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Kiriel Anazura

Elven mage, Everian Battlemage Captain.

0 · 462 views · located in Academia Celestia

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Script, as played by Disdain


Registered citizen of the Terran National Government


©2010 =Felsus of deviantart.
Name: Kiriel Anazura
Physical Age: 26
Biological Age: 294
Race: Blood Elf
Significant Relations: Everian/Celestian Staff, particularly troublesome students that she occasionally has to round up.

Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 132 lbs
Attire: Isn't actually as skimpy as in the picture. More practical, generally with some degree of armour. Don't believe the picture. It lies.

Personality: Kiriel is a somewhat snarky and sarcastic individual, enjoying taking bites and stabs at people outside of her circle of association when the moment arises. She is extremely intolerant of incompetence and idiocy, and is quick to show anyone who falls short of her expectations the more personal side of her boot. That being said, Kiriel has a good sense of humour (if occasionally sadistic), and isn't entirely unpleasant to those she considers worthy of her conversation. Of course, for the purposes of her job, Kiriel has to be at least slightly nice to other staff members and students.

Skills and Talents:
  • A talented fighter, with swords, staves and axes.
  • A keen eye for trouble.
  • A sharp tongue.
  • A remarkable flair for acting and prose, that has never been explored.


Everian Magic
  • Summon Elemental: The mage can summon forth a fire elemental, a storm elemental, a water elemental or an earth elemental. The fire elemental is a small humanoid creature formed of fire, and can control and create fire. The storm elemental is a fluctuating sentient cloud of electricity, that can both shoot bolts of lightning and even use itself as one. The water elemental is a large being formed of the water itself, capable of shifting and contorting, immune to most physical assault due to its liquid nature, though somewhat lacking in offensive power, with only jets of water, and vulnerable to electricity and other magical assault. The earth elemental is a golem-like creature with immense strength and durability, capable of melding with the rock and earth to increase its own size.
  • Elemental Manipulation: Traditionally, an Everian mage can only master a single element, and maintain a low level of ability with the others. The same is true for Kiriel, and her chosen element is fire, meaning she can manipulate fireballs, heat blasts, flamethrowers and all the associated powers.
  • Pure Arcane: Everian magic also enables the user to manipulate mana in its purest form, described by some particular individuals as 'purple', while others refer to it rather more properly as 'arcane' energy. This allows the wielder to control these fluctuating energies, forming forcefields, pure energy blasts, and the like - though requiring less energy from the mage, as the mana does not need to be focused, arcane attacks and defences tend to be weaker than more refined abilities.

Blood Magic
  • Mana Drain: An inherent ability of blood elves, Kiriel can suck magical energy from other casters to power her own magic.
  • Mana Burn: An inherent ability of blood elves, Kiriel can turn a spellcaster's mana against them, draining their magic and causing them harm in one.
  • Hand of Blood: A learned ability, Kiriel can deliver a powerful attack on contact, draining life and causing dark magic burns where she touches her foe.


  • Destruction Staff: A powerful magical stave that can scythe through most physical and magical substances with destructive magical energies released on contact. It has a bladed edge for more physical damage too.
  • Two daggers.
  • Sword and shield.

History (brief): Originally a student at Everia, Kiriel's aptitude for battle magic inspired her to join the ranks of the academy's battlemages, and her ruthless strength and confidence made her a perfect candidate to rise swiftly through the field ranks to that of captain. Recently, most of the Everian battlemages have been stationed as security detail at the twin academy, Celestia.

So begins...

Kiriel Anazura's Story

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The sound of crying also caught the attention of another person in the courtyard, and with a frown Kiriel lifted her head from where she had been leaning against a pillar. The elf looked over to Xian and Samuel, and made her way over.

"What's going on here?" the combat teacher and battlemage Captain called as she approached, giving Samuel a glare as he stood beside the crying girl.

God, she hated break duty...

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Kiriel eyed Samuel suspiciously, frowning. "You sure you're alright?" she asked Xian, ignoring the over-enthusiastic pyromancer for a few moments to wait for a confirmation. She might not actually care, but she sort of worked here, and so sort of had to pretend she did.

It was dull, and annoying, but hey.

After a minute, Kiriel returned her attention to Blaze. "What is it, Sam?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "And that's Captain Anazura to you."

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Character Portrait: Kiriel Anazura
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Kiriel frowned. "You know if people are attacking you, you need to report it. I know Mistress Dae does not abide bullying in the Academy, and if they're actually attacking you..."

The battlemage folded her arms. "Then they aren't really the type of person she wants at the Academy, if I know her at all. And what's this about a fire fight, Sam?"

Kiriel stared flatly at Blaze. "That wouldn't happen to be an entirely against the rules unsupervised duel, would it? Because those are just great until somebody's face comes off. It's happened before you know. I was there. It wasn't pretty... the flesh was all peeled back, their eyes were liquidised... you could see the front of their skull through what was left."

Kiriel smiled. "But I'm sure you're hardly that reckless, are you?"

The battlemage folded her arms at Blaze at his request, and shook her head. "I don't do apprentices, Sam. I do combat drills, I train recruits in groups, at combat. But not apprenticeships. Sign up to the Everian Battlemages when you graduate, then I'll teach you."

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Character Portrait: Kiriel Anazura
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Good grief. She would come across a case like this, wouldn't she? Typical.

"You should talk to the headmistress. I won't force you to," because she couldn't be bothered, "but I'll let her know what's going on. You'll have to expand upon the matter to her personally, if and when she asks you."

Kiriel folded her arms and eyed Sam, rolling her eyes. "There'll be a spot for you. And that's what they all say -- 'I would've won!' -- You didn't! That's a free lesson. 'Would've' means sod all. Learn from your failures, don't try to excuse them. And that's not a bad idea -- the hanging around, thing. Might teach you some restraint in the process."

As Blaze departed, Kiriel rolled her eyes. Maybe he'd get wrist cramp, and be unable to toss any more fireballs and cause trouble ...

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Character Portrait: Kiriel Anazura
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Kiriel chuckled at Xian's words, nodding slowly. "That's fine. You can go -- ah, one thing though." The battlemage paused and looked to the girl, "I don't think I know your name. Which might be somewhat relevant when I'm talking to Mistress Dae."

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Character Portrait: Kiriel Anazura
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"Xian. Well, I'll talk to Mistress Dae for you, Xian. Good luck with your studies." Kiriel flashed a quick smile to the girl, memorising the information, before turning and heading towards one of the doors into the Academy proper.

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Character Portrait: Kiriel Anazura
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#, as written by Script

A sharp and furious shout came from across the courtyard, where Kiriel broke off from her conversation with one of her battlemages to storm towards the student. "You know full well that assaulting another student with magic can get you expelled!" she yelled, "And if I have my way then it will do!"

Obviously enraged, the Captain pointed towards the base of the tree. "Wait there!" she growled, walking past Max and over to where Samuel hung. Gesturing towards the boy, Kiriel created an improvised platform of an arcane shield beneath his feet. "Let go." she instructed "I'll lower you down."

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Character Portrait: Kiriel Anazura
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Kiriel gestured, and the platform slowly descended to the ground, though by that point Kiriel had turned away from Samuel and once again rounded on Max.

"You are coming with me to Scarlet's office right now!" she shouted, grabbing the boy by the arm and turning towards the academy building. "Samuel, you come too!" she called back, "For once you aren't the one in trouble, be pleased."

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Character Portrait: Kiriel Anazura
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"I swear, if either of you so much as prod each other, I will personally see to it that you are kicked out of this place." Kiriel growled. "You have to become because you were involved in the incident, whether you were its cause or not."

The battlemage stormed in through the academy doors and began leading the pair through the corridors, up towards Scarlet's study.

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Character Portrait: Kiriel Anazura
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"You're coming along because you were involved, not because you're in trouble." Kiriel muttered, "I've told you that once already. Be pleased that you aren't in trouble, or something along those lines."

In the meantime, the wards above the academy would prevent the butterfly from approaching it by air -- the gate, or a portal opened from the inside (ominous foreshadowing goes here) were really the only ways inside. It was possible to forgive Scarlet for being perhaps slightly paranoid, when for all intents and purposes, she was at war.

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Character Portrait: Kiriel Anazura
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"Don't even think about it." Kiriel glared at Samuel, "If you don't sit down and wait," Kiriel pointed a set of chairs, "Then you will be in trouble."

Outside, a battlemage looked down from the wall at Maelik and scowled. "What do you want?" he shouted down.

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Character Portrait: Kiriel Anazura
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"No." the battlemage responded dryly, "Unless you've been invited, we don't take visitors." the man tossed the equipment back down, levitating it so as not to damage it. Rude he might have been, but not downright hostile.

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Character Portrait: Kiriel Anazura
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The rock would, due to its small size and unliving nature, pass over the wall and land harmlessly on the other side of the wall, in a bush.

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Character Portrait: Kiriel Anazura
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"Would you stop that?" a battlemage shouted from the top of the wall, "What are you trying to achieve?"

True enough, it was slightly pointless what Maelik was doing. Suspicious notes signed with a symbol that had decidedly evil connotations weren't generally heeded by respectable members of the community.

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Character Portrait: Kiriel Anazura
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Sighing laboriously, the battlemage half-heartedly lifted a hand and began halting the rocks mid-air, dropping them down on the outer side of the wall. "This game is going to get real boring, real fast..."

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Character Portrait: Kiriel Anazura
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A relatively simple ploy to stop, the battlemage simply stopped catching the rocks, and instead blocked them with a wide, flat shield.

"I can do this all day you know ... I've not got anywhere I need to be, apart from here..."

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Character Portrait: Kiriel Anazura
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The battlemage yawned, stepping back and dispelling his barrier, letting the powerful wards of the academy do their work, stopping Maelik in his tracks.

"The only reason that I'm not calling the other three hundred odd battlemages that are on guard here is that I can't be bothered."

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Character Portrait: Kiriel Anazura
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"Because we're at war. Now sod off. You've hardly endeared yourself to me." the battlemage rolled his eyes, leaning back on the battlements.

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Character Portrait: Kiriel Anazura
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"Go away and never come back. Then I'll believe you." the battlemage said cheerfully.

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Character Portrait: Kiriel Anazura
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"Because we don't accept visitors who haven't had invites from someone within the academy, because quite literally any Tom, Dick or Harry could be one of our enemies." the battlemage replied, folding his arms. "No exceptions. Even for those who haven't thrown themselves against our defences without a care in the world."