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Gromchal Bloodaxe

Commander Gromchal Bloodaxe, a fierce Orcish warrior and renowned champion of The Horde

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by TheNoremac42


Gromchal Bloodaxe
The Kingslayer

Art by

Personal Information

Full Name
Commander Gromchal Bloodaxe

Gromchal is a fierce orc warrior that can serve as either a fierce berserker or unwavering juggernaut. Through his years, he has performed both roles in the armies of the Horde. He is also a sellsword that can be employed as a bodyguard and escort, bounty hunter, or general mercenary. Grom is also a miner and blacksmith that focuses on armor and weapons, and is very skilled in melee combat.




Warsong Clan

The Kingslayer
Champion of Ogrimmar
Champion of the Frozen Wastes
The Gladiator

Sexual Orientation:

Date of Birth:


6' 5"

350 lbs.

Physical Condition:
Brutish, muscular, and large.

Current Residence
Orgrimmar, Durotar

Former Residence
Numerous among his travels


Several among his world

The Alliance
The Burning Legion
The Scourge


The Horde
The Warsong Clan
Warsong Outriders
The Mag'har
Warsong Offensive
The Taunka

Former Affiliations:


Gromchal has a high sense of honor and duty. On the battlefield he fights with a strange concoction of bestial brutality and knightly chivalry. He walks with an aura of authority, and those nearby would likely feel compelled to obey him. This Orc would give his life to protect his kinsmen, and until you prove otherwise, he will treat you with honor and respect.

Raw meat
Honorable combat
Thrall's leadership

Dishonorable people
Garrosh Hellscream's leadership

Psychological Condition:
Stable, though experiences violent bloodfrenzies.

Lawful Good with Neutral tendencies




Grom has two main sets of armor. They are identical in appearance but differentiate in the details. Each has been enchanted and augmented to perform different roles in combat.

Hellscream's Battlegear of Triumph

This suit is augmented with several enchantments and magical gems that allow Gromchal to dish out an incredible amount of damage and maintain maneuverability without sacrificing much protection. While in this armor, he battles much more aggressively. If one wishes to survive his onslaught, then it is recommended to flee as fast and as far as you can. He is the bringer of death, the spiller of entrails, and the ferocious berserker.

Hellscream's Plate of Triumph

This suit has been designed to take a tremendous amount of damage. It carries several enchantments, reinforcements, runes, and gems that make it far more resilient than its cousin. With its customizations, it provides a great amount of protection without sacrificing much maneuverability. While wearing this suit, Gromchal prefers to fight in a more defensive fashion. He is the warden, the protector, the guardian.


Bryntroll, the Bone Arbiter


An enormous fierce axe crafted from the icy remains of Lord Marrowgar, a bone wraith formed from the bones of a thousand vanquished adventurers. He was a powerful undead sentinel of the Frozen Throne in Icecrown Citadel until Gromchal led a small army of champions against the fortress. It has the power to steal the life energy from the flesh it cleaves into, and transfer it into Gromchal.



Gromchal acquired this weapon from the twice-dead hands if Prince Valanar, the Darkfallen Scourge overlord of the Borean Tundra. The Commander had led a raid into Icecrown Citadel, which ended with the deaths of the Blood Prince Council, an order of vampire-like undead that served the Lich King, of which Valanar was a member of. Cryptmaker draws itself to its mark and tears into the person's armor like teeth into flesh.

Troggbane, Axe of the Frostborne King


This ornate magical axe was looted from the Lich King's armory after Grom led a raid against his throne. When he was defeated, Grom collected this powerful piece of weaponry. It is incredibly sharp, fast, and strong, and actually gives the wielder increased reflexes, allowing him to defend, dodge, and parry blows more easily.

Icecrown Glacial Wall

This is yet another artifact Gromchal scavenged from Icecrown Citadel. Despite what the name suggests, it is not a chunk of ice carved into a make-shift shield, but finely crafted from saronite, Nerubian carapace, and enchanted with the unholy powers of the Frozen Throne

Various magical rings and trinkets that improve his armor and weapons
Large backpack



Gromchal is very skilled in the art of armed combat, and to name every one of his techniques would require virtually an entire novel. He can either dish out damage as a devastating berserker, or stand as an unwavering juggernaut against wave after wave of foes. His strength is incredible, allowing him to efficiently use enormous two-handed weapons in each hand. While doing this, he specializes in ferocious brutality and horrifying (yet breathtaking) frenzies as he cleaves into several enemies at a time. Grom is also skilled in using one-handed weapons and shields, and performs as a guardian for his allies by focusing their opponents' attentions on him.


Blood Fury

During combat, Gromchal can go into a terrifying frenzy that will leave his enemies either cowering in fright - or scattered in pieces. While in this frenzy, he becomes faster, stronger, and virtually unpredictable.


Orcs are naturally very tough creatures. Their skin is thicker, making it harder to penetrate with blade, bullet, or arrow. It is much harder to knock out or stun an orc, and they tire less quickly from strenuous physical activity.

Axe Specialization

The Orcs have long associated the axe as the weapon of choice in their society, so though Grom is skilled in the use of several weapons, he is a master with the axe.

Current History

Past History

His history is full of epic tales of battle, heroism, and war. Why don't you ask him about it?

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So begins...

Gromchal Bloodaxe's Story


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A series of clunks resonated from outside the door as the echo of heavy metallic boots hitting dirt and gravel drew closer to the inn. After a moment, the door of the infamous bar swung open with a loud creak. A large figure stood in the doorway. It towered almost a foot higher than the average human, but was nearly two or three times their girth. Clad in an incredibly thick, sturdy, and intimidating suit of plate armor, the figure was very menacing to those unaccustomed to such sights. Intelligent hazel eyes scanned the room from behind a thick helmet while a large metallic plate covered his face. Several vicious spikes protruded from his shoulder plates.

The figure strode further into the room. His large metal boots emanated with the same clunks as the hardwood floor creaked beneath his weight. Flowing behind him was a crimson cape with a golden design sown into the fabric. Strapped to his back was an enormous axe and gigantic mace. The axe's handle was crafted from a giant humerus, while the head was formed from several pieces of frost-coated bones. His mace was more metallic, and equally as sinister. At the head was the carved image of a strange skull that bore a horned crown. A blue mist resonated from the empty eye sockets.


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Character Portrait: Gromchal Bloodaxe
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The large figure walked to the center of the room and turned his head side to side. So many humans. Grom hoped that he had stumbled into a neutral inn... That would explain the fact that they were not trying to run away from him or kill him. He shrugged before raising his gauntleted hands. To the more jumpy, it would appear that he was reaching for the sinister weapons that were strapped to his back. However, his hands abruptly stopped at his helmet before pulling off the large hunk of metal. It revealed a bulky green face with a strong square jaw. Two tusks jutted out from the lower portion of his mouth while long black dreadlocks tumbled down his back and shoulders. Intelligent hazel eyes continued to scan the bar and the patrons as their owner hooked the helmet beneath his arm.


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Character Portrait: Gromchal Bloodaxe
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0.00 INK

Grom let out a low grunt before he lumbered over to an empty booth. The floor creaked and nearby dinnerware shook at his passing. He set his helmet down with yet another clunk before easing himself into the empty seat. It was a wonder that it didn't shatter beneath the weight of both his frame and the impressive suit of armor that clung to his body.


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Character Portrait: Gromchal Bloodaxe
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0.00 INK

At the mention of the words "spar" and "battle", Grom immediately perked up. He rose from his seat and approached Ken while still gripping his helmet between his side and bicep. The Orc brought a clenched fist up to his chest with a soft clunk and nodded at the man.

"Throm-ka" he said in a deep guttural voice. "Me Grom. Me big strong warrior. We fight?" he nodded. The broken Common contrasted the intelligence in his eyes.


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Character Portrait: Gromchal Bloodaxe
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The Orc let out a hearty laugh. "Grom tough warrior. Me bet I smash all you. Teams fine. We use weapons? Fists?" he then turned his attention to Dawn. "Grom fast in big armor. If not, me die many times. Scourge fast and mean."


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Character Portrait: Gromchal Bloodaxe
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0.00 INK

Grom nodded. "Where we fight? Here? Fight till give me?" he folded his large armored arms across his chest. The Orc was a virtual tank, but it appeared that his armor had been customized with several augmentations, enchantments, and magical gems that enabled him to move much more quickly without sacrificing protection.


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Character Portrait: Gromchal Bloodaxe
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0.00 INK

Grom raised an eyebrow before nodding. "Zug zug." he replied before placing his gauntleted hand gently on Dawn. He was careful to not let its entire wheight crush their shoulder. From the description, the place sounded similar to Northrend. As long as his hearthstone would work, he was fine with going just about anywhere."

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to The Skyfall Crypts

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ken Argentum Character Portrait: Gromchal Bloodaxe Character Portrait: Rain Dawn
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0.00 INK

Grom let out a yelp as he suddenly found himself falling head-first toward the ground from an unfavorable height. Reacting quickly, the Orc reached into a small pouch that was strapped to his belt and produced a small yellow sphere. He tossed it in front of him.

The sphere erupted in an inferno of golden flame. With a serpentine shriek, an enormous reptilian creature materialized in the flames. Leather wings spread out like sails as golden scales glistened in the sunlight. Intelligent yellow slitted eyes glared down at the other humanoids. The creature's frame shook slightly as Grom landed on its back.

A gust of wind created a small blizzard as the golden-scaled dragon swooped over the group and flew further into the sky. It gradually circled around before landing before them. The drake let out a short shriek in cautious greeting at the humans.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ken Argentum Character Portrait: Gromchal Bloodaxe Character Portrait: Rain Dawn
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0.00 INK

Ken took a step back "Phoeni- No dragon!" He then did a series of backflips and then landed on his feet ten feet away with his silver sword in his hand, ready for battle.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ken Argentum Character Portrait: Gromchal Bloodaxe Character Portrait: Rain Dawn
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0.00 INK

Rain Dawn (Rain) grinned towards everyone who has landed.. "Impressive landing.. so what type of battle was it again,team or free for all,cause if it's team.. I want to be with Ken..and Dawn wants to be with Grom."

Dawn nodded "It will be interesting with mixed up teams of strangers"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ken Argentum Character Portrait: Gromchal Bloodaxe Character Portrait: Rain Dawn
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"Teams." He nodded. Then he found it ironic how Rain was associated with ice somehow and chose this as the battleground...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ken Argentum Character Portrait: Gromchal Bloodaxe Character Portrait: Rain Dawn
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0.00 INK

Grom dismounted the drake before it vanished with a bright light. "Drake good mount. Scary too." he grinned proudly while crossing his arms over his chest.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ken Argentum Character Portrait: Gromchal Bloodaxe Character Portrait: Rain Dawn
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0.00 INK

Ken ran over and stood next to rain and pulled one of his favorite toys from his pocket, an amulet his cousin gave to him. It was completely purple and in the shape of a square and it was on a fine chain necklace, he put it on.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ken Argentum Character Portrait: Gromchal Bloodaxe Character Portrait: Rain Dawn
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0.00 INK

Rain Dawn (Rain) decided to explain the rules "We will make this interesting,each team will have 5 minutes to hide.. and may implant traps or so if you it,this will increase your intelligence in battle quite a bit.."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ken Argentum Character Portrait: Gromchal Bloodaxe Character Portrait: Rain Dawn
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0.00 INK

Grom lumbered away from the group and stopped about ten yards away. He faced the group and gave a nod before placing on his helmet. The Orc reached back and retracted the enormous axe and gigantic mace. Both weapons appeared to be too large to hold with one hand, even for an Orc, but several years of conditioning, training, and experience in battle had given him the strength to carry the massive weapons with expert skill. He slid his leg across the snow and went into a crouch before crossing the weapons at his side.

"Blood and Honor." he rumbled from behind the faceplate.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ken Argentum Character Portrait: Gromchal Bloodaxe Character Portrait: Rain Dawn
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0.00 INK

Dawn followed Grom along,with some needles,knives and sharp string.. Dawn was going to try out implanting traps around, Dawn went around,tree branches,tying needles to the string...

The string was in a formation,if moved,the traps will activate on short notice.. Dawn approached Grom "Be careful about the traps,I set the traps easier to remember,if you see any trees..stay away from them..and possibly lure them to it.."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ken Argentum Character Portrait: Gromchal Bloodaxe Character Portrait: Rain Dawn
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0.00 INK

Ken looked at Rain. "Damnit, why didn't we bring my cousin into this? Gosh... She's the best scout, spy, and tactitian I know." He shook his head. "Oh well." He shook his head. He wasn't used to battles of this likeness and was willing to try it out. "I'll follow you." He said to Rain.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ken Argentum Character Portrait: Gromchal Bloodaxe Character Portrait: Rain Dawn
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0.00 INK

Rain Dawn (Rain) nodded 'You are right,we aren't really cut out for strategies at this moment..I just realized we are both hand to hand fighter,but I think it's best if we didn't stay together..knowing Dawn she will have some traps..I will stay somewhere hidden,since there is ice around,I can control the ice in the area,to tangle them up,simply try to impale them..I will join in to hand combat if you really need it.."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ken Argentum Character Portrait: Gromchal Bloodaxe Character Portrait: Rain Dawn
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0.00 INK

Grom produced another small sphere from the pouch on his belt. This time it was a muddy brown. He tossed it onto the snow, and with a cloud of smoke an enormous brown wolf materialized before the two. It was nearly as tall as the Orc, and was even broader. Fortunately, its eyes appeared docile and tamed - like a giant puppy. The Orc climbed up onto the animal and offered a hand to the girl.

"When on drake, me see cave dat way!" he pointed over the hill. "We go there. Good defense."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gromchal Bloodaxe
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The Orc grunted and immediately the wolf went off in a sprint through the trees and toward the hill. Grom wrapped the wolf's thick fur around his gauntlets and used it as reins. Within seconds they were atop the hill.

"Me wish I brought other armor wit' me..." he said. "Big shield. Tiny axe. Tough armor. Make me tough Orc."