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Lamina Manira, a young, orphaned arena gladiator.

0 · 1,091 views · located in Mountain Cove

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Sara Whitley


Physical Description
Age: 14
Complexion: Fair.
Build: Petite (young), slightly toned.
Eyes: Emerald green.
Hair: Dark brown, just past shoulder length, choppy with a small sidelong left tie of hair, similar to ponytail or topknot, tied from the left side of her head.
Distinguishable markings: Horizontal scar, left shoulder.

Strongly independent, headstrong, can be quite pushy. She has quite an addictive personality.

- Knee-length, sleeveless black dress of a slightly thick, padded fabric.
- Black nylons for lightweight and modest cover for the legs.
- Leather belts around waist and chest for tying clothing and hoisting weaponry.
- Black leather boots that guard just past the ankles and protected at the toe by exterior metallic steel plating.
- Varied colored bangles of metal, 3 on the right forearm and 4 on the left.
- Long red ribbon tied around left elbow to hang freely. Has sentimental value.
- Thread of assorted beads that tie hair. Has sentimental value.
- Red feather worn with tied hair. Has sentimental value.
- Sometimes a mortuary sword, sheathed at her left hip.

- Incredible visual-spacial awareness, very practiced motor control and in-the-moment thinking. Trained intuition of rhythm, distance, and body language processing. (Melee fighting as a career.)

So begins...

Lamina's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tobias Malari Character Portrait: Lamina Character Portrait: Rakash
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Shit. Rakash was moving even faster than before. Left, right, left, right, both, and he was charging forward at the same time. There was no way Tobias was going to risk trying to get inside that range until he could see a chance to get in and hit that tender ankle one more time. He may have taken a few licks, but he wasn't stupid.

Keeping his head low and behind his forearms as they formed a wall he could barely even see through, Tobias circled towards Rakash's right side to sidestep the reckless charge. He didn't have Lamina's speed or counter-punching skills, but he was trying to apply the lessons he learned from doing the exact same thing to the half-pint. Dodge, dodge, dodge, look for an over-extension and get him the hell off with a single well-placed blow. Tobias continued to circle the makeshift arena, expecting Rakash's rampage to continue, if not intensify.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tobias Malari Character Portrait: Lamina Character Portrait: Rakash
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#, as written by Phersu
Rakash's rampage did indeed intensify, but not quite as Tobias might have planned. Tobias dodging to the right worked just great for Rakash, who went right past him and for his sword. Did he plan this, or was his blood rage merely identifying this sword as a great way to slaughter his opponent? His rough, shadow-covered hand grasped the sword and hefted it up, the same insane roar ringing out as he did.

Rakash whirled around with the sword in his hands and rushed again, lashing out at Tobias' mechanical leg with it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tobias Malari Character Portrait: Lamina Character Portrait: Rakash
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Tobias figured this would happen if he sidestepped. Rakash went for the sword he thought he had kicked safely into the crowd, then took a blind, sweeping strike at his right leg. Suddenly, his range was doubled. Think fast, dude!

Tobias saw much of himself in the giant. The blind rage. The long weapon. And that's what would be his downfall. Launching himself into the air, dodging the blade as if jumping rope, his mechanical right foot came up and lashed out at Rakash's face. But he wasn't done, as his body twisted around to bring his left foot into play against Rakash's stupid fucking face as well.

"Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku!" The famous, gibberish-sounding Whirlwind Kick was timed to hit him on the follow-through and gauged to make him see stars. Finishing with the left foot also allowed him to bring the robotic appendage into play one last time, lashing out at Rakash's tender right ankle after Tobias landed. How the hell it hadn't given out after all this running around was a mystery for the ages. Best give it a little nudge in the right direction.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tobias Malari Character Portrait: Lamina Character Portrait: Rakash
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#, as written by Phersu
Rakash let the blade go flying in mid-swing as Tobias jumped over it, the slab of sharp rock flying through the lobby but ultimately, and harmlessly, lodging itself deep into one of the walls. He couldn't raise his hands in time to defend himself, and some far away, still rational, part of his mind recognized this. It didn't matter, however. His race wasn't built to survive as long as he had. They were built to kill gods, or die trying. Taking a wound to deal one.

So that's what he did. Rakash launched a vicious right uppercut as Tobias' feet connected with his head, throwing it all into one brutal blow to take out his opponent at the same time as he was taken out.

His consciousness started to dim as the Whirlwind Kick connected with his temple, the darkness covering him starting to dispel but his right arm stilling going on in it's vicious curve.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tobias Malari Character Portrait: Lamina Character Portrait: Rakash
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How the hell...? Tobias saw the right fist coming in as he went down at the ankle. Off balance from the impressive display from earlier, Tobias was in no position to block the hit, unlike earlier.

His whole body tensed up, flexing his abs and pecs in anticipation of Rakash's vicious blow, cushioning it ever so slightly as the fist collided with his torso square in the gut, causing him to spontaneously exhale and fall to the ground. Probably a couple of broken ribs, and subsequent organ damage to things like the intestines and diaphragm. But he was still conscious. He hadn't taken a blow that heavy since that one time in Gambit's from the bear that called himself Khavel.

But Tobias wasn't getting up anytime soon to call himself the winner. He was in a world of pain. His left arm raised up and waved Lamina over, gesturing to his stomach. He had the wind knocked out of him. He couldn't scream in pain or call for help. Rakash had given his all there, recognizing his desperate straits. It was the right move...but it wasn't quite enough to claim the draw. The Terran had won a close one, but he had to borrow against the future to do it. And now the future had come to collect.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tobias Malari Character Portrait: Lamina Manira Character Portrait: Lamina Character Portrait: Rakash
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Lamina's little voice echoed loudly through the lobby, a command she hoped would be taken seriously despite her small size and lack of true authority over the sudden lobby brawl. Hopefully the giant would recognize that the fight was pointless to carry on, and the punches could stop. If so, Lamina rushed over to Tobias' side with a surprised look on her face. "Oh my god are you okay??"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tobias Malari Character Portrait: Lamina Character Portrait: Rakash
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Tobias breathed slowly, carefully...raggedly. Blood dripped from his mouth on each exhalation, and he fell back against the wall in order to avoid renewing the agony from falling to one knee and doubling over. "N-not really...but you know...L-Lamina, you know best of all...I've had worse."

He reached gingerly towards his pocket, then thought better of it. "There's a cell phone in my pocket. Call the hospital and get me a room there, then under Contacts there's a Crystal Malari. Call her and tell her to meet me at the hospital. I...tell her I'll be..."

Tobias finally started coughing up blood before slumping to the floor, succumbing to pain and exhaustion even as his fingers were curled into the OK sign.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tobias Malari Character Portrait: Lamina Character Portrait: Rakash Character Portrait: Crystal Malari
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So little Lamina reached into his pockets and retrieved his phone, dialing for the hospital.

She called and reserved a room, something she was admittedly not used to doing. Even more strange, however, was the second request. She looked for a Crystal Malari, and gave the number a call. She wondered if she should introduce herself; many knew who she was, and Crystal might not think too nicely of her.

The phone rang... should there be a response, Lamina's young voice would come through the other end. "Um... hello? Is this Crystal Malari?"

The setting changes from The Arena Lobby to Wing City Hospital

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lamina Character Portrait: Crystal Malari
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0.00 INK

(written by Arluar)

Crys tried to relax as she hit the halfway point in the sixth session of her treatment. The pod she was lying in was that pristine white one would come to expect with the sanity of a hospital, but its sheen and glow was more cobalt - or perhaps that was just the mood they wanted to set. They wanted her to relax, to close her eyes and sink into the subconscious mode, something that was increasingly difficult for this mother.

Whatever success she had had at drifting off, was soon ruined by the buzzing of the phone she had left in a bag on the counter beside her. With a grunt, Crystal raised off the plank of the pod and blindly groped for the object, only to jerk at the IV transfusion in her inner left elbow. "Gah!...Screw it." she muttered, adjusting the dark visor over her eyes as she laid down again and gently laid her pierced arm on the rest. She let it go to voicemail as she concentrated on the treatment again.

The setting changes from Wing City Hospital to The Arena Lobby


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tobias Malari Character Portrait: Lamina Character Portrait: Rakash
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0.00 INK

No response. What was worse, was that Tobias himself was pretty much out cold. That left Lamina standing in the lobby, two fighters out cold from a spontaneous pre-game battle. Lamina was young and relatively small; moving either of the two was totally out of the equation. This was a situation she normally was not responsible for.
A few straggling spectators here and there... though it seemed everyone had suffered from the bystander effect.

Very well then... Lamina, in coming to terms with qb being out cold, had to call for the paramedics. Fortunately, however, the arena had a local team for such occasions, and were on the scene in two minutes flat. Both fighters would receive immediate care.

"Lamina, what did you do!?"

"Hey! It wasn't me, they started fighting!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Lamina
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It was a fresh new day full of new opportunities as Aiya hit the gym. Out of habit she was in kickboxing shorts and a tank top with her usual supporting underclothes. But today was strength training, which meant she fell into the usual problem she always fell into. She didn't have a partner to spot her for. All the same she set about putting weights on the bar for some bench work, but her eyes (and mind) wandered about a little blankly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Lamina
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Lamina was not often at the gym, but when she was, it was typical of her to spend time on the mats in front of the mirrored wall, or in the extensive gymnastics training area. Also rare was anyone seeing her in her slim black athletic gear, consisting of black pants and tank top. Today she was here for it all--shadow boxing and forms in front of the mirror, gymnastics, and the punching bags.
For a small time, Aiya would be alerted to the presence of another in the gym, in the room next door. A young voice huffed with exhaustion between intervals of intense cardio kickboxing, until finally the sound of the bag and the chain came to a permanent end.
Out of breath, Lamina transitioned into the weight room on her way out, long straight locks of disheveled brown hair obscuring her youthful face.. and then..
"Oh, hey," Aiya kind of surprised her, who just become aware that someone else was using the gym.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Lamina
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Aiya actually gave a start when Lamina talked to her. She usually came to the gym when it was quietest mostly because she didn't usually make a good impression with people. But there was someone talking to her. She was definitely caught off guard. "Uh, hi!" she said, trying to recover as quickly as she could, "Are you busy?" She blinked a moment, then shook her head. "Y'know... I mean um, I'm was just going to do some strength training and if you're looking for a gym partner we could take turns spotting for each other..." Her eyes wandered off to the side as her voice slowly grew meeker and her cheeks slowly grew redder. People were hard. That was why she stuck to fighting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Lamina
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"Um... I was actually just on my way out, but.. I'll spot for you, if you want." Lamina too, was shy and sometimes a little blunt, despite being highly televised and being something of a well-known figure around here. She wasn't sure what kind of weight this older girl was accustomed to, but something about being caught in the moment had her say okay to it.

The setting changes from The Arena Lobby to Gambit's Bar


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lamina
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Lamina enters the establishment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lamina
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Lamina ...proceeds to order a wine cooler if she can and sits by herself at the bar.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Mountain Cove


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jakob Character Portrait: Lamina
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0.00 INK

A great emerald beam of light suddenly shot towards the sky and made contact with Sol,
coming from somewhere else deep within the Collenham Mountains.

Sol and Terra seemed tethered together by a thin, bright, green string.

The setting changes from Mountain Cove to The Arena Lobby


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Geist Character Portrait: Sacha Volkov Character Portrait: Lamina Manira Character Portrait: Lamina Character Portrait: Rakash
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0.00 INK

Marcus was waiting for an opponent, sitting on a chair with a table in front of him. His helmet was resting on the table, his rifle at his side, and his baton in his hand. He was tapping the baton against his armor, thinking. He gets up and grabs his helmet, placing it on his head, and walks into the arena, not caring if there was a fight going on or not. He would watch.