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Jess Thresher

A notorious pirate that has sailed the Empyrean Sea and conquered its treachery. Keep an eye on your purse when this thieving woman makes her appearance!

0 · 1,004 views · located in Empyrean Sea Beach

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Prose, as played by RolePlayGateway

So begins...

Jess Thresher's Story


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Character Portrait: Jess Thresher
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#, as written by Prose
“This ship be too quiet, Captain. I got a funny feelin' in th' pit o' me stomach ... I don't like it here. Ye know thar's rumors about this island bein' haunted, right?” Jess questioned while holding her pistol up by her face and pointed toward the sky. She knew that her gun wasn’t going to do much against ghosts if there were ghosts on the island but it made the pirate feel better. Safer.

Rustling was heard to her right and Jess wheeled around and shot off a round. The end of her barreled smoke while she yelled out, “Come out ye spook!”

Nothing happened. It was probably just a bird.


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Character Portrait: Jess Thresher
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#, as written by Prose
“Righ’ Cap’n,” Jess said without embarrassment. She holstered her pistol in the wide red sash around her waist and began to trek further down the path towards the ruins.

She lifted a hand over her eyes and peered into the distance then pointed with a finger, excitedly.

“O'er thar! I see somethin'. Some stones! I reckon they be th' ruins we be lookin' fer, cap’n,” Jess called out over her shoulder but her eyes never left the ruins ahead. She made off toward them ahead of the group.

The setting changes from Yggor's Island to Yggor's Ruins


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Character Portrait: Robbie Wings Character Portrait: Jess Thresher Character Portrait: Rham
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"Yes, Cap'n" Rham nodded, stepping back from behind the Captain. Following the hand, Rham looked toward their current objective. 'Ruins from a storm' He pondered as they walked across the beach, ether a ship or possibly a shelter built near the edge of the island. Stones, unexpected. Rham picked up his pace to catch up with the group.


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Character Portrait: Robbie Wings Character Portrait: Jess Thresher Character Portrait: Rham
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"Jess!" The captain called out, frustrated. "Jess you fool, don't run ahead." The foolish woman! Why was she his second? Oh yes, she was Jess. She had enough high points to make the implusiveness worth it.


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Character Portrait: Robbie Wings Character Portrait: Jess Thresher Character Portrait: Rham
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#, as written by Prose
Jess came to a full stop with her chest rising and falling with excitement again. There was nothing better than homing in on some lost treasure. Her eyes kept darting to the brush line with each rustle of the leaves nearby. She was getting funny feelings again but Robbie had said for her to behave, a hard thing for her to do.

“Captain, th' loot. Where be it supposed t' be from here? Does it say on th' map?” She asked while peering up the long set of stairs. There seemed to be something up there but what, the pirate couldn’t tell just yet. She wasn’t close enough.


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Character Portrait: Robbie Wings Character Portrait: Jess Thresher Character Portrait: Rham
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Rham quickly followed behind the Captain and first mate, pausing just a moment to place a hand on one of the stone pillars. The thing towered over him, with it's age Rham wondered how it had been built or stood up. "Archeologically these things could be a major find." He pondered aloud, though he wasn't going to suggest they try and load one on the ship. Done marveling, he rejoined the group.

The setting changes from Yggor's Ruins to Ruby Flask


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Character Portrait: Jess Thresher
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#, as written by Prose
The pirate had caught wind of the special night that was happening in the Ruby Flask. She was more than willing to have a cheap drink and a night of talking with the local folk. Stepping into the tavern the song of a bard instantly filled her ears and she began to leave her weapons at the door as suggested by the Town Crier.

There was a black powder pistol, a short sword, a dagger—make that several daggers, a few small bombs, and other various items. With such scanty clothing as Jess wore, one could only wonder where she hid it all.


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Character Portrait: Jess Thresher
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#, as written by Prose
The pirate nodded to a member of the Wench’s Trident and slapped a silver coin on a table. She was met with a tankard of ale soon enough and Jess quickly took it up. And then her eyes were diverted to the Alneh.

“Interestin’,” she said while stroking her chin as if she were an aged wizard with a long and majestic white beard. Those people did not come here and it was suspicious. Perhaps he was a rogue type and had left his home land or was banished. Not like Jess knew the politics of that realm.

“Ye wit' th' pointy ears! Ye one o' those frog scalawags?” she asked from across the room while plopping into a wooden chair.


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Character Portrait: Jess Thresher
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#, as written by Prose
The temptation was too much! Jess had to speak to the foreigner from another land—which wasn’t the only one, she noticed—and rose up from her seat. The pirate traversed around the room and planted her bottom down in a stool directly next to the Alneh.

“Then wha' are ye if ye're nah a frog? Ye be interestin' folk, ye Alneh. Been that way meself nah too long ago. Strange, strange, folk 'n even more strange o' a city,” she said before taking a long drink from her tankard.


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Character Portrait: Jess Thresher
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#, as written by Prose
The toad-fae had said a word which made Jess reach up into her long dark tresses of dragon-feather decorated hair. Her fingers scratched through the dreads and the woman tilted her head. In doing so, her slightly pointed ears were revealed for just a moment. It was a hint towards elven or even, fae, lineage.

“Simians. Wha' be that? I don't understand wha' ye're tryin' t' say but it sounds like an insult t' us normal folk! Bah, but T'm nah here t' try 'n start a fight. Last time I did ole Bolga threw me out into th' pig pen. Wha' be yer name, fae-scallywag?”


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Character Portrait: Jess Thresher
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#, as written by Prose
“Axinn,” Jess repeated and let out a rather long and loud belch. She was lacking in the manner department very much so. The pirate placed a hand on her taut belly and grinned at herself in triumph for a few moments. That was most satisfying.

“Me name be Jess Thresher, First Mate o' th' Wench's Trident 'n Scourge o' th' Empyrean Sea!” she exclaimed as if she didn’t have a high bounty on her head which would pay one-hundred gold sovereigns. She was not afraid to state her name for Jess had a secret weapon given to her by Morim Ithlond; a dagger. The woman’s hand weaved into her cloak and stroked the odd black dagger. It was the only weapons she had not left at the door.

It called out to The Precursor with malicious intent towards him. It remembered him.


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Character Portrait: Jess Thresher
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#, as written by Prose
Jess’s hand reached out for the gold coin, picked it up, and she examined it closely. Her eyes squinted and the pirate noticed that no imprint was made on it. Interesting 
 and too easy, she thought to herself. The woman rolled the coin along her fingers and it disappeared for a moment only to reappear. However, it was not a real gold coin that was held between her fingers but a replacement.

“Oh friendly advice. Sure, sure. That's wha' they all say when they really aren't a matey. Th' only hearties I 'ave are me cremates,” Jess said while flashing a wink over to Medya.

“’n, sailin' be me passion. Th' love o' me life. No scallywag can satisfy me like th' sea can. But I respect yer opinion, t'- ... Axinn."


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Character Portrait: Jess Thresher
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#, as written by Prose
Jess hardly noticed the man known as The Precursor—a legend on Gaia—come closer to her. She nodded towards the unknown man and raised her tankard in acknowledgment. “I shall remember that. Thanks mate,” she said, betraying her lack of manners. Perhaps there was more to Jess than met the eye.

She then turned her attention toward Axinn again and frowned in a comical manner. “That's nah a mighty good joke, ye know. Those would be fightin' words wit' some o' th' folk around here. Skyfall folk don't like yer kind too much but I be better than all o' them!”


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Character Portrait: Jess Thresher
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Prose
He wanted to see her ship! Oh what joy that swept over Jess and the excitement was easily seen all across her face. It took form of a mischievous grin. The woman leaned closer to the Alneh, perhaps even so much so as pressing her shoulder against his in order to whisper.

“Th' Captain don't like outsiders on th' ship unless they be part o' th' crew but I do like t' show off me pride 'n joy, Th' Wench's Trident. Maybe if we can be quiet enough, I can get ye on th' ship fer a short tour.”


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Character Portrait: Jess Thresher
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Prose
The pirate woman drank down the rest of her tankard filled with ale and then set it down before wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Once upon a time there was a Jess that would have used a cloth to wipe the corners of her mouth daintily and one that would drink wine instead of ale. But that was a long time ago, she reminded herself before standing.

“Hold down th' fort while I be gone Bolga,” Jess said to the ogre patroness with a wink. The only reply Jess got was a, “Ungh.” And then Medya spoke up while Jess wavered slightly. The pirate had already been ‘loosened up’ before arriving and was on her way to drunk once the new ale hit her blood.

“Onward t' th' Wench`s Tit—Trident we all go!” The pirate made her way back over to her weapons, pausing to give The Precursor an odd glance.


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Character Portrait: Jess Thresher
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#, as written by Prose
Now there were far too many people wanting to see the ship. This was a bad idea and if the captain found out she was bringing visitors on board again it meant bad things. Very bad things. Jess stopped in the gathering of her weapons and looked at every face in the room. Her conscious told her to say no.

“All o' ye. Let`s go!” she exclaimed while replacing her weapons in their proper places.

The setting changes from Ruby Flask to Goldenbridge Ward

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Character Portrait: Jess Thresher
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#, as written by Prose
At the Floating Dock was resting a ship. It was grand and beautiful as far as ships went. It was made of a polished black wood and enormous. It almost engulfed the entire dock—as small as the dock was since it was non-military but denizen. The sails were the shocking color of red dragon’s blood.

Jess led them all up the gang plank and straight up onto the deck. They could all easily fit on the main deck without touching anyone.

“Shh,” Jess said while holding a finger against her lips and watching all of them. The dagger at her hip—the black lacquered weapon—hung from a belt that was tied around her waist.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jess Thresher
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#, as written by Prose
“No, ye be quite nice, if I can say so myself. Perhaps we ortin' ta find a hay stack or a tavern room fer later t' be havin' a good romp,” Jess said while throwing the Alneh a rather drunken grin. She wavered a moment and then realized what had come from her mouth. The pirate then attempted to swat Medya on the back of her head while saying, “You ortin't be sayin' things like that. `Tis nay proper an' things. Ye dasn't invite a man t' bunk ye jus' met, Medya!” It was apparent that Jess was attempting to pin the comment on her lesser crew mate.

She failed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jess Thresher
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#, as written by Prose
An extra member in the party went completely unnoticed by Jess as she was preoccupied with Medya at first. “You go get yer own male parts! I already claimed that one`s fer a wee good hours. Perhaps if thar be enough port o'er ye can be havin' ye`re own run wi' th' lad!” Jess’s hand began to reach out for Medya’s hair as if to start a cat fight but the first mate stopped abruptly as what seemed to be a fight began on her deck.

“Stop! Th' captain! Th' captain will wake up! Quiet th' lot o' ye!”

And then Jess heard the word ‘money’.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jess Thresher
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Prose
The Precursor was almost successful in his attempt to gain O’ulre from Jess. She hardly seemed to notice that he was lifting it from her waist at all. The woman was more concerned about having the toad to herself tonight—wait no, she stopped her train of thought. She had to be concerned about the captain waking up with all the noise. But then there was the offer of making money and lots of it. There was no way that Jess could pass up the chance. They could make a quick trip over the mountains, down the Vale, and perhaps to the sea 

Btu then her thoughts were interrupted again by the topic of sex once more.

“Hands off o' me, pervert! Ye be nay me type,” she yelled with little care of being quiet any longer before running up the small set of stairs to the top deck. She took the massive wheel into hand.

“Untie th' ship! We`re settin' ou' t' sail!”