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Castle of the Wolf's Rham

0 · 526 views · located in Yggor's Ruins

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Oddmouse, as played by RolePlayGateway


A band of adventurers that were chosen for a quest that started out for mere stones through deceit. Nightfall is coming to Gaia with the Second Rising of Eras. The Champions will either plunge the world into darkness or bath it in everlasting light.
The Wench's Trident is led by Captain Robbie Wings and his notorious first mate Jess Thresher. No sea shall go un-sailed!


Name: Rham Easton

Titles/Honorifics: Castle of the Wolf's Rham
Class: Wandering Castle
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 19
Height: 6 ft
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Hazel

Vol: Image.

Dragon's Ashes: Tube filled with the ashes of fallen dragons that can be formed into fiery arrows. (placed inside his quiver)
Range: Quiver of twenty plain arrows with one solid black arrow in the mix.
Might: Six shot revolver with solar-reflux rounds.

Thane's Blight: When Rham's blood is expose to the air, outside of his body, it turns into a hard gray metal which can halt bleeding but cause immobilization if not careful.

So begins...

Rham's Story


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Rham reached for the door to Gambits before yanking his hand back from the handle. "Canard!" He cursed at searing hot metal, before kicking the door. The handle spun just enough from the heel of his boot that the door swung open.
"Dang it, I just wanted a drink and the bar's on fire..." He mumble to himself, silently cursing his luck to arrive at this moment. Pondering for a moment, Rham prodded the burning floor with his staff, still standing outside the doorway.


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Rham sighed, the only way he was going to get something to eat was to get inside. "Here goes nothing..." He grumbled, before swinging his legs over the entry, weight resting on his staff. Stumbling slightly near the end of his arch he somehow landed on his back in a random booth to the right of the door. "Ugh" He moaned as he back smacked against the metal tabletop.

"Why can't it ever be simple..." Rham mumbled, as he sat up from the table, before spotting a button on the nearby wall. 'Fire Control'. "Seriously?" He moan before laying back down, he'd hit it in a moment...


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Rham sat up straight as he felt the metal table he was sitting on heating up. "Zut..." He mumbled before punching the 'Fire Control' button. In all of two seconds spouts appeared all around Rham's booth became engulfed in foam. (and most of the area around the front door.) "Seriously...." He groaned, all the while spitting out bits of the foam...


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Rham stumbled out of the white cloud of foam. "Why is nothing easy?" He demanded of the ceiling. With a shake Rham dislodged most of the foam, but bit of the white stuff hung on at random places.
Abandoning his first booth, he made his way to a table on the other side of the room to be rid of the foam. 'Where were the Tenders of this Bar?' He pondered who would prepare his food if no one would deal with a fire. "Fine, I'll do it myself" He declared to no one.
Taking the long way around the back counter, Rham disappeared into the kitchen. Soon he reappeared with a mop and a bucket of water.
Well familiar with mopping, he began to make his way around the the bar, spreading the water to cool the floor and clean the burn marks.


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Rham had nearly covered half of the bar before the power was returned to the automated system of the bar. "Of course the power comes back when I'm half down." He groaned before looking up as he was thanked. "Your welcome I guess..." He nodded his head to the Woman.
Scooping up the bucket, Rham returned the mop to the kitchen. Reappearing in the doorway behind the back counter he looked lost, as if he'd forgotten how he'd arrive at his current location...


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Rham's hand hovered over the door handle before he dared touch it, after the burn from last night he would never trust said door. The metal was cool so he open the large door, entering the bar. "To think I wandered all over the city last night only to circle back to this place..." He pondered aloud as he made his way through the room the lounge area near the fireplace. As he walked his walking stick tapped the floor at every other step.
Choosing a comfy chair close to the fire, dispute what had happened the night before the night air had be cold. Holding his hands over the flames, he observed the two patrons and a Tender. 'Wonder where he was last night?' He questioned himself.


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Rham noticed the girl at the counter, he tried to nod in recognition of being spotted, but she quickly looked away. Before he could dwell on the action, his brain over rid his thoughts reminding him of his basic needs. 'Counter, bar, food...' He thought queuing his stomach to shift.
Rising from his spot near the warmth, Rham made his way to the nearest menu, about two seats down from the staring girl. "Stupid holo menus..." He grumbled, messing with the over sensitive screen and accidentally ordering some type of stew rather than eggs and toast.
"Guess we'll see what stew tastes like fro breakfast.


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Rham entered Gambit's through the large main entry, hand hovering over the handle a moment before turning the handle. Never again would he trust the blasted thing after burning his hand a few nights ago.
Rham made his way through the tables and chairs to the far side of the room, near the roaring fireplace, walking stick tapping the floor every other step. "Guess I'll relax first and decide on food later..." He said nodding in agreement with himself.


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Rham positioned himself in one of the plush chairs near the fireplace, once with a view of the main entry and access to the side exit. He had to shift a few times to find an adequate comfort level, but at least the chair didn't smell or anything.
A quick glance around his seat found him an older paper menu, if which he was grateful to have over the over sensitive Holo ones. "Now, what do we have here?" He questioned the menu, faintly hearing the humming sound. Holding the menu in front of himself, his thoughts became distant as he tried to guess the tune.


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As it turns out Rham's ear for music was terrible and was unable to place the tune. Having decided what he desired to eat, Rham stood and made his way to the back counter to use stupid holos to send in his order. "Now if you work with me I'll leave a good tip, so don't do something like give me stew for breakfast." He said, making a deal with the menu system he so hated.
After a few taps, he hopefully sent in an order for black beans and rice.
Done with said action, Rham looked up for the first time, having spaced out focusing on his future meal.
Noise came from the kitchen making Rham peak through the doorway on the other side of the counter before a Girl shot out of it.


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Rham would have asked if the Girl was alright, but as she quickly past him it was clear she knew the man at the table or at least trusted him. "Guess she's in good hands, none of my business then." He shrugged the happening off, but kept an eye on the two for a moment to be sure.
The Cook soon finished his beans and rice, sending it out with one of the serving drones. With nothing better to do, Rham claimed a stool, perching his walking stick on the side of the counter before retrieving his food from a somewhat lost looking drone.


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A loud crash from Rham's right caused him to slip over his plate and stab his left hand with his fork. "Ah!" He yelped before putting his fork down to check his hand for blood. "The left hand its always the left..." He grumbled to himself over his fate.
Glancing to his right Rham noticed the Large Armored being, the source of his pain.
"Maybe it's this place, Gambit's dislikes my left hand. It must. Wonder how you can gain the hate of a bar..." He pondered on.


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Rham rubbed his left hand, nothing serious, just annoying. Picking up his fork again, he resisted the temptation to poke the Armored Giant and recollected his food to the center of his plate. "At least there isn't a fire tonight, that a bonus." He nodded to himself, still talking to the air as if he wasn't alone at the back counter. At least aside from the Armor to his right.


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Vert's nose twitched as he smelled what was most probably rain water, before turning to spotting the drenched woman. Before questioning whether he should offer aid or leave her be, a glass bottle full of a clear liquid, even stopped with a cork, was place before him by one of the Bar's drones.
Pulling out the stopper, Vert scanned the rest of patrons around himself. Closest being, most likely the Woman with a quellazaire or the other two seated at the back counter.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Ruby Flask


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Rham entered the first tavern he spotted upon he entry to this new land, the Ruby Flask. He was going to be stuck here for at least a month with no way to contact home, so he began his fallout plan, find work as soon as possible. Work, in his experience was the best way to get a meal learn about new lands.
Looking around, Rham realized the lack of powered lights. "Figured this would happen one day." He said to himself, before searching for a information board.


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As Rham crossed the room, he overheard talk of the experience on a boat. He'd worked on a ship before, granted it spent most of it's time in the air, this could be his chance. Turning on his heel, Rham headed for the table. "I'm good with ropes, have been on a ship before and can hold my own." He said with a nod toward the Captain. "Rham Easton." He continued figuring there was a crew list or something of the sort.


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"That's all I need know." Rham shook his head to the Captain after he told of the loot. With everything he needed set, Rham slid a stool out from under the table and took a seat at the table. He leaned his strange walking stick on the side of the table as he leaned an elbow on the table, figuring they wouldn't be moving for the moment.


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Rham looked up as the First Mate entered. Well this was going to be a unique trip to add to his list. Rhem looked up to the walking Armory, not that Rham was short at 6ft, but the other man's armor was huge and outfitted with a number of weapons. Rham straightened as they where to be observed, grabbing his staff, he stood from his seat. Reaching over the table he'd been seated at, he signed his name, 'Rham Easton'. Whether than was expected or a simple X, he was still unsure of when it came to this place. Done, he stepped back to give the others room.


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Rham took note of the rest of the crew's names as they signed before turning to follow the Captain and First Mate. 'Yggor's Isle' The name meant little to him so he sidestepped Thad and exited the tavern behind the Captain, minding his walking stick didn't hit anything as he slipped out.

The setting changes from Ruby Flask to Yggor's Island


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Rham jumped back when Jess let off a shot to the right, thankful he was on her left, behind the Captain. Rham had left his walking stick on the ship, judging it would only get in the way if they entered a cave or something of the sort, his revolver was holstered on his right. As they walked, Rham tried to peak over the Captains shoulder to see the map, if his wing weren't in the way.
