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Lochlyn Haley

A man of few words and of many secrets. He is the leader of the Jupiter Corporation terrorist group

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Saarai



Conqueror. Physical god. Destroyer of worlds.

Real Name: Lochlyn L. Haley.
Title(s): N/A.
Alias(es): None.
Age: Exact age unknown.
Birth Date: 1970 - 1975
Zodiac: Unknown.
Gender: Male.
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 203 lbs.
Race: Caucasian. English.
Species: Unknown.
Occupation: Terrorist.
Place of Birth: Somewhere in England.
Hometown: See above.
- Current: Jupiter Corporation terrorist group.
- Prior: N/A.


Like all people, the man known as Lochlyn Haley does have a history. One longer than most people have. It's the details that have never really come to light. The official story is that Lochlyn Haley is an English businessman who found himself going down the path of supervillain. Maybe for greed. Maybe for power. Maybe out of anger. No one really knows.

Lochlyn and his Jupiter Corporation made a sudden appearance in London, England in the year 1991. They suddenly had holdings in Africa, America, Europe and eventually other planets and dimensions. Their intense devotion to philanthropy betrayed what lay beneath the surface of the Jupiter Corporation and Lochlyn Haley.

Horrific experiments and a private army were eventually exposed. While many of Haley's lieutenants were jailed, Haley himself disappeared without a trace.


Lochlyn demonstrates the ability to fly, an somewhat uncommon trait in many non-winged beings. It's implied that he doesn't actually fly as much as exert so much force when he jumps that it could be seen as flight. He also heals instantaneously from any damage he sustains, if he takes any at all. The limits of his healing abilities have never been properly tested by the general populace. Only Lochlyn knows how far he can go.

Listed below are his more unique abilities:

- The First Circle: This ability allows Lochlyn to use just the sound of his voice to make people feel no passion, no emotion and at times no hope. Making them slow and sluggish or even just a liabilty to themselves. For fighters and warriors they'll fight without passion, seeing no point. Entertainers will not entertain as they should, feeling as if it was waste of time.

- The Second Circle: With this ability Lochlyn taps into the most carnal desires of those around him. Lust takes over their bodies and clouds their judgement, taking their mind off of a fight or whatever else is going on around them in favor of their lust taking control. For some they cling to the nearest person, for others they'll try to seek out a lover.

- The Third Circle: This ability causes people to give in to their addictions when used by Lochlyn. Sometimes it's an overindulgence of food and drink, other times it's an addiction to drugs. Few people are able to help it once it takes control of them.

- The Fourth Circle: Lochlyn causes people to give in to their desire for material things. They give in to their greed with dangerous results. Some are even incited to violence because of this man's ability.

- The Fifth Circle: With this ability Lochlyn can cause a being's anger and wrath to come to the surface. Many times it can become irrational and not be aimed at anyone or anything in particular. Other times it can be very specific anger, causing fights amongst close friends and family or people who otherwise would not become violent.

So begins...

Lochlyn Haley's Story

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#, as written by Saarai
Lochlyn's limo drove off, the man glancing back at the store for a moment. "Jacob is an arrogant fool with a love for women. It should be very easy for them to kill him." Lochlyn said to his bodyguards.

"If they fail?" One of them asked, "If they fail I hope Jacob gives them a quick death. Painless. Not very messy."

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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
Here he was going through the motions, appearing normal to those in his employ who had no idea of the darker secret he held within. Lochlyn stepped onto an elevator from his office floor, two bodyguards in tow.

A quick tap of a button and the elevator began it's descent down to the lobby. Lochlyn watching the numbers carefully, waiting for the moment he could climb into his mobile office and conduct his other business.

As the elevator neared the lobby Lochlyn's white limousine pulled up in front of the Jupiter Corporation building and waited for the man himself.

The elevators doors finally opened and out stepped the unusually quiet businessman and his bodyguards. "Mr. Haley, a detective showed up for you." The security guard at the lobby's main security desk told Lochlyn. He grabbed a business card and was soon stepping out from behind his desk, "Charlotte Munroe." The security guard said as he approached the man, holding the card out.

"My ride is waiting." Lochlyn said, gesturing outside.

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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
The limo driver caught sight of Dog with the help of one of the vehicle's mirror. "Holy shit." He said, reaching for his walkie-talkie. "We've got a big ass wolf-dog out here." The driver said, climbing out of the vehicle quickly and reaching for his pistol.

"What's that?" One of Lochlyn's bodyguard's asked, "We've got to go. Back upstairs." The other said, pushing Lochlyn back towrds the elevator's.

Lochlyn would have rather stayed and fought, but he had an appearance to keep up. His men could surely handle a beast until the police force showed up, right?

They were going to try, security guards drawing their pistols and taking up positions in the lobby between Dog and Lochlyn. They hoped they were enough.

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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
The security guards had their handful with Dog, taking shots when they could and calling in more security. Their whole security detail was going to need to demand a raise after this.

While the security was preoccupied with Dog, and with attempting not to die, Lochlyn kept on towards the elevators with his bodyguards.

But there was Aave, she was coming straight towards him. "We'll handle this." One of Lochlyn's bodyguards said, both men drawing their batons and pistols simultaneously.

"Come on!" One of the men shouted as they raised their weapons and opened fire.

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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
Expertly the men let their clips fall and moved to reload their weapons to continue their attack on Aave. As they advanced so did Lochlyn. To one it would appear they were trying to get as close to the elevators as they could to get Lochlyn on one and back up to his office.

"After all this gunfire the cops should be on their way. You're going to prison if we don't kill you first, girl." One of the bodyguards said loudly.

"Give up." Lochlyn said, his words echoing down the hall and eventually down Aave's ear canals. "You can't win." He said to her. His words attempting to act as the virus they were.

Planting the seeds of doubt in Aave's head and hoping she would allow them to sprout up. "You and those who you came with will only die if you continue. Surrender." Lochlyn said.

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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
"You're a strong one." Lochlyn said to Aave as his men were shot, both dropping and grabbing their shattered knees. Yelling out in pain, but Lochlyn ignored them. Instead he stepped over their bodies.

"You won't win against me." Lochlyn told Aave, "As we speak my people are sending security footage to the police force." That was only half true, the cameras were recording and the footage would go to the police. But it wasn't being sent to them as things happened.

The wail of sirens caught Lochlyn's ear, prompting him to gesture back towards the lobby. "You hear that? It's them. If you surrender, agree to turn over those who conspire with you I'll give you work. I'll kep you out of prison." Lochlyn told Aave.

"Join the side that'll win this battle."

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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
If the cops came in and saw that he was shot, with no wounds, that would mean they would start asking even more questions. He didn't need that. He couldn't have that.

"You call your own shots, sadly..." Lochlyn began, "I have to kill you for your lack of ability to call the right shot." Lochlyn told the woman, charging towards her quickly to try grabbing her throat.

THe police were just arriving, Charlotte, the detective that had visited earlier, arriving on the scene as well. They had probably come across Dog fighting the remnants of the security force, they need a littl extra support if he turned on them.

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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
That was interesting. The woman could phase right through him. It seemed familiar, he wasn't actually sure where he'd seen it. His mind began to turn it's gears and try to figure out why the ability was so familiar. Before he could piece it together He felt something hit him.

A bullet? No, it was stronger than a normal bullet. It felt different.

Lochlyn's hands began to shake, his eyes moving down towards them to watch. "Smart." He said to himself, shaking hands moving to grab his suit and jacket. With one quick motion the man tore the clothing from his body.

Beneath the clothing was a man with an imposing physique. But it was only to be expected from a man so tall, right? It was different, the man's veins began to show through his skin. Each time his heart beat one could almost see it through said veins.

"You've made things harder for me." Lochlyn said loudly, his English accent disappearing for one much closer to Norwegian or Icelandic. Close to the accent one usually heard from Vikings.

"And for you."

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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
The wail of police sirens, the revving of the chainsaw, gunshots as Lochlyn's security attempted to chase and kill Dog all flooded the man's ears. He could barely hear himself think.

There was an intense pain coursing through his body, his joints, his muscles and his head aching terribly. Lochlyn dropped to a knee as Monique got closer and closer.

Once she was in striking distance, close enough to kill Lochlyn and put an end to anything he had planned for the future, he reached between his legs and grabbed for Monique's.

If he could get hold of her while he had the chance he would attempt to pull her and stand simultaneously so that she went right between his legs and attempt to toss the woman at Aave.

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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
As Aave came towards him Lochlyn waited for just the right moment, the point where the two of them would meet.

His left foot rose up, soon slamming against the ground and causing the floor to start crumble away. Soon the walls and ceilings began to follow suit. There seemed to be a good chance that Lochlyn was going to bring the building down if his strike was powerful enough.

Until then he and Aave were probably going to fall down to the basement level of the building, possibly down to the underground parking garage if the lower levels were starting to give way as well.

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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
Lochlyn charged towards Aave at a blinding speed attempting to tackle her and pin her against the nearest car in the parking garage. "You've ruined things." He said as he moved.

There wasn't many ways he could leave a building as it collapsed without people seeing him. Everyone and their mother probably had their eyes on his office and it was all Aave and her people's fault.

Lochlyn could feel the anger in him rising to it's boiling point, he wanted to snap them all in half and drape their lifeless bodies up on the powerlines as a message to all who would dare come after him.

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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
"Do you think you can pull the trigger before I snap your neck?" Lochlyn asked Aave, "Do you think you can put an end to me at all?" Lochlyn asked, "I know." He said to Aave.

"My son, my idiot son, has been giving that serum to everyone he can to get rid of me. But did he tell you how foolish it really is to try to get rid of me?" Lochlyn asked the woman.

"Take your shot and hope, no, pray, that your bullet is faster than me."

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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
"The family that preys together." Lochlyn said, his accent reverting back to the English facade he had been practicing over the years. He moved his hands quickly to try to grip Aave's throat.

He would then attempt to squeeze his hardest if he could, he wanted to snap her neck. Take her head clean off of her body if he had the time before the structure came down on them.

This woman was planned to be the first message to the people of Terra, of the universe, that Lochlyn Haley existed and that he was not one to be trifled with.

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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
Again she had slipped through his fingers, it was so familiar and made him angry. He wanted her again and he wouldn't waste time once he had her.

Lochlyn turned quickly, eyes catching Aave above him. "I will." He told her as he lept through the air but her bullet was flying towards him.

The bullet slammed into Lochlyn's face and sent him falling back down the hole before he could touch Aave. His body slamming into the concrete and going a few feet down.

He lay still, body twitching every few seconds as the building began to really buckle. There was a good chance that he was going to be buried.

The king was going to die in his castle.

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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
The police officers on the street attempted to move as many people back as possible as the building was coming down. Debris was falling and it wasn't a good idea to be too close.

Dust shot out from the building and would coat a few people, including Charlotte who didn't much enjoy dust in her hair and on her suit. "Are you serious?" Charlotte asked.

Several blue trucks began down the road towards the building, each of them being the word 'Jupiter' on their sides. Once they came to a stop men and women clad in blue and black jumpsuits and armor were quick to climb out, assault rifles and energy based weapons in hand. "Back up!" One of them shouted, having the audacity to aim his weapons at the police force. The others followed suit, all of them strafing towards the front of the building.

It was then that something shot out from the rubble, slamming onto a squad car and crushing it easily.

There he was. Lochlyn, naked and dirty, body shaking and his fists clenched. "I want them all dead."


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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
"You can't win. Lay down your weapons and your necks so that we can end your lives quickly and painlessly." Lochlyn said, his words floating through the air and towards the ears of anyone at least fifty feet away from him.

His words seemed to enter their minds, trying to act as a parasite and make them believe what he said was true. Those of weak mind would find that they believed his words, they would begin to doubt their own abilties or chances of surviving an encounter with Lochlyn and his men. They would doubt their allies, the reliability of their weapons.

"You're not ready." Lochlyn added, hoping to spread more doubt into the minds of those present. Hoping most of them weren't exactly strong in willpower.

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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
Lochlyn began to stand up, despite being naked he didn't seem to mind the cold air or the fact that hundreds of people were probably watching the events unfold.

Jayden's shots of plasma hit Lochlyn dead in his torso up to his neck and sent him flying back into the debris. His men on the ground opened fire on Jayden with their own weapons, their actions prompting the cops on the ground to open fire on them.

Maybe it was Lochlyn's words along with the fact that beating drums were probably annoying people that things got so out of hand. Armored men and police officers exchanging gunfire, civilians fleeing and ducking for cover as body after body dropped.

This was exactly what Lochlyn wanted, it felt so good to see the order of things begin to unravel. Now it just had to keep going while Lochlyn still drew breath.

The naked man pulling himself out of the debris, any wounds on his body seeming to heal instantly and continuously as long as the man needed until he was 100%.

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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
Dirty and naked Lochlyn began to walk towards Main Street, his goal to reach the government center and bring it down. Cripple the Terran government a bit, then take out the WCPD, the Miltia and military next.

Lochlyn's mercenary army did their best to fight both Jayden and the police, but they were at a clear disadvantage, they didn't have miniguns and they didn't expect such resistance. Plus Lochlyn decided to just leave them behind.

Matters were only made worse when their guns were torn away. The blue-clad mercenaries began to flee, many of them dropping in a barrage of gunfire before they could get one foot off the ground.

"Arrest them!" Charlotte shouted, police officers moving to handcuff and chase down any surviving mercenaries. Charlotte raised a hand, offering a thumbs up to Jayden before setting her sights on Lochlyn.

The naked man swatting away police officers and bystanders who attempted to stop him or slow him down. He had a goal in mind.

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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
The beating drums and the fact that he was probably going to have more police, more Militia and the military on him wasn't making Lochlyn feel good about his chances. He let his anger cloud his judgement, he couldn't do that again.

Anger only got in the way. As the people moved out of his way and the police officers took aim Lochlyn stopped walking. Deep blues moving from person to person almost on point with the beat of the drums.

"Soon." The man said, jumping upwards. His body shooting up into the clouds and disappearing behind them.

"Fuck." Charlotte said, summing up the thoughts of most everyone present.

The setting changes from Wing City Business District to Terra


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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
A man in a dark blue suit and matching greatcoat stepped through the institution, a member of the staff leading him along. She rambled on and on about the children, excited that an investor had shown up.

Lochlyn ignored the woman, blue eyes jumping from child to child. They were all special. All useful. They all had potential, but at least one of them had to be even more unique than the others.

The man's eyes landed on Jackie as walked by the recreation room, an eyebrow raising. Unlike the other children this one seemed to have something off with her.

Lochlyn slipped into the room, leaving his tour guide to continue down the hallways while Lochlyn did some investigating.

He approached Jackie slowly, his gaze shifting to her drawing for a few moments. "Bored?" He asked once he was close, "Or are the other children as cruel as I remember children being?"