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Kantra Thwei-Mi

Roughly translated as The Prayer Of Blood Madness, Kantra is a Yautja, a Yautja Lou-dte Kalei (Female)- But nicknamed Splenda, because of the sweet musk she gives off. This Amazon stands at a surprising (But underdeveloped for her species) Ten feet Tall

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a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by RolePlayGateway, as played by Hyunshi


Typical Yautja women stand at Sixteen feet tall. Kantra Stands at ten feet tall, for this Young (For her species) Bad-Blood (Criminal) was not raised on her mother's Ct'lp. Her mother, on a trip to New Terra for a Hunt before birth was mortally wounded after rigorous hours of hunting. With her last well of strength she had gone into labor, giving birth to Kantra and Cursing her new daughter for draining her of her new strength. Blaming the young pup as the reason for her Thwei-Mi (Blood Madness, extreme lust for hunt.) And then Aloun'myin-del bpi-de gka-de hasou-de paya (Finished the dance of the Fallen Gods, or more simply, Death.)

Left to fend for herself, the small Omnivore did what any.. Well, Any Yautja pup would do. She essentially consumed her recently passed mother for sustenance in an admirable will to survive. Eventually finding her way to her mother's ship (After running out of food.) and stumbling into stasis (A mechanism on Yautja spacecraft to ward off invaders/Spies.) But the ship, linked to her mother, could read her DNA as well. Putting her through training, at least mentally as she aged in the ancient ship for many (Hundreds, even.) of years. When the energy source ran out, so did stasis. And when she woke, she was full grown. Taking her mother's gear and resources in her new educated form.

Furious at her curse she was branded with and the hunter society that her mother had cursed her from, she became a bad blood. When a rescue ship came to retrieve the young Yautja, the Yautja warrior was taken off guard and obliterated with Kantra's Plasma caster. With a new source of energy and weapons caches, Kantra became infamous for Space-pirating and killing other Hunters.

Now, She's back from deep space. On the planet she was born on, where she was cursed and where she became a bad-blood.

Like stated before, Kantra is Ten feet tall. She is also covered in a animal-like pattern that just seems to be mixes of pigment instead of bumps, or sores. Her hair black and in tribal dreadlocks like most of her species. Her hands and feet adorned with sharp black claws instead of nails. An array of piercings cover the Young Bad-blood's body, all of a light, seemingly unbreakable golden element. The most noticeable on her head (Where human ears would be), two large golden hoops. As well as one in her naval and six along her collar. (Other piercing exists in ..Other places, frowned apon by general society.) Her mandibles are quite smaller then other Yautja's and the tusks are extra sharp, usually hidden behind her golden-colored mask.

Her body armor consists of gauntlets, her mask, small shoulderpads, a groin guard (With a long, silk loincloth) and across her large bosom two metal cups cover her sensitive areas. Her mother's wedding band takes it's place on her right middle finger and her father's (She's killed him as well, an Elite Warrior.) on her left middle finger.


Kantra is generally in a passive mood, but like all Yautja she loves the sport and when rallied, is easy to get into a Blood-Frenzy. She gets that from her mother...
But when in her passive mood she gives off a sweet musk, which is why her nickname is Splenda. As she gets happier (Or aroused for that matter) The musk gets sweeter. As she gets angry, it becomes sour and stings the nose.



Various mask designs are used by the Predators. These masks contain a variety of functions which the Predators may require during a hunt. As well as protecting the Predator's head, the mask acts as a respirator. It has a sound amplifier, multiple vision modes, a zoom function, some diagnostic capabilities and a recording system.
The masks have been shown to have access to several different visual frequencies, the most commonly seen being infrared. Infrared is effective for tracking humans, but useless in a xenomorph hunt. Also available is an ultraviolet spectrum and a specifically tuned EM Field Detector mode used to track xenomorphs. Additional vision modes are available to determine the health condition of targets.
Housed within the helmet is a targeting and tracking system for shoulder based plasmacasters. A shoulder mounted plasma caster uses this laser target designator, which comprises three corners of an open triangle, to aim at the designated prey. Incorporated to finalize the shot is a lock-on system. As the quarry is decided upon, the designator will zoom a triangle in on the prey from the HUD, which will flash and turn solid red, then fires. This also has a zoom capability so the Predators can see and aim over great distances. This tracking system also allows the Predators to plot trajectories of thrown objects.
Another feature of the Predator's mask is its voice translator/recorder. This device can both record and play strips of audio, which a Predator may use to express meaning or catch prey off guard, or to simply listen to the voices of their prey, as if to study their language. The mask also seems to affect hearing as well; in Predator, when the Predator took its mask off, it heard things at a much higher pitch than before and slightly more distorted. The helmet also has a video playback mode that displays what the wearer has witnessed or been involved in.

Stealth Gauntlet

Typically reserved for hunts against quarry which shoot back, the cloaking device is controlled via the Predator's wrist-computer and provides the Predator with active camouflage, bending light around the wearer and projecting a semi-transparent image in front of the Predator, rendering it partially invisible, but it is not perfect, as close observation will reveal the light-distortion effect around the predator. The device is also used to mask Predator ships moving within enemy territories. The cloaking device does have some weaknesses. Though effective in dry terrain, contact with water will render the device inoperable, as will damage to any of the Predator's electronic equipment. It is ineffective against xenomorphs, due to their shark-like senses.


The medicomp is a small case that contains various medical supplies should the Predator ever be injured. This healing kit contains enough tools to perform minor surgery and repair superficial wounds. Among the medical supplies are vials of liquid which, when mixed with heated minerals, creates a regenerative sludge that can be used to cauterize wounds. Also contained are a shrapnel extractor, wound staplers, one stimulant shot, and one antiseptic tube.

Plate armor

As with the helmet, the body armor varies in appearance. Most Predators wear a breastplate which does not cover the midsection. It is made of a very durable metal able to stop bullets as well as delay the corrosive effect of xenomorph blood long enough for it to be taken off. The plating is made of several layers, resulting in better durability. Also worn are gorgets, pauldrons, spaulders, tassets and greaves as well as foot armor (Splenda's Selection noted above in description) . Though very light and strong, a Predator's armor can be pierced by a xenomorph stinger.

The sat-com is a portable computer which shows the schematics of some determined object or building, as well as working like a positioning unit. When activated it displays a miniature which is projected out of the wrist computer as a 3-dimensional holographic image. The sat-com will also display the position of laser nets and mines in the area, as well as their projected area of effect.

Ceremonial dagger
Resistant to an type of Acid. Used to finish and carve a Xenomorph.

Combi stick
The combi stick resembles a telescopic spear. It can pierce many materials such as body armor and steel. There are two variants; a large, bronze coloured version, and a sleeker, silver version with protruding blades. Both this and the shuriken are made of materials that are resistant to the acidic traits of xenomorph blood.

Plasma caster
The plasma caster is a shoulder-mounted energy weapon. A triangular laser rangefinder is used to assist aiming the shot. The laser sight can be part of the Predator's helmet, although some casters have their own laser sights without need of a helmet. In both set-ups the plasma caster moves with the Predator's field of vision. It fires a bright blue or gold plasma pulse in a straight line. The pulse can be controlled to fire with more powerful charges ranging from minor stunning/wounding blasts or powerful enough to sunder the atmospheric plating of interstellar aircraft. The plasma caster and respective tracking servos are some of the most vulnerable articles of equipment carried by the Predator, being easily damaged. The plasma caster can also be used as a hand-held weapon.

Wrist blades

Wrist blades are a common melee weapon for most Predators.
The blades range from 12 to 18 inches (460 mm) long and retract from a wristband. They are forged from an unknown alloy which is almost unbreakable, but not totally immune to xenomorph blood. Some wrist blades can be reversed so that the sharper end can be used more effectively in an outward swing. The blades can be fired from the housing/slide in case of emergency, or reversed to execute a back-handed slash, or have them spread apart to make attacks with larger (more spread-out) wounds or to dissaude prey from moving by trapping their head between the blades. These blades are serrated to cause maximum damage when stabbing and/or pulling the blades free, and occasionally double-edged, removing the need for the reversing blades.


See Description.

So begins...

Kantra Thwei-Mi's Story


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#, as written by Rooster
 grips the door to Gambit's bar by the handle, her fingers curling around it as she swung it open. The tall, Ten foot Yautja woman made her way into the tavern, just looking for a drink. No one could speak her language anyhow, as it consisted of clicks and grunts only one with Yautja Mandibles could emulate. If it needed to come to communication, she could always use sign language.

Ducking the frame of the door, Kantra stepped in, wearing her normal gear. Her bosom secured under metal armored cups. One could question how much armor value they had, but the answer would be obvious. It seemed even the Hunters had a sense of decency. A Row of skulls were secured along her belt, one even humanoid, the rest unknown. Hunter at heart.. Just like your mother..

With a few curious clicks from under her mask, she looked for one that could serve her..

"Pyode Amedha..?" She clicked.


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Character Portrait: Kantra Thwei-Mi
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#, as written by Rooster
 Turned in Ryand's direction as well. With a few startling crackling noises (If you didnt expect them coming, anyways.) She scanned the strange bug-looking man's armor for weapons. It was a habit... Soon enough, she switched back to a "human" view, The glass of her helmet's eyes, as well as a bit of the armor receding, showing her crimson irises. This one was a man of many fights. Many won, of course. A Hunter would love his head. But she was not one. She was a bad-blood. One who had slain her own kind. A Kin-slayer.

With another noise, she attempted to play back sounds from the bar.
"DRRrriink?"The mask cackled out.


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Character Portrait: Kantra Thwei-Mi
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#, as written by Rooster
 She bluntly pointed to her mouth and shrugged. That was obvious enough, wasnt it? She could say small things with her playback feature, but nothing more then a few words. It was frustrating, knowing perfectly well what this man was saying, yet being unable to talk back! A few curious clicks were audible as she took the mug, tilting her head.
"No No No!" The sound of a man's voice said from her mask. "No!- Talk to me Private!" A new segment, from a different voice. "No!-Talk" It blended neatly.


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Character Portrait: Kantra Thwei-Mi
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#, as written by Rooster
 She tilted her head. If this was a young blood, she would have back-handed the foolish young one screaming at her through the wall. But.. It wasnt her leave to do so. She was a bad-blood after all. She lived and loved to hunt her own sadistic, ritualistic and cold-hearted kind. But, she could understand him a tad better then before... That was good. She wondered if he could understand Yautja.

The Bad-blood hunter clicked and hissed out her response. "Kantra, Ell-osde?"" She stated as she reached out and shook his shoulder. A greeting. {My name is Kantra, You are?}


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Character Portrait: Kantra Thwei-Mi
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#, as written by Rooster
 She nodded and clicked again. It couldnt be said that it was a joyful click, but a better mood, for sure. She couldnt help but laugh down at the little male, which would sound like the trulling of a bird to most people at the bar. {Very Well..} Her built form, packed with muscles that would remind one of a human's swimmer muscles, seemingly flexed itself, or braced itself every time she talked, or moved. Even when she moved her eyes... She had been trained to be ready for anything.. You had to be as a Bad-blood, when other Predators wanted YOUR skull.

{I cannot say it is a pleasure, you understand?}


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Character Portrait: Kantra Thwei-Mi
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#, as written by Rooster
 She tilted her head at him, again. Clicking. Yautja clicking was mostly out of curiosity... With a step forward towards the man, she looked further down, her slender stomach almost pressed into him. Her musk was sweet, which was fortunate for the bar-goers. It meant she was happy. Like she had found a new Pyode Amedha plaything.

{Skills...? What skills have I shown..? I was born on this planet. My mother died after birthing me. Leaving me alone.} The Yautja Growled lowly. She had consumed her mother for sustenance early in her life. Her mother had cursed her, more of a name curse rather then a magical one... But she hated her clan none the less..


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Character Portrait: Kantra Thwei-Mi
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#, as written by Rooster
 The Yautja Woman brought a clenched fist to her sternum, between her large mammaries. Thumping the thick, metal-strong bone.
{It is a good thing! She cursed me.} The Predator hissed, her musk becoming sour suddenly. She simmered down, though, careful not to get into a blood-rage. {.. Though I am not from this world. I see no reason why you could not be an ally. My brothers would love a skull like yours. That makes us even more alike. They want mine too!} She laughed again. Ah, so funny, impending doom and decapitation was...


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Character Portrait: Kantra Thwei-Mi
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#, as written by Rooster
 The Yautja Woman brought a clenched fist to her sternum, between her large mammaries. Thumping the thick, metal-strong bone.
{It is a good thing! She cursed me.} The Predator hissed, her musk becoming sour suddenly. She simmered down, though, careful not to get into a blood-rage. {.. Though I am not from this world. I see no reason why you could not be an ally. My brothers would love a skull like yours. That makes us even more alike. They want mine too!} She laughed again. Ah, so funny, impending doom and decapitation was... ((Repost))


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Character Portrait: Kantra Thwei-Mi
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#, as written by Rooster
 The Female would have had no issue with the staring, anyways. In her culture, she would have worn no top. Then again, in her culture the females were usually Sixteen feet tall and would throw the males through walls as signs of affection... {I do not remember asking for help. Now. Tell me about his place. Does everyone carry a weapon?}


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Character Portrait: Kantra Thwei-Mi
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#, as written by Rooster
 She growled, not liking being told what she said. Even if it was correct, or incorrect. She knew what she knew and no one would tell her anything other then that. A clicking noise rattled from under her mask and she settled. {What is in the mug brought to us? It smells like putrid water...}


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Character Portrait: Kantra Thwei-Mi
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#, as written by Rooster
 She quickly played back a file she had gathered from a few Colonial marines before gathering their heads as trophies. "Lets get a few beers, man! Get real Wasted. I dont want to be able to feel my ass when I stumble onto it, Sarge! Hahah!" Kantra's head tilted. {Beer seems to do the opposite..}


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Character Portrait: Kantra Thwei-Mi
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#, as written by Rooster
 She shrugs, a hand moving to her mask. The Yautja female removed a few cords, each one ejecting a sort of methane gas as it was pulled. After each one had been detached, a hand moved to her face-covering and removed it...

Her mandibles were folded together at the time. Her sharp tusks at the tip of each appendage sharp as a razor. They slowly clicked and spread, stretching. This would surely be a shocker to anyone that thought she had a pretty, normal face under her mask... Unless they were into the Yautja race.. At least, when closed her face looked semi-human.

{My rack? Do you mean my mammaries? Ah, my weapons.. Yes. They are very advanced. My breasts are very nice too. I can feel you staring at them.}


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Character Portrait: Kantra Thwei-Mi
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#, as written by Rooster
 She restrained herself yet again from hitting the man across the face, for touching her without leave FROM her. Suddenly, her musk became very, very sour and her plasma-caster jumped up to her shoulder, snapping her mask into place as her vision mode switches to Xenomroph tracking. Easily finding the glowing green shape in the crowd, her plasma caster gets ready to blow the Hard-meat to hell.



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Character Portrait: Kantra Thwei-Mi
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#, as written by Rooster
 She..Honestly..Blinked in surprise, hissing. The man would..Take the skull.. As an offering to her? He knew some customs at least.. That was an honor.. But.. Even a Young-blood could take a Xenomorph's skull. It was a good effort to woo, though. "..."


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Character Portrait: Kantra Thwei-Mi
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#, as written by Rooster
 "Hulij-bpe Jehdin!" The Yautja laughed at Ryand, amused.


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Character Portrait: Kantra Thwei-Mi
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#, as written by Rooster
 She roared at the Xenomorphs in the rafters, taking no regard of the patrons OR the structural soundness of the building. She fires her plasma caster at each Xenomorph with the skill of an Elite Blood. The Trangular sights ensuring a hit. "Pauk!" The blasts obliterated the kicked Xenomorphs, splashing acid onto the bar floor.

{This planet was seeded?!}


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Character Portrait: Kantra Thwei-Mi
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#, as written by Rooster
 She targeted Kiopora's elongated cranium with her triangular aiming mechanism. Her plasma caster aimed lower, towards the crest, to shatter it's integrity rather then just pushing the Xenomorph back. {An entire hive..?}


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Character Portrait: Kantra Thwei-Mi
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#, as written by Rooster
 A Fear came apon the Young Bad-Blood. Sure, she was gutsy. Spunky, even for her race of Warriors. But a Queen?! You had to be kidding. This planet would be infested, if it already wasnt, within days.

"Cetanu.." It meant God of Death in Yautja. Some saw the serpent queen as the embodiment of Death. The black warrior.


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Character Portrait: Kantra Thwei-Mi
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#, as written by Rooster
 Surely.. If This one could kill A Queen, The Black warrior, The God of Death.. He'd be at least worthy of a date..


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Character Portrait: Kantra Thwei-Mi
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#, as written by Rooster
 She couldnt help but jump back. This one was strange. The Yautja would NEVER want the Xenomorphs trusting. They wanted a FAIR fight. Yautja and Serpent. Beast against beast. Not war. {Will you kill it? Or will I?} Even if it was true, she was a bad blood and would love to fuck up the Yautja government's plans. Win win..