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Haldor Hallbjorn

From the Earth we rise, to the Earth we shall return.

0 · 370 views · located in Windcrest

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Barboros, as played by RolePlayGateway


A group of battle-hardened veterans. These legendary champions came from all walks of life before banding together in the defense of Terra.


Height: 9' 8"
Weight: 990 lbs
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: None

They don't have reproductive organs, their skin is like rock, but craggy, kind of like a better looking version of Thing from Fantastic Four. Their heights range from 8-10.5 feet tall. They weigh 1/2 ton on the heavy side, and they don't wear clothes. They can eat, and drink, but don't have to. Instead of "using the bathroom" like most species, they get rid of their waste by expelling it from their skin as a colorless, odorless gas. They are nomadic, usually sticking to rocky wastes, heavily mountained areas, or deserts. Their groups never have more than 4-5 of them together. Um... They worship Terra as their Mother (goddess) Historically, they were thought of as threats when the planet was being colonized, and were pushed back to where they reside now, and have likely just been pushed back into existing only in legend.

So begins...

Haldor Hallbjorn's Story

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A small rumbling could be felt below the temple. Not too strong to disturb anything, but strong enough to be felt by those who paid attention. A few moments later, it got a little louder, a little more rough. A hole, opened up in the middle of the courtyard.

A man, almost standing ten feet tall arose out of the ground, the hole sealing underneath as he rose to his full height. Clad in nothing, he stood there, like a statue. No defining features of male or female visible. His body rough, but smooth.

He sank down on one knee, fist to the ground, and head bowed. "I have heard the call," he said, voice deep, earthen, and proud. "I lay everything I have to serve what has called me, for I have everything to gain, and nothing to lose."

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He stood slowly, first raising his head to meet the woman's eyes with his own, his expression not changing. Haldor rose to his full height, a towering 9'8". He looked at the hand that was held out to him, but brushed it off. There was no need for physical contact at this moment.

Slowly, he looked at the woman. "I am Haldor," he said, placing his fists together in front of his chest, and dropping them back to his sides. "What would you have me do?"

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Character Portrait: Haldor Hallbjorn
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There were many ways he could possibly answer that question. Riches, fame, glory. But each of those weren't close to what he wanted. Since the day he rose from the earth, others of his kind have cast him out, like one would a broken tool.

It was Mother who had put the Spirit of the Flame, the one they called Ignis inside of him. It was this one feature that had gotten him cast aside by all of his own kind. Red swirls occasionally tainted his eyes, the only hint the fire spirit was inside of him.

"I wish to show my people that I am not a monster. I wish to prove my usefulness as best I can, by helping those in need, and most of all, to show Mother Terra I am worthy of the boon she has bestowed upon me." His eyes straight forward, looking back into his past as he said those words.

The setting changes from Mountain Side Temple to Vestibule


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Character Portrait: Haldor Hallbjorn
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He stood there a moment, and blinked slowly. He had decided to stay here, for it seemed as good a place as any for him to wait to be called upon again. He would wait.

He took a look at the statue of the draconian warrior. It was well crafted, and exquisitely detailed. Slowly he dropped, and sat on his knees, staring at the smoke the incense was leaving. Inhaling, he closed his eyes.

Visions of his people flashed before him. The hate they showed towards him was something so unlike people of his kind, thinking about it hurt. Placing his hands on his legs he said in his deep, earthen voice, "I will prove you wrong..."


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Character Portrait: Haldor Hallbjorn
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"I know why I heeded the call. I was called here to prove my worth, to show my loyalty to Terra, and to help where I am needed."

The man rose, slowly, standing to his full height and turned to Adriaan. "Haldor." His hands went to fists and he pressed them together in front of his chest.

"Have you yet figured out why you were called? Or did you hear it, not knowing what it was which has called you here?" Haldor knew to heed a call if it called you directly, especially if it was Terra that urged you to go. "I will do as I am asked or told, to make the world of Terra a better place."


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Character Portrait: Haldor Hallbjorn
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"I will do all I can to help. I have seen people, only able to lift the smallest of stones." He rolled his shoulders a little and clenched his fist, knowing that with his help, building time would be shortened greatly.

"Perhaps I will see you somewhere another time, and will properly be acquainted. I will help with the walls in Windcrest." He had turned to leave.

A moment later he turned back around. "Where is this place?"

The setting changes from Vestibule to Windcrest


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Character Portrait: Haldor Hallbjorn
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Looking around, he was struck with awe. Thing was, Haldor had only been able to study people from afar, fearing that they would shun him as his kind did. But even as he entered Windcrest, people only offered glances, and continued along their work.

It was busy of course, but it seemed to him that everything was sitting well. Everyone knew what they were doing, and did it well. Maybe his help wasn't needed right here helping with what was suggested.

"I have not seen so many of your kind working together so peacefully together. They usually fight, bicker. Much bloodshed." Haldor did not know the difference between the smaller human-like races, and as far as he knew, they were the same, with different mutations, giving them variations in facial structures and defining factors.


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Character Portrait: Haldor Hallbjorn
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Haldar was taken a little back at the abruptness of the arrival of the children. They were so small, so energetic, and so much different than the young of his own kind. But more than their presence, it was the question that threw him back a little more.

A mountain troll?

"I am not the beast you've said. Trolls are a taint here on Mother Terra. I am what your elders would call Petran. A man of stone. I am Haldor." He placed his fists together in front of his chest.

"What of this show? I'd like to see what your kind does for entertainment."


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Character Portrait: Haldor Hallbjorn
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It was a little.. Overwhelming to see so many of one kind of people together, massed to watch, well, whatever they were going to see. He'd stand behind the crowd of people, since he could easily see over them, even the few that had children on their shoulders, and to not obstruct the view of others.

As he stood there, thoughts rumbled around in his head, wondering what it was that actually had called him here. It would have had to be something great to beckon him from so many miles away.

He stared ahead, and asked nobody in particular, "What sort of... Show, are we going to be seeing?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki Character Portrait: Aht Character Portrait: Haldor Hallbjorn
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Stand up for themselves? Do these people need somebody to fight for, or alongside them? It was one thing to help the people in their city, but, maybe this is what he was here for, was to fight alongside them, to help their community get back into the graces of their deities.

For the first time, he actually looked around. The refugees, all seemed to be in groups of their own, displaced from the native people of the city. There was much less here than his initial beliefs. I know what I must do.


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Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki Character Portrait: Aht Character Portrait: Haldor Hallbjorn
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#, as written by Tiko
"If I see a Taiyou, I won't be afraid," the lad on Adriaan's back piped up proudly.

"Liar!" another yelled back.

"Yeah, you'll hide up a tree like that time you saw that crag pup!" yet another trilled.

"I wasn't hiding! I was just trying to see if there were any others," the boy retorted with a flush of his cheeks.

"Have you seen a crag wolf before?" one of the children asked Aht. "Matron Gina says they're not supposed to come down this far out of the mountains."

"Do you know anything that Matron Gina didn't say?" one of the other kids teased.

"Hey now," Adriaan interrupted the squabbling. "There's no need for any of that. Why don't you kids run along, I'll catch up in a bit."

There was some pouting from the boy on his back as he slid down to the ground, but soon the group of children was moving off into the plaza.

Adriaan rubbed at his neck and frowned. "The lad's right, crag wolves don't usually come down from the mountains. Could just be the weather that's driving them down, but might be worth checking into later."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki Character Portrait: Aht Character Portrait: Haldor Hallbjorn
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#, as written by WalterF
The girl glanced up at the kid. She gave a soft smile to him and shook her head. The crag wolf was a new term to her, but the idea of them being dangerous was not in her vocabulary. She knew how to protect herself, and as such was very confident. The Satyros did not know who Matron Gina was, but before she could ask all the children had run ahead. And it was just the three of them left.

"So... What are your names?" she asked the two considerably larger and stronger men beside her. "I'm Aht." she shivered and hunched her shoulders, trying to hide herself further in her shawl.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki Character Portrait: Aht Character Portrait: Haldor Hallbjorn
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These crag wolves sounded fiercely respectable, but dangerous in their own right. Whatever they were, they sounded stronger than the lowland wolves he was used to seeing.

"I am Haldor," he said, his earthen tone calm, and collected, pressing his fists together in front of his chest. It is nice to meet you, Aht." He dropped his hands to his sides.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki Character Portrait: Aht Character Portrait: Haldor Hallbjorn
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#, as written by Tiko
"I'm Adriaan," the avorian replied. "You know, maybe you should go see Matron Gina yourself," he suggested to Aht. "She might have some spare clothes that are a bit better for the cold," he suggested. "The other kids can probably show you were to find her."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki Character Portrait: Aht Character Portrait: Haldor Hallbjorn
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#, as written by WalterF
Aht nodded slowly. "It's good to meet you too, Haldor and Adriaan." the nine-year-old shook her head. "No, no, I'll be just fine when I can get near a fire!" She thought she heard a familiar sound and strained her ears. Yes, there it was! She could distinguish the sound of the troupe advertising their performance that evening. "Ooh! I hear them! They're just advertising though... They'll be performing tonight!" she told the two, jumping a bit in front of them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki Character Portrait: Aht Character Portrait: Haldor Hallbjorn
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"If the show is not until later this evening, what is there to do until then?" he asked, almost as if waiting wasn't an option. "I have come here to help, and it is what I intend to do."

Yeah, that was basically it, waiting wasn't really an option right now, not when something so powerful had called him here in the first place. "I will excuse myself. There are things I need to attend to."