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A strange man known only as Hart. A man who makes his living gambling and is sometimes known as "The Jack of Harts." It seems Lady Luck follows him.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by MetusOccultus


Hart is a male and a human one. Standing about 6 feet tall, give or take an inch, and with a lean build. Broad shoulders, thin waist, an average athletic look. Blue eyes that seem to change depending on the mood and a slick grin. But oddly enough, no matter where he goes, a heavy shadow seems to follow him. Seems to veil him.

Usually he wears a pair of grey, boot cut, 34 - 32 jeans. His shirts are usually button up, black, dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up 3 times to, right at his elbow. A white tank top can barely be seen under the dress shirt. A black leather belt with a black sheath containing a utility knife. (Note-The shirt hangs low enough to just cover the belt and knife.)


Brooding and Dark.


Grey Jeans
Black Shirt
Black leather belt
Utility Knife, in safety sheath upon belt
Old leather wallet
Random assortment of coin
pocket lint.


A strange and unusual man. Born to bring trouble where ever he is at. With the number 13 tattooed on his neck and a faded, distorted history/memory that he is not trying to recover.

So begins...

Hart's Story


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Years. It has been years since he had stepped into this bar, -the- bar. The building may have changed, been renovated, but the name was still the same; it held the same purpose. In his absence the man had filled out, his wiry frame of a youth replaced of one belonging to a man. His long, straight, dark brown hair had cut buzzed short. Yet, those cold and calculating blue eyes of his remained the same. Stepping into the bar the tall man scanned the place over; recognizing not a soul. He wore a plain, black, button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows; one could make out that he wore a white tank top underneath. His pants were a worn pair of grey jeans which were held up by a plain, blackened leather, belt with a simple silver buckle. Upon his feet were a pair of dark leather boots, tied tight. His movements were silent, disciplined, and he held a swagger of someone who had earned the right to live, multiple times. Reaching the bar he would let out a sigh, running his left hand along his buzzed hair, before looking to the bartender. "An American Whiskey, please..." The man's voice, like his movements, was silent and assertive.


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The man bowed his head to the waitress. "You are too kind." His blue eyes would darken in color as he surveyed the room once more. He turned so his back was against the bar with his elbows on the counter as well; he held the drink in his right hand idly. With a sigh he would speak, "They're all gone... " With a shake of his head he held up the cup as if to salute a dead friend. With a whispered word he would sip the drink,"Salute."


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((ooc- re-posting)) "Reckon you could say that..." His voice trailed off as he watched the other patrons of the establishment. Taking another sip, he turned his attention to the other male at the bar. "Just passing through is all." His eyes would lighten to their original icy blue color as they shifted to examine Rhoan over carefully; taking note of his body language.


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Character Portrait: Hart
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His eyes would shift to the two newcomers and examine them over carefully. With a slight shake of his head, he would return his attention towards Rhoan. "Reckon you're right," pausing to a take a sip of his drink he would continue, "They call me Hart. You got a name?" As he spoke his eyes would be memorizing the room once again.


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The man known as Hart would tilt his head to the side slightly, examining Rhoan like a cat would an interesting bug. "No, thank you.." those cold blue eyes of his would shift to meet Romona's and examine the bartender over carefully. With a sigh he would take another sip of whiskey, there was still about half a cup remaining. "Water won't sober him up any. Only time will."


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Hart felt his teeth clench. He told himself no, not again. Those bright blue eyes even began to darken, becoming a navy blue color before he caught himself. "Fuck..." he would mutter as he finished his drink, while reaching into the pocket of his shirt to pull out a pack of generic red cigarettes. With a flick of his right wrist he had a silver Zippo brand lighter in his hand, the flame already lit. Breathing in.. and breathe out smoke. The Zippo snapped shut and vanished. After a moment of thought, in addition to a few more puff off the cigarette, he would ask the bartender, "You alright?"


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While the other two were in the back room his attention shifted towards the group who had caused the mess. With a sigh he exhaled the smoke from his lungs. "Now, that wasn't very nice..." As one of the men stood to confront the tall Drifter, he found himself staring at an empty space. Hart was now sitting in the chair the man just stood from, boots kicked up on the table and he was ashing that cigarette of his in one of the groups drinks. Another sigh, more smoke. "I'd go apologize to the lady if I were you... Tip he real nice... and leave."


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Character Portrait: Hart
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Character Portrait: Hart Character Portrait: Nori Karuen
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Nori nervously took her first steps into the bar. She'd never been to a bar before, she'd never had a drink. She felt uncomfortable around drinking or smoking people, she'd always spent her time gardening or shopping. Her reasons to be in the bar were she had been walking for a day without food or drink and with the money she had left, she could pay for a decent meal before setting off back home on her horse. She looked about her surrounding and her eyes fell too see smoking men and some kind of mess...


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Why did it always have to come to this? Someone just -had- to be the tough guy. He couldn't just apologize for his mistake and bow out with dignity. With a sigh, Hart breathed the smoke from his lungs. His eyes, once a light blue, turned even darker until they were pitch black; those eyes bore into the man he spoke to. "You will." Then it happened again! Hart was no longer sitting with his feet kicked up on the table, no he wasn't there at all. He was standing behind the man, about two inches from him. "So, what will it be?"


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"Really?" Hart would say, not to anyone in particular, but to the situation itself. "...Really?" He repeated himself as if talking to a small child who just spilled his cup of juice for a second time. Breathe in..... why does everyone think it has to be as simple as life or death? Breathe out... first day back and everyone thinks I am going to start killing again. Shaking his head in disgust he turned to drop his cigarette into one of the cups of booze; there was a sizzling sound as the alcohol put out the burning tobacco. He breathed out once more...and there was still smoke coming from his lungs, then he was gone. What the man failed to realize was how dangerous a corner was; A corner always held a shadow. If one eyes were fast enough they would see Hart stepping from the darkness. His right hand gripping the man's wrist, striking a pressure point to gain control of his arm. In that same instant the palm of his left hand crashes into the man's temples, stunning him for an instant. An instant was all the was needed to kick out the instep and shift his center of gravity; the poor fool landed on his back staring up at the ceiling with the wind knocked out of him. Still maintaining wrist control Hart kneels on his throat, applying just enough pressure to choke him. His darkened eyes bore into the man as he asks, "Does he walk out of here tonight?"

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to The Infinite Void

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Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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#, as written by Remæus
Alighieri cackled with the roar of a thousand dying races, a terrifying scream which echoed into the depths of the void.

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Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: Toothless Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho
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#, as written by Awinita
The expanse of the void was endless, and he just wanted a beer, anything good and strong, and it didnt just matrialise out of nothing. So how to get out of the endless expanse of a rather beautiful endless flower meadow was actually rather nice. It was not often he got to really just wander a flower meadow, and as beautiful as it was, there had to be a door or a window or something.

Finally finding what looked like a door frame, with no visible door per sei, he tried going through it, like it was a opening in a fence, and promptly smacked into a door panel with a hard thud. The dragon saw he couldnt fit through the door but it was infact a door. Dust was on the ground among the beautiful flowers but he felt he should not disturb the dust, it was after all possible that someone had distributed family ashes there. And just being there made the dragon shift form to his human asize and get to his knees, bowing three times towards a nearby small pile of void dust before getting to his feet.

Turning back to the door frame he found the4 handle. But something made him halt. Where there others looking for the door that he had just found ?

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Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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Character Portrait: Fesna Fesna says,
 “ Kragum!? I ahear you, n'where you in this... darkness? ”

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Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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Kragum followed the sound of Fesna's voice through the Infinate Void. Finally her figure faded from the darkness.

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Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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Fesna's heart fluttered as Kragum faded through the black. A tear came to her eye as she rushed him, leaping forward for an embrace. She was confused - just moments ago they had been enjoying a flagon. Or was it moments ago?

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Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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Character Portrait: Fesna Fesna says,
 “ ...It me, Kragum. Y'know another smellin' fine as I? ”

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Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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Fesna looked at Kragum as thescent of flowers drifted from the source of the sound. She broke away from Kragum and not one step later was suddenly surrounded in an endless meadow of flowers. Her breath caught in her throat as she realized the beauty of the place, but also the infinity of it. Then, it hit her.

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Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: HellShine Character Portrait: Ruhe Character Portrait: Holy Soldier Character Portrait: Niho Character Portrait: Katyana
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Kragum must have blinked wrong. Suddenly he was in an endless flower meadow-and how did Fesna get so far away?! He would have enjoyed the scenery, if he wasn't so suspicious, and if he hand't just been drinking rum at a bar!

He waved his arms over his head to get her attention and started off towards her through the flowers.

"Fesna! Do not move!" Kragum had no idea how things worked in this strange place. He didn't like it, and he didn't want to lose her again. He charged forth and left a path of disgruntled vegetation behind him.