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Gabriel Taylor

You can fight; You can shout and you can scream but in the end, some things are going to leave you. That's certain, concrete. The question is, what will become of you once they're gone?

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a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by LeBeau, as played by Leb


A group of battle-hardened veterans. These legendary champions came from all walks of life before banding together in the defense of Terra.
An ancient order, sworn to defend the Garden and it's inhabitants. Men and women touched by God and blessed with immortality for as long as their hearts remain pure.


'Taylor's stood at one side of the bar, elbows digging into the grain. He ran a hand over the worn surface, reminiscing of days past. He remembered the day they installed the counter top. It was so pristine, the finish glistened against the light. Andrea would clean it meticulously, being sure to give an ear-full to anyone that dared place a naked cup against it's surface.

And now Andrea was gone, and so was the finish. Benito too, though he was gone long before his death. Worst of all, Liz seemed as distant as ever and he feared it wouldnt be long till she was gone too. Sadly, a part of him wanted to accept that loss. Maybe it already did.

He scratched the bottomside of his chin, grazing shortened hairs. His breath smelled heavily of smoke and gin. He didn't bother to don his suit, opting for a dark black t shirt and a pair of beaten jeans. He found no need for anything more, who was there left to impress?'

So begins...

Gabriel Taylor's Story


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Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor
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#, as written by LeBeau
His eyes rested in slightly narrowed orbs, they took in only the barest glimpse of the occupants of the bar. He wasn't a curious boy, no, not by a long shot. He was wayward and lost, but his intent had seemed to waver in recent years.

Content wouldn't be the right word, tired would be more accurate. He wasnt happy, drifting idly though life without the vaguest cause. He had searched meaning for so long, but life seemed easier without it.

So he sat there today, balancing himself on the worn barstool as his fingers gather water from the side of his glass.


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Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor
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#, as written by LeBeau
The glass now rested idly in his palm, sending a sort of cold, circular relief trough the worn skin of his hand. As the man's words grazed his ears, he turned, his eyes forming curious blue-orbs. "Aren't we all out of place?" He turned back to face the contents of his glass.

Yep, still the same cheap vodka that inhabited the glass the last time he had checked. The smell sent a sort of familiar sting through his nose.

Gabriel was young, handsome. His skin was smooth and nearly flawless, his features spread about his face attractively. His lips bent subtly, resting in a state of utter calmness.

"You well always be out of place..."

Be wrapped his fingers around the glass, tipping its contents down into his mouth. He allowed it to swirl into a gentle storm, occupying his mouth for moments too long before seeping generously down his throat.

"Enjoy inferno"

He laughed. No, not cunningly or with malice. It was the laugh of a man beaten, uninterested in the concept of relief;

For himself, nor others.


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Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor
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#, as written by LeBeau
The words caught him, like a hook through his heart. They pulled him into a nearly unstoppable yearning for violence. He allowed the drink to settle on the counter, his fingers still gingerly sweeping its circumference.

"What? Do you think your words serve some sort or purpose besides making you seem like a causeless fool? I've done nothing to you, nor did i plan to when i entered this bar. I wish to sit here, in peace, and finish this drink of mine. So please, withdraw yourself, leave me be. Your feigned attempts at a facade of manhood provides nothing more than vague entertainment for me, and the other patrons of the bar. You'll fall eventually, you'll die and you'll face the fires that plague countless others. You'll dwell in inferno, don't force me to lead you there by hand"


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Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor
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#, as written by LeBeau
As the glass met his temple, remaining a forceful solid before collapsing into shallow shards against his ginger skin, he left the state of gentle calm that he had rested. He fell, rolling onto the worn floor of the bar. He landed on his back, his limbs meeting the floor only seconds after. As his turmoil came to rest, he laid amidst the rubble, a stool or two taking place over him.

A burrowing cough escaped him.



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Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor
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#, as written by LeBeau
He sat behind the bar, an area typically restricted to Gambit's staff. His head ducked just below the vision of the average bar-patron. The counter seemed to provide some sort of shallow privacy, the hectic sounds and vibrations slightly muffled before grazing his gentle ears. The spot behind the counter provided a somewhat perfect balance for the wayward boy; A sense of company without the need to put forth any sort of effort or actually partake in social interactions.

Then again, the fact that an interaction awaited him just a few inches away if he cared to take it provided some sort of calm relief as well.

He allowed his ring to slip down the length of his finger before catching it with a slight twitch. Repeating this process over and over again, he formed a sort of game, allowing it to slip farther and farther each time before stopping it. A game of risk with miniscule repercussions associated with its loss;

Gabriel's kind of game.

He remained, his back to the counter, his eyes intent on his ring traveling down his finger rather than the vast assortment of drinks occupying the wall.


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Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor
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#, as written by LeBeau
He grew tired of his game quickly, finding the idle thrill much too feigned. Gabriel stood, his eyes gently sweeping across the rusted architecture of the tavern. The torn seats, the cracked wood-tops, the grease covered plats and the deeply fogged glasses; It was Gambit's alright.

He let his hands rest on the counter, his ring slipping beneath his finger as he forced it along a narrow path. Back and forth, it rolled between his finger and the worn counter-top. He had managed to keep a rather distinct amount of control over the intertwined copper and steel ring. He replicated the earlier game, this time letting the ring slip farther and farther from his grasp before recalling it to try his luck again.

Unfortunately, he pushed his luck just a hair to far, the ring leaving the weight of his finger as it reached the tip and went gliding swiftly through the air. Directed towards Vegeshin's face, the unguided and unintentional projectile should provide a generous ammount of force against Vegeshin's eye.


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Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor
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#, as written by LeBeau
Gabriel watched the ring fly through the air, unluckily right towards what seemed to be the most powerful creature in the establishment. Oddly, he didnt seem surprised, not in the slightest. His face remained, solemn and slightly emotionless. He had a talent for getting into trouble. No, he wasnt unlucky, it was destined. It seemed as if some supernatural force enjoyed seeing Taylor beaten to a pulp.

"Can i get my ring back?"


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Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor
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#, as written by LeBeau
Gabe placed his hands on the bar, quickly forcing himself over the counter, his feet steadying himself as he met the ground again. He let a hand graze the back of his head, his fingers idly sweeing through the the narrow cannals between his hairs.

He made his way to the man holding his ring, eying it curiously. "Uh, ill take that back now" His finger dipped swiftly into the man's palm, plucking the piece of scrap from his hand and slipping it back down his own finger. "Thanks"

He leaned back against the table, looking from the ring back to Markuss. "Shhhh, i dont like you"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor
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0.00 INK

#, as written by LeBeau
His eyes rested in slightly narrowed orbs, they took in only the barest glimpse of the occupants of the bar. He wasn't a curious boy, no, not by a long shot. He was wayward and lost, but his intent had seemed to waver in recent years.

Content wouldn't be the right word, tired would be more accurate. He wasnt happy, drifting idly though life without the vaguest cause. He had searched meaning for so long, but life seemed easier without it.

So he sat there today, balancing himself on the worn barstool as his fingers gather water from the side of his glass.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor
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0.00 INK

#, as written by LeBeau
David's comment took him off guard, forcing a slight shift in his demeanor and a curious tilt to his lips. "No one in particular, the better question is why you're so curious to it. I mean no one the slightest amount of harm, i just wish to have a drink and bask in the shallow company that the conversations around ne carelessly provide"

His upper lip dipped slightly as he adjusted his nose, a nervous habit that resemble a man about to sneeze. As the movements of his features came and passed, he effortlessly slipped back into his solemn expression.


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Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor
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#, as written by LeBeau
David's warning fell silent against Gabriel's weathered ears. With a sigh, he placed both hands on the bar, first his palms before shifting his hands to rest on their sides. His eyes examined the shallow space between them. He didnt put forth the effort to provide David even a passing glance, instead chosing to focus on an imaginary object residing between his palms. "You threats fall on deaf ears, i've been through worse than you and even with a loss, i still survived. Forgive me if i dont fear the reaper just because you speak as if you control him"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor
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#, as written by LeBeau
A narrow, effortless laugh escaped his curved lips "Listen, i don't care who you are. Just leave me be before i decide that this glass looks better in peices, shattered over your head"


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Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor
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0.00 INK

#, as written by LeBeau
"God dammit" A breath escaped his lips, intertwined with sounds of displeasure. He stood, the glass balancing idly in the palm of his hand, forming a shallow ring of cold against his skin. His eyes lingered on the floor as he adjust his feet lazily. They slowly traced up his form, eventually making their way to David's face.

"I dont go down easy, mate" He smiled, his lips spiking towards his cheeks menacingly. Like a lion fighting the urge to eat his prey finally let off its leash, his eyes flicked with malice and unwavering intent. Oh, he was out for blood, for a fight, for the opertunity to land his bare nuckles against nude flesh.

His hand extended out twoards him, the glass balanced on the ridge of his palm.


He kept his fingers straight, the back of his palm flicking towards David as the glass left his palm, gliding dangerously towards him. The liquid inside the glass splashed towards him, providing a heinous and vengful sting against anywhere that his bare skin would meet it.

There was a reason he never took a sip of his drink.

As soon at the glass had left his palm, his fist ducked between it as he shifted forward, his closed hand on a path towards David's chest. Wether it landed or missed, he meet it with a twist of his other hand, sending a heavy casting punch towards his skull.


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Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor
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#, as written by LeBeau
Taylor's casting punch caught the stool, turning it to violent splinters. The glass slammed against his forhead, sending him into a backwards stumble. He didnt falter to grab nor mend his bruised hand, instead getting back into his fighting stance. He put his weight on his back foot, bouncing lightly between the two. "Bring magic into it all you want, i'll break your hands before you can cast one of your silly spells"

With that, he swept his arm down the counter, sending a furry of glasses and bottles at David. Before giving him a moment to respond, he followed it with a quick jab towards his chin, intent on dazing him only slightly.

He took a few shallow steps back, readying himself for his signature attack. He stood, his feet spaced a few feet apart. He brought his right knee towards David, as if planning to hit him in the thigh, as he brought his right elbow back.

But he didnt conect with his knee, instead sending his foot back the oposite direction, launching himself into the air as he used all his momentum to bring his fist down against David's face.

This punch was fueled by the entirety of his weight, and would be rather dificult to stop.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Master's Dojo


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Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor
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#, as written by LeBeau


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Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor
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#, as written by LeBeau
Taylor stood, tense and ready, leaning forth on his right foot. His arms bobbed energetically at his sides, his right fist poking only a bit before his left. As he shifted to his left foot, he'd fling his elbow outwards, whipping his fist against the side of the worn punching bag. He let out a narrow cough as the dust residing in the bag made its way down Taylor's throat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor
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#, as written by LeBeau
Taylor was mid strike, attempting another casting punch against the bag. The man's entrance startled him, forcing him to twist ever-slightly and shift the punch to meet the chain holding the bag instead of the cushioned bundle itself.


He flinched, retreating his bloodied nuckles to his side. "Dammit"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor
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#, as written by LeBeau
He smiled sheepishly, his usual aggressive nature muffled by his earlier brawl. He'd usually take the comment with anger, retorting with less than the utmost politeness.

Instead, he slammed his hand firmly into the other "I'll remember that next time."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor
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#, as written by LeBeau
His eyes traced the path of the Swordman's hand. He was not up to date on current mannerisms and failed to realize the seemingly polite gesture. He opened his mouth, half a mind to apologize. Instead he caught it, finding it superficial at the point.



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Character Portrait: Gabriel Taylor
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#, as written by LeBeau
He tilted his head, nearly touching his ear to his bare shoulder. He quickly realigned it, running his bandaged hand through his hair.

"Why? To defend myself? I've been fighting since my childhood, it was the only way to get by. No, i dont mean survive, i always survive, wether i fight or not. It's actually something i quite despise"

He held his arm out infront of him, idly twisting it so that his palm and elbow would face the ceiling. He made sure to make note of the various scars.

"I train as to reduce the pain. I dont fear death, i have a long way to go till then"