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Lady Talyria Rei Katsumi

What I am shouldn't be your question. Why I am here should be more of the importance.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by KittyWolfSpirit


Name: Lady Talyria Rei Katsumi (pronounced Tall-ree-uh Ray Cat-sew-me)

Race: Cravyre (pronounced Cruh-veer) (Plural is Cravyren pronounced Cruh-veer-en) ***This race is copyright protected by the Creator/player. Permission must be obtained before creating another of this race.***

Gender: Female

Age: 550 yrs old (Equivalent to 23 in human years)

Height: 5’7

Weight: 187 lbs

Eyes: Metallic midnight blue iris with Silver sunkist around the pupil

Waist length straight icy blue with white bangs and natural highlights.

Distinguishing marks: Lynx like ears that are shades of icy blue, white, and timber wolf grey with the tufts on the ears being white. A tattoo of a crescent moon with a cat’s pupil from top to bottom of the crescent moon’s points on her right outer thigh. A tattoo of a rose vine wrapped around and in between the word honor across the length of the small of her back.

Body type: Lithe

Abilities: All types of cognition (Premonitions, precognition, post-cognition), Telepathy, Telekinesis, Shape shifting, Elemental magic, Teleportation of self as well as objects, Necromancy, Adept in Archery, Vamperic Speed and agility rivaling a vampire mixed with cat-like grace and their agility, ambidextrous, adept in multiple fighting style.

None visible, but she has the ability to summon any one she chooses at will.

Background: She was once human, belonging to a small tribal group of people. They worshiped many deities; but favored most of all with more focus the Twin Deities of Chaos. They were known as the Lord of Benevolent Chaos and the Lady of Malevolent Chaos. Prophecy foretold and she lived through the unfolding of The Fates rebellion against the Twins, mainly The Lady of Malevolent Chaos. A false prophecy was foretold and thus started a long war that caused her tribe to be cursed by the Lady of Malevolent Chaos. In her twisted rage against their defiance against her desire to claim the falsely prophesized baby that would supposedly lead to the fall of the Gods, she cursed the whole village to become a new race of her own twisted creation. Since the Lord of Benevolent Chaos favored her, the Lady of Malevolent Chaos saw to her being the first to fall under the accursed existence. She was informed of all that her people would become, what they could possibly look like before the curse befell the whole tribe. The population was 500 before the Lady of Malevolent Chaos threw upon them the curse which acted like a virus. It picked and chose its favored hosts allowing them to mutate and live to the new race’s genetics. All the elderly and all the children died that day, so did many of the teenagers and young adults. The population dwindled to a meager 80 people of mixed families and ages. Any under the age of 11 died, as well as any over the age of 50 because their bodies were too frail to handle the change died. Those who fought the change internally or mentally lost the battle against and died horrible painful deaths. After the fall of her people, they cast her out as if it was her fault. In a sense, she knew it was. She was the first to step forward in the tribal council and convince the tribe to deny the Lady of Malevolent Chaos the baby who was prophesized to be the fall of the Gods. She has since wandered around with her cursed life, claiming nowhere as home and staying nowhere long which left but brief moments for friendship or companionship.

And thus her lone journey began.......................

So begins...

Lady Talyria Rei Katsumi's Story


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Character Portrait: Viktor Thrice Character Portrait: Lady Talyria Rei Katsumi
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Talrya knew she had to feed tonight. It was due for her penance for her existence. She was new to the area which gave her little comfort like it often did. She never chose to stay in one place for too long. She had been lucky to find male vampires and offered a brief seductive affair with them to gain her penance before splitting again. Her last meal had been a half blood, so unfortunately her abilities were not as keen as she would like for her hunt.

She sighed, figuring it wouldn’t do her good to focus on their slack. So she drew attention to her senses as she leaned against the alley wall. She breathed deep, the cool night air. It smelled of rain and multiple vampires and other races. Her typically keen smell and ears never failed to find what she sought, tonight was no different. To her surprise though on this night, it was made easier for her. She heard heated shouting not far off. She smiled, and slowly slipped deeper into the shadows as she approached the area of the sounds.

She caught a strong scent of two vampires from the location she heard the arguing. She paused in the shadows not far from the door as she heard shattering glass and the arguing come to a halt. Will they fight each other? She thought to herself. If they do, while the victor is injured, it would be easy to restrain them. She plotted in her mind. She jumped back into a bush as the door slammed open. She watched cautiously as the female she assumed was part of the argument stormed out the house. She noticed a bit of shatter glass on her shoulders, but she couldn’t smell any injuries from her. She waited in stillness, breathing slowly as not to give the women her location. Though, Talrya figured slight noises may pass the women considering her stride told of her heated affair just moments before as the woman parted ways.

As soon as she was sure the woman was out of sight, she made her way to the door with stealth. She glimpsed inside like a detective looking around the corner in precaution. She noticed the male was hunkered over something in front of a broken glass case. That must have been what broke. Now is my chance to advance. She concluded in her mind. She quietly slipped into the town home and ducked quickly next to a display case as she saw him stand up. She feared she was busted, but she noticed he was still preoccupied with something in his hands. She stayed still as can be as she watched him, waiting to see if he would come to close the door. She figured if he didn’t notice her location, as distant as he seemed, when he closed the door would be the opportunity to at least get the opportunity to advance on him.


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Character Portrait: Viktor Thrice Character Portrait: Lady Talyria Rei Katsumi
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#, as written by Tiko
Viktor moved past Talrya as he headed for the door, closing it quietly. He hesitated though as a strange scent caught his attention.

"How did you get in here?" he asked.

He didn't turn around as the door clicked closed.

"Or rather, why are you in here."

If he was alarmed, he didn't show it, but internally he was guarded. He didn't recognize the woman's scent, not just on a personal level but on a biological level as well. It was a scent he had never encountered before.

He turned then his eyes searching the room for the stranger.


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Character Portrait: Viktor Thrice Character Portrait: Lady Talyria Rei Katsumi
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She figured the surprise attack was blown since he noticed her presence. But she noticed, he was still hunting for her. So he didn't have her pin pointed yet. Brazenly she steps forward from beside the display case. She would be maybe 10-15 feet distance from him closer to the inside of the town home. She was a stunningly beautiful woman standing 5’7 with a lithe form. A pair of dazzling metallic midnight blue eyes with a silver sunkist around the pupil stared at him without fear, in complete calm and seeming control. Her hair of ice blue with white bangs and natural highlights flowed straight down over her curves to her waist. Lynx like ears that are shades of icy blue, white, and timber wolf grey with the tufts on the ears being white adorned he head perked forward with interest. She wore blacks cotton pants in a flare leg fashion, black leather boots of the gothic boots style, and a dark blue cotton shirt with v-neck and flaring 3/4 sleeves.

"How, I got in here has to be obvious consider our locations." She answered in a soft, sweet tone of voice. "Why am I am here...well...that is a story I am not sure you would find...useful to you at the moment." She grinned, flaring a pari of pearly white vampiric canines. "I just like you need to feed. But unlike you, mortal blood doesn't sustain my existence." She explained softly.

She took a few steps towards him but halted, thinking distance may be best until her aquaintance has been alloted proper time to soak into the vampire before her.

"Oh my, but where are my manners?" She said in a playful tone and smirk. "My name is Lady Talrya Rei Katsumi." She said bowing to him. "Pleasure and I am sure a shock to you. Not only did I get past your vampire senses to invade your...home. But you I am sure are probably lost for senses on what exactly I am." She raised a brow and waited his response.


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Character Portrait: Viktor Thrice Character Portrait: Lady Talyria Rei Katsumi
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#, as written by Tiko
"Viktor..." he replied.

His eyes followed her as she moved towards him, and as she bowed. He made no outward sign of hostility towards her, but neither did he lower his guard.

"And you intend to feed?" he inquired.

He moved past her and back into the other room. The glass crunched beneath his shoe as he went about retrieving the fallen items from the broken display stand. A small pottery dish had broken as well, and he examined one of the broken pieces briefly before setting it aside. The once valuable art pieces was all but worthless now. The ornamental scabbard and a few other small trinkets were placed atop one of the unbroken shelves to be relocated later.

That he had simply gone about cleaning up the mess spoke of his seeming lack of overt concerns for the woman in his house.


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Character Portrait: Viktor Thrice Character Portrait: Lady Talyria Rei Katsumi
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She smirked as he moved past her, turning casually to watch him tend to his trinkets. With a sigh, she used her speed to be upon him within seconds.

"Usually I get more questioning from those I intend to feed from. Then again, most of them seem to think they're superior, top of the food chain." She looked to the trinkets. "They're lovely. There are so many cases." She softened her demeanor. "Yes to feed. To answer your question." She answered softly.

She watched him, standing close to him in silence. She wasn't scared of him or anything he could do to her. Since her curse, she had encountered countless vampires through romantic encounters to feed and by force. She was ready for whatever path Viktor would take. She couldn't help but wonder and feel like this man despite the anger she had overheard seemed like a very sensible man.

"You are not like any of the others I've hunted before. Do you understand exactly what I feed on Viktor?" She asked softly in a calm tone of voice that held no threat or danger in her voice.

She stared at him in silence awaiting his response to her question and her answer she had given him.


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Character Portrait: Viktor Thrice Character Portrait: Lady Talyria Rei Katsumi
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#, as written by Tiko
"You haven't yet told me, no," Viktor replied.

He stood once more. The glass would have to wait until his house cleaner arrived in the morning. It was the second time she would be cleaning glass out of the carpet, with Varia having broken his end table a few months ago.

He seated himself in a large white upholstered chair and rested his arms on the armrests as he watched Talyria. Despite the woman's belief otherwise, Viktor very much shared a mentality with those she spoke of. The difference between him and them was that he held no animosity for others of his... station?

His nature was something to be earned, and taken by tooth and claw if necessary. Only the strong deserved to survive. It was why he had turned Varia when he found her dying of an overdose. He had seen a fighter in her as she lay there clinging to life, a predator looking to escape the confines of humanity. No, he held no ire towards this woman before him for pursuing what was in her nature to pursue.

"I don't often have visitors," he remarked.

His words were calm though, with no hint of anger.


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Character Portrait: Viktor Thrice Character Portrait: Lady Talyria Rei Katsumi
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She watched Viktor take seat in a chair. He was unusually calm for his breed. Typically, the others felt threatened by her mere presence by the fact they couldn't mentally read her, use their dominance/suggestion abilities on her, or understand what she was. Her lack of racial identity was enough to put them on offensive verge. She smiled gently, he hadn't responded to her compliment of his beautiful possessions.

"So I am a welcomed guest...for the moment anyway?" She asked politely with an inquisitive tone.

She raised a brow curious to him pretty much welcoming her into his home. It was like a human letting the fox into the chicken coop. It was unheard of, but again her kind was fairly new to the world and incredibly new to the world of Terra. So it is not uncommon for Viktor to not be aware of what she was.

She stepped towards him, "I am what is called a Cravyre. I feed on vampiric blood, Viktor. I feed on beings like you...Viktor." She answered calmly.

She paused awaiting a response of some sort from him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viktor Thrice Character Portrait: Lady Talyria Rei Katsumi
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#, as written by Tiko
As Viktor hadn't made any attempt to breach the woman's thoughts, or to employ his domination tactics upon her, he remained unaware that she would be immune to such measures. For now he seemed content to converse with her verbally, rather than attempting to intrude upon her thoughts.

"And what makes you think I intend to allow that?" he inquired with a raise of one brow.

Once again there was no hostility in him. It was almost as if the woman were a curiosity to him, rather than a potential threat.


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Character Portrait: Viktor Thrice Character Portrait: Lady Talyria Rei Katsumi
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A grin crept into her features and danced dangerously in her face as malevolent intent crept like a shadow caste by the setting sun.

"Well my most gracious host, I have taken what I need as you have by civil, romantic, and by means of force. I prefer not to fight with a host as gracious as you have been and destroy this lovely town home you have in your possession. Unlike vampires, Cravyre do not have to kill their source of nourishment to sustain themselves. If we do, we are sustained longer. If we don't naturally a shorter time between feeding is necessary. I wish only a little of your precious life essence to sustain me a little longer as your require human life essence to maintain yours." She paused a moment.

I think he is intrigued by me. I may use this to my benefit. She thought to herself as she stood a moment to let that soak in before resuming with a gentler heir of expression and tone of voice.

"I require a little and in exchange, I will gladly answer any questions you may have of me. Anything what so ever crosses your judicious, scholarly mind. Since you have so graciously elected to allow my presence in your elegant home, I offer a bargain. Knowledge for sustenance? What do you say...Viktor?"


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Character Portrait: Viktor Thrice Character Portrait: Lady Talyria Rei Katsumi
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#, as written by Tiko
While admittedly Viktor didn't want to see his home smashed up anymore than it had already been... it wasn't really the deciding factor, and neither was her offer of knowledge. It was a more human desire that drove him. He had shed much of who he had once been in his descent into the vampire world, but the desire for companionship remained as a remnant of his humanity.

Varia had often chastised his solitude since the night the Lessard manor had burned down, and though he could not bring Sanina back... this woman offered a distraction.

He studied her a time with those neutral eyes of his before his consent came with a hand gesture for her to approach.


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Character Portrait: Viktor Thrice Character Portrait: Lady Talyria Rei Katsumi
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She was hesitant to take his gesture seriously. She had no reason not to believe him to do any more than let her feed. She had no clue his motivations to accept her offer or what he would ask in return.

She strode over to him; she studied him calmly in silence for a few moments now that she was closer to him. He had handsome features. For a moment she felt the familiar human urge to make a gesture or advance on him. She had been without a romantic affair to appease this desire in a long while. She frowned internally at her desire and tried to force the urge to the back of her mind. Focus, You must feed now. This is not meant to be a romantic affair. Feed and leave after you do as he requests in return for the favor. She thought critically to herself in agitation with the annoying human emotion to desire companionship.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viktor Thrice Character Portrait: Lady Talyria Rei Katsumi
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#, as written by Tiko
As she reached him he offered his hands out - an invitation perhaps to join him upon the chair. It would seem he had no intention of making her kneel in a display of subservience to feed, and instead offered a more... equal means of acquiring what she needed.

Despite the intimacy of the offer, he seemed calm and distant from the whole matter. He offered no further words of conversation for the time being.


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Character Portrait: Viktor Thrice Character Portrait: Lady Talyria Rei Katsumi
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She took his hand gently, a slight shiver raced through her as she took his hands. She had never held another’s hand before and it felt strangely to her. A look of intrigue passed her heir briefly before returning to calm upon the sensation’s resolution.She pulled on knee up to slide beside his thigh in the chair and hesitated to be sure this was his intention. She registered the gesture in her mind a moment and situated herself so that she straddled him in the chair. She A slight glimpse of unease appeared in her eyes for a brief moment, and then disappeared as quickly as it appeared.She wasn't sure that this position was for feeding and something more or just for feeding with ease. She didn’t want to show vulnerability in case he had intentions to flip the tables on her. She glanced to the closed door, unsure when the enraged woman would return. What exactly would transpire if she entered while she fed upon Viktor. She shifted herself a bit as she looked to the door to get more comfortable and able to jump up if the need arose.

She turned her gaze back to Viktor. “We feed in the same ways you do upon mortals.” She spoke gently, though a edge of nervousness was underlying her instruction of the matter.

Her gaze drifted sideways from him to the door a brief moment, then back to him as if a skittish creature that fear its meal would be interrupted. Her gaze fell on him, calm and collected, she waited to she where exactly he would have her feed from.


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Character Portrait: Viktor Thrice Character Portrait: Lady Talyria Rei Katsumi
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#, as written by Tiko
He moved his hands up to his coat, which he shrugged off enough to free his arms and leave his throat accessible to the woman sitting atop his lap. Once done he moved to rest his hands on her sides as he watched her with calculating eyes.

Despite the intimacy of her current position, there was nothing sexual in his body language. No, his sex drive had died long ago, on the same night his heart had stopped beating. He might enjoy the occasional physical contact, but it ended there for him.

He leaned back in the chair as calm about this as he had been about everything else since she had entered his house. An ornamental knife sat upon a small display on the nearby end-table within reach should she try anything... unsavory. It was part of why he had chosen the chair to seat himself.


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Character Portrait: Viktor Thrice Character Portrait: Lady Talyria Rei Katsumi
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She smiled warmly to him in appreciation for his lack of fighting her on this. He would never know she really didn’t have the strength to fight him that night if he chosen to fight her. She saw the lack of sexual interest in him and calmed her nervousness to a dull ache.

She glanced to the door one last time briefly before leaning forward to feed. Before feeding, she whispered in his ear softly, “Thank you…Viktor.”

She then leaned forward with relaxed ease and slowly bit into his neck. She wasn’t going to be fierce with him since he was so polite as to allow her this gift. She drank from slowly as not to exhaust him by quick blood lust. She was being respectful to his strength and health since he was so kind to her this evening. She closed her eyes as she feed, feeling in herself when best to stop.


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Character Portrait: Viktor Thrice Character Portrait: Lady Talyria Rei Katsumi
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#, as written by Tiko
The only sign of discomfort that Viktor displayed was the tightening grip of his hands against her sides as she bit down. He stared ahead past her, his eyes on one of the display stands as the stranger in his lap fed upon him. It left his mind wandering to the night he had been bitten, the night he had met Sanina.

Even then he had known what she was, and had known her vile nature. But still he had gone to her, as if by a sirens call.

He had wanted what she offered.

He closed his eyes and leaned his head back with a sigh as he recalled her voice in her ears.

'Sleep my child, and peace attend thee... All through the night...'

For a time he could almost imagine that the woman here tonight was the same one who had died a year past...


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Character Portrait: Viktor Thrice Character Portrait: Lady Talyria Rei Katsumi
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She withdrew from his neck gently. She slowly leaned back, seeing the expression on his face. She wonder what he could be thinking of with that expression on his face. She smiled warmly, a small trickled of blood trailed her cheek and fell onto her bare skin. She wiped her chin, oblivious or not caring of the drop that landed on her collar bone.

"Viktor?" She asked gently as not to startle him.

She sat patiently, she wasn't going to stand up until eh was attentive. She didn't want a defensive instinct to snap him alert.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viktor Thrice Character Portrait: Lady Talyria Rei Katsumi
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#, as written by Tiko
It wasn't Sanina's voice that called his name though, and the present came rushing back as he opened his eyes.

Talyria was still seated atop him, and his hands still rested upon her sides. The puncture wounds in his throat were already healing closed as he moved his hands back to the armrests of the chair so that Talyria could get up should she wish.

"Will you be staying in the city long?" he inquired.


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Character Portrait: Viktor Thrice Character Portrait: Lady Talyria Rei Katsumi
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She watched in silence as whatever reality he was in was washed away from and he joined her in the present. She smiled warmly to welcome him back to the present. She felt his hands move from her hips so she could stand if she liked. She tossed the idea of stay seated or stand in her head a couple times. She then braced herself, sliding her legs from under her to let her feet touch floor. She used her arms to push herself up to standing with ease. She went to remove her hands to stand up fully, when he questioned the length of time she would dwell in this city. She went distant from him for a moment, knowing she never stayed more than a week in a city. It was too much risk of problems arising with her presence since the Lady of Malevolent Chaos loved to torment those around her. She hadn't stayed long enough to prove or disprove the Lady's interest in her life anymore. Her expression softened, feeling the familiar sensation of loneliness that had trickled into thought earlier. She looked up to him a moment, then stood up fully.

"Typically I only stay in one place no more than a week usually. Why do you inquire on my length of stay Viktor?" She spoke gently, her question was legit.

She hoped he would ask her to stay longer for company. But she would not request such a thing of a man she just met, so she figured he would be less inclined to inquire her continued stay. She stared intently, a half look of longing and loneliness mixed in her eyes as she stared to him for his response.


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Character Portrait: Viktor Thrice Character Portrait: Lady Talyria Rei Katsumi
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#, as written by Tiko
"You should stay here until you depart," Viktor replied. "There's a spare guest room in the back," he offered.

He seemed somewhat aloof and neutral to whether she took his offer to stay at his place for the week, or if she simply walked away. He was lost in thought for the moment and his attention drifting.