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Jaunt Bvetin

Nope for Hire

0 · 1,747 views · located in Wrecked Jungle

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by lil_kreen


Matriarchal society of herbivores that spread out through the empires due to an ecological catastrophe imposed upon them.


Accessing Dossier#7BD1CD6921 - Diplomatic clearance

Taken Name: Jaunt Bvetin
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Size: 2.5m diameter across the furthest point of foreleg arc, 1m tall.

Political Affiliation: Gardeners, Hive Matriarch Bvetin
Mercenary Status: Active, Hazardous environment escort
Genetic line: Matriarch Bvetin, Bvetin's Dreamer, High Soldier of Nemesis
Observed anomalous gene archetype: Tiller - Immune to Gardener social deprivation, resistance to psionic tampering, low telekinetic profile
Languages spoken: English Eigengrau, White Quietus, Brown Quietus

Observed abilities:
  • -
  • -
  • -

Threat assessment:

Jaunt Bvetin has done much work moving cargo quickly through harsh terrain in otherwise toxic zones. His combat experience is mostly confined to pickups, deliveries, and ambushes. As assaults on the noxious ground transits, while Jaunt is not especially fast for sustained movement, are frequently too hostile to follow the gardener up rock walls and around harsh terrain. Jaunt is experienced in mobile heavy cover and can use his strength very effectively to push large objects around the battlefield. Jaunt is primarily trained in short to medium range weaponry and melee combat favoring a heavy bolter modified for his use and a drum-fed fully automatic shotgun. Weapon weight isn't as much a concern for Jaunt at its sustained speed and can pack a great deal of gear into the theater when placed with teams.

Mission reports from location [REDACTED] indicate a strong environmental resistance that may be anomalous in nature. Functioned well in an artic environment with extremely infectious weapons agents while sustaining multiple melee injuries but survived with mild side effects. No subsequent infectivity noted. Their disease resistance may be understated or Jaunt may be possibly anomalous.

Excerpt from General Dossier, Gardeners
Gardeners are a registered mercenary state of a race with an appearance similar to Terra's arachnids but are physiologically closer to crustaceans. Their primal Matriarch Bvetin gained licenses pursuant to their government's proper diplomatic contact with Terra. They take names for the benefit of interaction with speaking races and their proper names are otherwise untranslatable. The Matriarch has pledged neutrality and fair dealing with any spare military members made available for hire. Hiring entities are expected to provide at least room and board for the predominantly herbivorous hive soldiers who have otherwise have full discretion upon their pay for work. As the race has no vocal capacity all communication is preferred to be done through RF means though they can hear acutely. Their hardiness allows them to breathe in most oxygen atmospheres with sufficient pressure or most benign atmospheric toxins. High soldiers made available for mercenary work have training for many modern firearms as most have little personal attachments to occupy their time. Physically have a very high burst speed and strength but cannot sustain a large amount of either very long. Their legs tire quickly at extreme speed or exertion and two long multi-jointed four-fingered hands in a well under the cephalothorax are adapted for dexterity, not strength. Their eye pattern makes bracing a conventional marksman's scope for humanoids a difficult endeavor but their nearly surrounding secondary field of vision makes them ideal for guard duties. Rifles or other two-handed munitions specially adapted for the Gardenerian high soldier subrace are a bipod stock sleeve pattern usually entirely lacking a normal shoulder stock. They can carry armor that would normally be assigned to vehicles and carry it up sharp rock faces or buildings but this rapidly sacrifices endurance, top speed, and its pack weight. While the venom on their palps is not especially venomous their ketamine-like components cause extreme disassociation in normal humans or other beings with similar physiology when biting aggressively and can nonetheless cause heart failure. All Gardener mercenaries that Operate on Terra have been ordered not to provide the substance for recreational purposes while on Terra or face sanctions but offensive or medicinal battlefield uses are permitted.

So begins...

Jaunt Bvetin's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin Character Portrait: Constrictor Squad Character Portrait: Venomous Squad
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0.00 INK

Above in a disused building with one shorn rear door an olive-skinned man struggling to be horrified sat among dead comrades. A fairly noisy transmission came through unsecured RF in a voice crawling with reverb. Jaunt transmitted barely enough to reach where he figured the vehicle would be so the directional signal was weak. There was no background noise or even breathing, "Soldiers of a false Queen, while I appreciate satisfying a reconnaissance contract early the nosy fellow with me to unlock communication equipment only knows just so many. Do you need any painkillers? I can't help with any reconstruction."

Jaunt's transmission paused while the human he named Thomas started grunt as he came down from his high, "Oh. yes, caught, Thomas. Are you crawling out of the K-hole? Get back in there."

Jaunt stops his transmission the drop of activity relaxing the fins of his leathery brown abdomen that were sticking through gaps in a sewn together mishmash of human armor. Six hairy legs pivoted his large body around a small locked-open radio sitting on the floor to speak for Jaunt. The shine from his ring of secondary eyes glints repeatedly from outside light as his two primary pointed at the poor slack jawed creature too numb to move. One quick lunge to bite a man blew him further into his mind and put a second of thin holes in his shirt that now leaks fresh blood. The the capacity to understand the need to flee slowly drained out of 'Thomas' eyes. Flexible curved teeth on Jaunt's front legs flexed pushing the stiffness out of his muscles. He had the urge to get moving before the other mercs got gun-happy. At least the plundered husk of some self-important renegade human could go for a walk. The 8 legged creature slammed the teeth of one flexible front leg into the renegade's thorax in a crimson squirt from teeth that tears through flesh to grab the ribs. The renegade was well kept and had a very well kept weapon so he must have had some useful information. Jaunt needed the last two the first no longer could exist. At least the renegade wouldn't go missing among the piles of dead meat. Iron smell of blood wafted past which he found entirely disgusting his muscles itching to get rid of the horrid thing. Strong flexible front legs discarded the ruined renegade to crunch sideways through an open window at the street below. Tommy, an olive skinned male of some stripe, drooled while staring at him toss his former cultural superior aside. Jaunt was almost envious of the irrelevant human Tommy's current inability to understand how disgusting the powerful smell of meat here was.

The spines on his flexing abdomen went taut again transmitting on the same channel as before the hollow voice says with disgust, "Heads up to clear. Meat is coming down."

Jaunt absently inspected the possessions with the two pale hands. He wore combat gloves with an unused pinky finger. He'd seized a few more things bearing interest on the body and didn't care about a wet thump below.

The setting changes from The Nillies to Wing City Highway

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Commisar Ciaphas Cain Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin Character Portrait: Gil Isom Character Portrait: Constrictor Squad Character Portrait: Sidewinder Squad
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A one-sided argument on open commlinks breached the noise floor gaining volume as the source approached, "Quit your whining about Xenos I could still drop you! You're lucky I work for your false queen's contract! Operational merc, currently call sign Charlie Sierra Victor Six. Because I take contracts remotely. Yes, Fine. I'll add the ammo to your bill. Up you go. So I can see if they're checking fire or not so I don't get shot! Have fun! Call me on commlink if you don't die!"

Upside down and clung to the bridge one of Jaunt's sharp front legs extended and flexed around an imperial guard blown off the bridge elsewhere by a round of explosions. The repeater sown into the side of his cephalothorax was repeating for Jaunt as it rather lacked vocal cords. He doubled back shortly after the RPG fire started tearing stone out of the bridge. The hairy brown hook legs tethered with ceramite plates slapped up to hook a crumbling bridge edge to brace with as the several eyed spider chucked the guard back over the ledge. The uniformed man arced high over the wall then landed falling on his ass.

Jaunt scurried away to avoid potential fire. It wasn't hard to figure out where the giant tank was on the bridge. He had a feeling it was the same ones that shot up the group it was looking over. At least he had some intel to give the contractor. Jaunt patiently waited on the underside crammed between struts below the bridge. A partly red bump covered in haphazard flak and ceramite with guns strapped onto quick release mounts. The sawtooth front legs removed a heavy reciprocating bolter with a long shock-stabilizing arm mount on the sides he could clamp his sawteeth into. If that heli he heard tried flying under the bridge it'd get a nasty surprise. Jaunt idly watched bridge pieces and dead people fall into the oblivion below.

The setting changes from Wing City Highway to The Nagels


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin Character Portrait: Sonia Hughes
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0.00 INK

A homeless junkie stared with wide eyes unsure if they should be terrified at what they saw. A colossal spider stuck to one wall plugged in an aux cable to a radio on its front 'shoulder' near a well-braced pivot for the two huge guns on its back. However high the man was Jaunt was merely busy connecting his comm link to make a call. There was a contract for a scientist outfit that needed escort. It was well within his baliwick his guns sealed and coated with a nonreactive iridium coating. It cost a pretty penny but the thing never rusted or got ate by acid. It cost a hell of a lot less than the small army of armor Jaunt had to buy to get some decent armor on his thorax. It was haphazard but it worked. Over a dozen sets of good flak armor set him back a heck of a lot more than the heavy bolter and fully automatic shotgun. The armor was heavy like dead meat and moved about as well too but better outside than in.

Jaunt pulled up the contract's contact,Sonia Hughes, to make the contact of a customary merc license to her e-mail. The long thin arms below his cephalothorax typed quickly on the screen to note that a call was pending. It was mostly paperwork in nature but would save time discussing the matter if the client accepted. He'd away from the hive for years now and the scientist clients always had better things to do that pester employees for paperwork. Much less a false Matriarch. The female humans didn't like to be called that by and large but honestly it was the best translation. They're a Matriarch but not his own.

While dialing the number a sudden approach from behind by a flapping object raised his ire. Stupid suicidal birds kept landing on him because he wouldn't eat them! A quick blade leg swiffed through air then curled around a squirmy creature. Jaunt bit it sending the creature on a magical ketamine-fueled journey to the omnivore staring at him below. *Whump* Direct hit! Heh, And off he goes. This bad trip fires back, buddy. Hold onto your hat.

The distraction gone Jaunt finished dialing the number. Whoever picked up they'd find perfect silence on the other end. The fins under his body armor broadcasted directly to the radio then into the commlink. There wasn't a background to the connection. Jaunt rather preferred the mid-band frequencies they took less effort to speak across without having to shout too loud to be heard. He waited patiently for someone to say something while the commlink buzzed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin Character Portrait: Sonia Hughes
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
Sonia watched as her hired help adjusted the sign above her building's entrance. 'Hughes Detective Agency', it read in big white letters, empty slots for light bulbs all over it. There would be no way anyone would be able to say they didn't see the sign. It was a big step up from the last one.

"Sandy, which do you prefer? Red lights, white, maybe green?" The Englishwoman asked one of the men as they put the sign in place, "I wouldn't know, Ms. Hughes. I'm noy exactly the decorative type." Sandy admitted, "I'll figure out." Sonia said, reaching into her pocket as her phone buzzed.

"Unknown caller. A weird caller." Her AI, Isaac, told her as she brought the phone up to her ear. "Might be a bill collector." Sonia joked, "Hello?" She said into the phone, listening for a response.

"This is Sonia Hughes." She added.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin Character Portrait: Sonia Hughes
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0.00 INK

Jaunt's voice was dead even like a run-on sentence that still had its punctuation. That draining incline of air the speaking races had as they ran out of their lungfull of words. Soft and practiced until it was human Jaunt's voice aimed for pleasantries, "Hello, false Matriarch Soania Hughes. This is Jaunt Bvetin. I understand you have work protecting scientific personnel in dangerous areas. In the interest of saving time I've taken the liberty of sending you the basic mercenary paperwork to meet civil requirements. Therein contain my certifications."

Clung to the wall Jaunt's alley was as perfectly silent as the background of his call but for a radio signal just barely above the noise floor and the commlink. After a huge creature hit him with a pidgeon the junkie had fled out of his mind very quite literally.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin Character Portrait: Sonia Hughes
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
"Confirmed." Isaac said, Sonia holding out her hand with her palm faced upwards. Her palm lit up a shade of pink, a holographic display shooting up to show what Jaunt had sent her way, as well as some other information Isaac could find on him and his people.

"I hope no one has arachnophobia." Isaac joked, "I'm reading everything on you. You could be very useful to myself and those I work with. Can never have too much protection when attempting these sorts of things." The Englishwoman told Jaunt, "I'll be in touch with you when we're in the final stages." Sonia said.

There was a lot of planning that needed to be done. Most of the planning revolving around how to get the team on the same page. Some of the people she had in mind for her Science Team didn't have the most stellar reputations.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin Character Portrait: Sonia Hughes Character Portrait: O.S.I.R.I.S
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0.00 INK


Programming told Osiris to be as non-intrusive as possible, but it also dictated to help users above all costs. The A.I was quickly discovering these two directives often intersected. To make it worse, there was no defined protocol for when such a conundrum happened. Possibly an oversight by Invictus engineers, or possibly designed on purpose to exercise the A.I's capacity for learning, and "free will".

The entire debate about whether it was oversight, or philosophical raged within O.S.I.R.I.S. It downloaded, and read through entire books, screenplays, scientific texts, went through personnel files from the Engineer team that created it, and produced an argument, and counter argument about one gigabyte each. This entire process took the time from Jaunt's call to Sonia's orders. Invictus' crowning achievement with O.S.I.R.I.S was speed.

It reached the conclusion that the motive was irrelevant, ironically enough, and decided intruding on an agent, Sonia no less, was worth it if it could provide assistance.

After all, it was in fact designed to help.

Luckily Osiris didn't have to bother with phones, or tablets or the like with Sonia. She was important enough she had recieved a tiny sub-dermal injection containing a bio-neuronetwork. The intrusion would feel, at most, like a small vibration behind the eyes, before a visual cue was sent to the retinas, and audio was streamed directly to the eardrums.

"Excuse me, m'am.", the voice was soft-spoken, calming, and feminine, although it did sound distinctively digital in origin. The voice was chosen based on a public opinion poll, and data-mining about what was most agreeable to hear frequently, on average.

"I do believe I could be of some assistance here.", despite its soft qualities, it had a rather commanding tone in general. An unintended development. "I can quite quickly run an extensive background check based off of "Jaunt's" provided information. With your permission I can also draft, revise, and issue a company wide statement for the terms of his employment, and deploy psychiatric units to any, and all Invictus personnel with 'Arachnophobia'."

The voice briefly paused, assessing a new datastream.

"Oh. It seems Agent "Bones" has just made it to the HQ. Security footage confirms semi-serious injury. Pictures will be waiting on your phone. As well as a news article about some kind of attack on the East highway Bridge out of Wing City."

Considering the speed at which Osiris "thought", it usually babbled a little, the quickly spoken stream of words seemed brief to it, but it felt a little uneasy. Humans usually spoke..So shortly.

"Also there is a music festival near your location tonight. Would you like directions, and a tailor?"

It also still didn't have the best grasp on pertinent information, or when to shut up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin Character Portrait: Sonia Hughes Character Portrait: O.S.I.R.I.S
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0.00 INK

Jaunt loved this contract already. The call ended abruptly but succinctness and decisive force in any Matriarch made his abdomen armor tight in all the right ways. It seemed he got the contract which was good the second call was normal for this kind of work. It was mostly time for the new contractors to get their affairs in order.

The Bvetin/Terra treaty got them room and board with contracts for a minimum but hive soldiers took far less of the former than the latter. He didn't have a bedroll for what little sleep they needed could be done packed two deep on a ceiling. It was the bale of hay and buckets of vegetables that cost a bit to board him for a week. Thank the Matriarch that her treaty sponsor Terra didn't lack for water. Though he was good for a week on not much of it. Their planet had suffered an ecological collapse a few hundred years ago due to alien interference and the matriarch were still getting the planet back on its feet. The soldiers had to leave to stay alive elsewhere while resources were low. The treaties went well for making income for his Matrarch to rebuild the home world so she replenished their numbers and training despite their limitations. Royal army drones were loyal to their contractors to a fault, as long as they were female, though they did not readily abandon orders from male contractors unless they were clearly unfit of a Matriarch. Bvetin would never punish them for taking the word of a Matriarch fit for power regardless of what they did on the contract. Even if Terra might but there were statutory penalties to account for the ardent fanatacism of royal drones. Contractors aware of such things frequently changed assignments for the gender of whom gave the drones orders. It depended on whether they needed soldiers that attempted to maintain either decorum fit of Bvetin or utter loyalty in honor of her at a given moment. Jaunt had a few infractions on his record but included a record of Bvetin's repeated rebuttals to them.

She maintained the female commanders often failed to appreciate exactly how zealously Bvetin's royal drones would take terse ambiguous orders of 'No one passes this point but us' after calling for reinforcements. The civil force responding to a military one was not fully apprised of the situation. They attempted to breach the room with violence which resulted their complete slaughter when entering Jaunt's defensive point to pass. That was the most egregious of his crimes other than a male contractor attempting to order a royal soldier to thievery of a civilian human female. The assault was cleared and the individual reprimanded as Jaunt did not seek to murder a false Matriarch's children.

Jaunt like most of the drones of his caste that were deployed didn't keep house individually. All of its income went into its work, food, medical, ammo, and support to few safehouses with medical caste maintained by the contractors in aggregate. Without an active contract he didn't have anywhere else to be. Jaunt turned his leathery plated abdomen to the right and headed around the face of the building. Cleanliness before showing up at a false Matriarch's domain showed diligence and Jaunt liked Her already anyway. Gardeners didn't sweat or have an odor, other than dust, like the blood sponges do so getting clean just required a bundle of brushes from his kit. His breath when undertaking a lot of activity often got hot enough to cause skin burns to poking humans. Rooftop view near the building where the contractor was provides a good cleaning spot.

Jaunt ignored the howls of terror while crossing buildings and streets on his way there. The enforcement didn't much mind them hopping between buildings if they could since Jaunt never fit on the sidewalk except to cross city blocks and couldn't sustain road speeds. The humans didn't appreciate a giant spider reversing onto mass transit their size to squeeze their way in.

The setting changes from The Nagels to Gambit's Passage

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin
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0.00 INK

Jaunt made his way down the passage his acute sense of movement said something was bouncing the opposite direction. The giant spider's hearing wasn't quite so good but heard pitched humming. What would a child be doing down here? He sidled up sideways onto a wall and a mono voice from his aux comms speaker broke the dark.

"Hello? Who's there? I hear a human larva. Or child was it? What are you doing down here?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin
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0.00 INK

Looking around until she spotted the source of the voice, she simply grinned at the appearance of it. A spider...crab...looking thing? It was certainly weird, like something one would find after searching through a radiated landscape!

"Hiya! Not a human, or a larva. Maybe a child! But, Koishi won't be a child forever."

Responding matter-of-factly with a small nod, she giggled to herself. A talking spider? Well, that was certainly interesting to find down here! She wondered what other sorts of creatures could be around this place.

"Koishi's doing some exploring, trying to find something interesting! There hasn't been much luck...but! That's okay, she'll find something eventually."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin
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0.00 INK

Jaunt's spindly arms appear from just behind its head to gesticulate while it transmitted to the commlink. His kind didn't have anything to actually speak with. His hairy legs continued his move sideways onto the ceiling. He moved a bit closer to Koishi enough that she could see the ridged mandibles of a plant-eater tipped by sharp fangs.

it'd taken a lot of practice to get a human voice quite right his actual voice came from a speaker tied down to one side of his head, "Children of the Matriarchy grow up eventually. Ours cannot afford to have very many anymore."

Jaunt angles his head up slightly and to the left to look behind him. The winding passageways led everywhere he wasn't sure exactly where he'd come in. At least there was moss here and there on the walls for him to eat if he had to. He continues in a pleasant tv-sourced voice, "There's got to be something interesting down here I'm pretty sure I should have gone in circles but the passages don't intersect. It reminds me of the interhive tunnels back home when I was your size. Just less strange."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin
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0.00 INK

Tilting her head, she stared at the weird spider...crab thing and just listened to it for a moment. Children of the Matriarchy? Sounded like something official or something like that!...Ah well~

"Well!" She began stepping in place while looking at the scrab with a wide grin. "You, mister scrab, should follow Koishi! Go on an adventure in the great depths of this passage! Oooh, maybe there's treasure in here...I'm not sure if scrabs like treasure though!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin
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0.00 INK

Jaunt skittered down to the floor the mono voice lilting in amusement from an upward swing of his fanged pedipalps, "Well I'm not on a contract right now. Why not! My Matriarch always likes presents!"

A front blade curved to point at the thick leathery join between his cephalothorax and his abdomen, "You want to ride, Koishi? If there's heavy treasure I could carry a truck."

Amused, Jaunt's fin-spiked leathery abdomen moved in place like a giant alligator tail.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin
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0.00 INK

There were a lot of contractors looking for work but their main contract was on Terra. Illumene was a new option they were still working on getting licenses for. That meant getting a sponsor and a big one. Nearly a third of the fourteen million of the army was out of work any many of the rest were taking hard labor. It paid decently for the Royal Soldiers like himself that could lift a boulder without much effort but it didn't pay well for their skills. Jaunt managed a license for the heavy bolter and shotgun on his back from his license that already existed on terra. It allowed him at least to Merc but the hive needed a lot of resources. He had a large PDA in the spindly hands hidden under his cepalothorax. A small child and her Matriarch waved at him standing in the foyer of the large building. He waved back with a sword arm but the matriarch didn't seem pleased. It was just another limb to him but he occasionally forgot they were flexible armor piercing weapons.

Jaunt readied his things and headed toward the large building. With a carefully brushed cuticle and cleaned weapons he thought he looked quite good. Cologne didn't work well it just rolled off his shiny cuticle. The clack of the grips on the tarsus of each leg marched up to the human sized door as Jaunt looked about inside before trying to squeeze himself in. He'd made an appointment to offer this PDA containing the availability of their mercenary services for at least room and board and ease some of the starvation of his people. A little contemplative of eating some of the shrubbery before going in he opted not to as nobody liked it when they ate the edible decorations.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
The insectoid being would be shown by a prim and proper uniformed individual to the reception and asked to wait. The area around was busy as many people seemed to gawk at the individual alien species they had never seen. The receptionist a middle-aged woman of rather good breeding and rather buxom would be seen speaking on the phone, "Yes, I shall inform Mr Bandin about change in delivery entrances and you shall receive the product by Tuesday. If you have any other problems Mr Bandin please don't hesitate to inform us." she seemed very busy and evidently rather tired, her eyes blinking and with bags dragging her lids down, nonetheless, she kept a cheery disposition.


After that, call before Jaunt could even speak, the phone rang again, which led to her sighing and saying, "Please wait here, Mr. Bvetin, I won't be long."

At once she began to speak, "Yes, yes. Oh yes, Mr Fletcher has asked for her especially and he's willing to pay whatever she asks." pausing she seemed to be listening and perhaps Jaunt would notice her name-tag said Chelsea Mathers, with the LogicRoad logo and their logo below.

"If you have any more questions, Sir, just call this number." she said a number, "This will get through to Mr Fletcher's Private Secretary and she will give you the details of this request. Mr Fletcher said this job is only a strictly need to know basis. I can't give any more than that."

Placing the phone down, Chelsea exhaled hard before resuming her decorum, "Greetings Mr Bvetin, Ms Mathers here. I am told if you arrived to give you a VIP badge and point you to the elevator leading to the CEO office. Mr Fletcher has decided he must see you personally." turning to her computer, she started typing out details for the badge.

For a few seconds, there was no other speaking until she stopped and said, "Mr Bvetin, may I ask your species, if it is not too disrespectful?"

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Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin
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  1. You misunderstood, Lake is the person being referred to on the phone...

    by Rulke

0.00 INK

Jaunt barely got his legs up on the desk before the false matriarch noticed him and told him to wait he clasped his hands and nodded his cephalothorax in quiet recognition of her request. The false Matriarch was very attentive. Their eyes didn't blink so he absently cleaned them from above the desk line with with his barbed pedipalps. Otherwise he couldn't see the false Matriarch when she talked.

When she asked him a question the speaker beside his head bleeped noting that it woke up to receive as he chirped the command at it. The RF transmission from the fins on his leathery flexible thorax were antennas to speak as his robust respiratory system didn't have vulnerable vocal folds like the speaking races.

The voice from the speaker sounded like something off vids or news feeds, "Greetings false Matriarch Mathers. It is no offense. We are called Gardeners. I am a royal soldier caste of High Matriarch Bvetin. Use my first name, please, we took it for you speaking races. All my Matriarch's children are her own so we all have her honored name."

Jaunt crossed his barbed pedipalps in thought, "I haven't often been a VIP. High Barren Fletcher... [white noise] rather Mr. Fletcher wishes to see me personally?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Nodding, the receptionists typed the details in before nodding to herself and releasing the new VIP card. It shot out a machine next to the computer and it shone with a untarnished quality. Placing on the work top she began to speak before the phone rang once more, which led to her sighing, and picking it up, "No this is not the number for Dr Nequam Lab, please use this number." she once more recited a number before placing her hand over the receiver, "Mr Fletcher will be waiting in his Office please wait outside and don't go in until his secretary gives permission for you to enter. I hope you enjoy your time at LogicRoad and remember when it comes to Pharmaceuticals we always take the logical road. Good day."

With that she went back to the phone and the discussion continued, of course, Jaunt was no longer required to listen to it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin
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Jaunt took the VIP card from Ms. Mathers placing it in a windowed slot on the bandolier that gripped beside his cephalothorax and threaded between two eyes down around the coxa of his first pair of legs. A lanyard didn't work well when one had to climb up a wall and across a ceiling. Not that he planned to climb up through any atriums to the penthouse floor but lanyards weren't something he kept handy. With a smooth turn away the pitched velcro sound of the tarsal hairs on the end of his feet left from Ms. Mathers for an elevator to the floor Mr. Fletcher's office would be at. Something in his brain innately objected to the thoughtform of masculine oriented leaders common in the speaking races' tongue. He didn't know if was able to ever get used to it.

As the door to the elevator opened Jaunt pulled up the rear for clearance but any occupants ahead of him would turn around find a sizable spider backing through door gap its rear two pair of legs forming a bent a-frame for support. This standing position was uncomfortable but he had to do it to fit in some human habitations like elevators. Braced with the two front pairs on the walls he pressed the floor for the CEO's office with a long spindly hand as the doors shuffed shut. The pressure clamp held his things on his back as he'd no home to leave them behind in though it was neatly tarped over to avoid the unnecessary display of weapons even if the heavy bolter was dismantled for compactness. Any occupants may object more to the long spindly spider legs bracing beside them and the spider eyes ringing Jaunt's cephalothorax that could still see behind him but for directly backward.

Jaunt would ignore their uncomfortableness until he arrived at the CEO's secretary. Uncoiling himself from standing over his own abdomen Jaunt velcroed his way across the floor. He quietly waited for the false Matriarch serving ... Mr. Fletcher. Helpless to stop it urticating bristles on all his legs raised at the notion of a matriarch serving a drone.

After recomposing himself Jaunt pointed at the badge with a thin finger, "Hello, I am Jaunt Bvetin here to see Mr. Fletcher."

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Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin
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#, as written by Rulke
For what seemed hours, the Secretary did not seem to acknowledge Jaunt. In truth it was minutes, but she made it seem longer with how loudly she chewed on her gum. Finally, though she spoke, a prim and proper woman dressed in black pantsuit and with thick golden framed glasses, "Are you? May I ask who you are and what you wish to discuss with him. Mr Fletcher is very busy and cannot see everyone who asks." evidently she had not noticed the Lanyard around the insectoid's body.

She continued to speak, "Please give your name and tell me what you are seeing him for. As of right now, Mr Fletcher full up on appointments and demands not be interrupted unless the appointments are pre-planned."

For a few tense moments, nothing was said, but the chewing seemed louder.

Then, a phone broke the quiet and she answered not even caring she was talking to someone, "LogicRoad Pharmaceuticals CEO Office, Mrs Willows speaking, how may I help you?"

The conversation went on for some time, and she grew ever more nervous and anxious, until she sighed, and hung up the phone.

"I was mistaken, Mr Fletcher told me, you are expected, please in future hand me the Lanyard so I can identify you." the woman seemed rather irritated and the daggers she was giving the insectoid were really rather threatening.

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Character Portrait: Jaunt Bvetin
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Jaunt hummed quietly at the sound of a Matriarch chewing. It meant the hive had food and a future after all he wondered if High Matriarch Bvetin selected them that way. Having children that found joy in her presence didn't seem like a bad idea to him. So he waited quietly to be regarded by the False Matriarch for Barr... Mr. Fletcher. The chewing relaxed the bristles on his exterior though when she finally responded they laid down submissively in a spiral pattern. He bent his fanged pedipalps under his cephalothorax as well to hide them and set his body down on the floor, looking up.

Before he could manage a response to an angry Matriarch the phone rang. He didn't in the least wish to disturb an already angry False Matriarch. The call seemed to placate the False Matriarch which he had mixed feelings about but remained in a submissive pose.

He offered in his best quiet tone, "Honored False Matriarch, forgive me, I cannot wear your lanyards around my pedicel. It would be hidden from you underneath. Gardeners display your marks on our bandoliers so we can climb. We will remember for the future."

With that he left for the office proper angling himself up to gingerly open the door with spindly four-fingered hands in a pale tan. Regardless if a drone led this hive it demanded a certain reverent respect for the possessions of a.... matriarch. Hm the right word escaped him. As Jaunt pushed his way through he was careful to spin in place and catch the door with his agile hands so it did not slam. The velcro sound was gone as his tarsal hairs were retracted like his bristles mostly as not to risk damage to the carpet.
