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Kvan Skyheart

My magical powers let me do what everyone in the Wind Country wants...To fly without anything but yourself.

0 · 2,080 views · located in Sol Avenue and Lady Une Drive

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Ikiros


What nation are you from: Wind
Are you a King, queen, princess, prince, or commoner?: Commoner
What purpose do you hold to the roleplay?(Butler, chef, magician, royal adviser, android etc...): Mercenary Wind Mage
Character name: Kvan Skyheart
Age: 19
Gender: Male
My dreams (aspirations): To stay free from as much as I can.
My fears: Being trapped underground
My talents: I use my magic to fly without aid from wings or technology, and I'm fairly adept with a bow, as I prefer not to be in close combat.
Views on the war: It keeps me paid, which keeps me fed. As long as it goes on, I stay alive. Otherwise, I go back to stealing.
Personality: Non-chalant, but subject to change at any point. He's very much a free spirit and thinker, and grew up being taught to try not to stay too attached to anything.
Physical traits: Slender build, light blonde hair, lightly tanned skin. Average height- around 5'8". Brown eyes.
History: Kvan was born on a small island floating above a wide open plain. His entire life, his father taught him how to live with the winds that constantly blew across the wide expanse of land beneath them, and how to let it flow through his body, allowing him to float and waft with the breezes. As he aged, his father began to teach him specific spells so that he could protect himself, be it in a barfight or while off exploring the world. His abilities range from being able to keep the air around himself fresh and clean of pollutants all the way to being able to throw blasts of wind strong enough to flip cars at people. His renegade nature came about when he reached age 15, the age his father pushed him off their island. The experience taught him one of his most valued morals; never hold on, if it keeps you happy. He currently resides on a very small, two-person airship, stationed to patrol around the Wind country's capital.
Views on life: It comes and goes, just like the wind. I can't stop it, so why bother trying. I just want to have fun while I can.

My occupation is: Wind Mage/ Cutpurse
I would not like to be royal, because...: My morals would go against it. Royals have too much responsibility for my tastes. It's like doing chores...Not fun at all.

I look like...

-light armor on chest and legs
-heavy armor gauntlets and boots
-a small, slightly enchanted dagger
-a longbow made of a light green material called Zol
-wind magic
-A small pendant in the shape of a Norse Hammer. (It's actually the hammer of Thor, he just isn't used to using it yet.)

Distinctive markings/Tattoos:
-one tattoo on his left shoulder blade, the Skyheart crest.

So begins...

Kvan Skyheart's Story


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#, as written by Ikiros
also, very nicew.


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#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan Skyheart strode through the door with a confidant stride, though he was wary of the new atmosphere. It was his first time in Gambit's, and he was hoping to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. His hair, swept back slightly, was pale blonde in color and short enough to not cover his eyes. His clothing was odd, parts of it reminiscent of bird's feathers, the rest being simple. A small dagger adorned his belt, opposite his coinpurse.

As he moved with more ease than would befit the heavy gauntlets and boots he wore, very little noise was made by each of his steps. He made his way over to the bar, where he rapidly input his order for a glass of Skyfire Liquor, before turning and watching the other patrons whil waiting for his order to be processed.

"Man. This place is nothing like the air-pirate bars back home," he muttered under his breath.


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#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan Skyheart watched the few people in the bar, paying more attention to Lily and the people around her more than anything, as the minotaur's horns appeared rather dangerous along with his size being more than the mercenary's own. As his drink arrived, he turned and grabbed it up, swirling it slightly to ignite it as intended before sipping it slightly.

"Not as good as the stock back home, but passable, at least. Wonder if these people are the kind who'll kill me before giving me a talking chance. I suspect it would be best for a man like me to at least make a few acquaintances, since I'm new." Grumbling slightly, he pushed himself away from the bar and slowly made his way over to the group, hoping that they wouldn't draw weapons on him, but knowing it was always a risk he'd be taking.


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#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan Skyheart turned suddenly at the loud noise as Takana slammed into the door. He moved over to it, keeping his drink in one hand as he opened the door with his other hand. He propped the door open with his foot and extended his hand to her. "Need some help, Miss?" he asked softly, a smile playing at his lips.


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#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan Skyheart chuckled softly, taking another swig of the liquor again. He stepped aside to let the other man through and then continued to hold the door open for Takana. He smiled still and watched her with his brown eyes.

"Well? Are you going to come in or am I gonna stand here all day?" he asked with a slight chuckle. He was mildly entertained at her antics, but knew that she was probably just having an 'off' day. It happened to everyone, after all.


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#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan Skyheart leaned against the door calmly, waiting patiently and simply enjoying himself. Perhaps this place was better than he'd first thought. Sure, it may not be as flashy as the sky-pirate dens of his homeland but it was still interesting and exciting to him. He looked at the saiyan for a moment, interested in what he was, per say, but had no idea how to ask such a question and didn't feel like angering anyone by asking the wrong kind of things.

"Seems you've got a fan, sir," he said to Fluffles with a grin. He wondered how long he'd have to hold open the door, but figured that it wouldn't be too much longer. He looked back over his shoulder at the argument behind him, still raging as it had been since he'd arrived.


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#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan Skyheart let the door close behind them as he set his now-empty glass down on a nearby table. He reached over and tried to take the tail from the girl's grip gently. He was smiling the whole time, but within his mind, he was serious and wanted her to leave the man alone so that he might be able to talk to either. He still hadn't actually met anyone in the bar yet.

"Perhaps, Miss, you ought to let go. He doesn't seem to be enjoying this as much as you are, if I'm not mistaken." He could tell that the saiyan was in either pain or so confused by the actions that he couldn't react any more than he already had.


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#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan Skyheart looked at the man curiously. "I'm sorry. That might have more impact if I knew what a Saiyan, as you said, is. Either way, if he wants to attack you, I'll do my best to keep you safe. This seems like a misunderstanding to me, and I hope he'll forgive you. Plus, you could always apologize." He smiled and then ruffled her hair and the hair on the saiyan's tail with a few simple flairs of wind to show that he wasn't just a man with a dagger.


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#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan Skyheart sighed and shook his head slightly. "I suppose that works, but I think you would have been fine either way." He would wait until this was over before introducing himself, figuring it would be easier than introducing himself now. He leaned against the wall as he waited for her and the saiyan to come to some sort of consensus.


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#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan Skyheart seeing the tail leave her hand caused him to stand up and ready himself, though not much more visually than his lack of leaning. A slight breeze began to whisk through the air around him, making his hair shuffle around slightly as he watched. If the saiyan attacked, he'd be sure to react as quickly as possible, in an attempt to save the girl.


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#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan Skyheart stepped forward a bit, planning to try to work something out.

"Excuse me. I may be new to Wing City, and this bar in particular, but perhaps I can work something out between you two." He looked to the saiyan, wondering what such a man might want more than having her cook for him. It was at that moment that he remembered his airship, still filled with the loot from his last pirate run.

"Would you be interested in gold or jewels, sir? I recently was able to come into ownership of a fair amount of both and was wondering if you would accept that rather than having her work for you. Perhaps it would pay for you to have something done about your tail maybe?" He was hoping things would go as smoothly as he wanted, but his knowledge of people from his homeland told him it likely wouldn't be that simple.


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#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan Skyheart "Is there some way I could make up for this, rather than having her be forced into labor? Surely there is something you'd like more than a slave?" He was somewhat amused by the girl's insults, but highly doubted that he could protect her if she instigated a battle. If nothing else, he could always grab her and run off to save her from the other being's wrath.


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#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan Skyheart caught the man's finger in his hand, a micro-vortex between their flesh to keep his body from being harmed. "I'd like you to rethink your word, if you would. Whether she owes you or not, I'll not have her driven into labor she hasn't agreed to. I'll help you work something else out, but I cannot stand people tying other people down for the sake of repayment." He was done with his politeness. This was going to either leave her free of blame, or the saiyan would find some other way to be repaid.


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#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan Skyheart chuckled softly. "My apologies for being as such, but I have issues with people being made to do something against their will." He kept the air around him moving so that he would be ready in case of a fight. When the man walked over to help her up, however, he relaxed slightly. "Perhaps he's not devoid of manners after all," he muttered to himself.

With a sigh and a hand running through his hair he asked once more, "So, Is there any possible way to have you repaid other than having her cook for you? The way she was acting didn't seem like she was trying to hurt you, so take that into consideration." He winced as she got back up and then collapsed near instantly afterwards.


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#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan Skyheart "And what if she simply were to refuse? Or perhaps she stayed away from home? What then?" He knew the gambit could be dangerous, but the man had a sense of pride around him, if nothing else. Even the proud were bound to make social blunders now and then, right?


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#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan Skyheart sighed and backed off. He realized that he had basically overstayed his welcome between the two. Perhaps at a later time he would try again to meet new people. As he stepped away, closer to the door, he heard the girl's proposal and chuckled softly. Maybe he'd be lucky and meet up with her again, maybe not.


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#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan Skyheart stopped at the yelling. Perhaps he wouldn't leave just yet. Instead of passing through the door, he turned and walked back over to the bar, where sat a hammer of exquisite make, though it appeared to be older than most of the ruins he'd seen. He looked closer, seeing curling knot-like designs on the sides of the head. Without any pause for thought, he reached out a hand. He'd always been fascinated by artifacts, but as he saw another hand reaching, he paused his own.

"Would an old hammer bring you back to a place of glory?" he said softly, speaking his response mostly to himself, though it was loud enough for Ezekial to hear.


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#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan Skyheart smiled and watched. "Always." He hadn't thought to be heard, but it was nice, in some way, to have found someone to speak to properly, even if it were only a few words. He felt his fingers tingling with energy, wondering if the hammer was enchanted in some way. Most of the artifacts he'd gotten this close to were either boring and fancy-looking, or were so heavily spell-bound that had he tried to touch them, his hand would have vaporized from the surge of power.

He looked over at the cat-woman, intrigued and confused. "Do you mean to have him not try, or was that to both of us?"


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Character Portrait: Kvan Skyheart
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#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan Skyheart looked back at the hammer, feeling more alive than ever. "Really? So, even if it were to choose me, I wouldn't hold it forever? Interesting." He reached his hand closer, just inches from the soft leather of the hilt. "Well, here goes nothing." And with that, he closed his eyes, wrapped his gauntlet-covered hand around the handle, and pulled upwards with as much strength as his one arm could muster.


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#, as written by Ikiros
Kvan Skyheart floated in the air, keeping himself aloft on massive currents of air as his strength pulled the hammer from the counter. He winced as a crack of thunder rang through the building while lightning struck the hammer's head but as he was just beginning to open his eyes and see what had happened, he closed them again against the blinding light. As the light faded, he let himself down back to the ground, an unfamiliar feeling upon his chin and an odd sense of size against his eyes. He swayed slightly, a twinge of vertigo sweeping through him for a second as he adjusted to his new height.

"Ugh," was the only sound he could make as he reached up and touched the beard that had appeared on his narrow chin. With a glance at the hammer, he realized it had wrapped a leather cord around his right forearm. He brought it closer to his face, close enough to see the runes carved into the head, and stared for a moment before saying, "It actually chose me?"