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"we have to take down the corrupt of this world."

0 · 283 views · located in Main Street

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Arcayne


Casual Appearance:

P.R.I.S.M activated appearance:

Age: 21
Weight: 125 lbs
Height: 5'10
Build: Lean and curvy
Race: Human
Species: P.R.I.S.M prohuman
P.R.I.S.M model: Experimental model v5.2 'Raptor'


P.R.I.S.M device (implanted into her)
Claws (When activated)
Guns (when activated)
Grenades (when activated)

So begins...

Helena's Story


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Character Portrait: Helena
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arcayne
Helena walked into the bar, an ear piece on and she was mid conversation, "not right now...yes but like i said i simply don't have the time or money for this, look how about you stick to your research and i stick to blowing shit up huh? that sound ok to you?...ok good"" she flicked the ear piece off as she strolled towards the counter noting the patrons who were presently in the bar. Her futuristic metal boots made a soft clanging as she walked and her similarly styled and equally futuristic belt shined a bright blue, growing brighter as she smiled at a bar tender. She took a seat and ordered herself a drink as she took out her data pad and started up the social app searching for whoever was online to speak with.


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Character Portrait: Helena
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arcayne
Helena looked up at the creeper, her P.R.I.S.M senses kicking in as she heard the sound and the radar in her built began beep quietly and point towards the creature. It had been set to detect any threat scanning and analyzing everyone's weapons, height, weight, guessing their race etc and right now it detected...well it didn't know what it had detected. Helena had never seen such a thing in her life and so simply ignored it for now thought her radar and the hiss of the creature were becoming extremely annoying.


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Character Portrait: Helena
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arcayne
Helena watched the creature as her radar beeped louder and louder following the strange being to the middle of the bar, she thought to herself, finally something to do in this city and she smiled at that but on the other hand she couldn't just display this technology in public on a relatively unknown planet. She sat and kept an eye on the creature for now, deciding she would only jump in if needed or if the worst came to the worst. Still it was hard for her to hide the fact that she really wanted to get up and ice this mofo in one quick fluid motion, it would only take her a second to set aaaannnd BLAM! there would be nothing but burnt wood and pink...well uhhh maybe green mist...judging by the colour of the creature before her.


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Character Portrait: Helena
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arcayne
Helena blinked in surprise as the creature hissed louder and then simply asked a question, feeling anxious she hovered her hand over the middle of her belt ready to activate the deadly technology contained within her body, she wasn't afraid more hyper and glad that something had shown up as a threat for once she didn't have to stay bored in this god forsaken city. Watching the creature closely she reached for her forgotten drink with her free hand, sipping it slowly as she scanned the green creature for any weak points.


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Character Portrait: Helena
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arcayne
Helena heard the creatures words and her eyes grew wide with surprise, she stood up and moved towards the Jayden and the green thing, "excuse me? blow up? in your genetic code?" she couldn't help but think if your race explodes then how do they reproduce, how do they you even grow at you excrete at all? she came to the conclusion that whatever this thing was technically wasn't 'alive' as she had also decided that it may be unable to complete a few of the seven life processes. She still held her hand over the middle of her belt ready to activate and protect the that was a lie ready to activate and finally get back into the action.


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Character Portrait: Helena
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arcayne
Helena took the last few words of the creature as an invitation, "it would be my pleasure to stop you..." she spoke to no-one in particular, not even realizing that she had said it out loud, or that she had a mischievous grin on her face as she got ready to press down on her belt and finally after so long jump back into the fray.


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Character Portrait: Helena
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arcayne
Helena pressed down on her belt and in a split second she stood with a pair of goggles, two large claws with tubes sticking out the back that would soon be obvious as rocket propelled grenades, her belt contained a few more of these grenades. She pulled her goggles down as a blue energy flickered around the tips of her metal claw weaponry, the holographic P.R.I.S.M technology adding an extra 2 inches to the length of the claws as she stepped forwards to swipe at the creature in the corner, a grenade moving to firing position as she moved to within a metre of the creature ready to swipe and launch her grenade.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Helena
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arcayne
Helena stopped, the grenade remaining in firing position ready to go but...currently stopped, "huh?" she dropped her arm to her side never in all her years on the field had her enemy ever stopped looked her in the ye and asked if she was trying to steal the spotlight, puzzled she tried to justify herself, "you were about to explode! i - i was just trying to stop you..." in hindsight stopping an explosion with an EXPLOSIVE probably wasn't the greatest of ideas, but Helena had acted without thinking simply aiming to stop the creature and taking in the excitement of combat.


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Character Portrait: Helena
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arcayne
Helena raised an eyebrow as she noticed the shots fly past and hit the wall, wow none of those hit him? she had never known such a bad shot existed..."would you like a hand up?" she asked deciding to be polite as clearly this thing wasn't the huge massive threat that was simple to get rid of as she had first thought...if it was this intelligent why didn't it just settle down and start a family or something? or would that be to dreary as the creature had put it before. Still it may be a good idea.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Helena
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arcayne
Helena rolled her eyes as she retracted the claws and knelt down to lift the creature back up, "d-damn you're heavier than you look you know" she panted as she activated the holographic elbow joints to give her a burst of strength in order to lift and roll the creature back onto it's feet, " I reckon you should just give up...look at how much trouble this all is..." she continued to pant as she regained her breath, this thing was much heavier than expected.


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Character Portrait: Helena
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arcayne
Helena looked up at Chet and realized that he was leading the creature away from here, clever she thought to herself though she didn't know where he was sending the creature to explode, she did also notice that the green thing had no arms...little bit hard for the creature to follow directions on a piece of paper that it couldn't even hold, she simply snorted as she watched folding her arms.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Helena
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arcayne
Seeing that the problem had apparently fixed itself Helena went back to being bored out of her mind and sat back at the counter ordering herself a full meal of gamon and a side of chips just to hit the spot. She flicked her P.R.I.S.M gear off returning to casual appearance and turned on her ear piece continuing the conversation she was having as she entered the bar, "you still there buddy?..." she asked as she found her once again forgotten drink and took a sip or two.


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Character Portrait: Helena
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arcayne
Helena strolled into the bar in casual appearance, her boots making a soft clanking as she approached the bar, metal on concrete was unbearable for some but Helena liked the noise very much...probably because she lived with that noise every day of her life, the light in the middle of her belt seemed to grow brighter as she smiled at a patron or two and created a soft humming noise.

She took a seat at the counter and tapped something into the com pad she was carrying seems pretty empty for now, i'll sign off and update in an hour or so she read the reply to her message just a second later before switching it off and placing the device into her pocket, with that done she ordered a vodka and chuckled to herself at the conversation going on between the patrons currently present.


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Character Portrait: Helena
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arcayne
Helena sighed upon noting the dragon's appearance, yet another typical thing for this bar...she thought it couldn't have gotten weirder than that creeper appearance but in the days since she had been proven wrong. She sipped at her vodka and pulled out her com pad signing back into the social app, well doesn't seem like anything is gonna happen for now, anything your end? * seems like a quiet day for Wing City* something will happen soon enough, if there's anything i've learned over the past 2 months it's that Wing City NEVER has a quiet me *whatever you say*

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Main Street


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Character Portrait: Helena
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arcayne
Helena was walking down the street her earpiece active in her causal form as she looked around, she couldn't let her target get away and that's all she was focused on right up until she almost walked into a young child. Helena lost balance slightly before straightening up and looking down, with a sigh she deactivated her earpiece letting the operator she was talking to that she could no longer continue the chase and that someone else needed to take over. Normally Helena would have continued maybe even getting her mojo on to make up for the loss of time but upon looking the person she'd almost run into up and down and the state they were Helena knew that she couldn't just leave them like that.

"I'm so sorry, I just almost hit you there.." She looked at the child for a while and thought about what to say, "You look awful, how can you be covered in frost in this heat? more to the point when did you last sleep?" Helena was for once genuinely worried about someone other than herself. She thought about activating her equipment but decided that wouldn't help the child in the way she needed she also didn't want to use it on such a crowded street either, anyone could be watching, "Let me get you off this street at least" was all she could think to say at that point.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Helena
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arcayne
Helena read the note and sighed before gasping in horror as the child before her collapsed, Helena picked up the child and moved into a run-down building on the side, a building owned and used by her organization before turning on her earpiece, "Carlson get people to my location now, medics and scientists GO!" Helena lay the child down and pulled out a vile from her jacket, "This will sting slightly" she said as she tried to inject the child with it. The vile contained a chemical that tricked the body into thinking it was in more danger than it was causing more adrenaline to be produced thus increasing chance of survival.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Helena
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arcayne
Helena stood motionless she didn't know how to react, nor did the group of people who had entered the building having received Helena's message for help. She looked around at the pink petals and wondered what they where, they reminded Helena of the things she'd seen when she had gotten her implant, there had been strange things floating in the air like this when she was laying on the table the scientist probing into her head and what not. "What is this?" she asked into the air both out of curiosity and concern, she didn't remember the floating stuff from her implant being put in being friendly at all. "Hey kid some answers would be nice..." Helena placed a hand on her belt over the shining blue light in the centre of it, the core of her implant and was ready to activate it at a moments notice.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.25 INK

#, as written by lml55
Character Portrait: Tento Flare Tento Flare says,
 “ Man this city is HUGE! ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.25 INK

#, as written by lml55
Character Portrait: Tento Flare Tento Flare says,
 “ *feels a slight tremor of energy* ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.25 INK

#, as written by lml55
Character Portrait: Tento Flare Tento Flare says,
 “ what WAS that ”
