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Frans Lefindlahar

"Come over here, just for a second, don't worry, biting isn't the worst I can do"

0 · 420 views · located in Master's Dojo

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Dr. Nikolai


"Pity, I might of had an affection for you, if you didn't act like a heartless bitch most of the time"

Frans Lefindlahar


Species: Luxray.

Gender: Male.

Full Name: Frans Anders Lefindlahar.

Age: 21.

Height: 6'4'

Weight: 220 Lbs.

Eye Color: Red Pupil, and Yellow Sclera's.

Fur Color: Black.

Frans' Alternate Form


Height: 6'1'.

Weight: 160 Lbs.

Eye Color: Red Pupil, and Yellow Sclera.

Hair Color: Blackish-Blue.

Frans' Personality

Frans is kind of an.......asshole, but he prides himself on that trait, in fact he embraces it.

Frans does not have a cheery personality, he does not have an award winning smile, and his cheeks do not turn red when you make him laugh. He is not that type of person, plain and simple. He prides himself on being who he is, and no woman or man is going to change a single trait of his "amazing" personality. He loves to be the hated one, the one that everyone wants to ignore, or punch in the face over and over, which he would love to see you try, seeing as if you got a finger on him, your ass would be shocked like a taser set on maximum and above, while he would sit there, laughing as your hair shot up, or just chuckling under his breath. He loves to feel like he is in the lonely corner because it gives him more time to think about what he's going to do next, or how he is going to fuck your life up with a little shock, perhaps make a machine malfunction and crush your tiny little twiggy legs.

Frans does have a little bit of a perverted side, as in something like a teenager peeking in the girl's locker-room through a crack in the door, or a little hole drilled in the wall, although the locker-room isn't always the female's locker-room. No one ever said that he didn't swing both way's, including upways, downways, and side-ways. He prides himself on this too, as it seems to get him in the funniest of trouble, whether it includes pepper spray to the face, a boot to the groin, or a fist to the jaw. He feels that even if he hates humanity, most of it, doesn't mean that he can't still have urges you know. He does have a keen sense for beauty though, and does appreciate a beautiful woman or man sometimes, as he doesn't judge on looks as much as personality, and if they are some pretty woman with a very horrendous personality, he won't come near the woman, or man with a stick. If someone is decent though and has a great personality, well then, they might just end up in bed with the suave individual, who has a way with words when need be.

One could say he is a man-whore......but he wouldn't argue against your point.

What Frans Has At His Disposal


Feisty Little Fellow, Isn't He?


Frans, being a very agile creature, is able to move around places with speed that would make your head turn, trying to lock onto where he is, but before you would realize where he is, he would be behind you, or you would be on the ground, him standing on top of you like he is announcing that your defeat has happened and he demands a celebratory drink or a steak, as he either feels hungry or wants to get drunk enough off his ass to have some "fun" with someone. His agility is due to his body structure, and how he is able to push off the ground with force that is very hard to match, his strength being very great, due to either his rage, or just his eagerness to prove how much of a badass he is, whether he is or not can be debated, but he for sure thinks he is a great fighter. When fighting him he is a blur of colors, circling around you as stated, and if you try to outrun him, you will surely be beaten, his speed being much higher than some of the fastest creature's in all of existence, but who knows, one day he could meet someone faster than him.

Now we move onto his moves, as specified before, if you didn't read that section. His moves are more along the lines of "Have you heard of lightning? Well imagine that compressed in a small creature, in comparison to the power of lightning, and then multiply it by about twelve. His body constantly flowing with the energy that makes it very hard to get a hit in, as if he feels any part of his being being touched, he will most likely shock the individual very badly, if he didn't know that they were doing it with no ill intent. His moves include a very long range bolt of sorts that he uses to inflict massive damage on an individual, most likely if a human being, making their heart stop for good, unless a very skilled healer started their heart back up. There is also an upside to this, as because of his energy, he could also start someone's heart back up, even after it has been dead for a long amount of time, but the condition of the body does not change, meaning if it was in a very ill condition when deceased, it would come back to life in that condition. He also is able to create a swirl of sorts, like a vortex, by using his speed, that can engulf other's, shocking them repeatedly, without remorse, and then throw them out when he thinks that they deserve to leave. This move is feared because it is a very torturing move, that can inflict horrendous pain on the afflicted.

He has a bit of personal belonging's that he keeps because of memories that make him think that they are important, or they are current possessions that he knows are important. Basically, if you take them, he will burn you so badly that you wish you were never born, that's how bad his electric attacks are, and will leave a sort of burning smell on you, like a barbecue! But with your skin as the meat. The first of these things is a watch, a small pocket watch that he has memories of, that belonged to his mother, who helped create very fine hand-crafted watches. He loves to tinker with the thing when he has time, trying to find out more information from it that will make him remember his past, who he was before, which he knows he had a past self. He also owns a knife, that is a very particular knife, that has been custom designed to channel his electricity into and use it in his alternate form, so he has a way to defend himself. There is a picture of this knife below just in case you need to know what it looks like.



He also has a picture, not just a normal picture of like him hanging out with his friends, or him with his family. He doesn't feel like that is important enough to signify something.......a memory he had, where he took this photo, but the photo has some smudges on it, and isn't in the best of condition. In the photo, there is a city, covered in rain, drowning the streets with it's never-ending stream but it feels comforting to look at it, as if you could imagine yourself in the city. In the foreground is a homeless man, sitting in a cardboard box in an alley, obviously freezing cold from the downpour, as if some mystical being had decided that the city shall drown in it's mistakes. A young woman had strayed from her group of friends that were walking in the street, and had seen the man, and she had taken her coat off, and was handing it to the man. This photo signifies hope, just a small hope that there is something left in humanity that isn't corrupted by money, or power, or the desire to be the greatest individual in the world. It just shows something that could bring a smile......or a fallen angel back to it's home, or a traveler back to it's residence. This brings up many memories in Frans' mind, and is more important than anything he will ever have in his whole existence, bringing out a very soft spot of the usually brash and ignorant Frans'.

Frans' History, Even If He Can't Remember Most Of It


"What good is there left in humanity? Tell me, what the fuck is left that is even remotely good! What redeeming quality is left, that small little shred, tell me that!"


Frans was born in a very poor family, raised to cherish the things he had, not ask for anymore, as he knew that if he didn't, he wouldn't hold onto it long, it would float away like it never existed in the first place. He had a sole music player that he played songs on, music that he thought reflected his present situation. He didn't feel like he needed more than that and his family, just some hope that he would rise above the rest and help other's, like him. He had a brother who felt the same way he did, and they were very close because of that reason, often traveling together and just hanging out like they were best friends, like they were, and he loved his brother. His brother understood and provided support. His brother had a very special thing dear to him, which was a locket, that had his father's face in it, a very kind man, who tried to find the best in people, not thinking about the bad.

"What about him? What about Amund, he was just like he, valued his family and one possession above all else, and thought that maybe, just maybe that there was some hope in the world, that someone would care, but who gave a SHIT about what happened to him, the police never cared, they thought he was just a drugged up kid who got on the wrong side of someone, FUCK THEM, they are just as corrupted as the one's who did those things to him!

Amund was a good individual, cared greatly about his kid brother, but nothing prepared him for what did happen when he was ten. His brother and him were taking a walk, through their small village when a young, more wealthy looking man approached them both. He started pushing them around, saying things like how they were rats, and how they should be killed, they also mentioned something about their mother being a dirty whore. Amund was getting angry but stayed calm for his brother's safety. The young man then noticed the locket and tried to grab at it, saying how Amund stole it, and how he never deserved something like that. Amund finally had enough and attacked the young man, but the man was ready for something like that, and pulled out a switchblade, slamming it into Amund's chest, twisting it as he ripped the locket off of Amund's neck, Amund watching as the young man ran away with one of his most prized possessions. Frans held his brother's body, screaming for help as his brother said something to him, words that he would never forget no matter how he changed.

"Listen, Frans, don't let what happened change you, you are a great kid, nothing can corrupt you, make sure your mother stay's alive, and be a good son. Just remember that the ones that have been corrupted used to be innocent, and didn't want to be born this way, their souls being tainted by the evil of humanity. But remember that there is still good in the world, there is always a light, a candle lighting the dark hallway, lighting the never-ending nights. I love you Frans, just know that.

Frans froze as he felt the pulse of his brother go flat, and not move. His tears ran down his face as he looked out towards the city, his eyes filled with broken hope. He didn't know what to do anymore, his brother, his best friend, his mentor was now dead in the streets, like he was nothing, the cops would just say he was a homeless child with no family, but that wouldn't be true. He had a loving family, and now they would mourn for his very untimely demise. There was nothing at that point that would change Frans from his viewpoint on humanity. He knew now that if he ever put hope in humanity, it would be a fleeting cause, just a waste of his precious energy. He knew that there was a small spark, but it was out for the moment, and would be for a long time. He was angry, his innocence being destroyed as he stayed there. He carried his brother's body back to his house, the cops coming, his mother crying, but the tears were not supposed to be there, all this shouldn't of happened, it was not real at all to Frans. He just didn't believe it, and he left, he left his mother, but made sure that she was alright, and then ventured off into the cold night, not wanting to come back to humanity, feeling as if he was completely disconnected from everything that made him a human being.

"I once thought that maybe I could be human again, that if I tried, someone would be sparked to follow my lead, and march onto the corrupt front, and fight the battlefront, to try to make a damn difference........"

Frans' journey into the great wilderness, the unknown, the land that mother nature actually decided to give a shit about, and found his way around, traveling with different bands of people, hearing stories about their pillages, and he was disgusted with it. He decided to leave, running from the group of people he was with at the moment, and decided to run east, the wilderness even greater there, he just wanted to find his way, just something that would make him live anew somehow, and he tried, he tried to hard to find something that worked with him, his struggles earning him injuries, tears, and just broken emotions. He knew he wasn't meant for this, to fight in the wilderness, and become one with the earth, he wanted to be reclaimed by the land, and just live as dirt, as even that would have a greater purpose than the humanity he once had. He never wanted to go back to that, especially after the state he had left it in, injured and it's emotions fragile. His family torn apart by a single situation, that changed him forever, raping his innocence like it was an easy target.

"Why can't I be with the land? Why is it that even when I try to get forgiveness for what humanity did, to let the land reclaim me, that even it doesn't want me in the slightest!"

Just when he thought that perhaps he should just lay down, and let the land reclaim his worthless body, at least he thought it was worthless, he heard a pained cry, one that sounded like a creature of the forest in pain, and he sprinted through the forest, dodging tree's as if there was nothing blocking him, his sole purpose now finding the source of the pained cry. He arrived in a darkened cave, hearing the pained cry from deep inside the cave and he ventured in, using the last of the light from outside the cave to guide his way, since he had no flashlight. He arrived at a lightened part of the cave, and in the spot was an injured creature, it's stomach torn open by what appeared to be a very sharp object, he recognized that whatever cut the very unfortunate creature open was not a beast, but a mortal as they left the creature to die, and the slash marks looked like a blade. He approached it slowly, it looking at him, trying to growl in defense and he backed away a little, and it then let him come forward, sniffing his hand to make sure he was friendly. He attempted to stop the wounds from getting worse, taking off his sweatshirt, and wrapping it around the creature's stomach, a feeble attempt to keep the insides......well inside. The creature recognized his efforts and gently rubbed up against him, and he stroked it's head.

"Shh, it will be alright, I promise, whatever did this to you is gone, they can't hurt you anymore, I swear, you are going to be alright, just hold on......please?"

Frans knew in his heart, if there was anything left, that the creature's injuries were much too great for it to survive for much longer. He desperately wished, as if he was wishing for a birthday wish, that this creature would pass along peacefully. He didn't want the only thing that was showing even a slim form of kindness in these woods to have a painful death, it didn't deserve that, not in the slightest. The creature rubbed up against him again, tears welling up in his eyes as he gently stroked it's head. He was trying to ease the suffering that it was enduring, and it recognized that. He sighed, shaking his head. It looked into his eyes, as if staring into his whole being, and nodded his head. He gently took a sharp stick, tears still welling up in his eyes, and then wrapped a hand around it's neck, gently holding it, and plunged the stick through it's eyes, piercing into it's brain through a broken part of the skull, and killing it with a quick, and mercy strike. He sighed, and gently pulled the stick out, and closed it's eyes. He wished it a good rest in the after-life and then stood up, turning to leave, as it was in a good resting place. He heard something coming from behind and turned to see a man standing there, in a hooded robe, and he was smiling at the young man.

"The kindness you showed that creature.....was something that hasn't been seen from a human from out of the wilderness in a very long time, indeed a very long time, I have a proposition for you, I can feel it in you, that sense of breaking.......I can provide you with a way out, to be rid of your humanity, and begin a new existence, being connected to the earth, being reborn as one of mother earth's creatures.......with your friends help" the man said, pointing to the recently deceased creature.

Frans looked to the man, tears still in his eyes, and he listened to his offer, and he solemnly nodded his head without hesitation. He looked at the man, and the older man smiled, and gestured to the body of the creature, and to the blood. Frans understood what he meant and gently went over, and covered himself in the creature's blood, but with a great respect to the creature, that even in the after-life, it knew how much he meant with his respect. The older man moved his hand in unknown gestures, a dust of sorts emanating from his hands, and it wrapped itself around Frans, as if it was a blanket and then it seeped into him. Frans felt his DNA rearranging, as if his whole being was getting destroyed from the inside. He felt a very warm feeling, looking around as the world got smaller, and his skin turned into a blueish hue, his eyes changing color. He was not in any pain as the dust had acted also as a painkiller of sorts. He went into an unconscious state, his mind changing, as his old memories were pushed aside, letting the warm feeling of his new life fill his mind, washing it clean as if it was being cleaned out.

Month's later, his mind awoke, and his new existence began, he found himself anew, his life being restarted completely as he had no memories of his former self. His appearance now looking like a smaller form of the creature he had tried to help, or partially succeeded. He did however have a deep hatred for humanity, knowing that it caused his home much pain, and was nothing but a horrible burden, but also knew about a small hope, that hopefully would light itself again. His memories slowly came back, but cracked and torn, and only some of them came. He, with help from the old man, learned how to have a human form with intense concentration, and it appeared to look like his former self, as it was formed from a memory of what he looked like before, a partial memory. He continued to grow up, turning twenty-one, and making his way to a city, that knew had great corruption but also the potential to have that light lit, the sliver of hope to be found......he just hoped he found it soon. He took on his old name, though anyone who knew him now thought he was dead. He acquired an apartment building, on the top floor, and made a garden, attempting to make it feel like home again.

So begins...

Frans Lefindlahar's Story


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[color=maroon]Humanity.......what is Humanity exactly? Is it someone getting their check after a long hard week of work, and then they spend it on the most useless things in the world, buying material goods, something that will degrade eventually and be worthless. Is humanity selling your body for money to a stranger, just to get on with your life and be able to eat that night. Humanity is not any of those things, it is not someone stealing an object, a material good because they think they need it more than the other person does, it does not mean killing someone because you thought they made the wrong decision, but what if you were the one who made the wrong decision? What if you made the wrong choice, took the wrong path, walked down the alley instead of the street, trying to get home quicker. A few extra minutes of a walk could have stopped a robbery, or a murder but you would never know that. You would just blindly walk along, not realizing that your fate is decided for you like you are a statistic.

Humanity is nothing, because true humanity means helping someone in the street, picking someone up when they fall, but instead, people just walk along, ignoring the one in need, and just talk on their phones, as if the electronics were feeding them through the signal's in the phone. He used to believe that maybe he could make a difference, he could be that help, just that little candle in the darkness, but instead his hope was shredded like a document no one wanted anyone else to see. He has no humanity anymore, especially if someone's definition of humanity is a human being, but what exactly is a human being? Just a bunch of flesh strewn together like a puzzle. Add a few mismatched pieces and you have a person. He didn't believe in that bullshit. He knew he had to change to make a difference.

He walked into the bar, his glances being directed at the ones in the bar, as he saw that there were humans in the bar. A very disgusted feeling in his body, making h


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[color=maroon](Continued Post)making him shudder, it being visible as he felt it flow through his body, just the tainted energy there. He did not believe in hope like other's did, just a belief in the fact that eventually, the planet would realize it's mistake and take away the refuse, bury them in it's soil, it's innards, and reclaim what was once it's. It would "recycle" them as they called it, making them something worth being in existence at all, since most people think that trash is the real refuse, when in reality, the one's who were refuse were the human's themselves, just the mistakes of the earth. He did however believe that there is some good in human's, even a small portion, just even by a kind act, helping someone on the street, a police officer holding a child who just lost it's parents, the words coming out, trying to comfort the young. The candle would be re-lit hopefully, just to make a little shred of hope come back to the world, and just maybe the planet would have a second thought about what it was going to do to them.

He made his way over to a booth in the corner, a lone one, not connected to the other's, as if it was someone out of the pointless groups that people think matter, as if making someone feel like a freak would make them better, make them feel like garbage. He knew the kind of feeling, and then took a seat in the booth, his thoughts moving rapidly around in his head, trying to come into complete ideas. His memories swirled around, cracked like a window hit by something, broken like a toy played too rough by a young child. He didn't remember most of his past self, as if there was nothing there before. He did however remember his name, and a general appearance of his past self.

Like that really mattered to him, he only took this appearance he had now because he needed to blend in a little, just to defuse any situations that might arise because of conflict with his usual, more feral appearance, as if he was just let out of a cage, tha

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Master's Dojo


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