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Jack Eaves

Loki incarnate. Devious, charming and talented. [quote]It's still us against them.[/quote]

0 · 436 views · located in Hidden Cove

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by CptxMorgan


His general attire tends to consist of the flashiest clothing he can get his hands on, even if the situation calls for formality. He stands around 6'3 with ear length reddish hair and a cleanshaven face. Is in apparently remarkable shape.


A bit of a dick, completely obnoxious. Frequent user of cocaine. Unashamedly perverted, and outwardly arrogant.


Fuckin' pirate.

So begins...

Jack Eaves's Story


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Jack Eaves decided that he would rejoin the masses, since his more private business had been taken care of. So, with his hands clenched in his pockets, and his teeth gritted in a neurotic caricature of a smile, Jackie boy took a seat at the counter. "Hey, can I get a beer over here?" Of course, he was calling out to the bartender. While Jack wasn't one to settle for a lager on the reg, he did enjoy slumming every once in a while. After all, if chaos and mischief existed, they thrived amongst the lower class.


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Jack Eaves failed to notice the change in temperature, he wasn't especially sensitive to such things. Also, he just happened to rail a rather substantial amount of cocaine and was prone to pass off environmental manipulation as a side effect.

"I should be fine, for the moment." Jack responded with a smile, the expression doing little to match the relative coldness of his tone. The man was simply too lazy to put in much effort when it came to feigning emotion.


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Jack Eaves shrugged. He wasn't one to converse with those he found to be below himself, but he wasn't a frequent patron of the bar, and it could certainly be beneficial to get chummy with the employees. Following the shrug, he made a grandiose, nearly silly waving gesture over the stool next to him. "Your chariot awaits, madamoiselle." It was hardly a relevant phrase, but Jack wasn't a particularly social creature and it seemed to fit just fine as far as he was concerned.


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Jack Eaves also took time to not the apparently spectral figure that seemed to have every other patron of the bar enthralled. Personally, he wasn't impressed, if it was a man he'd say the scythe was there to compensate for something. Since it was a woman, he just assumed it had a severe case of penis envy. With a loud, obnoxious snort he turned back to face Jamie. "Hm, that's a rather plain name, don't you think?" The man spoke, seemingly unable to notice the insulting nature of his words. "You can call me Jack." He also failed to notice how hypocritical his name made his former sentence seem.


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Jack Eaves clenched his fist, and was moments away from striking the woman sitting beside him before simply letting his hand go slack. Violence wouldn't be very becoming of him, especially against what appeared to be a relatively innocent, albeit deluded woman. "You clearly have no idea who you're speaking to." There was a restrained venom in his voice, Jack wasn't particularly talented when it came to hiding his rage. Odd, considering he believed himself to be a master manipulator. Already, he was scheming, looking for a way to avenge the slur against his name, and he had the perfect thing in mind. Collateral damage.


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Jack Eaves had it all thought out, he'd break a few things and likely look like a hero, saving some kid who got mixed up in shit that was way above his head. So, after allowing that blueprint to loop through his currently manic mind ; Jack took action. First, he stood, although not as stoically as he imagined. Hell he even stumbled a little bit, but so far so good. Following this, he grabbed his stool, allowing it to rest in his grip momentarily as he imagined the amount of worship he'd receive after this. Finally, he heaved it at The Lady Of Death for what appeared to be a fragile man, he had a hell of an arm and the piece of shoddy furniture was traveling at rather high speeds. If it connected it wasn't likely to do much but distract the woman, but Jack didn't mind. He had this under control, assuming the bitch was corporeal that is.


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Jack Eaves cackled dramatically, even he wasn't sure if it came naturally or if it was just for show. Either way, it was simultaneously convincing and ambiguous. Seeing as the woman was giving him time to prepare, the man slipped off his overcoat. It was a pleasant red, silk number and he wasn't intent on ruining it on account of some wannabe valkyrie. He was aware that his initial attack was hardly subtle, and it was the sort of thing that an angry drunkard would do. Wanting to make up for that he simply stood there, craning his head back and allowing a wide, patronizing smile to spread across his visage. Jack never liked being the first to make a move, it tended to reveal too much, and he figured a little patience would do him some good.


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Jack Eaves immediately took note of the mask. For whatever reason, he assumed it would come speeding towards him at some point in the fight. He liked to consider such foresight brilliant, but most would pass it off as cocaine induced paranoia. Clearly, his opponent was as apprehensive about attacking as he was, but judging by her sudden actions against the boy earlier, she lacked patience. That, Jack thought, was the first exploitable weakness The Lady Of Death had shown. With that in mind, he took a step back and clambered onto the bartop. "Ah, you won't be the first woman too ashamed of their visage to show it around me." Somehow, he doubted this nearly ethereal lady was preoccupied with her looks, but it was worth a shot. Following the petty insult, he simply started dancing, a merry, if out of place jig.


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Jack Eaves grinned, momentarily caught up in the satisfaction that he was right. Yet, for all his delusions and all his complexes, the man wasn't averse to the idea of getting himself a little dirty. His little dance continued for a moment, long enough for him to calculate the risk of waiting for the mask in question to reach him. As curious as he was, Jack decided it wasn't worth the possible trouble. With an exaggerated frown, the man grabbed his still full pintglass and flung it at the projectile mask. Of course, he doubted that was enough to stop the collision course. So, as soon as the beer left his hand, Mr. Eaves hopped off the bar and seemed to pass through the floorboard, disappearing completely. Of course, this wasn't the case, in fact he'd made himself more vulnerable than ever. For, as he jumped, the man shapeshifted into a salmon, an unfortunate form, but a great one for hiding oneself amongst tall chairs and other pieces of furniture. Of course, this was only so he could spectate for a moment. Once another threat appeared, he had every intention of becoming humanoid once again.


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Jack Eaves remained in salmon form for a moment or two before he felt as if he was going to die from exposure; bar floors were not conducive to the needs of fish. Within a moment, the Jack that had seemingly vanished was visible, spread eagle on the floor with a bar stool straddling his head. Not wanting to remain in such a vulnerable position for long, the man shot to his feet, making the stool tumble over and harming his head mildly in the process. Jack dusted himself off briefly, and elicited a loud, obnoxious belch. Normally he was a man of class, but when it came to battle he felt it was only fair to embrace his feral side. "So, this goes to show that all women, even the well armed ones, are incompetent." Misogyny, he found, worked wonders in throwing women off guard. Also, on account of the shapeshifting, he was naked, his garb now resting in some throwaway plane of existence, a sort of inter dimensional waste bin no doubt.


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Jack Eaves didn't make an effort to cover himself as he simply exited Gambit's. His red overcoat resting lightly on his shoulders as he strode through the doors and into the night.


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The entire concept of doors perplexed Jack, they were a flimsy device created to hide from the elements, from others and from the very idea of danger. Such nonsensical fear had always tickled his fancy, barriers built out of cowardice and spite, yet still they could be destroyed so easily.

These musings were irrelevant, as the man simply decided to shoulder his way through the bar's entrance, his footfalls erratic and noisy. Mr. Eaves was what one could consider a showboat, a man who simply lived off of attention. There was a palpable greed in every single one of his motions. Every step seemed to call for applause and every sway of his shoulders as he made his way towards the counter held a dramatic flair.

"Why hello, sir, I would like a martini tonight." Jack spoke to no one in particular, his voice shrill and loud, his tone drenched with overtones of saccharine sweetness. His own narcissism seemed to manifest itself in a near palpable manner. Here he was, speaking to empty air, fully expecting his request to not only be heard, but followed.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Hidden Cove


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Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt Character Portrait: Marty the Scarlat macaw Character Portrait: Jack Eaves
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Jack Eaves had no recollection of how he'd wound up where he was. In fact, where was he? It was a queer query, indeed. He wasn't an amnesiac, his name and rank remained intact. First mate on a particularly fearsome motorized sloop for some time, yet as he gazed into the great blue yonder, there was nary a ship in sight.

That was a lie, the vague silhouette of at least one vessel lingered lazily in the horizon, yet the specter of a ship lack the subtle nuances that would make 'The Ragged Bitch' immediately recognizable to Jack.

"The fuck." He murmured, rubbing the back of his head in an attempt to shake off the bewilderment that clung to his cranium like a stalwart squad of scabies.


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Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt Character Portrait: Jack Eaves
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After the sudden, albeit blunted, shock wore off, Jack's somewhat honed survival instincts kicked in. The first order of business was to take inventory.

"Carbine, check." He sighed, picking up the rifle that had been resting on the ground beside him.

"Knife, check." Jack managed, almost elated that the blade was still tucked into his belt. It was an interesting weapon, a blade of about six inches with a handle designed with loops for one to fit their fingers through. Such a hilt made quickdraws difficult, but one would have to hew his hand off to successfully disarm him in a melee.

Lastly, Jack made note of a small pack of rations included what must have been jerky from his ship's stores, some dried fruit and a wineskin full of what he confirmed to be rum.

Going off of supplies alone, he was far too well equipped to have been marooned so he could only muse as to what had happened as he took to wandering, completely unaware of his surroundings.


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Character Portrait: Lucas Whitt Character Portrait: Lucius Vladescu Character Portrait: Belka Character Portrait: Saphire Character Portrait: Krisandra Character Portrait: Dolleye
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It had been some time since there had been any vast disturbances here, the waves had begin to erode the scars of battles past.

The waters bubbled as something large maneuvered beneath them.


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Character Portrait: Lucas Whitt Character Portrait: Lucius Vladescu Character Portrait: Belka Character Portrait: Saphire Character Portrait: Krisandra Character Portrait: Dolleye
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Selerei sensed something, following a trail north.


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Character Portrait: Lucas Whitt Character Portrait: Lucius Vladescu Character Portrait: Belka Character Portrait: Saphire Character Portrait: Krisandra Character Portrait: Dolleye
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The bubbles subsided.