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Kate Darkrayne

Pirate extroadinaire of the skies!

0 · 1,705 views · located in Forest Border

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Patcharoo


Kate is a typical looking pirate, outfitted in the appropriate clothing one would expect to find a swashbuckling pirate captain. Her figure is slighlty more masculine then most other women, but that's probably what happens when you spend your time running a ship. Often in his belt is two holsters with flintlock pistols. She's usually armed to the teeth and drunk almost all of the time.


Everything a pirate should be.

Kate's erratic behaviour is matched only by her incredible semi-competence, sometimes going from nothing short of a swordsmaster to a drunk picking a fight outside a pub.


Lucky Rapier
A 'lucky' rapier, stolen from the chief of the Airforce in one particularly nasty raid, Kate had been fortunate enough to duel the captain of the ship when she was only a crew member and take his sword as a prize. He's hunted her ever since, but never found her. The sword has seen Kate through most of her pirating days, often bringing her good fortune of the winds.

Two Flintlock Pistols
In a holster each, these two flintlock pistols are state of the art, with a no-fail trigger system ensuring your bullets always fire, improved aim from the barrel and a slightly easier way to reload then the last type.

Grappel Hook Gun
A powerful gun that launches a grappling hook, useful for ship to ship combat, fishing or just bringing back people who are trying to escape. Can be fitted with a hook ending (three extended points intended to clutch onto edges) or a claw ending (three points which are meant to imbed or grab onto an object)

Hand Cannon

Effectively, a large barrel filled with gunpowder and a metal ball. Usually isn't immediately on hand.

A powerful gun that fires shrapnel at the target at short range.

Arm Spikes
There are hidden spikes in Kate's sleeves, designed to protrude out and pierce not only wood, but metal, allowing her to climb and scale other airships. These spikes are rather long, sharp and durable, and can be used as weaponry.

It's always important to have a spare, but this usually isn't immediately on hand.

Kate is the captain of a mighty airship, the likes of which hasn't been seen for some time. The mighty steel hull is kept afloat in the air by large amounts of hydrogen. To either side is a wing that stretches out many meters. These wings can be flapped to provide lift, drop down, push forward and push backwards. The airship is armed with many cannons that line the sides, each can be fired with great force. On the lowest part of the hull and partially acting as a balancer is many firebombs, ready to be dropped on an unsuspecting city. Dangerous rockets can also be fired, each one containing a large amount of flammable tar at the front which light on impact and spray over the targets hull. These rockets must be lit from the back end and launched like fireworks. The ship does have sails, useful for catching those strong winds, and a wheel to steer it, attached to a massive sail rudder at the back of the ship.


Kate has always been a sky pirate. After leaving school and looking at several college degrees none really caught her attention, so, like so many foolish students, just settled in to study law. Then one day the university was attacked by sky pirates. She asked the crew to let her join, but to do so she had to pass the dreaded drinking challenge. Being a university student she passed easily.

From there she sailed the skies, plaguing innocent zeppelins, battling enemy airships and living a life of adventure. Eventually Kate came to be a pirate captain by the same way anyone does, being the fiercest drinker after the previous captains liver gives out. Now she travels from place to place, looking for evil to slay (as good never provide a real challenge) and always looking for alcohol and treasure.

So begins...

Kate Darkrayne's Story


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Kate Darkrayne bursts into the room on a rope, flinging herself from it to come landing with sword drawn pointed at a bartender who just about wets themself. "Yer' money or yer ale!" she cries, drawing one of two trusty flintlock pistols in the other hand. The rope slips back out of the winow they had just burst through, but where it was connected to nobody could tell!


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Kate Darkrayne pulls her thumb down on the back of the gun with a satisfying click, aiming it towards Matthew. She had come prepared. "Aye? And who're ye' to talk to a lady like that?" she asks, swinging her lade around in a circle to point at the man, nicking the bartenders neck and drawing blood.


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Kate Darkrayne gives a cry, now kicking the bartender away, as he was trying to sneak off the coward. "Aye? What're ye' doin' 'ere then?" she asks, slipping her pistol into its holster and lowering her sword slightly. "Are ye' trying to police a pirate bar?" she asks with a loud and raucous laugh.


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Character Portrait: Kate Darkrayne
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Kate Darkrayne gives off another laugh, matching the one she had just thrown out at the man. "Ye' don't realise, do ye'?" she asks, "The bar is officially pirate! Every pirate knows that!" She had heard it on the pirate news, obiously. She finally sheaths her sword. "Just look at the place."


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Kate Darkrayne stares at Matthew with a grin that says he's an idiot. "Yer' owner can't control this 'ere bar. It's run by the patrons now, an' tha' means its a pirate bar." She whips out her pistol once more, pointing it at Thirteen. "Ye' speak to me like that again and I'll chop off ye' tail, dog," she says with a laugh.


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Kate Darkrayne scoffs. "Ye' should hate me sword more."


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Character Portrait: Kate Darkrayne
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Kate Darkrayne laughs, then turns to Guns. "Aye! That be the spirit!" she cries, also firing into the air, "Next rounds on me!"


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Kate Darkrayne lowered the pistol, reloading the one shot that could be fired at a time. Half way through she draws her second pistol and points it towards Relic. "Bad kitty," she says with a grin, first pistol being moved for her holster.


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Character Portrait: Kate Darkrayne
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Kate Darkrayne , like most pirates, was partially insane, and relished a challenge of physical combat. She draws her sword, now with one sword and one pistol out. "Aahhrrr!" she cries, giving her best pirate roar.


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Kate Darkrayne points the gun towards Relic. "Ye' comin' for me, beasty?" she taunts, stalking towards it with her sword held out slightly less then her gun. It was a feint. Anyone who knew what a gun was would likely try to eliminate it first, only to be stabbed on the sword.


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Kate Darkrayne jerks backwards quickly with her feet, swinging the sword down for the tigers nearest shoulder and aiming to place the gun on the cats head. "Down kitty!" she laughs, pulling the trigger. She didn't care if it was a fatal shot, she mostly just cared that the shot went off and made a bang. A good old bar room scuffle would be good fun.


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Kate Darkrayne does an equally horrid, but probably entirely enexpected strategy, diving for the tiger, intending to climb on top of them and plant a head butt on the cats face. The pistol indeed fired off in a random direction while the pirate wench tried to draw the sword up and away from the tigers claw, which probably wasn't all that good for grasping.


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Kate Darkrayne flips her wrist over to try and slip it behind Relic's neck as she too tries to return a bite to one of the tigers neck. Her own chest would be the most likely victim of the tigers vicious bite. Her other hand hung weakly, bleeding from a severe bite.


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Kate Darkrayne was dragged upwards, but reached for the back of her own sword to hold onto. "How many times do I hafta' say it?" she shouts, swinging her body up to plant her feet on the tigers chest and trying to angle the sword on the beasts neck. "Down kitty!" she shouts, with a kick of her legs, trying to cut into the big cats neck.


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Character Portrait: Kate Darkrayne
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Kate Darkrayne abandons the slicing, kicking off of the cat into an acrobatic flip. A rope with a stone tied to it smashes through a window a Kate wraps it around her injured arm. "Har! Ye' escape being put on me wall today, kitty!" she cries, sheathing her sword and moving to grab her pistol. For some reasn she seemed certain she would escape.


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Kate Darkrayne saw what was coming and for a moment her smile disappeared, but it returned before the tiger arrived. Her arm was jerked upwards, but it wasn't enough to escape the oncoming bite fully. On her way out the window the tigers teeth would latch onto her leg. Giving out a cry she fires the pistol wildly and discards it, now using both arms to hold onto the rope. Up in the sky, high above Gambit's Bar, was an air ship that no one had noticed, the unobservant buggers. Above, the crew was preparing a cannon to fire down on the bar in defence of their captain.


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Kate Darkrayne could feel a horrible ripping, followed by one of the most sickening sounds she had heard, a snap of bone that immediately protruded through flesh. But she was too much of a pirate to let that worry her. Douse the wound in rum, as her mum would always say! There was a loud boom as a cannon fired into the bar, not far from Relic, but hardly on target. It was hardly an exact science. More cannons were being lined up though. Bloody idiot men crew.


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Character Portrait: Kate Darkrayne
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Kate Darkrayne loses the leg. In a horrible, disgusting and overly violent moment, the leg twists off and tears, spraying a gout of blood in the tigers face. With that suddenly released Kate flies into the air recieving a couple more deep wounds in the chest. "Yar!" cry the pirates high above in success, but they already had the cannons loaded an' all, so they fire anyway. No one even took a moment to pause and think how the cannonballs stayed in with the cannons fired downwards.


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Kate Darkrayne got away safely.


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Kate Darkrayne bursts through a closed window raining glass about in a typical pirate fashion, the rope they swung from slipping back outside. "Yahar!" she cries enthusiastically, sword drawn and pistol out. Bang. A shot is fired into the air and the gun returned to it's holster while she reaches for her other pistol. Slung over her back were two more guns, a blunderbuss and a spear gun that looked like it had a claw. "Who's gettin' me drink?" she calls with a smile.