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Ixu Shen

The Daughter of a Night Fury and a Gold Dragon

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Awinita


Name ; Whenzhou Ixu Shen (Last name first)
Age : 16 and a half
Eye color ; Extreme Bright Green
Hair color ; Oil black
Nationale appearance ; Asian
Theme song{s}: 1st theme {She dreams a lot in her sleep}, 2nd theme Third coming soon!
Picture(s) : Image
With adopted father
On her own


According to her birth father, Toothless, Ixu is half crazy, or absolutely nuts. In truth however Ixu is a rebelious young teen who really just wants to find her true place in the world. And her true father as well.

Likes; rain, swimming, friends, her parents, extreme humidity, thunderstorms

Dislikes; rules, other noble boys, Scholar's that think they are 'holier then thou', hot and dry weather (without humidity), tornados


A beautiful rose emboridored kung fu battle fan. Long silver and pink scarflike cloth measuring 15 meters long, normally used as a type of rope or whip. Pair of longswords measuring four feet long each.

The kungfu battle fan is just that, a battle fan with a pink rose embroidered into the gray cloth, it measures 11 inches in length

The silver and pink scarflike cloth is used at times as a weapon, it is unbreakable, and most likely enchanted, as only Ixu Shen can use it with deadly and unmistakeable precision.

The two longswords are very unique, they resemle two normal appearing swords, each measuring the typical four feet in total length. However, the swords are hidden in little bracelet like attachments on her arms. These bracelets are hidded under her dress sleeves. As bracelets the swords appear as little daggers. The crossguards of these swords are of dragon wings, nither of the swords are enchanted, however they are enfused with magic to not break


As far as she knows, Ixu Shen is the daughter of a very important noble family in the Hangzhou province of China during the start of the Qing Dyansty, they later moved to Shangdong when her father, Senoir Whenshou, was made provincal govenor of that province. Ixu Shen knows nothing of how she came to be the only true child of the Whenshou family. Her parents however know the full truth and are afraid of what she will do to them when she finds out the true meaning of her bloodline and where she is from. Not exactly a simple peaseant girl.

What she does not know, and also what she refuses at this time as the truth, is that she is a dragon, she was raised by dragons, who posed as humans, to keep her safe. Ixu Shen currently refuses to believe this, thinking it just a cruel joke

Her parents, her father actually, is the Provincal Govenor of Shangdong Province, they make their home in the city of Juxian along a river. Senior Whenzhou is the oldest man of a good family of three brothers. He and his wife were unable to have any children, so they took in many children off the streets and raised them as their own. One of the few children that they kept as their own was actually brought to them by their servant girl Fann, who had come across a Monk and the infant girl. The servant girl herself always wanted a child to call her own. And yet, Senior Whenzhou allowed it as long as the servant girl never admitted to the child who was really the mother, saying that Senoir Whenshous wife, Lady Whenzhou, was the girls mother. Fann agreed.

Ixu Shen's parents doted on her all her life, giving her literally everything she asked for, or wanted, including private tutors, martial teachers, and scholars of the various nearby towns. Though it was not until the girl was ten did Fann die in a fire accidently set by the wayward girl and a other Provinal govenors son did Ixu Shen start to truly mature and show a more rebellious side.

So begins...

Ixu Shen's Story


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#, as written by Awinita
Ixu Shen once more found herself out side a door that looked strangely familar. Yep, she had nearly pulled the thing clean off its hinges the first time she went there to eat. The rain had started up again, heavy downpours at times, heavy thunder too. Soaking the girl to the bone. But she cared little if at all. She liked the rain. Which drove both her servants, Hasa, and Sheba, crazy. She went right to the bar, and ordered a purple colored tea, some weat bread, and very strong smelling Yak made cheese, then headed for a table. None questioned the soaking wet sixteen year old, mostly because the cheese stank worse then limburger.


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#, as written by Awinita
Ixu Shen was, for the moment, focused on her food, at least until she heard the words 'Draconic activity within her' Great, another one? Setting down the chunk of yak cheese she turned h er luminus green eyes towards the owner of the voice, soon settling on the only other person within the place at this time of day, after giving a curious glance Ixu Shen went back to her food. Asking around around a mouthful of food, "Was there something you wanted?" She said, choosing for now to ignore the dragon comment. Everyone acted stupid these days. She refused to believe such wild tales.


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#, as written by Awinita
Ixu Shen felt like she was watched from all around her with many eyes that were unwanted, she she spoke again, "Was there something you wanted?" A hint of snark was in her voice, she didn't like being watched by another, unless they tried to make with the conversation. Though she wondered where the artist was, she had a mental note she wanted ot ask about. What that device had done, and why. her eyes were then focused on Wilhelm as he arrived. But then shortly went back to the ... thing... that had mentioned dragons for the second time. OK fine ,so her parents banner had a gold dragon emblazed on it. Big fat hairy deal, for all she cared.


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Character Portrait: Ixu Shen
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#, as written by Awinita
Ixu Shen watched carefully as Hoshoku shut down, odd. But it did not concern her, other then the words 'Dragon' and 'dragon type' what on earth did it mean? It was just a tale, a fanciful tale. It meant nothing. The soaking wet blackhaired woman went back ot eating her cheese, bread and strange purple colored drink. Even though she was soaking wet, she smelled strongly of lilacs, and roses. The fact that directly before her was a small lilac bush in a pot on the table seemed pretty.


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Character Portrait: Ixu Shen
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#, as written by Awinita
"depends" Ixu Shen answered, "On what you mean am I real? Do I look like a dream to you?" She asked, why did she do it? She hated it when people tried o t be something they were not, or tried to get her to do something she did not want to do. Like believ in those fanciful tales. "And it also depends on who you are, and.... what... you are." It was apparently clear that the drenched woman was to soon leave, The rain was pouring ever the harder, just the way she loved it. A waterfall of water. A box was requested. There was still a lot of cheese left, and also some bread as well.


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#, as written by Awinita
Ixu Shen visibly seemed to stiffen, there it was again, another person saying she was a dragon. She raised a hand. "Well, I must be dreaming myself then(!) everyone says I am a dragon, do I look remotely like one?" She seemed more annoyed then angered about it by now. She was the daughter of the Shangdong Province govenor. Not a dragon, she did not even remotely look like a dragon. So how was it possible that she was a dragon?


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#, as written by Awinita
Ixu Shen sighed, putting a hand to her forehead. "Will you please...." She quietly said before saying, "I am the daughter of the Shangdong Provincial Govenor, our banner is the Gray dragon. None of us are dragons. I'm not a dragon." She sighed again, visibly defeated. "look, can you at least do me the favor of not mentioning dragons, or that I am one? It was all just what Fann always said, calling me Little Dragon," The to go box arrived, Ixu started ot place some of the food she had ordered into it. When she was domne she slowly stood. "I'm not a dragon, I'd be scared of myself if I was." Though there was a odd question there. Night Fury? What did she mean by that?


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#, as written by Awinita
Ixu Shen soon appeared outside, the ain had stopped for once, The silver and pink dressed woman was somewhat startled to find the locale empty save for the staff, and one or two patrons. The door was oddly open, as if recently repaired or the like, but that didn't matter. The girl entered and took in who was there, a man, another guy who was too focused on his ale then anything else, and the staff of the place. One thing that was off, was the one guy steated nearby. Once making her order to a passing waiter, the girl headed for the booth. "This seat taken?" She asked, before he could answer she sat down, removing a coil of cloth and setting it on the table. "Nice trick." She said then, meaning Ichiros transformation from a nice looking fellow to a winged snake. "Where's your sword?"


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#, as written by Awinita
Ixu Shen just looked at him, "what do you mean what sword?" She asked, she then gave Paul a curious look, "You mean you are not the guy that came to my camp?" She asked, her own order arrived, a purple hued drink that smelled sweetly like some kind of tea, some weat bread, and really strong scented cheese. She then noticed that Paul'd hair was brown, not blue.


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#, as written by Awinita
Ixu Shen sighed then, taking a drink from her glass before using the knife to slice the cheese into thin strips. The cheese was strong, possibly stronger scented then limburger, and for good reason, it was Yak Cheese. She nodded at mention of the other fellow, "yes, that is him." She said nodding. At the sound of the voice, and the suddenly opened door, she turned her gaze slightly to see what, or in this case, who it was that made the noise. Unwanted trouble perhaps?


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#, as written by Awinita
Ixu Shen stared for a moment, her visibly flinching at the sound of the gun going off. Of all the rotten luck. She snatched up her cloth whip and lashed out towards the weapon. Snagging it quickly and easily snapping it back ot her waiting hand. Then she got up and dashed towards the man.


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#, as written by Awinita
Ixu Shen skidded to a halt as she neared the now bleeding man. Thge gun wrapped within golds of pink and silver cloth. The man wasn't that heavy as she all but woman handled him to a chair to sit. She cast a look towards Rikuto, "You know this man?" The teenager asked. Uncoiling the cloth whip and setting the gun on the bar counter. Thankfully there wasn't any blood on herself, or her cloth whip.


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Character Portrait: Ixu Shen
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#, as written by Awinita
Ixu Shen saw that the men seemed to not care that she had moved the deadman. But it didn't matter. Not many did notice a Manchu Noblemans daughter wandering around. Well, some had a few days before, but not many. She turned and went back to the table where Paul sat. Planning once again to enjoy her meal. Hopefully without mention of her being a dragon, it was just all fanciful tales to be sure.


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#, as written by Awinita
Ixu Shen sighed, at first saying nothing, draining her drink. When she finally did speak, she sounded more likely annoyed. "Let me guess, he thinks I am a dragon?" She titled her head towards Paul. Her green eyes staring. Clearly not eyes of a human. Yes she was annoyed, first the drunken bearded horned guy, then a weird half emtal girl, then this guy. Great, everyone she met thought her a dragon, or something like it.


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#, as written by Awinita
Ixu Shen listened quietly as Paul spoke. soon finishing her cheese, she spoke up. "Well, you can tell him I'm not what he thinks I am. Though he is nice looking." She said, best not to offend anyone... this soon at least. The teen had offended many many people before, so she wanted to try and figure out what was what, and why. But if these people kept insisting she wasn't what she was. How was she to find herself?

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Lady Une Drive


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#, as written by Awinita
Ixu Shen found herself wandering, it had rained again, but now the skies were clear as ever. The silver and pink dressed young woman turned onto a street, and for a m oment halted, why was this area so familar to her? Oh right, she had fallen asleep in the grass not far from where she stood. She started walking again, her hand trailing along the top of a low hedge. This was peaceful. And none trying to tel lher that she wasn't who she was, all those people telling her she was a dragon, she knew better. Those were just a cruel joke.


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#, as written by Awinita
Ixu Shen grunted, great, just when it is peaceful something just had to go wrong. First thing she noticed was the streetlights overhead exploding, raining glass everywhere. Then fast footsteps. Oh crud. Whatever it was had made the tiny hairs on her arms stand on end with static. This did not sound good. She made to turn and go back the way she came, only that didn't work because whatever she heard was coming at her from that direction. What in the world.


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#, as written by Awinita
Ixu Shen Gave o ff a strange sounding chirp, "eeeeeeyyah!!" Or something like it as her arms went up to try and shield her face from the white fire. her hands then grappled at the sudden grab for her neck. Dragon, it called her a dragon?! Yeah, so much for peaceful walk. It was in that instant of confusion did she feel fingers grasping her neck. She grabbed for the arm to try and break the grip, but it did no good as she felt... heat? Oh no! She screamed as the power shot into her neck, burning it. Little marks of gray, and larger one of silver, little scales started to appear around Raikou's hand as she struggled to get free of his grip.


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#, as written by Awinita
Ixu Shen hit the ground in a heap, she gulped in fresh air, or at least tried to. Her hand felt funny, as too did her throat. She pulled her hand back to look at it, pink and silver fleck marks. Hard as rock, only, stronger then steel. That wasn't a joke? She held up her hand as the lighting bolts were fired, trying to shield her face. The strain was too much. She stared at the back of her hand as it changed from smooth undamaged skin, to silver and pink dragonscales. A small explsion happened as she tried to keep the white fire from her face, sneding her flying backwards through the hedge wall and into someones inground pool with a tremendous splash. Eletrical power flew everywhere. But it was only that much time that was required for the then beautiful young woman, to have transformed. A silver and pink scaled dragoness was climing out of the water. Whatever was left of her dress appeared undamaged by the transformation. Fading, in a way, into the sclaes themsevles. She shook her head, trying to piece together what just happened when another shot of Raikous six lightning bolts hit her square in the back.


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#, as written by Awinita
Ixu Shen howled as she was struck again, this time sqaured in the front, since she was wet, it burned all the more. However it also threw her backwards, like a rocket, into a buildings window. Crashing into the lobby of the hotel. People scattered to get out of the way of the massive silver and pink scaled dragon. Who by that time as large as a Ford Five Hundred sedan. Her wings by then had formed. Which made the damage more ... widespread. She laid in the wreckage of the small hotel lobby. Her internal energy working overtime to keep herself calm, and try to heal as electricity danced over her scales. She was full up dragon by then. Breed was unknown. Same if she had a breath weapon.