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Lewis Stockton

"Such is life." - The Judge

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Joseph_Bennett

Inventory 1cMXaHkEtFdt15FSPPFPXR4b8bN31mciKjrlno6a8u-g/edit


Name: Lewis Judex Stockton
Nickname: The Judge
Gender: Male, Straight
Race: White, Terran Nationality
Age: 28 years old

Height: 6’ 5”
Weight: 198 lbs (234 lbs armored)
Hair: dark gray hair, buzz cut.
Skin: Lighter skin tone, may be slightly tanned
Distinguishing marks: Inch-long scar in the center of the forehead, small scars across the arms and shoulders, large scars across upper torso. Faded burn marks across back. Additionally, tattoos in the shape of solid black crosses, one on each of his shoulders, and a larger one along his back.
Eyes: Olive, pale green.
Clothing: Usually wearing light-colored T-Shirts and jeans, or shorts if fair weather or running. General leaning towards casual clothing, partially for comfort and anonymity.

Temperament: This character is decidedly nonsocial, and very introverted. They have few ambitions, and keep them quiet. They are very stoic, usually not portraying emotions unless in private.
Moral/Ethical Beliefs: Believes in morality, primarily towards honesty, but also maintains secrets that he’s not afraid to lie about. Has nearly no qualms about killing or causing harm, but maintains it to a strictly almost businesslike sense, with no (perceivable) emotional attachment. Is open to reason, but doesn’t usually reason with people he views as opponents, preferring to strike first and strike hard.
Religious beliefs: Believes in a Christian god, but also feels so decidedly separate from salvation that he sees no point in acknowledging anything.
Political stance: Holds a decidedly reserved political opinion, holding that if he’s left alone he doesn’t care what’s going on.
Hobbies: “The Hobby,” the word deeply ingrained in him as the silent name for his vigilante behavior, is his primary pastime. He takes part in reading and journaling as well, and spends decent amounts of time in a workshop he calls the Forge, usually crafting implements to be used in the hobby.
Habits: Obsessive maintenance of implements he’s using, such as blades or firearms. Has a slight twitch of the hands when nervous, which he does his best to control by tensing his hands into fists.
Quirks: Gets very quiet when around groups of people he’s not comfortable with or hasn’t assessed, and often simply leaves places when he feels as though there’s too many people around. Intensely paranoid of being found out as the Judge, and will refuse to remove his armor in the presence of another person or be seen anywhere near somebody who has seen him in the armor. Rather socially awkward outside of the armor, as he usually relies on it for confidence, he occasionally stumbles over words or simply stops speaking.
Likes: Quiet, peaceful places and writing. Being at home or at the forge. Reading a variety of nonfiction or fiction books. Natural environments and forests, and takes time to visit the Wing City Gardens.
Dislikes: Consumer media. Strong hatred for undead and for criminals, emphasis on wanton murderers or predation (something he finds himself guilty of, but doesn't think about). Chaotic environments and loud or obnoxious people.
Fears: Fear of darkness, which he conceals well. General mild social anxiety relating to unfamiliar people. Crippling fear of being unprepared, leading to paranoia.
Strengths: Very physically strong and has a high level of endurance. Very tolerant to pain. Proficient in the use of bladed or blunt weapons and firearms. Handles dangerous situations well, usually with careful analysis. Very organized train of thought, excellent memory.
Weaknesses: Due to teleportation being the main system of combat interaction or travel, he can be drained of energy the faster he uses it. (OOC this is about after ~5-6 uses. He prefers to engage on-foot, but utilizes opportunities when necessary.) Very poor handling of diplomatic issues or high-class environments outside of strictly transactional goals and relationships. Physically, he pushes himself to the absolute limit through combat when necessary, but prefers to keep things quiet and quick.
Short-term goals: Primarily keeping his job, due to his extended number of ‘outings’ beginning to eat into the time he has to work. Current goals are mostly reconnaissance of criminal and supernatural havens to assault.
Long-term goals: Lewis is struggling with the idea of what he does, so doesn’t have a plan beyond concealing the outings as the Judge and continuing to do what he’s doing. He feels ultimately directionless.
Hopes/Aspirations: Quietly dreams for a reason to stop the vigilante activity, but has to force himself to continue, rationalizing it as he’s in too deep to climb out. Wishes for greater fulfillment than just silently standing by and watching his life fly by.
Occupation: His legal occupation is that of a construction worker, allowing him more time in-between jobs to work on the hobby. He puts in hours of time working, usually using it as time to silently rationalize what he’s been doing. Works specifically as a light machine operator, usually with jackhammers or simpler equipment.
Skills: Very skilled in close-range combat with bladed and blunt objects. Decent capability in firearms use. Specializes in nonlethal engagement but usually roughly improvises to kill. Very capable of movement in armor. Also a quality weaponsmith and engineer, as he designed and built his armor, a product of extended time and effort and is constantly being improved. Self-taught in silent takedowns, and documents everything about his engagements with his targets with meticulous detail, theorizing improvements and executing the most likely ones to succeed. Careful planner, exact executor.
Secrets: Has never revealed the motivation behind his vigilante action, primarily because he’s never let anybody know that he’s the Judge, yet another secret.

(Vigilante Activity):
Always has:
“The Judge” armor, combat knives (3), throwing knives (6, three of which are “warp knives”), .45 ACP handgun (M1911, quantity of 1), several concealed handguns (~3-4), hatchet (1), machete (1), backpack (1) containing rough dozen melee weapons (usually knives or hatchets, occasional blunt weapon), threaded suppressors (2), field notebook (1), pens (3), canteen (2, contains 2 liters water), several protein bars (~6-8), up to eight scrolls of teleportation. Usually has concealing emblems etched into his armor at the back of the neck plate, preventing basic detection.

Sometimes has: Large variety of long guns, mostly infantry or battle rifles with a variety across civilizations in the MV. (Total number is upwards of 50, usually seized from criminal possession after conflict. Hidden in stashes across areas of interest or stored in The Forge.) Several SMGs or machine pistols, rough number ~20, hidden in similar locations. 9 shotguns, including the favored Gen-12 magazine-fed, which has been modified to allow for automatic fire and suppressed. Three anti-armor weapons (one anti-material rifle, one 3D-printed light rocket launcher, disruptor rifle). Large amassment of bladed and hard-blunt force weapons, primarily hand-forged or purchased weapons as well as a large variety of “seized” implements.

Gear (Plainclothes Activity)
Always has: Small sheath knife. Wears a black analog-faced watch. If in public places, will often concealed-carry a .357 snub nosed revolver, depending on setting. Leather-bound journal.

Sometimes has: A backpack with an urban version of the field notebook and several food items, as well as a water bottle. May carry binoculars if surveying from a distance, or wear a light protective vest underneath his clothing. May carry a “reverse” teleport scroll, one that he uses to bring an item to him, such as the aforementioned revolver.

Events and History

Recent notable events:
Had a brief excursion out to the Cursed Wood to test an individual named Ulrich Paternosta, resulting in several interactions with denizens of the area and a Deep 17 operative. After engaging in non-facilitated conflict and pushing himself to his mental and physical limits through repeat abuse of teleportation, he retreated home using a scroll and left behind a large stash of weapons, learning that he can overtax himself with magic.

Lewis shared a quality life with his family, consisting of his parents and younger brother, until he joined up with a security group centered around preserving areas and businesses during one of Wing City’s many disasters. After slowly climbing the ranks in the security group, known as RUST, he eventually made it into a full-time job. By the age of 23, he was fully independent, working with the security group 24/7. When his parents died the same year, traveling across the continent, he was left with his brother, who he slowly brought into RUST.
The work he had with RUST held him in place, and when his brother died during a riot while serving in a separate area from Lewis, he quit his job and began to live off of the money he had saved, spending almost all of his time at home for around 2 years. During that period, he developed an obsession with discovering those accountable for the death of his family, and worked for minor mercenary contractors to perform mostly surveillance or “security” jobs, all the while earning money to slowly build his retribution.
He never was able to find who was accountable for any of the things that caused him his suffering, but he began to take it out on those as he saw equal to the murderers and thieves he witnessed destroy his family.
Realizing what killed his parents through a slow gathering of information, he slowly began to take out his anger on the undead who lived on Terra. Anything from breaking into houses and menacing people to outright killing undead was possible, and he did it.

So far, it’s been three non-stop years of vengeful action dispersed among time spent living the plainest life he can palate, leading to perhaps the most stress he’s ever gone through, especially moving into the events of IC.

So begins...

Lewis Stockton's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Marlene McGregor Character Portrait: Ulrich Paternosta Character Portrait: Lewis Stockton Character Portrait: Sheriff Daylon Character Portrait: Eurydice Reverencia
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0.25 INK

Draven himself had gotten antsy as the cross-examination went on, shifting in his seat slightly, yet trying his best to remain stoic. The idea of being infected, of changing was enough to even make a veteran's skin crawl. An entire planet subjected to what is essentially a supernatural take on a bioweapon. And this man was one of its victims. These proceedings had gone from bad to worse. Was there nothing to be done for this man? Was this his final plea as a human being?

"Can't we do something for him..?" Eurydice said to Draven.

Draven let out a sigh and, instead of answering, just opened his coat and took out a vanilla folder from his coat, a file from which papers he had copied for these proceedings. Though nowhere near as heavy as a full world infestation incident, it was still relevant... and important to Terra. On its cover was Operation Stygian Reverie. Seeing these, there was notable discomfort from Reverencia.

"Sure you want this?" Draven whispered to her.

"Gonna... gonna have to face my bogeymen eventually, luv," she whispered back, a notable hesitation in her voice. "Might as well be today."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Marlene McGregor Character Portrait: Ulrich Paternosta Character Portrait: Lewis Stockton Character Portrait: Sheriff Daylon Character Portrait: Eurydice Reverencia
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1.00 INK

Hannibal steadied himself before the microphone. “The man known as Zosimos - Hemlok framed him as the one that released the contagion in a diplomatic summit that killed a hundred and thirteen people. This was before the war began in earnest,” He twisted his torso to be more comfortable as he hovered by the microphone.

”They wanted a … picture perfect example of Alfaric - sorry, vampiric - barbarity to lay the blame upon, even when the weapon killed mortal and post-mortal indiscriminately. Insulated from responsibility, they were then able to 'refine' this weapon, until I and soldiers in a unit called the Black Knights stopped them. We were only able to kill one of them, however. The man that built the weapon, a man named Bruno Babich, is still free to this day, hiding somewhere in this sector of space.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zosimos Character Portrait: Marlene McGregor Character Portrait: Ulrich Paternosta Character Portrait: Lewis Stockton Character Portrait: Sheriff Daylon Character Portrait: Eurydice Reverencia
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0.00 INK

Lewis withdraws a notebook from his coat, a smaller, leatherbound one. He begins writing down the things gone over that haven't already faded from his memory, something he should have been doing when the trial started. That was why he was here, after all.
- full vampiric obtainment of a planet, unknown time range. Planet is Tibra, year 2589. Look into ICON records?
- Hemlok Group. Genetic manipulators? Made "sanguiphage." Stole "aid" materials from the Vankoryth detente, turned into virus/bioweapon. Possible puppet group? Unknown. Research if public organization.
- Hemlok framed Zosimos?
- Find Bruno Babich in Int-Planet travel records, run facial recog if false names are being used. Possible alteration of appearance so identify vehicles, find contacts on Terra. See about interrogation, look into police records for the guy and his coworkers

- Potential that this witness (Hannibal Hattar, age unk, Gardenite) is bullshitting? Follow him to where he's staying and talk to him about it after looking into security. Might need to dress well. Look into his military records if anything is public.
- False terrorism? Potential to damage rep of Vankoryth is strange if they are a puppet group. Don't know about testimony but an attack made by a foreign group to blame the Detente would look bad until it was proved innocent (unless this is a long-play deal)

At the bottom of the page, after writing most of the things he could find about the court, he writes a message to himself.

- Look into what D17 is later. Might be related to Detente, potential puppet organization. One member I've interacted with, might be grander scale than first thought. Record names and interactions, involvement with local govnt, motives, etc. Either visit a website or find a guy who forgets to check his closet
He feels satisfied with what he has down, quietly shutting the book before anyone can get a long look at it, staring up at the front of the room.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: LDA Agent Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Lewis Stockton Character Portrait: OttO
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0.50 INK

Lewis steps in through the doors silently, entering into the foyer of the library. He didn't usually ever go here to compile notes, but he was on this side of town today, so he figured it couldn't hurt.

Generally, the analyzing was a mixed process of reasoning and guesswork, mostly predictions based off of what had worked in raids before and what had nearly gotten him killed, a process he had picked up in RUST's Combat-Crisis unit. Planning never hurt, even when it was just guessing on interior layouts and writing down notes from the previous days of in-field surveillance.
It didn't feel as secure, maybe, sitting out in public where anybody could be watching, but he figures at worst he'd look like some older college student studying for... something.

I guess this is why the superheroes in the stories usually have a buddy to do these things for them, he thinks to himself. Sure, it would be nice to have somebody to do all the observation work, dig up maps and names, and so on, but there wasn't anyone he could trust enough. Anyways, even in the stories that "reliable sidekick" ends up overestimating their ability and getting captured, usually then used to push a plot where they end up rescued and so on, and on, and on. That would be perhaps the single worst use of his time, having to go after some hotshot techie or amateur P.I., or any other of the hundreds of hundreds of tropes. Better to just put in the work himself.

He freezes in place for a split second, his eyes, normally fixed forward and emotionless, suddenly flickering back and forth around his surroundings. Something is off. It was quiet, and not the sort of quiet you get in a library. A post-trauma kind of quiet, one that settles after a bomb goes off or a building collapses, unnatural stillness.
There was a mask of some kind, resting on the front counter, and he realizes in a moment that there's not a computer-jockey or attendant behind it. Bad.
Think. The gut-feeling was reliable enough, but it didn't tell him anything beyond what he could subconsciously recognize. So, what were those things?

Stockton takes a half-step back, moving his head from left to right to look around.
Ornate mask on table, first. No title, not an art piece. Probably... weird somehow. Deeper in, past fourth line of shelves... What looks like books or papers scattered along the floor, hard to tell. Nobody around at all.
There. Some... kind of- hazard. Abnormal dancing of light, heat waves or something, don't know. Avoid it.

Something else, too. What?
... Watch has stopped ticking at regular tempo. Something's really off.

If it wasn't a government building, he might be armed, to some extent. The best he had was a pen, right now. Better fix that.
He slowly steps over to behind the counter, then kicks over the wooden chair behind it, slowly crouching down to rest both of his hands on a single leg, eyes still pointed inwards toward the shimmering as he pulls it free with little effort.
He stands up again, adjusting his grip on the makeshift club, and steps carefully into the large opening room of the library. With his arms half-raised in a ready position, club held in one hand, he moves warily to the shelves, looking carefully around.
See if anyone's injured or incapacitated before the WCPD gets here, get some answers, leave. Be aware of combatants, adjust as necessary.

Aftermaths really sucked, but he was used to it. There was always a risk, he just happened to be the guy to take it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: LDA Agent Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Lewis Stockton Character Portrait: OttO
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0.25 INK

Slowly pacing through the library, Stockton steps past the rows of shelves. His eyes carefully watched his surroundings, scanning back-and-forth along the cases filled with books and the several upturned tables.

His gut felt like it was burning. He very sincerely wished he had brought a pistol, or at least something he could stab with. I'm never first to the scene. He takes a moment to stare at a neat, head-sized hole burned horizontally through a bookshelf, the edges of the interior still smoldering. I usually cause this kind of s... Nevermind. I need a firearm.
He walks over to one of the books on the ground, quickly crouching down to grab it. He flips to the very end, where the extraneous papers are, and carefully tears it out as quickly as he can. Withdrawing the pen from his shirt, he raises a knee to serve as a surface. Glancing around and stepping behind the poor cover of a shelf, he sketches out a shape, then fills in the details with smaller symbols.

He takes a deep breath, then tears the page in half. In the brief moment that the paper takes to split into rough, jagged halves, there's a space of nothing. He uses this moment, shoving his hand into the rift, withdrawing a handgun. There's a still-smoldering scorch marked into the slide, which he quickly inspects. Should still function.

He ignores the sudden wave of nausea that strikes him a few seconds later, the aftereffects of using raw, broken magic. It always felt like somebody was twisting his stomach into knots, and doing it often enough could cause him to black out.
He avoided that the best he could.

He chambers a round in the pistol, a Wildebeest .44.
Damn. Guess it's time to roll.
