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Jakki Matala

A tech mage and an adventurer in a quest to find the secrets that Misrana holds.

0 · 711 views · located in Calidona

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Moonscar, as played by Sennen


For the Triumvirate, we serve. For order and peace, for safety and security. We watch over our own. Forever shall we persevere, hidden from the universe.
A handy guide for all things Misranan.



  • Model 4 Sentimia
    An ATW highly inspired by a native Nahatsan animal, the kassaru. Jakki calls him Kenta. The caustic blades at the side of this bionic vehicle can slice through metal like butter. It is equipped with two small machine guns that pop out from the top, in front of the cockpit.

  • Vis-An Double M-Vial Pistol
    Though it carries similar functions and appearance to a regular 9mm pistol, the dual M-Vials are unique to this brand. The M-Vials load bullets with a variety of status effects. Caustic, electric, and incendiary rounds are among the most popular for these small pistols.

  • Mertieth 10
    A submachine gun of a certain close-combat prowess, the 10 features an inbuilt bayonet that magically takes the effects of whatever ammunition is loaded into the gun at the time. A fold-out stock, .45 caliber magazine and features room for any additions a dominion soldier wishes to add to his firearm such as a scope. The inbuilt bayonet is scratch-proof and is designed to withstand the multitudes of negative effects of whatever element it's taken. The electric load is suitably effective within the 10, as the blade takes on an electric field and allows for more devastating close combat.

  • Singularity Grenades
    Creates a pull around it to draw in enemies before it explodes.

  • Shock Cage
    A piece of equipment that acts and looks much like a grenade, but instead of causing harm, it creates a cage of energy around the target.


So begins...

Jakki Matala's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phinx Munroe Character Portrait: Sonja Petralia Character Portrait: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly Character Portrait: Jakki Matala
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Home of the Supremacy leaders. Of Misrana's strongest armies. With the highest, most advanced forms of technology on the planet. The skyscrapers pierced the clouds above and rose greater still. There was no glance of any trees, nor any parks, or even a lawn of grass. It was all made of that which was manmade. Well, that was one way of saying it. It was quite obvious that not everything in the city was the same as man.

Strange vehicles zipped between gigantic buildings, trailing neon lights behind them. They did not use rockets, but lifters, or wings that beat the same as that on a small insect. Arrowheads, jet black planes that took the shape of which they were named, zoomed higher above the city into the distance. Upon the streets, there were many people going about their lives, and it almost seemed that the military personnel outnumbered them.

There seemed to be no end of other species walking alongside humans as though they were kin. Strange, large-headed aliens with grey skin and six arms climbed the sides of the buildings into offices high up. People with horns curled about their heads chatted in groups. Others, who had long, barbed tails extending from a spinal structure along their backs hurried to their next destination.

The House of the Triumvira stood out from all other buildings, more for its grandeur than its size. It was made of various domes and columns, with statues carved into the walls of the Supremacy's history.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phinx Munroe Character Portrait: Sonja Petralia Character Portrait: Jakki Matala
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#, as written by Saarai
"Touching down in five minutes." Vidal said over the purple ship's intercom, "Just waiting for the Misranans to give me a good place to land this piece of shit." Vidal added, "Hey! This is my baby, don't disrespect her." Phinx yelled.

The ship settled down slowly and carefully in the city's spaceport, Phinx's security detail getting up from their seats to prepare for the trek through the foreign city.

"Ask the Aschen woman if she's coming along." One of them said, "I don't know if she'll enjoy being stuck in here with someone like Vidal."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phinx Munroe Character Portrait: Sonja Petralia Character Portrait: Jakki Matala
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Chance would have it that Sonja overhead the instruction to find her as she stepped inside of the room that contained Phinx and the others.

"I was just coming to ask you the same thing myself. As long as the locals are less hostile here than they were on Terra, I think I would be glad of the chance to get some fresh air."

Sonja had been recovering well from her ordeal with only little signs of the traumatic experience reflecting upon her pleasant demeanor any longer. For those that had met her in her early arrival upon Terra, such as Phinx, they might note the aloof quietness that had taken the place of her previously forward pursuit of conversation. She had largely kept out of the way during the trip to Misrana and it wasn't until their arrival today that she had ventured to join them for any length of time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phinx Munroe Character Portrait: Sonja Petralia Character Portrait: Jakki Matala
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Supremacy soldiers surrounded the Invictus vessel with weapons in hand, but they were aimed away from the visitors. Magannamus, who had hailed the Invictus ship much earlier, had alerted them that the Supremacy did not want any trouble with outside forces, and would go through great lengths to make sure that they would make it on and off the planet unharmed. As quickly as possible.

These soldiers were merely a welcome brigade. Escorts.

One woman clad in a dark orange uniform made her way onto the port with a bow of her head. "You must be the Invictus. My name is Jakki, a Supremacy Representative."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phinx Munroe Character Portrait: Sonja Petralia Character Portrait: Jakki Matala
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#, as written by Saarai
"The Misranans are good people." Phinx told Sonja, "The ones I've heard about at least." The purple clad Invictus leader said. A door near the back of the ship opened up, a ramp extending to allow Phinx and the others to step off.

Phinx took the lead, stepping out of the vessel to meet whoever was sent to bring her to who she needed to speak with. "Mary Munroe." Phinx told Jakki as she lead the others out.

"We're here for one Jacob Haley, I don't know if anyone told you about him yet. He's wanted by myself and the Terran government for murder and terrorism." Straight to the point, the sooner she had Jacob, the sooner she could make him suffer.

Oh, how he would suffer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phinx Munroe Character Portrait: Sonja Petralia Character Portrait: Jakki Matala
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"I look forward to it then," Sonja replied.

As the door of the ship opened, Sonja trailed after Phinx's, keeping with the group that followed her off the vessel.

The site she was met with afforded her no limit of wonder as she found herself gazing upon the city and the throng of aliens that walked the streets. Even the dangerous looking ones crawled their way through the city without anyone so much as raising an eye in alarm. It was quite the spectacle for the woman born back on Langara. Not even Wing City had posted such a sight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phinx Munroe Character Portrait: Sonja Petralia Character Portrait: Jakki Matala
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"Jacob Haley?" asked Jakki. Her eyes narrowed slightly in confusion. "I'm afraid I have not heard that name before. it is also incredibly foreign. We do not allow aliens to roam freely about Triumvira, nor do we have any within the city at this moment other than yourselves." she replied. "Are you sure you are in the right place? We can surely conduct a search if you are concerned enough, but none of our citizens would hide an alien. If he was around, we would know. I assure you."

The soldiers that surrounded them were still as statues. Just like the citizens swarming the streets, they, too, were of assorted species.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phinx Munroe Character Portrait: Sonja Petralia Character Portrait: Jakki Matala
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#, as written by Saarai
Phinx held out a hand, one of her escorts handing her a small tablet computer. "Right here." She said, pointing to the screen. "Jacob Haley. Misrana. Pavi Takot." Phinx said, stepping towards Jakki to show her the screen.

"This is Zanzabar, Zorronian, whatever, Port, right?" The Invictus leader asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phinx Munroe Character Portrait: Sonja Petralia Character Portrait: Jakki Matala
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Jakki froze, folding her arms.

"Pavi Takot is an enemy to the Supremacy." she said. Her lips thinned. "She is a well-known wanted criminal that is aligned with the Rebellion. If she is helping this Jacob Haley, then we have an enemy in common. However, right now we do not have a lock on..."

Another pause.

"The Zanzarian Port?" she asked Phinx slowly. "That...that is where you know these individuals to be?" Her eyes narrowed. "Thank you, Mary Munroe. I will let the Triumvirate know immediately. Might you have any more information on these individuals?"

One of the soldiers surely had heard something before. Something about an Aschen woman. An Alulan guard turned his head, ever so slightly, to peer at Sonja.

Jakki would be alerted later than an enemy of the Supremacy was here.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phinx Munroe Character Portrait: Sonja Petralia Character Portrait: Jakki Matala
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#, as written by Saarai
"My concern is Haley." Phinx told Jakki, "I want to get him personally." She said, "He's killed some of my friends, civilians, children. Go handle this Pavi chick, but don't dare leave me in the dark."

Phinx said these words with authority, she had come out of her shell over time to get into the mindset of a leader. "What I've told you so far is all I know." Phinx continued, "Some allies are supposed to be on the planet keeping an eye on Jacob, making sure he doesn't go to where we can't get him. Ain't heard from in awhile."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phinx Munroe Character Portrait: Sonja Petralia Character Portrait: Jakki Matala
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"We will get Haley off of the planet as soon as we possibly can. If he is, indeed, in Zanzaria, then we have full authority to deport him. Until then, we can have you wait at one of the ODPs. Or, even..." Her eyes flicked to her company. "Well, I'm sure if I contact the Parran, we might be able to keep you here a bit longer."

Under heavy security.

"Free roam is limited, but only so we can contact you quickly as we go to find them. Because of the war, matters must be handled with delicately. Having foreigners interfere might upset that, seems to have done already. You must understand. Just recently we were attacked by an Aschen Reverence. We are wary."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phinx Munroe Character Portrait: Sonja Petralia Character Portrait: Jakki Matala
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#, as written by Saarai
"Oh, the Aschen have stepped on my toes too, I understand." Phinx told Jakki, "Don't deport Jacob, give him to me." She continued, "I don't want him thinking he's going to have any chance to get away from the consequences."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phinx Munroe Character Portrait: Sonja Petralia Character Portrait: Jakki Matala
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"Not at all. Especially if he's intent on working with the Rebellion," said Jakki. "We would prefer you take him away. We would prefer it if you kept him away, as well."

She signaled for a guard, who came to her side. After a few brief words in the foreign, exotic language of the Misranans, she gave him a nod, and he was off.

"There is a chance it might take a few hours or days. Unless you would like to spend your time in your ship or upon an ODP, we will prepare a room for you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phinx Munroe Character Portrait: Sonja Petralia Character Portrait: Jakki Matala
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#, as written by Saarai
"We can help." Phinx told Jakki, "We have more experience with him than you do, and as I already said we have people keeping watch on him." The Invictus leader said, "I'm not getting on the sideline while other people hunt down my mark."

"When we find him, I want to be the one to look into his pretty blue eyes and make it clear to him that I'm going to beat any fear of God out of him and replace with the fear of a Jamaican woman in purple."


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Character Portrait: Jakki Matala
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Jakki took a moment to contemplate this. Her fingers pulled nervously at her sleeve.

"It would be better if you did not," she told Phinx. "It would be better if you allowed us to take care of it, ourselves." They could not have the Rebellion putting ideas into the minds of these foreigners, after all.

Quite suddenly, Jakki's eyes widened, and she held up a hand to the Invictus. "Forgive me, I-" Her fingers slid across her cheek, activating the Skintenna embedded just below her skin. A voice rang inside her head. After a few moments, she nodded, then heaved a heavy sigh.

"...the Parran would like an audience with you. She is one of our leaders in the Triumvirate."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jakki Matala
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Jakki nodded. "Very well."

Turning, she signaled to the soldiers that surrounded them, and they began to walk with them. "The Parran is the title for the Military Leader within the Triumvirate. I do not know how to adequately translate the title into English. I do not believe there is one." She lead them onto a platform that hung off the edge of the elevated spaceport. It had railings all around it, and it was shaped vaguely like a triangle. Or rather, as they would find out by the faint heartbeat beneath their feet and the movements of the platform, a manta ray. A very large, very strange, and not completely organic manta ray.

"Don't worry, this flies tamely enough that falling off won't be easy."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jakki Matala
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Jakki looked back over her shoulder, eyeing the one soldier who decided to stay behind. "Both for your knowledge of Pavi Takot and..." Her eyes flickered to Sonja. "One of your passengers. You may know very little about our current war, but I believe the Parran may be able to link more information through you than I will."

The large platform sailed through the city, who's lights greeted the Invictus and the one Aschen citizen with a startling abundance. As if they were lost in the midst of stars. Everywhere they went, vehicles that looked like they took inspiration from undersea beasts. Everywhere, everywhere, people stared at them as though they were a display.

"Where do you all hail from?"


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Character Portrait: Jakki Matala
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Jakki nodded. "Very well," she responded to Phinx. She had a feeling that her message had gone across quite clearly. Her eyes lingered on Sonja, however.

"I wish I could say just the same." she told her, just as the platform reached its destination. The heart of the Calidonan Supremacy. Its transparent domes and walls, columns, with statues carved into its design to depict the making of the Supremacy in all its success. Well, until recently.

The statues and carvings all seemed to stare at the foreigners, as though they were being criticized by not just the living, but the inanimate as well.

Jakki stepped off the platform into the building, where spacious rooms had veins in the floor and ceiling to give off a blue light. Security at the first door asked for weapons to be deposited before they entered a room with the Parran.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jakki Matala
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"I might like to state that the Supremacy does not wish to come into bad terms with any other faction or otherwise. We will defend ourselves and we deport aliens, but we will do what we can to prevent harm. Call us paranoid." She gave Phinx a half smirk.

"Please let me know when you are ready. We cannot let you see the Parran while you are armed."


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Character Portrait: Jakki Matala
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Jakki gave a long, stressful sigh. Stubborn, stubborn people...

The skintenna lit up against Jakki's cheek again, and she turned to answer questions. Once finished, she shook her head. "Well...this is a surprise. It's very different than what she would normally ask, but I suppose it is because you're not from here."

She stepped back to allow them a way through. "Parran Saia will see you."

The room was doused in red and white. Curtains fell from the ceiling and stopped just centimeters from the floor, where expensive carpets trailed up to a raised portion of flooring at the end. There stood a regal woman with golden horns curled around her head. Her robes, as red as the rest of the room, floated around her. There was a faint light around the raised platform she stood upon.
