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Garrett Grounds

Vampire Hunter

0 · 578 views · located in Lady Une Drive

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by SlightlyIrregular

So begins...

Garrett Grounds's Story


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Character Portrait: Maurana Character Portrait: Mytri Damiri Character Portrait: Garrett Grounds
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Garrett once again tried to take control of his body but couldn't. He fought with his mind as they walked out of the carriage and into the building. He fought as they came up the stairs then when they were in the sitting room. But nothing happened. His body walked like nothing was wrong, like it was just a casual stroll.

He even followed the butler like he was told to. The only thing that gave away that Garrett wasn't walking of his own accord was the scowl on his expression.

"We're exterminating them. As we speak vampires are being killed off. We took out all of Dixon's village. Humans and vampires. We wiped them all out. His family was the only one that escaped and now there is only him. And we'll get him. We'll wipe that line out before it develops. Before we know it you'll all be giving birth to vampires and not having to sire any. We're not going to let that happen. Once Dixon is properly dead, it won't happen. We have the cure all worked out. And he'll die a slow and painful, proper death." The Hunter growled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maurana Character Portrait: Mytri Damiri Character Portrait: Garrett Grounds
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Mytri rubbed a finger across his chin. "I still don't understand what it is you think you're saving your human friends from by killing off Dixon? He hasn't harmed anyone, and believe it or not... siring is completely over rated these days. Most of our most powerful are still trying to organize the vampires we have already changed, not much in the business of bringing about more. So, young Garrett, which of my kind scorned you in such a way to fill you with such hatred for my kind?"


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Character Portrait: Maurana Character Portrait: Mytri Damiri Character Portrait: Garrett Grounds
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"I'm saving them from getting attacked by monsters. And Dixon can father children. If vampires don't need to sire any more, that means that humans will just be a source of food and we'll be tortured and killed. I'm not letting that happen. Vampires will not be taking over. We won't let them. And we will kill Dixon."

He laughed. "Let's just call this a family business. We've been killing since my great-great-great-great grandfather on my mother's side. And we'll continue to kill. My children are growing up learning to kill your kind. We caught some vampire children not long ago. They're currently chained in a basement while we teach our children the best ways to hunt and kill without actually killing them first. We keep them weak so they can't attack us. And we keep them alive so the children can practice. When they're no use, the children attempt their first proper kill and we go out and find some more to practice on."

Garrett glared at Mytri. "You can't even help your own kind. How does that feel?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maurana Character Portrait: Mytri Damiri Character Portrait: Garrett Grounds
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Mytri's eyes hazed over. "Oh believe me, I'm helping my own kind by turning you into one of us." He said this so calmly, is was unnerving. Just then, the door to the room where they sat opened, and a tall slendor woman entered. She was dressed in complete black leather, down to the heel of her boot. "Mytri, my my, what a surprise." Then she glanced to the hunter, "Have you brought me a snack?" This brought joy to her face, as a child would when looking upon a piece of candy.

"Something much more than that, my friend here is a hunter. I've recruited him for your fitness program."

Maurana stalked towards Garrett, standing directly above him, "Fiesty, is he? It's been a while since I've witnessed your possession spell."

"Indeed he is. I believe he will prove quiet... well, let him tell you himself. Go on, Garrett, tell my friend here you're family history." Mytri was eager for what was to come, after hearing what the hunter spoke of regarding the vampiric children.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maurana Character Portrait: Mytri Damiri Character Portrait: Garrett Grounds
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"You might kill me. Or turn me. But I'll get myself killed. I'll make sure they kill me. I'm not going to turn into the monster!" Garrett was quick to start yelling after Maurana had appeared and they'd spoken about him. Garrett was angry, that much was obvious.

"They will fuckin' come here and kill you all. All of you. We're starting with Dixon and then we'll fuckin' get the rest of you. You're all doomed. All of you!" He shouted, obvious that his mind was also struggling against his body as he spoke. His tone venomous and full of anger and hate.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maurana Character Portrait: Mytri Damiri Character Portrait: Garrett Grounds
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Maurana's temper was not as easily held back as Mytri's was. Immediately, she jumped on top of the arm chair that Garrett sat in, digging her nails into his throat. "I may be doomed to hell, dear boy, but not a single worthless human such as yourself will ever be capable of killing one such as me!" Her eyes were completely black. She hadn't fed in hours, and the hunters pulse had heightened. Roughly, she tore into his throat. If she had no intent of siring him, the bite would have killed him instantly. Blood spat everywhere, though Maurana couldn't care less.

Standing down from the chair, and letting go of the hunter, she laughed out loud as the pain of his death took place. "That's right hunter, feel the burn. You're turning into what you hate so much, how ironic is that." Maurana took too much pleasure in the pain of others. It had become an addiction of hers, and now, as Mytri sat back and watched, he remembered exactly why he had sent her away from him own Clan to begin with. She truly was merciless. It was completely possible for a sire to tame the pain, as it was truly unbearable and only tolerable due to the immortality that came with it. There was no doubt in Mytri's mind that every vampire Garrett or his family had ever hunted, would have their retribution.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maurana Character Portrait: Mytri Damiri Character Portrait: Garrett Grounds
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For the second time that day Garrett's eyes had shown true fear and he'd let out a yell of pain as the teeth sank into his throat. The burn and the pain that came with it had him crying out, sweating and his heart pounding at the sudden attack. The blood poured and Garrett continued to shout in pain.

And for the first time, instead of shouting abuse he was begging for it to stop. He was begging for mercy. He was begging for his life.

But it was too late. Garrett was a vampire now whether he wanted to be one or not. And if his vampiric personality was anything like his human personality - he was going to be one nasty vampire.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel Character Portrait: Maurana Character Portrait: Mytri Damiri Character Portrait: Garrett Grounds
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#, as written by duramon

There came the sound of clattering chains in the back ground, a constant jangle that was made obvious as a bloodied and beaten prisoner walked forward from the shadows. His once raven black hair now a shining blonde mass that was messy and yet spiked and styled, reaching just behind his knees in its length, the jangling continued as the stranger stepped ever closer, the source of the noise shown to be two manacles around his wrists. The chains had been shattered and hung loosely to collide together in tune with the manacles as he slowly clapped to the scene before him.

He wore your average black and white striped jump suit, however a large weapon was fastened by a rugged leather belt to his back, two curving blades attached opposite to each-other to a spiked and warped handle that contained several haphazardly placed hand holds. He eventually stopped clapping and stood in silence, making a visible effort as his throat tightened and loosened spasmodically until finally in a weak and gravely voice, several words emerged from his scarred lips and carried across the room.

"You summoned me?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel Character Portrait: Maurana Character Portrait: Mytri Damiri Character Portrait: Garrett Grounds
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Mytri sat in his chair, rubbing the spot between his eyes with his forefinger and thumb. Now that Garrett had been delivered to his fate, his thoughts traveled back to Risika and Dixon. He needed to return to them as soon as possible, just in case there was some magic involved with the group of hunters. Though, he was sure Risika could handle herself. Dixon, however, might need a familiar face upon his awakening.

Maurana wiped a spot of blood from the corner of her mouth. "What a nasty after taste he has, Mytri. Why did you bring him here?" She pouted, as if the hunter had been a treat for her that she wasn't satisfied with. Mytri stood, "That's entirely my own business, Maurana. You'll do well to just hold him here for me. Do what you wish to him: torture, target practice for your minions, play, or feed. Whichever you'll have, is fine. Just keep him secluded and away from any other humans. He's a well known hunter from a place not too far off from Verinotte. I need him for informational use."

"And what of payment for my services?" Maurana's voice no longer had its' childish tone. Being ordered about was not something she had ever been accustomed to, even when it came from her own Master. "What has brought you over the water, anyways?" They hadn't had time for greeting upon his arrival, as the hunter was entirely too distracting. "That is only of my own concern as well. And as far as your payment..." Mytri stood from his chair, and arranged his coat, "As I recall, you're still indebted to me for the destruction of your Queen's temple." "She is not my Queen! And I will have none of this in my own house! Get out! Now!" She screamed at him, picking up a glass vase and throwing it against the fireplace, shattering it into tiny pieces. Mytri spoke softly, "As you wish, my child. Keep the hunter alive, I shall return to check on him in a weeks time." Silently, he made his way to the door, the clicking of his cane against the marble floor being drowned out by a clanking of chains in the distance. As Mytri opened the door, he stood face to face with a man that appeared to have just broken free from a prison cell. Mytri simply nodded his head, and made his leave from Maurana's mansion.

Not knowing Lazarus was standing behind her, Maurana took her temper out on the hunter that still laid motionless in the chair. She had been given admittance to his memories upon turning him. She saw the whole scene play out in her mind that had just taken place at the Stones of Isis. "Stupid man! You spend your time hunting a weak child, when the real enemy was the woman who saved him!" Her jealousy and rage towards her sister, Risika, was well known and obvious. Grabbing hold of the hunter by the hair on his head, she flung him across the room. As the thud sounded, and he fell to the floor, she unclenched her hand to reveal a handful of his hair. "Disgusting creatures! Lonny! Get in here and clean this mess up!"

A clapping came from behind her, startling her as she turned to its' source. "You!" She exclaimed. "You summoned me?" He spoke, barely audible. Her eyes took back their lighter hue, "Indeed I did. You'll excuse my mess, an old friend brought around a stray." Her eyes narrowly darted to the hunter that was being picked up and taken to the prisoner house that could be found towards the back of the grounds. A woman came into the room behind them, cleaning up the blood that had splattered everywhere, keeping her eyes low, she knew not to speak to her Master after such an event.

"Come, Lazarus. Let them to their chores, I've some things I'd like to discuss with you in my office." Silently, still slightly frustrated with her Master's arrival within the land, she walked past him and started up a flight of stairs to her office. Leaving the door open behind her for Lazarus, she took her seat in the black leather chair behind her desk. Reaching into a drawer, she pulled out a manila folder, and dropped it opposite her seat, in front of a chair for Lazarus to take. "Inside there, you will find a clearly printed out explanation of what it is I do, how I train my sires, and what it is I expect of them upon graduation. I've heard many tales of your skills, Lazarus. I'm very interested in having you around for teaching purposes, and perhaps a few other extra curricular activities that could use your involvement." She had left out her plans of power; Maurana wanted to see him fight first, and see what kind of an asset he would truly be. If he was as great a warrior as his reputation had led him to be. Maurana sat in her chair, perfectly manicured hands folded across her stomach, allowing him time to read and respond.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mytri Damiri Character Portrait: Dixon Character Portrait: Garrett Grounds
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Dixon was silent the whole journey. He was thinking and contemplating everything he wanted to say to the Hunter when they met. He was also starting to get a little scared, nervous and fearful. The Hunters killed people like him. He'd already tried to kill him. So he just stayed silent, kicking his legs against the seat as he thought and they traveled.

Once they were there, Dixon followed Mytri and nodded when he was introduced to Maayan. He became shy again and just stayed silent following Mytri until they came to the dungeon. Dixon hadn't known what to expect, but this wasn't it. He looked at the Hunter that was chained up to the far wall. He looked a mess. He was bloody and dirty, paler than before. Dixon crept forward a little to get a better look as the Hunter just sneered.

"More will come. Just because you saved him from me, doesn't mean you can keep him safe forever." He smirked.

Dixon was watching carefully, but he knew a vampire when one was seen. He saw the fangs. "He's a vampire..."

"I might be a vampire, but I still want you dead. I'll kill you one day. Or the others will kill you. And I'm going to fucking enjoy it. Maybe I can join the Hunters and help kill the Human traitors." Garratt laughed.

Dixon carefully took another step closer, within touching distance of the Hunter. "Can you tell me where my parents are?" Dixon never gave orders. Well, he didn't know how to. So here he was, the one with the power and control, yet still only asking if Garrett knew where his parents were, not demanding that he be told what had happened. Dixon was too soft.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mytri Damiri Character Portrait: Dixon Character Portrait: Garrett Grounds
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Mytri stood against the opposite wall, both hands planted atop his cane. "Answer him." he spoke. He felt a twinge of remorse. It was an ugly thing that happened, when a person was forced into vampirism against their will. The hunter was beginning to take on a different form than his human one. He was, in all ways, a demon, now. The raw and unhindered image of a true beast, a vampires true form. Mytri had the capability to grab hold of the hunter's nervous system by reach of his mind. A trick that he had taught Maurana herself, and had learned to regret doing so. However, Dixon deserved answers, and Mytri would see that he got them.

Grabbing hold, he squeezed slowly, seeing that he was effective by the grasping of the hunter's fists. "I said, answer him. Or shall I call for your Mistress?" Mytri spoke again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mytri Damiri Character Portrait: Dixon Character Portrait: Garrett Grounds
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Garrett cried out in obvious pain as he clenched his fists, struggling against what was happening. But it wasn't the first time he'd experienced this in the last few days. But he wasn't going to cave so easily. Not to them. But unfortunately he couldn't even laugh or sneer, so he just stayed silent.

"Please." Dixon was practically begging now. It showed in his voice.

Garrett still didn't say a word and Dixon frowned getting slightly closer, though turning to see where Mytri was as despite the Hunter being in chains, Dixon was still scared.

"Please. I just want to know what happened." Dixon moved his hand out and brushed it against the Hunter's skin. A brush was all it took to get a brief glimpse of something which caused Dixon to cry out as if he was in pain and scramble as far back as he possibly could until his back was against the entrance and he was breathing heavily just staring at the Hunter in shock.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mytri Damiri Character Portrait: Dixon Character Portrait: Garrett Grounds
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Mytri frowned his brow, and let go of Garrett. Looking from him to Dixon, and back again, he crossed over to where Dixon had fallen. "What happened?" He had seen this gift only once before, by his own sire. But the gift hadn't traveled down the line to him. Mytri had his own sires had the ability to travel and fight mentally, but never had they been able to see into the actual mind of their victims. Dixon had done just that, without a doubt. "Stand up, Dixon. You're fine." Mytri had no sympathy when it came to embracing gifts, it was something that had to be done, without show of weakness. Per his opinion, anyways.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mytri Damiri Character Portrait: Dixon Character Portrait: Garrett Grounds
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Dixon was watching the Hunter like a hawk for a moment before his attention turned to Mytri and he looked at the older vampire. He didn't like what had just happened, but didn't connect it to himself. He thought that it was the Hunter because Dixon hadn't been able to do that before and the only thing that had changed was the Hunter, in his mind.

"I...I..." Dixon couldn't get out what he wanted and he heard Mytri speak again. He stood up slowly but kept his distance from the Hunter, not wanting to go near him again. What had happened had scared him, despite it being a small encounter. "I saw things from his head. When I touched him. He sent things into my head." Dixon frowned, focusing back on the Hunter.

He really didn't like. That much was obvious from his body language and posture. He was wiping at his hand like it was infected, and he was scared of what happened.

All Garrett could do was laugh. "Some vampire he'll make..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maurana Character Portrait: Mytri Damiri Character Portrait: Dixon Character Portrait: Garrett Grounds
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Maurana was felt by Garrett before seen by the two other vampires within the cell. She backhanded the prisoner, and sent his head slamming into the brick wall. The crack from his skull was sickening, had they been mortal, it probably would have wrenched all of their insides. "You dare to mock your superior..." Grabbing hold of him by his throat, she spat, "I'll have your insides for my dinner, hunter, with your head as my honored guest. Imagine your eternity as a decoration upon my mantle..." Maurana dropped Garrett into a slump unto the floor, and turned to Mytri.

"Your friend there is a Seer, I see. How wonderful, what a soldier he'll make." She smiled. "He won't be joining your army, Maurana." Mytri spoke, "He is to become my apprentice. However, he will need special training due to this new finding. I didn't anticipate such a rare gift."

"No, you wouldn't. Considering it hasn't come around naturally in some centuries now." Maurana commented. The word 'naturally' peaked Mytri's attention. What exactly had Maurana been up to in her absence from the capitol? She continued, "Where is it that he comes from, Mytri?"

"A village not too far off. He's a natural born vampire, as you would put it. Born from two vampiric parents. Parents that this hunter here, was last to see. Hence the reason for our visit. Young Dixon here desires to know the whereabouts or resting place of his parents."

Maurana looked over at Dixon, "And are you prepared to receive your answers, young fledgling?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maurana Character Portrait: Mytri Damiri Character Portrait: Dixon Character Portrait: Garrett Grounds
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Garrett didn't move once Maurana appeared and treated him like she did. His expression showed his defiance though he didn't say a word. He didn't dare right now while Maurana was in the room with them. If she left though, he'd mock Dixon. He wouldn't survive as a vampire. He was weak, pathetic, caring. The Hunters would get him. Despite being a vampire himself, the feelings for Dixon hadn't changed. If he ever was let go, he'd be a danger to both humans and vampires.

Dixon listened to the conversation Maurana and Mytri were having, but didn't understand most of it, though he got that it was about him. He frowned though when Maurana asked if he was prepared to get the answers, Dixon nodded eventually, but his body language didn't look very ready.

"I want to know where my mom and dad are." He finally managed to speak up, finding the words. But he didn't want to touch the Hunter again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maurana Character Portrait: Mytri Damiri Character Portrait: Dixon Character Portrait: Garrett Grounds
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Maurana looked back to Garrett, "Tell him, now. That's an order, slave!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maurana Character Portrait: Mytri Damiri Character Portrait: Dixon Character Portrait: Garrett Grounds
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Garrett tried to fight whatever it was that was making him tell, but his fight barely lasted a second.

"I killed them. Both of them. In your bedroom. You're dad put up a good fight, but your mother was weak and stupid. Once your dad was dealt with, she was easy. I will give them some credit though. They wouldn't tell us where you were hiding."

Dixon looked like he was about to cry. He wiped his eyes on his cape, frowning and trying to get the tears to stop.

"Stupid fool. They'll get you." Garrett added. "Can't run for them forever. We got your mom and dad. We'll get you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maurana Character Portrait: Mytri Damiri Character Portrait: Dixon Character Portrait: Garrett Grounds
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Maurana backhanded Garrett again, "On the contrary, we've got you. The boy is now under royal protection, you pathetic excuse of existence. You couldn't understand what that means even if I wrote it down for you." Disgusted, she turned back to Mytri. "Anything else you desire from him? He's an open book, really."

Mytri turned to Dixon, "Does that answer satisfy you, Dixon? Now's your chance to learn all you want to know." Mytri didn't want the boy to have any future regrets about this visit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maurana Character Portrait: Mytri Damiri Character Portrait: Dixon Character Portrait: Garrett Grounds
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"I want to know if the stories I heard about vampire children are true."

Garrett sneered. "Depends on the stories."

"The one where you take them. And keep them in dark places, drained of energy so that you can have Hunters train on them." Dixon wasn't comfortable at all saying it, his eyes were on the ground and it came out in barely a mumble that normal humans probably wouldn't have heard.

"They're true." Garrett replied, though it was obvious some force was making him speak the truth.

"Where are they?"

"I don't know."

"Who knows."

"I don't know."

Dixon frowned. "That's all I wanted to know." He sighed, deciding that he hadn't learned anything he didn't already know. He'd known his parents had died. He'd been hidden in his bedroom after all. But he'd wanted it confirmed, and now it had been.