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Lexia Nitiena

I'm not weak. I quit. That makes me stronger than a lot of people. Even if I'm weaker than you.

0 · 2,628 views · located in Wing City Spaceport

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Saken



This image is not mine and is, in fact, from Deviantart. If Asked I'll remove it.

Name: Lexia Arianna Nitiena
Nickname(s):Lexi, Lex.
Age: 22
Religion: N/A
Race: Human.
Appearance: Lex is a considerably slender brunette, who is still gaining weight now that she has kicked the drugs that wrecked her system. She stands around 5’6, and weighs about 117 pounds, still beneath the target weight that she needs to be at. She has brown eyes, as well, which can change from dark brown to a honey brown depending on the makeup that she may decide to slather on. Now that she’s off drugs, Lexia’s skin tone is a bit darker, seeing as she’s been getting sun. She’s not strong, but she’s not weak, either (at least, by human female standards). She tends to wear jeans, a tank top, and some sort of shirt covering over the tank top. When it’s colder, she wears an oversized sweater.
Defining Marks: Track marks on the inside of both of her arms, from when she used to shoot up.
History: Lex used to be a hard core drug addict. She did whatever she could get her hands on- but her D.O.C (Drug of Choice) was Cocaine. Well, an off brand of the more expensive kind that most celebrities did. Honestly, Lexia made many bad choices. She dropped out of school, never finished her education, and until recently could not hold down a legitimate job to save her life- she doesn’t even recall the trip to Terra! When she did get to Terra, and camping out in the slums, she met someone. Kazen.

He helped her change her life around- and without what the other men usually wanted. He didn’t dangle the drug infront of he, for a quick night. No. He helped her to get clean. He was her first friend.

So begins...

Lexia Nitiena's Story

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Character Portrait: Odgerel Character Portrait: Tasi Character Portrait: Lexia Nitiena Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: Black Cat Character Portrait: Sosrioser
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“You need numbers, fair enough. Speaks to your intelligence.” For a brief moment Xavier considered testing his hypnosis.

No, not like last time, he thought.

“50,000 Terran credits.” Xavier was bluffing, somewhat. His intention was to redirect the Detente’s next payment to the Courier. However previous payments matched the ballpark and he was satisfied that even if he was off by a couple thousand, the Courier would be satisfied as well. “You'd be headed to 75th Street, which you’ll find in the business district. Public transport will take you. You’ll head south onto northern Main Street, then east to reach the business district. From there you should have no problem heading into 75th street where our blood bank is. Not an overly popular area, but hardly devoid of human life either. I’ll send instructions via communicator once you arrive. I promise that if you follow them perfectly, you’ll have your money within 24 hours. Do we have a deal?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Odgerel Character Portrait: Tasi Character Portrait: Lexia Nitiena Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: Black Cat Character Portrait: Sosrioser
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50,000 Terran credits. James is kind of stunned by that figure, as it seems like a lot of money for a task like this. Usually if he were to do something like this, it would be maybe ten, twenty thousand Terran credits. And it's not even a monetary bank, so it must mean a lot to this guy if he's willing to pay that much. A blood bank... Something kind of registers in the back of The Courier's head, but it goes unnoticed. "We have a deal." He holds out his hand to shake X's.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Odgerel Character Portrait: Tasi Character Portrait: Lexia Nitiena Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: Black Cat Character Portrait: Sosrioser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Jay Null disembarked from his shuttle after setting it down gently on one of the spaceport's platforms, to the sound of the familiar klaxons chiming in announcement of another arrival. He click-click-clicked his prosthesis as he walked down the ramp, entering into the busy plaza below.

He approached one of the terminals to take a look over the latest listings.

Hrm... seems like the market is still stable.
he opined, looking towards Main Street, towards the south.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Odgerel Character Portrait: Tasi Character Portrait: Lexia Nitiena Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: Black Cat Character Portrait: Sosrioser
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Others kept filing through the Spaceport, of little concern to Xavier.

James let out his hand to shake his, something that almost seemed unnatural to him at this point. After a wave of confusion washed over his face, Xavier took his hand and shook it with childlike fragility. This could be the start of a friendship, even.

Don’t be stupid.

“Perfect. Perfect. I’ll accompany you to the bank. Then we shall part ways, although as I said I’ll be in constant contact with you until the job is done. No time to waste.”
Xavier stood up, swinging his backpack around and heading outside to the public shuttle centre.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Odgerel Character Portrait: Tasi Character Portrait: Lexia Nitiena Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: Black Cat Character Portrait: Sosrioser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Jay Null clicked his prosthesis and moved onwards. He had things to do!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Odgerel Character Portrait: Tasi Character Portrait: Lexia Nitiena Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: Black Cat Character Portrait: Winne Rineswurth
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Winne Rineswurth navigated towards the one and only shuttle headed to her destination. She was notably different than the others preparing to board, and Winne took mental note. A tight-smiled stewardess waved her on board. She dazzled her own grin back.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Odgerel Character Portrait: Tasi Character Portrait: Lexia Nitiena Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: Black Cat Character Portrait: Winne Rineswurth
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0.00 INK

Lewis checks his watch. He's an odd figure, standing in this spaceport, but then again, when were there not odd figures in a spaceport? His mission may be odd, though. He's here to hunt vampires, of all things. The cross-shaped patches sewn into his shoulders glint silver as he turns, and he looks at the digital clock on the wall to sync his watch up to.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Odgerel Character Portrait: Tasi Character Portrait: Lexia Nitiena Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: Black Cat Character Portrait: Sosrioser
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0.00 INK

 “ Hello ”

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Character Portrait: Odgerel Character Portrait: Tasi Character Portrait: Lexia Nitiena Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: Black Cat Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt
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Linus Trucidabunt stopped abruptly shortly before the doors, by an almost overflowing ashtray next to a recently emptied garbage can.

"Well, ye got yer wish," He tapped at his pockets as if looking for a wallet. A joke.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Odgerel Character Portrait: Tasi Character Portrait: Lexia Nitiena Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: Black Cat Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt
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0.00 INK

Carmen Dellevon dropped her smile, reaching up to touch the soft petaled flower she had tucked behind her ear. It had begun to wilt. Were she an enchantress, it would have never. But, she was not.

She sighed audibly, heavy, exaggerated.

"Aren't you having fun, though?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Odgerel Character Portrait: Tasi Character Portrait: Lexia Nitiena Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: Black Cat Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt
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Linus Trucidabunt chuckled and folded his arms across his chest. So, she wasn't gonna pay up easy, eh?

"Nah. Hate the city. Hate space. Good in the water. You payin' or 'm I hollerin'?"

He hated to do it, but he wasn't so sure about leaving Terra just yet. He had this sick underwater thing that he had pieced back together himself. He had a decent hustle, which was about to get a little more strict when it came to items of transport.

No, Linus wasn't interested in becoming a wanted refugee. He liked his lil' life as a captainless pirate.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Odgerel Character Portrait: Tasi Character Portrait: Lexia Nitiena Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: Black Cat Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt
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0.00 INK

Carmen Dellevon harrumphed and fished a wad of cash out from somewhere that Linus didn't catch. She slapped it at his chest.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Odgerel Character Portrait: Tasi Character Portrait: Lexia Nitiena Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: Black Cat Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt
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Linus Trucidabunt shuffled to catch the money and shot Carmen a glare.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Odgerel Character Portrait: Tasi Character Portrait: Lexia Nitiena Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: Black Cat Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt
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Carmen Dellevon flashed Linus a devious smile, turned on her heel, and marched off to the shuttles. Sneaking on ships was her recent specialty. Perhaps she's dry it again, perhaps not. Either way, she supposed she was done with Linus. He had been paid and now he was gone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Odgerel Character Portrait: Tasi Character Portrait: Lexia Nitiena Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: Black Cat Character Portrait: Linus Trucidabunt
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0.00 INK

Linus Trucidabunt didn't hang around, just in case someone who had seen those wanted ads just so happened to see him accepting money from Carmen. So far, it seemed, so good.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Odgerel Character Portrait: Tasi Character Portrait: Lexia Nitiena Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: Black Cat Character Portrait: Sosrioser
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0.25 INK

Carmen Dellevon snuck around the spaceport nonchalantly. She noticed security was a bit lax around one bay, tucked down a hallway that was too inconveniently long to have much traffic. There weren't even any shops down this way. What a fortunate meander!

She slipped under a piece of neon yellow tape doing a bad job at blocking the bay entrance - not bothering to notice that it was police tape.

There wasn't anyone inside, which again seemed very odd. A quick glance around and she realized why. The place was fully covered with security cameras. It looked like the whole bay was automated. But, she hadn't tripped any alarms.

"Yeah, we just got it working last week- but it's..." Said a voice deeper in the bay to someone else. They were in the control room it sounded like, but the door was open. Carmen kicked off her shoes and tucked them under an armpit. Cowboy boots weren't exactly quiet and it was a miracle nobody had noticed her.

"I don't see why we don't," responded another voice. They sounded impatient. Carmen crept around the perimeter of the bay.

In the center was a tall thing covered with a giant black sheet-like tarp. It looked heavy and weatherproof- and it touched the ground right over there.

"...Politics, you know?" The first voice said again. Carmen wasn't catching the whole conversation.

"...up and running if they're just going to decommission it. Makes no sense!" the second voice said. Carmen ducked into the fold of the fabric covering the thing in the center of the room where it touched the ground. It was just big enough to hide all of her, and if they hadn't been looking at the cameras to see her get this far...well. That was the opposite of her problem.

Footsteps started to approach. Carmen held her breath.

"We did our job," Said the first voice.

"Woulda been nice, though, to be able to push them buttons," Responded the second.

"Yeah, woulda coulda shoulda. I'm starved," the first voice changed the topic. It sounded like they were going out the way Carmen had come in.

"Same. Clock out & hit the diner?" The second voice was all too willing to talk food over work. The footsteps quickened and receded down the tunnel that led to the bay. Carmen could have burst out laughing. If that was security, well. It was no wonder she was to fly out from here. What security?!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Odgerel Character Portrait: Tasi Character Portrait: Lexia Nitiena Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: Black Cat Character Portrait: Sosrioser
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0.00 INK

Carmen Dellevon dragged the big tarp-like thing off of the tall mechanical object - which turned out to be not unlike the one she had used to get from the cliffs of Gruelle to the beaches of Aslund. She grinned, realizing she had watched Linus pilot his underwater version of this gargantuan thing. Now, how to get in it?

"Hello?" Carmen called up and tapped on the leg, noticing a child had put a bunch of metallic star stickers meticulously all over it. That was cute.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Odgerel Character Portrait: Tasi Character Portrait: Lexia Nitiena Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: Sosrioser Character Portrait: Katie Brighton
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0.00 INK

Chaos erupted in the bay at the departure of Sol Senshi. As soon as the sky door opened to allow it to pass through, an alarm began to blare. All over Wing City Spaceport, officials mobilized to the scene of the crime.

A Gundam, decommissioned tech and unseen for ages on Terra, was ascending into the sky. It was supposed to be sent to Sol Enterprise but um...well, it was currently headed off planet now wasn't it?

Someone was in deep trouble!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Odgerel Character Portrait: Tasi Character Portrait: Lexia Nitiena Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: Sosrioser Character Portrait: Katie Brighton
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0.00 INK


Jatara arrived on shift to a shit show. So, someone had stolen the project she was responsible for? Great. Brilliant. Wonderful. It looked like they had pursuit handled, but now to buck it up and tell the bosses. Not fun. She unpeeled a cherry flavored piece of gun, popped it in her mouth, and tossed the wrapper at a trash can.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Odgerel Character Portrait: Tasi Character Portrait: Lexia Nitiena Character Portrait: Tenna Character Portrait: Sosrioser Character Portrait: Katie Brighton
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0.00 INK

Daniel Altarei smiled as he checked the security system logs. He tagged the people of interest, and started a security sweep to see what was known about them. He wondered if Carmen would discover the tracking device hidden on Sol Senshi, not that he would be able to track the signal once it slipped into hyperspace.