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Hunts is a bizarre bird creature, and an unconventional hitman. She's roughly 6' 1'' and designed like a plantigrade archaeopteryx with human traits. Typically she's quite asocial, and puts up a rather callous front. Internally she's quite emotional.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Huntsman


Hunts is a traditional Kexotal, which more or less looks like a cross between a bipedal bird and a snake. Her body is entirely monochrome, with black feathers, and a slightly off white tone to her scales and leathery skin. Hunts is built like a human in structure.

She's lean framed, and has a long neck that's plated on the underside with snake scales. Her face isn't like most snakes, instead it's longer and slightly tapered due to mixed genes. Her mouth is filled with small, backwards pointing fangs much like that of any non-poisonous snake. Her bright, oddly keen eyes are pupiless and black.

On her cheeks is a thin, downy layer of black feathers. The same type of feathers cover her browbone. This extends into a crest that rises from the back of her neck, and it falls somewhat like hair. This hair-esque feature faintly resembles thin dreadlocks made entirely of her feathers. It wasn't intentional, it was just the way her feathers grew in. She uses a a few white beads made of synthetic material to keep the clumps of feathers seperate, the only sign that she's even the slightest bit fashionable.

Her scales are along her torso, neck, tail, and hands, but mostly she's covered in leathery hide dotted with patches of feathers. This skin is on her face as well, she lacks scales on her facial fatures.

Her arms are built like a typical person's, but each hand only has three fingers including a prehensile thumb. Her hands are scaled, and tipped each with hawk like talons. Her feet are plantigrade, like a human's, and even larger talons are found on her hind legs. These talons include a single, enlarged 'killing claw', much like raptors of old earth.

She has a long, muscular tail that ends in a fan of black feathers. This tail is entirely prehensile, and can be used as a climbing aid.

Her dress consists of tightly fitting cargo jeanes, worn with no shoes or socks, and a black wifebeater. This is the outfit she wears when not on a mission.

In feral form, obviously these clothes are useless. Hunts' feral form looks like a naga more than anything and is two feet longer than her traditional bipedal form. She looses her legs, which are replaced by coils. Her feathers create a continuous coat rather than patches, and they also form a hood around her neck like a cobra. Her head itself shortens, and her arms turn into bird wings with a few large claws at the joint. Her teeth also become larger. In this form she is physically stronger, but not as quick.


Huntsman is marked by her intellect. She's extremely keen and grasps new concepts easily and with expert skill. Her mind is very sharp, and her strengths exist in really in her mind. She's intensely analytical, and weighs the options before rushing into a complicated circumstance, unless a nerve is struck. A big nerve for her is freedom, as she's extremely determined to keep herself a free and independent woman unlike the majority of her race.

She's fairly rigid and close minded in her belief systems. Rarely does she look at others opinions, and even rarer is her desire to take them into account before action. She tends to be distrusting and intolerant of humans at first, for enslaving the entire Morph species.

Her emotions, while certainly felt, are kept behind a cold, calculating expression, one typical for her species. She refuses (or tries to refuse) to let anyone get to the better of her by forcing her to snap. It's not that she isn't capable of feeling emotions. Hunts certainly is capable of a wide range of feelings just like any human. The only thing is it's been conditioned into her to act constantly calm and collected for the sake of business and survival in general. Even if her expression is calm, anger and sadness can certainly bubble under it dangerously. She's still known to sit above the fray with a placid expression, even if she may be fuming inside.

Furthermore, she's underhanded. She has no real sense of what is right or what is wrong, and is very self-serving. She's unafraid to steal, lie, and cheat to survive.

The kexy glomps people into one of two categories. One of these is for targets, the other is for everyone else. She views men and morph alike as nothing more than a group of animals with brains a little larger than average, and this makes her pretty dangerous. However, she normally doesn't act aggressively towards others without reason. She will act aggressively towards civilians only if badgered immensely, really irritated, or wronged in some manner.

She's also well known for her very dark sense of humor. Even if she isn't very temperamental, there isn't room to say she isn't sadistic. Sadism brings out her mischievous streak, but the beast is usually restrained.

She constantly seeks challenges no matter if they're physical or mental. This can be used to a foe's advantage, as she's easily 'baited' with these sorts of things. Her love for puzzles goes even as far as traditional things. Chess, Sudoku, and puzzle games are a one way ticket to a pleased Kexotal. This desire for challenges often means she seeks more..unconventional means when going on a mission.

She is somewhat social, but doesn't depend on social interaction to make her happy. It isn't that she shuns society and wants to destroy it, she's more than happy to conform to it unless it hinders her success. She's still not about to trust or depend on a soul, even if she does view another person as interesting or amusing to speak with.

Huntsman is smart, but she isn't on the same level as a regular human. She's much more feral than a man, and prefers to live her life that way. Hunts is ruled by the instincts of her race, and because of this humans in her world deem her as lesser.

Hunts is also detached from the world in general because of her outlook. Despite this outlook, she is observant to the world around her. She tends to watch the goings on in her area with vigilance. This is out of paranoia, as she fears for her own safety nearly constantly. There is rarely a time she isn't aware of her surroundings and the people within them, only maybe when sleeping, drugged, injured, or extremely exhausted. Her world view is known as pessimistic and cynical due to the circumstances around her birth, life, and her state back in her home world.

She isn't exactly the angsty type even if she's a pessimist. Hunts believes firmly that life is what life is, and she despises all forms of pity. There wasn't a way to change her situation back in Genesis, but she was determined to live on an already derailed train that was going to end up burning. No amount of sobbing was going to rebuild society, so all she did was worry about herself and attempt to survive against terrible odds.

To say she's just an evil villain is stupid. Hunts does what she needs to do to survive, and she does what she is made for. Her asocial personality and deep, callous facade can be broken by swiftly chipping away at it. From an outsider's perspective she is the typical black hearted representative of her entire species, but really she yearns for something greater.

Sometimes she wants a stable life, a better life, one where she doesn't have to be worried about constantly covering her rear. Most of the time though..the instincts that have been bred into her prevail over compassion and the hope for things to be better.

Lastly, she's a bit of a quirky fellow. Her quirks include often checking her nails, scratching at herself, and talking with a distinct hiss in her voice


Hunts only carries with her a large combat knife in daily life.


Unlike most Morphs, she was birthed a natural birth too two Kexotal parents in the underground. Her mother managed to convince her husband to go through with the pregnancy, as she wanted her genes to be passed on. However, as life went on, times became worse, and money became tighter. Her parents could no longer support her and began to view Hunts as just another mouth to feed in the dystopia that had become Genesis.

Therefore, when she was eight years old she was turned onto the Underground like the majority of the population. Her mother had the choice between her own survival, or keeping her daughter. She reluctantly chose her own.

She managed to get by stealing food and begging for spare change while she hid in the tunnels from the animal police who sought to hunt her down. This life was typical of all stray Morphs of natural birth, in fact, it's expected in Genesis. Everyone expected that your folks dumped you for their own sake. Therefore Hunts was raised on the streets like hundreds of others, and turned to fellow strays for assistance. The kexotal wasn't too bitter about it, because it was life, and the only life she and the other strays knew.

That was, until a rookie mobster found her and took her in. He was human, which caused some suspicion, but at the time she was naive and foolish when it came to the species that lived above ground. The girl was a find alright, Kexotals were always rumored, once well trained, to be great spies and were uncommon, but not rare in the Underground.

This man went by the name John, but then again he claimed his last name was Doe, too. He was into some really shady business. He was one of the members of rather unsavory guild.

They weren't the only or the best clan, or even very notable, but they got by. He ran a loan sharking business topside, but he and his crew also did a fair share of drug trafficking and selling illegal arms. She wasn't the only Kexotal recruit either among their rankings. There were two others, both of whom were younger.

Hunts was slowly trained over twenty years, and after a great deal of hard work she became the head assassin of the tiny clan, and guard of guild's leader himself. If you didn't pay the loan shark you'd find a slippery snake sneaking into your house at the dead of night, either her or one of her comrades.

She was as effective as any in both killing the guild's foes and spying on rival groups, hence she proved to be worth John Doe's initial investment. Occasionally she was injured during her missions, or had to flee, but she was the best they could afford. Hunts wasn't, and isn't perfect, and her hide has the scars to prove it.

She saw this as a good way to make money to survive, until John threatened to turn her into animal control if she left the clan. Hunts was a person who valued personal freedom, so she took action. The typically cold Hunts was furious about this, and plotted..and plotted for three years until she struck.

You should have seen the look on that poor sod's face when he was split down the middle. Maybe he should have known her apparent utter submission to him was far too good to be true! He was killed in his bedroom while he was napping, and she fled back to the underground with the rest of the Morphs the guild had taken. John Doe proved to be a bit too arrogant to read the warnings, and a bit too pig headed in his ways.

She then joined a small, rag tag group of stray assassins and thieves called Fallen at age 33. She felt more directed once she joined the clan, as she had a leader who shared her personal beliefs and seemed genuine. That didn't mean the paranoid creature was about to trust him totally though. She was still in it for survival.

So what if they they constantly had to worry about the clan she walked out of chasing her tail, and the gang wars were intense?

So begins...

Huntsman's Story

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Quickpaw Hurojo awakes after having been asleep for several years. Around the area was only void. It was empty. Dark. Cold. "Where... where have the spirits placed me?" He started patting his body all over; ensuring that he was corporeal. "Not dead; that's a plus." Though there was no time to lose. If he was corporeal, that likely means that he could return to the world he knew, and hopefully return to his king. He began running, hoping to find an exit to this ethereal obscurity.

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Character Portrait: Slyantar Thomas Copper Character Portrait: Kinea Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: Liesha Kennicot Character Portrait: Jared Johnson Character Portrait: Ruhe
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Sibael Rhodwyn looked around, finally staring one of the strangers in the face, "I don't remember you. Any of you, to be frank."