further as she picked up the sweater. She didn't pay any mind that she was dirty, she was more concerned about how cold she was starting to feel, and tried to tug it on over her head the wrong way. She had never worn clothes before, but she had seen them... not put them on. She wiggled and tried her hardest to get it on, but it wasn't the right way up, and she ended up giggling as she tried to get out of it when it flipped inside out, and covered her.


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#, as written by Jinx911
Esperanza's cheeks turned rosy, it was so soft and warm... She hugged herself a little, before smiling again at him, her smile turning into a big yawn. She had eaten, and moved around quite a bit, and now, she was tired and comfortable. ¨Aaaah~¨ she said yawning, and stretching her arms above her head before blinking sleepily at Illisius. ¨Sleep sleep...¨


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#, as written by Jinx911
Esperanza nodded, getting up on her hooves and reaching for his hand. She looked at the stairs warily, she was never good with steps... but if she went very slowly, she could do it, it took alot of co-ordinating. ¨Uh huh.¨ With that she headed off with him, on the slow and careful ascension up the steps.


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#, as written by Jinx911
Esperanza, at some point in the night, had come back down into the bar, looking for water. She had gotten into the kitchen where Bertha, the old dish washing lady in the back, had let her stay... Nobody could resist the charms of the adoreable little centaur child. On top of that, Bertha had washed her down, cleaned her sweater, and wrapped a large cozy blanket over her. She came out with the blue sweater on her tiny upper half, rubbing her eye with her left hand as she toppled out of the kitchen with a big yawn. She surprisingly managed not to spill her water, and moved around the counter cautiously, peering over the inhabitants while sipping her water. She hoped Daddy wouldn't be mad she hadn't been where he put her..


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#, as written by Jinx911
Esperanza's ears perked up a little and she peeked back up over the counter, seeing Illisius and giving and excited little whinnying sound, abandoning her water and came trotting over to him. ¨Daddy!¨ she said, beaming innocently and not at all aware that such a simple thing as coming downstairs could cause someone to worry so.


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#, as written by Jinx911
Esperanza heard the word food, and nodded her head frantically. She looked... clean. She had obviously been somewhere for quite some time, even her sweater smelled nice and fresh, straight from the dryer clean. ¨Hungry~¨ she chimed, before sneezing cutely, using her overly long sweater sleeve to rub her nose.


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#, as written by Jinx911
Esperanza was used to being stared at, as she had been told more then once, Centaurs didn't belong amidst human kind, or outside of the woods... like some wild animal. But the little centaur didn't care one bit, now she was safe, she was sure of it... Even if the farmer somehow located her, there was no way he would be able to take her away now! She started to explore the bar a little, feeling safe enough to explore this still new environment with Illisius not to far away from her, and so she went sniffing and poking about, even giving a small squeel as she caught sight of her own reflection in on of the decorative mirrors hanging low on a wall. Who was that?!


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#, as written by Jinx911
Esperanza stayed still, she had never seen herself before, and figuring that it might perhaps be another centaur entirely in her uneducated little mind, she moved up to the mirror, bringing her face right up against the reflective pane and whinnied. When the centaur did the same as her, she stepped back, and clomped her hooves, why was it copying her!


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#, as written by Jinx911
Esperanza gasped as she saw Illisius approaching her in the mirror, and raised her hands up to touch his reflection in awe, how did he get in there?! But when he spoke, and she saw him beside her, she looked back and forth, adoreably baffled by this. ¨Daddy?¨ she said, looking from one, to the other.


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#, as written by Jinx911
Esperanza blinked up at him a few times, before touching the mirror again... ¨Esperanza?¨ she said. That was her...? What she looked like...? For just a moment longer she looked, before turning to hide her face from the mirror against his side, still not to sure about this... 'mir-ror'.


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#, as written by Jinx911
Esperanza followed after him, though once at the table, the little centaur was pouting. ¨Daddy... sleep sleep.¨ she said, rubbing her stomach. She didn't feel so good... perhaps because she had eaten so much so fast last night. She reached up, knowing that Illisius was more then capable of carrying her.


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#, as written by Jinx911
Espernaza was finally beginning to feel better, and having finished the fruit that was left for her, she was braving the stairs. One hoof at a time, slowly, clinging to the rail she descended and looked about in hopes she would spot perhaps an abandoned drink... and sure enough, she saw an unattended glas as she reached the foot of the stairs, clopping her hooves gratefully as she was once again, on steady flat ground! She hated these things called 'stairs'. Moving over to the counter, the little centaur headed for the unattended glass, licking her lips thirstily...


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#, as written by Jinx911
Esperanza was instantly deterred at the sudden stranger blocking her path to the glass, falling back clumsily before she scrambled to her hooves and hurried to hide behind the nearby stool, her bright blue eyes worried. He was so loud, and... and scary! She was hearing him, merely he was curious, but he had startled her when her attention had been solely on the abandoned drink at the counter.


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#, as written by Jinx911
Esperanza cuddled the neck of her sweater, hiding the lower half of her face as watched him, trying to hide how her bottom lip trembled... When he took the pan flute out she seemed to calm, she was familiar with that sound. Somehow, somewhere... she knew that sound. She moved out a little, pulling her sweater back down properly, though her tiny hands remained clasped before her chest in a worried matter... in case he tried anything. Though the more she listened to the song, her little tail began to sway, and she moved closer, watching him play with a small smile forming on her lips. It sounded pretty!


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#, as written by Jinx911
Esperanza reached out a small hand, and lightly touched the pan flute if he let her, she always had to touch new things. She even sniffed him a little bit, getting familiar with him, because he was being kind! He wasn't a bad person, and she wanted to remember him. ¨P... Paaaan... Pan Pan.¨ she beamed. For a four year old, she was very undereducated. She could not say sentences, just words, but it made her all the more endearing.


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#, as written by Jinx911
Esperanza brought her hand back to herself, giggling as she got to touch the pan flute, and a little at his nickname. ¨Home.¨ she said, pointing upstairs. ¨Daddy... g...goooone.¨ she said with a nod, though she was still smiling brightly. She then pointed to her chest, hand patting the fluffy blue sweater. ¨Esperanza.¨


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#, as written by Jinx911
Esperanza tilted her head, confused. She only had one Daddy, and he was out while she had been sleeping! ¨Ranza~ Oki~¨ she nodded with a big smile, before she looked to the stairs. If Daddy came back, she should probably be up the stairs waiting. And it would take her a while to get up on her own. ¨Sleep sleep. Byeee~¨ she said, reaching out to cuddle his leg for just a moment, before trotting for the stairs.


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#, as written by Jinx911
Esperanza was a child, and as a child, it was in her nature to hardly stay still for more then a few minutes. She had waited and waited and WAITED, and Daddy hadn't come home. Sooo... what wrong could coming back down into the bar do? She had curled up in a corner on the first floor and slept, as the stairs were an annoying task to climb, and by the time she had reached the first floor, she simply found a corner and slept there. Now, she was awake, and hungry, and still VERY thirsty! Making her way down the stairs, holding the railing for dear life should her hooves slip or over estimate the edges, until she got to the bottom, then she looked around. There were lots of abandoned glasses this time! She spotted one that looked like water and galloped over the the recently used table, picking up the glass and sniffing it a few times. She wrinkled her nose, then tipped the glass and swallowed, all of it. It had looked like water, but it tasted funny! Vodka was, likely to taste funny, to a child.


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#, as written by Jinx911
Esperanza looked up at Schemez, blinking her little baby blues at the woman. Her tiny cheeks were already turning red. ¨Icky..¨ she said, pushing the empty glass back onto the counter before hiccuping cutely. The little centaur heard Astraeus and smiled, waving at him before she looked back up at the woman. ¨S...Soorr...eee.¨ That was the word you said when you felt bad for doing something, wasn't it?


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#, as written by Jinx911
Esperanza blinked at the patting, making a content little whinnying sound before smiling again, pats meant she had been good! ¨Scheme... shemaez... Schemez. Oki~!¨ She said, stomping her front hoove once, before another speaking caught her attention, and she looked aaaall the way up at Various. ¨Booooze?¨ she said, as if asking what that was... what she had had was just bad water! She sat down then, rubbing a warm cheek with a sleeve covered hand. ¨Uh huh.¨ she said to Astaeus, trying to keep track of what everyone said.